100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 100: Who is that senior?


The next day, the leaker within the alliance was arrested, and all the core members were successively removed from the interrogation room.

More than a dozen elites from various countries gathered, and the leader of the group, Darcy, stood in the first place, and his eyes turned around these dozen people.

"First of all, as the leader of the alliance action team, I would like to express my most sincere apologies to you, the best team members in the police and military." He said solemnly: "Your heart is still there, I am very sorry. Glad and ashamed."

"The investigation is damaging to reputation. I will send news to the foreign ministries of various countries about this matter later, please rest assured."

Arthur stood up and gave a military salute: "It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders, and I personally don't mind being reviewed."

Emily scoffed: "Oh, I don't think I might mind too much if you offer alcohol and tobacco and cosmetics."

Darcy didn't even twitch his eyebrows, and apparently didn't care much about what she said.

Marven Ye was still sitting in the previous position, Enoch, an old acquaintance next to him, showed a tired face and whispered to him: "I just ran out of paper when I was squatting in the toilet, and they threw in several rolls for me through the door. There is also a copy of "American Weird Tales" in the middle, I think, in fact, they are okay..."

Marven Ye: "..." I didn't expect that a few rolls of toilet paper and a book of stories would be able to buy you off, your friendship is so cheap!

Over there, Daniel raised his hand and asked loudly, "Hey, boss, who is the undercover?"

Emily rolled her eyes and whispered, "Idiot."

Daniel: "Hey, at that airport over there, I heard you scolding me! Come here, don't think that I won't dare to hit you if you don't have little Tintin!"

Emily: "What did you say about me?!"

Daniel scratched his head: "There is no airport for Tintin?"

Emily screamed: "Kill you!"

Several companions next to her suddenly showed a helpless expression.

Darcy said with a sullen face, "Silence."

The two kept their mouths shut.

The topic was turned back.

"The leaker is Victor Heyman." Turk Harun York sat calmly on the other side and said slowly: "Everyone is there, but he's gone, isn't it obvious enough."

Darcy nodded: "Just last night, he turned himself in to us."

Harlan raised his eyebrows: "Surrender?"

"I know you can't understand it, this may be a little unbelievable, but it's even more puzzling." Darcy looked at them, and after a while, he spoke: "Victor Heyman, it's a supernatural power. By."

Everyone's attention was instantly drawn back.

Marven Ye noticed that the old friend Otis, who was sitting on his left, also raised his head, and the ballpoint pen in his hand landed on the table.

"Victor is... a power user?"

Joyce raised his hand: "Excuse me, what are his abilities."

Marven Ye responded silently: The soul is out of the body.

Darcy really replied: "When he falls asleep, the soul can escape from the body. Time is limited, we haven't analyzed how his powers are used, but we can temporarily call him an 'invisible man'."

Joyce stood up as a whole: "Soul?!"

Darcy: "You could also think of it as the third consciousness, the mind body, or the spirit body, or something like that."

"When Victor is in a state of separation, all the security systems in the world are almost useless. According to his own admission, sometimes he can touch tangible things." Dalsey said: "This means, He can know any secret in the world if he wants to."

After he finished speaking, he added: "Fortunately, his computer skills are not very good. Otherwise, the top-secret files stored in the computer will be easy for him to obtain."

Everyone looked thoughtful, but Joyce's attention was still on the "soul". He frowned and was pulled down by Arthur to sit back, and he was still talking about "the soul actually exists".

Marven Ye put on a bit of surprise on his face, but hummed in his heart: "What's the matter, his ability can still do all this.

Lucia: "Boss, has Victor revealed the current situation of the six missing colleagues?"

Darcy: "Yes."

"The team that went to the Middle East to carry out the mission, except for the dead and those who escaped, all the rest were captured." Darcy looked gloomy, and pointed at the table with one hand: "Victor was still in a state of soul the day before yesterday and passed through. After the heavy security checks of the Alliance Building, he found a communication device in a nearby town and sent a message. He has always been in contact with the SP people."

"According to his confession, the six team members are still alive. They are detained in the living body reserve of the SP Research Institute as backup subjects, waiting to be sent to the operating room for living experiments."

Darcy: "Our team members have experienced many battles. No matter from any aspect, they are much better than the experimental subjects they randomly grabbed. The probability of being pushed onto the test bench is too high."

"We must start rescue operations immediately." He said solemnly: "The sooner the better."

The crowd was silent.

There was a sudden loud noise, and the round desk in the conference room shook twice. Marven Ye was taken aback and turned to look, just in time to see Emily pulling her hand out of a hole the size of a bowl on the table with murderous intent. .

Lucia pulled her: "Girl, calm down! Oh my God, you broke the table."

"Damn, it really is them." Emily was pulled by Lucia, still struggling to lift her foot and kicked the table twice, You couldn't understand the resentment: "Last time, they were yin, that Vic or something. , what about the kid? Let the old lady beat his penis into ×#@&%^$... Well, Lucia, don't cover my mouth... "

Lucia: "Calm down! Calm down!"

The men present could not help pinching their legs, and a middle-aged man sitting on the other side of Emily moved his chair to the side.

Even Daniel, who had just bickered with Emily, protected his crotch without a trace.

Arthur: "Team leader, has Victor explained the location of the SP Research Institute?"

Darcy shook his head: "Not yet."

Arthur: "What about the people who contacted him?"

Darcy: "It's still under trial. The person who contacted him should be a doctor from the institute."

"There are reservations about the confession?" Arthur's brows furrowed little by little: "I still don't understand, Victor... Why did he turn himself in?"

Darcy looked at him: "This is also one of the things I want to know most at the moment."

He thought of being woken up by an emergency call last night. Victor's voluntary surrender was unbelievable, and in the subsequent interrogation of him by the investigators, Dulcey clearly felt that he was not willing.

He was afraid and nervous, but not because of the investigators on the opposite side, nor because of the leader of the Alliance Action Team.

What is he afraid of

Darcy watched all the surveillance records for the past two days, and until the evening of the day, the records showed that Victor's behavior was normal. He was even more quiet than some of the other team members, spending most of the time at the bedside.

After reading all the records, Darcy picked up the pen and wrote two lines in the memo pad.

[From 1:25 to 1:35 in the morning, the night vision probe briefly malfunctioned.]

[At 1:40 in the morning, Victor Heyman had wounds on his body and surrendered to the guards.]

Are probe failures really accidental

What happened in those ten minutes

All nearby monitors showed that no one had entered or exited the interrogation room that night, so how did Victor's injury come about

In Victor's confession, many ambiguous things have been said.

"I'm just a little guy, I've always been, I can't do big things, and I can't make up my mind." He lowered his head and murmured: "He's right, I'm ashamed of my police rank, but my father killed me , my mother also harmed me. I am a police officer, but choose to help Zhou and abuse, I do not deserve... "

The investigator caught this sentence, and at the same time asked alertly: "Who does 'he' refer to in your mouth?"

Victor, whose nose was still bleeding, looked at him and said slowly: "You have hidden a powerful helper, presumably because you don't have enough authority to see him."

Then he turned to Darcy: "Team leader, you must know him."

Victor's face showed a look of hope: "Please let me see him, let the senior come to interrogate me, I will tell him everything. Sir, I surrender, the only request is to see him in person. "

Darcy's deep eyes were always watching him, observing his mental state.

The officer didn't know who "he" was in Victor's mouth, but that didn't stop him from cheating the young man.

"He doesn't want to see you." He probed: "You can tell me anything you want, and he will know."

Victor lowered his eyes, his face was still bruised, his nose was stuffed with cotton wool, and his chin was swollen. Hearing that he couldn't see the person he wanted to see, Victor immediately became depressed and began to lose his mind frequently when speaking.

But not long after that, he seemed to have figured it out again.

"Please tell him for me, I... don't want to be a coward, I want to be a good cop."

After speaking, he suddenly smiled and shook his head: "I forgot, seniors are everywhere, so why do you need someone to tell you."

Victor: "Leader, let's continue."

Until this moment, Darcy was still thinking.

"Who is he

Why does Victor think that Darcy will know the existence of this "him".

And the phrase "everywhere" is really something people have to pay attention to.

A person who can make the "invisible man" ability person feel scared and respected as a "senior" - yes, now Darcy is basically sure that what Victor is afraid of is this "he who doesn't know who he is". ".

Darcy wrote a string of English on a piece of paper.


In addition to Victor, there is at least one psychic hidden in the anti-terrorist alliance.

It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend.

After a while, he picked up the pen again and wrote the names of all the core members on the paper.

- This "senior" has the highest possibility to hide among these people.

At this time, his eyes turned around in the conference room, and he saw every team member deeply into his eyes.

His eyes stopped for a while at the hole that was smashed out of the table, and he took advantage of the situation to look at Emily.

The latter was still irritable, and was smoking hard with a cigarette in his mouth.

Noticing his gaze, Emily turned her head and said loudly, "Boss, I want to join the rescue plan."

Darcy looked at her and didn't answer. Instead, he said, "The team members who will rescue the hostages have been determined. Later, soldiers will invite you to gather. The specific personnel will be kept secret to prevent similar leaks from happening again."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Emily patted the table and stood up: "Boss! Add me!"

Lucia: "...Emily, sit down first!"

"The time is tight, so I won't talk nonsense anymore. If there are other things, you can go to Quincy later." Darcy finally said: "The members who received the notice will gather at the designated place in an hour, and just like this, the meeting will end. Bar."

As soon as he finished speaking, Joyce was the first to stand up: "Team leader, I apply to meet Victor!"

Darcy expected that the doctor of physics would not be able to bear it, but at this time he looked at Joyce again first, and then nodded: "You come with me."

He thought: Could the "senior" in Victor's mouth be Joyce

The author has something to say:

##### Ye Xiaoxuan who misses his wife #####

Because of Victor, Darcy watched the surveillance video of all the team members that night in the monitoring room.

When seeing Marven Ye's room, the night vision probe recorded the heroic posture of the Huaguo team member leaning against the wall in the middle of the night, standing upside down with one hand and doing push-ups.

Darcy called Marven Ye: "Say, what do you want to do by standing upside down with one hand by the wall if you don't sleep at night?"

Marven Ye, who was caught, pretended to be calm: "Boss, there is a saying in my hometown that when you want to cry, stand upside down, and the tears will not stay."

Darcy: "Why do you want to cry?"

Marven Ye said quietly: "Without my wife, I am like a dried salted fish standing upside down."

Darcy: "… hiccup."

This dog food is full.