100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 105: Negative 21-story core area


"Your mission is as follows." He said loudly: "One, sneak into the living body reserve and rescue the captured Zou Jie. Two, enter the research institute to find Dr. Conan who disappeared in South Africa and his assistants. ."

Marven Ye was startled: "Kang Nan?"

This name is not familiar to him, but he has been studying physical and chemical knowledge in recent months, and Marven Ye can occasionally hear the name "Kang Nan".

This is a well-known doctor of life sciences in contemporary China.

"Why is Kang Nan in SP Research Institute?" He asked in confusion, "Hasn't he been teaching at the university in S City?"

"In April of this year, Kang Nan and his assistant went to South Africa for a trip and disappeared immediately." Rowan didn't want to talk more, but simply said: "This matter has been suppressed, the police have been investigating, and found some Man, after ripping off the cocoon, I caught the SP Research Institute's tail."

"The 'tentacles' that they stretch out are amazing. I think you should have heard Adonis say that there are a group of people working for them and delivering all kinds of information for them, mostly trivial information, but Enough to kill some people."

Marven Ye hummed: "Isn't Kang Nan joining voluntarily?"

"It was captured." Luo Wen said: "The work of infiltrating is handed over to Liao Banqing's Qilin Special Forces. You can follow them in. If you meet other abilities, protect the Qilin and the hostages."

Marven Ye was particularly guilty of what he said. After all, he had just won the fourth-to-last one, and he coughed twice: "Oh, okay, okay..."

Rowan smiled: "Don't worry, you can do it."

"And a third point."

"After all the hostages are rescued, please drop the lightning and completely destroy the SP Research Institute."

Marven Ye was stunned: "The people inside..."

"Most of them are not good people," Rowan said. "The SP Institute has a lot of appetite and a lot of ambition. I'm worried that if things go on like this, within five years, global wars will intensify. Far."

Marven Ye looked down at Casey: "But... I'm afraid there are power users and experimental subjects in there... What should they do?"

"Minister, I'm afraid I... won't be able to do it."

Luo Wen suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Ye, how do you know that there are no undercover agents from other countries in the SP Research Institute?"

Marven Ye's heart moved: "What do you mean, someone is already doing these things?"

Luo Wen: "We are not the only troops in China that have launched operations against SP." Then he said, "I can't say it explicitly, but you can find the answer yourself."

When he clicked, he said a few more words to Marven Ye, then hung up the phone.

At the end, Luo Wen suddenly said: "By the way, remind you that 'Hidongqing' is Xing Yuan. When you retreat, be sure to bring him back."

Marven Ye: "… "

What... what what... what? ! ! !

"Xing..." He opened his mouth wide and his eyes were empty: "Xing Yuan really went to the SP headquarters?!"

Too bad the other end is already closed.

Marven Ye's only thought now.

It is to hammer Xing Yuan to death.

No, electrocute him.

on the other side of the ocean.

Xing Yuan felt itchy nose inexplicably, he rubbed the bridge of his nose with one hand and suppressed the sneeze.

Avry said with concern: "Xing, are you feeling well?"

Xing Yuan said blankly, "No."

Alfuri was the chubby middle-aged man. He seemed to have targeted Xing Yuan and sticked beside him all the way. It seemed that he felt quite secure.

Xing Yuan was extremely annoying.

The man in charge of receiving them was named Daniel, who introduced himself as Dr. Mario's experimental assistant.

This guy looks very weak, not like York is tall and strong like a fort, is the elegant man that little girls like nowadays.

It's just that he is of average stature. Seeing that he has few muscles all over his body, he can fall to the ground with a single kick, which fits his status as a "laboratory assistant" as a clerk.

York had long since disappeared, and Daniel led them down the corridor, surrounded by many people in uniforms.

"These are the third-class employees of the research institute, doing errands." He saw Fatty looking around curiously, and said, "There is nothing to see near the entrance and exit, follow me closely, we are going to Dr. Mario's site."

"Ma... Mario Lord?" Fatty Avery quickly followed and whispered excitedly: "The creator of the super soldier reagent, can we see him, can we take a look at his super soldier regiment?"

Daniel twitched the corners of his mouth: "Come with me, gentlemen." After that, he warned Avery separately: "Next time, remember to call those highly respected scientists doctors, otherwise, you may not be welcome here."

Avery swore to God: "I'm just too excited, I'll remember to change my words next time."

Daniel glanced at him, turned his head and walked forward: "The job of bringing new people into the research institute should have been handed over to your intermediary. And only look at mature experimental subjects, the core laboratory area is not open to the outside world. open."

After he finished speaking, Xing Yuan and Liu Tianquan didn't answer at all. The thin man didn't know what he was thinking. Ai Fuli looked around and asked consciously, "Then why did you come to pick us up?"

Daniel sighed: "Dr. Mario specially ordered it, and I don't know what letter his old man got." He said casually, "Maybe he knows one of you?"

Avery immediately shook his head: "If I had known this doctor, I would have been a senior member of the Dawnbreak Society long ago."

Daniel secretly thought that the fat man was talking too much nonsense. He looked at the other three, but couldn't figure out what Mario meant for a while.

I have never seen the Doctor pay attention to the Dawnbreak Party before, but this time he suddenly asked him to pick it up in person, which is really confusing.

Daniel thought as he walked into an elevator. He waited for everyone to stand in, then took out the first-class employee pass, and swiped it on the side of the elevator door.

This elevator has no buttons, only a smooth metal panel, which now seems to be a magnetic card sensor.

Xing Yuan glanced at the card, reached out and pressed the hood down.

The number -21 lights up on the elevator display.

The door didn't open, and Daniel put his palm on the panel.

A red laser visible to the naked eye slid from the top of the panel and wrapped Daniel's palm. Xing Yuan guessed that this was recording palm prints.

With a clear beep, the metal door slowly opened.

Daniel tilted his head: "Okay, gentlemen, the road here is not easy to walk. If you get lost here and happen to encounter something indescribable, SP Research Institute will not be responsible for your personal safety."

The skinny Benjamin said, "Excuse me, what is indescribable?"

Daniel smiled: "A lot. Some like internal organs, some like blood, and some are a little bit more aggressive, always trying to eat a living person."

Benjamin was silent.

Given the "failures" in the hallway when he first arrived, Daniel's words didn't sound like an alarmist.

The four of them followed Daniel further and further away, and gradually they could no longer see anyone in a white coat passing by. Alfuri looked left and right, and couldn't help but whispered, "Let's... Where are we going? I see this is too remote. now…”

Daniel said casually: "The doctor will not be doing experiments today, and will be waiting for you in the office on this floor."

Avery: "Oh..."

What else did he want to say, when the metal wall beside him suddenly made a loud bang, and Alfuri shivered all over: "What... what's going on?"

Daniel: "They have sensitive hearing and like to be lively, so just ignore them."

Avery: "They...?"

Daniel suddenly turned to look at him and smiled slightly: "Your Excellency wants to know so much, why don't I take you in and take a look?"

Ai Fuli immediately posted a post next to Xing Yuan: "No no no, don't bother you!"

Daniel: "Then follow me quietly, understand?"

Avery: "Am I noisy... ok! I get it!"

Xing Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, he lifted the fat man who was dragging him: "Go away. Also, shut up."

Avery: "I—"

Liu Tianquan & Benjamin: "Enough, shut up!"

There was another thumping sound at the other end of the wall. There were only the five of them in the corridor at this time. The lights above were pale, and Avery could faintly hear human-like gasps.

He rubbed his arms and decided to be obedient.

But it was too quiet, and it also made other people uneasy.

Benjamin looked at the buildings around him and said softly, "Is the entire minus 21st floor Dr. Mario's laboratory?"

"More than that." Daniel pointed to the bottom: "The next two floors are also. Dr. Mario's experimental results are among the best in the entire institute, so you can give priority to laboratories, experimental subjects, and some high-quality resources."

Xing Yuan suddenly said: "Isn't Dr. Mario the first person in the research institute?"

Daniel paused and glanced at him.

"Oh, of course not, the most senior here is Dr. Lambert." He said dryly: "But what's the use of that, his research project is not as broad as that of Dr. Mario, and the things he has developed are too gentle. Not what investors want most. He's going to be overtaken by Dr. Mario sooner or later."

"People all want the most advanced weapons, the most powerful cards, such as CSW8702, but he only focuses on fighting viruses and cancer." Daniel curled his lips: "Although it is also very powerful, SP does not need it, what we want is the ability to A machete that kills the enemy, not a gentle and considerate scalpel."

Xing Yuan: "Is that the doctor who made the RG1396 reagent?"

Daniel said perfunctorily: "Well, yes."

Xing Yuan thought thoughtfully: "That is to say, he is contrary to the ideas of most researchers here."

Daniel: "Oh, maybe."

He didn't look very good: "Listen, Dr. Mario's relationship with him is not good. Since you accepted the doctor's invitation, you should stay away from Dr. Lambert, you know?"

Avery hesitated: "Actually, I appreciate that anti-aging agent..."

Daniel gestured to open a metal door beside him.

What creature was slamming into the wall behind it, Avery shrank, and immediately changed his words: "I hate that doctor! Dr. Mario is the boss of the research institute, the hope of the new world, the Lord of justice who saves all mankind! Mario! The boss is amazing! Please don't open the door!"

Daniel wondered how he had found such a mentally retarded one this time, and said in a muffled voice, "Okay, shut up. We're almost there."

The author has something to say: Ye Xiaoxuan: "Lao Xing, I will electrocute you!!!"

Xing Xiaoyuan: "Ah!"

Xing Xiaoyuan: "Oh, my wife must miss me. (*/ω\*)"


###### This comedy plays the role of Fatty Ai######

Avery: "Long live Dr. Mario! Dr. Mario's immortal blessings are forever, and his longevity and Tianqi!"

Avery: "So can we leave out the gut-eating experiment?"

Alfred: "I'm afraid!"

Daniel: "... This freshman can't do it."