100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 103: 900 meters deep into the ground


Fatty's voice choked in his throat, and his eyes moved with the two people who were huddled together.

After playing like this for more than three minutes, Xing Yuan became more and more impatient, and simply pulled back his hands and retreated quickly, avoiding the man's sweeping legs and standing still and not fighting back.

The captain turned halfway and retracted his feet. Seeing that he was standing far away, he immediately became disillusioned.

"You're fighting hard, you're boring." He moved his ankles, leaned over to pick up the sunglasses from the ground, and put them on smoothly: "It's been a long time since I relaxed my muscles and bones, so happy."

Xing Yuan didn't say a word, just stretched out a hand and patted the dust off his body.

Fatty looked at him blankly, and said in a low voice, "... high... master... Huaguo Kungfu..."

Liu Tianquan looked complicated, snorted, and hid his arms under the cloak.

After a fight, the captain was in a good mood and waved to them: "Come on, I will take you to find the employer."

The thin man hurriedly followed him, for fear of being carried away by the Canary dog upstairs: "Employer? This... This place is full of ruins. Could it be that the SP Research Institute is hidden here?"

The captain didn't answer, Quan Dang didn't hear him, he just turned his head and asked Xing Yuan: "Hua, your name."

Xing Yuan looked at him and finally said, "Xing."

"I'm York, the head of the Guava mercenary regiment." The man hooked his mouth, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and threw it to him with his fingers between his fingers: "You really have been on the battlefield."

Xing Yuan clamped the cigarette like lightning, but instead of smoking, he turned his hands and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I'm an ordinary person, and I've never been to that kind of war zone." He said slowly, "I'm afraid you're reading it wrong."

York smiled hehe and wiped his nose with his thumb: "I have a very smart nose."

"You smell of gunpowder and blood."

Unexpectedly, this person has a dog nose, Xing Yuan had nothing to say, only said: "What purpose did your Excellency bring us here?"

When asked by another person, York answered patiently: "I brought you here to meet the SP Institute, and I told you about it on the plane yesterday, but unfortunately some people are too timid, they can pee their pants when they see a dog. ."

Saying that, Ruo You Wu glanced at the fat man at the back.

"Also," he turned to look at Xing Yuan and snapped his fingers: "You can call me York. I've always been good at talking to powerful people."

Xing Yuan said indifferently, "Let's go."

York rubbed his palms and laughed. "Oh man, I like your attitude!"

After only saying two words before, the fat man who was held by York with a gun to his head was very aggrieved. This mercenary leader likes to be hard or soft, and he likes others to contradict him and mock him with a cold face

But he had to get up from the ground again, hurriedly put on his hood again, and followed the man into the room behind the front hall.

"I said, there's no one here, we don't need to cover it up so tightly..." He walked between Xing Yuan and Liu Tianquan, and only dared to speak in a low voice, "Brother, you must cover me later, after I go out, I will I must thank you a hundredfold."

The last sentence was whispered to Xing Yuan.

The thin man on the side also leaned over, as if he had lingering fears from the accident just now, and took the initiative to talk: "I heard Jane said that when the dawn will come here, you have to wear a cloak. There is something special smoked in this clothes, which ordinary people can't smell. Arrived, it is for the unusual things in the SP Research Institute, and it is said that they can avoid being attacked by them."

As he said that, he looked back upstairs and said, swallowing, "I know what this sentence means now."

Liu Tianquan sneered and looked at his arm: "Then why am I still injured?"

Xing Yuan finally participated in the conversation at this time: "It seems that it can also see that among us, who is the least like a good person."

Liu Tianquan: "Fuck, I didn't ask you."

"Oh, and this hood." The thin man interjected: "Hide your face, Jane said it is to protect the identity of the members of the Dawnbreak Club. After all, he often has to show his face in public, and it is also to prevent some casual staff from the institute from being recognized. .We will break the dawn, and now we have to keep a low profile."

"Then there's no need to dress like this, it's just like a wizard's trip." The fat man tugged at the hem of his clothes in disgust: "I hope they can invite some well-known designers to make a new cloak next time."

The five people walked through a long corridor, during which there were several doors open on both sides.

Just like the Canary who wanted to kiss him close.

He shivered and approached Xing Yuan for a few minutes, and he almost hugged his thigh.

Xing Yuanquan was unaware of his small movements.

Maybe their cloaks really smelled, these beasts in the shadows moved for a while, but never really jumped out and took anyone away.

After a while, a few people turned into a small storage room, and York stopped and motioned them to step back.

"Stay away from me if you don't want to be bitten."

The fat man hid directly in the corridor.

York walked to one of the walls, looked up and down, and patted his hand when he found the right spot.

A metal panel with a similar color to the wall is divided into two and slowly opens and closes to both sides.

Xing Yuan stood a little closer and saw an LCD screen behind the separated metal plate, and a camera above it, the lens was facing York.

"Please enter a code."

A cold female voice sounded from behind the screen.

"Lost, just scan." York untied two cufflinks in his right hand and rolled it up a few times at will, revealing a section of his arm.

He put the skin on the inner side of his arm on the screen, and after the "beep" sounded softly, he retracted his hand.

"Code confirmation."

"Please confirm your identity again."

The following people clearly felt York's impatience. The latter took off his sunglasses and said to the miniature camera: "That's enough. Every time I bring new people here, it's me who suffers the most. Hey, Linda, how many times have I come in? Now, how about you get me a VIP pass? The provincial old man has to swipe his wrist and fingerprints every day, and he has to swipe his eyeballs after finishing his fingerprints."

The female voice sounded again, and said coldly, "Mr. York, I just love to see you being so annoying to the point of death that you can't resist my mentally retarded expression."

York smacked his mouth: "I will stay in the institute tonight, don't lock the door."

The voice didn't answer him.

With a beep, a door on York's left suddenly slid open to both sides.

"Daniel came to me tonight." Before the metal plate closed, the woman snorted: "You can get out of here."

York slapped the door with a slap: "Damn, that kid Daniel smashed my corner?!"

The woman ignored him.

York had no choice but to turn his head and shout: "Hurry up and follow, you have to go and fuck that woman after you're done. Damn, you even put a cuckold on me!"

The fat and thin people standing behind Xing Yuan were all inexplicably tight, and even Liu Tianquan's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

But keep up with York and step through the gate.

After a few steps, Xing Yuan turned back slightly and saw the door slowly closing again.

This is a descending passage, surrounded by silver-gray metal brick walls, which is very cold and modern.

It doesn't look like the ruins above are from the same land.

There were no lights around, only the searchlight in York's hand cast a bright light, which surrounded the four young men wrapped in capes behind him.

If someone who doesn't know it sees it, they might think it's a heretic who rushed to hold a secret meeting, or some lawbreaker from somewhere.

After walking down like this for two or three minutes, a light suddenly appeared in front of him. York turned off the light and led the crowd down the last step into the bright corridor.

Xing Yuan looked around and estimated that they had already penetrated several hundred meters underground.

The fat man tugged at the corner of his clothes and swallowed his saliva silently: "Here... it doesn't look good here..."

"It's not so good..." The thin man shivered and pointed to the front: "Look, that... doesn't it look familiar?"

The four of them followed his fingers and found that there were actually many compartments on both sides of the aisle.

There are no doors in these compartments, and the exits are blocked by iron railings as thick as a wrist, as if to prevent something inside from escaping.

As they got closer, Xing Yuan also saw what the thin man said.

In that compartment, there were several large Canary dogs.

The fat man sobbed loudly and hugged the tall and thin man next to him.

York glanced back, his face full of black lines: "Who the hell recommended you, you are too timid. Tsk, I haven't given such a useless character in months."

Xing Yuan pointed to the "iron prison" and asked, "This is?"

York led them forward and said, "Most of the failed items belonged to Dr. Mario. It's a pity to throw them away, so I just put them here to guard the door."

Xing Yuan nodded, thoughtfully: "Is this the headquarters of the SP Research Institute?"

York: "That's right."

Xing Yuan: "I thought that as our first entry into the Dawnbreak Club, we could only enter bases such as branch offices."

York smiled: "There is no branch."

"SP Research Institute, there is only such a place from beginning to end."

Xing Yuan snorted.

"That's really..." he murmured: "It's very exciting."

This is true, there is nowhere to go after stepping through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

The beasts in the compartment are not only Canary dogs, and everyone has noticed it before they go far.

The most common are dogs and monkeys, there are more primates, and some strange animals are also kept inside.

Xing Yuan even saw a room full of ants.

There are no iron railings in that compartment, but one side of the super glass stands, and the other side is full of fist-sized army ants, crawling densely on the smooth glass surface, making the viewer's hair stand upright after seeing it.

Even York, who was often in and out, couldn't help drinking them, and told a few people to hurry forward.

"Seriously, I want to go home," said the fat man, tremblingly, "I don't see any locks on the railings, they must be computer-controlled. Imagine if someone wanted to kill us, just press a button, and all The door is fully open…”

Liu Tianquan lowered his head and drank, "Shut up."

"Have you forgotten, the cloaks we wear are specially made." Xing Yuan said slowly: "I believe it is true now."

He stopped in front of the iron railing and stopped to look at the two huge squirrels squatting in front of the door.

Like Canary, they were shaped like bloated balloons, each nearly 60 centimeters long, not counting the long tail like the twine behind them.

The mice stared at him with red eyes, wiggled their noses a few times, and then turned around and hid in the depths of the compartment, no longer interested.

York walked past him and patted him on the shoulder: "As I said, it's just some small animals that won't kill you."

The author has something to say: #####Unfortunate willow fodder######

Liu Tianquan: "So why am I being bitten when I wear a cloak?"

Fatty: "Because you look chewy?"

Skinny: "Maybe it just wants to play with you?"

Xing Yuan: "Because you are wearing red underwear?"

Liu Tianquan lowered his head and glanced at his pants, lost in thought: "This dog has see-through eyes?"