100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 106: Liu Da and the Qilin team


Xing Yuan looked up and saw a silver-grey safety door connected to the end.

Countless surveillance probes on the ceiling record their whereabouts, and if someone makes a little movement, it will be immediately exposed on the monitor in the monitoring room.

He watched Daniel gently ring the doorbell, and on the left and right above the security door, two monitors turned and faced them.

Daniel: "Doctor, I brought over the new members of the Dawnbreaker."

The people inside didn't answer, but the door opened and closed automatically to both sides.

Xing Yuan followed everyone into the office.

A middle-aged man with greasy hair was standing beside a large table, leaning on the table and writing something with a pen.

It was Mario Rhodes who Xing Yuan had met in South Sudan.

Daniel said softly, "Doctor, I'll take them to the living room first."

Mario waved his hand and concentrated on working out the formula on the paper.

Forty minutes have passed since I wrote this.

The four guests of the Dawnbreak Club were bored, and Benjamin was anxious to see the real experimental body, but he did not dare to leave. He was afraid of offending Mario, so he could only walk around in the living room, watching the collections in the window placed against the wall.

Avery sat down by the door, folded his arms in his chair, and fell asleep shortly after.

Xing Yuan and Liu Tianquan sat side by side, Daniel came over and poured tea twice, and then ran to fight the doctor.

There is no one else around.

Xing Yuan turned his head slightly and looked at the man sitting beside him.

"Liu Da." His lips moved slightly, and he said softly, "Let's talk."

Liu Tianquan rubbed the teacup with his fingers and pointed to the next meal.

"Okay, let's talk."


Marven Ye hugged Casey and jumped out of the helicopter behind Liao Banqing.

The place where the plane landed was very desolate, with gravel and weeds everywhere, and a few dwarf trees dotted the Gobi, but there was no sign of greenery.

"Where have we been?" He turned around and asked Guo Lei next to him.

The young man replied enthusiastically: "Middle East, Syria."

"There are several extremist groups' control areas nearby." He stretched out his hand and pointed forward: "The signal is sent from there, and it is still far away from us. Looking at the map, it is near the control area. It is expected that the SP Institute The relationship with the extremist organization is not bad, and it is very likely that the two sides often communicate with each other."

Another unicorn team member stepped in and interjected: "Maybe it's a research institute built by a member of an extremist organization."

Marven Ye thought for a while: "Well, it makes sense."

Casey moved in his arms, tugging at his sleeve.

Marven Ye lowered his head: "What's wrong? Do you feel anything?"

Casey shook his head: "Pee."

Marven Ye: "… "

Guo Lei came over and said, "My daughter wants to go to the toilet? Uncle Shuai provides free toilet paper. Come on baby and call me Shuai Shu Mi."

Casey didn't say a word and buried his head in Marven Ye's chest.

Marven Ye kicked Guo Lei away and said embarrassedly: "Then, I'll let you down, and you can go to the toilet behind the stone over there."

Casey jolted past.

A bunch of men squatted on the Gobi Desert, waiting patiently for the little loli to go to the toilet.

Guo Lei and another handsome guy squatted next to Marven Ye, he was holding a stone and drawing on the ground.

"This is our location, and here is the location of the positioning signal sent by 'Hidongqing'." Guo Lei whispered: "There are three extremist organization-controlled areas in the middle, and there is another one on the right, the government-controlled area closest to us. here."

Marven Ye wanted to die a bit when he heard him mention "Hidongqing", he moved his heels and looked at the ground with one hand on his chin.

The man next to Guo Lei was named Jin Peng, who was not taller than Guo Lei. He sat cross-legged on the side and dismantled the gun. Guo Lei had just drawn three lines on the ground, and he had already disassembled it and assembled it quickly.

"The radar is dense in this place, and the helicopter will probably be discovered by the other party if it flies forward." Guo Lei said: "I still have to go on my legs, Xiao Ye, can you stand it?"

Marven Ye compares his thumb: "No problem."

Jin Peng suddenly raised a hand: "Shh."

Everyone looked up, and several military armed helicopters flew from a high altitude in the distance.

Guo Lei: "Which side?"

Jin Peng: "Several extremist organizations in this area are quite wealthy. It's hard to say which side they are."

Marven Ye thought that the anti-terrorism alliance should also have action, but I wonder if it was the same as them, who wanted to sneak in quietly.

Everyone hid behind the bunkers, waiting for the helicopters to fly away, and then they relaxed again.

An unassuming little man approached them and whispered, "Hey, Brother Ye, I've been thinking about it all the way. Team Liao said you can't ask questions casually, but I couldn't help but want to ask."

Marven Ye: "Huh?"

The little man said curiously: "Brother Ye, why did you bring your daughter with you when you came out? How dangerous is our mission..."

Guo Lei slapped him on the forehead: "Miao Wenwen, what is our discipline? Do you want to be punished by the captain again?"

Miao Wenwen said with a shy face: "Brother, I will ask secretly, the captain can't hear."

Liao Banqing: "Well, your voice is really small."

Miao Wenwen: "… "

Liao Banqing: "Go ahead and investigate, Kang Yuan is with you."

Miao Wenwen stood up abruptly: "Yes!"

Then he walked away sullenly.

Liao Banqing glanced at Guo Lei, and the men on the ground immediately stood up and lined up automatically.

Marven Ye: "… "

Liao Banqing: "Take a rest for ten minutes, and then start the march."

The team members looked straight: "Yes!"

Everyone was orderly arranging their equipment. Marven Ye waited for Casey while watching Liao Banqing sitting cross-legged beside him.

"He Tingbai, Guo Lei, Jin Peng, Miao Wenwen, Kang Yuan, Qin Bo." He stretched out his hand and pointed to him one by one, and finally pointed to himself: "Liao Banqing."

Marven Ye was polite, and pointed to himself: "Marven Ye." Then he pointed to the back of the stone: "Cathy."

"Infiltrating the mission, there shouldn't be too many people going in, but they are all first-class players. We will put the safety of you and the child first." Liao Banqing whispered: "So, I hope we can give There is enough trust in each other.”

Marven Ye looked at him sideways: "Team Liao, do you know why I was temporarily incorporated into the Qilin team?"

Liao Banqing didn't raise his eyes: "You have received special training and can keep up with the troops. I took orders from General Feng, and it is impossible to put an idler in the team, not to mention that you have joined the anti-terrorist alliance."

"What about Casey?" Marven Ye pointed at the little girl who was running towards him: "This one is less than ten years old."

Liao Banqing looked at the blond girl who was about to fall after just two steps, and the stones between her fingers immediately shattered into slag.

"I don't know what Mr. Feng means, and there is no Casey in the instructions he gave me." He said blankly, "But I'm sure that you must know the reason why Casey came here."

Marven Ye waited for Casey to run close, and stretched out his hand to stabilize the girl who rushed over, and said softly, "Cathy, is the road ahead of us safe?"

Casey: "Huh?"

Marven Ye pointed to the forward control area with one finger: "Are we going to fight the bad guys?"

Casey closed his eyes halfway, put his arms around his neck after a moment, and said in a hoarse voice, "I can, avoid them."

It was the first time that she said so much in front of the Qilin team. Although she was still wearing a mask, her strange voice really startled Liao Banqing, and she only thought that the girl's words were quite strange.

Marven Ye touched her head: "It's hard work."

Then he said, "Cathy, who asked you to come to me?"

Casey: "I... I told Teacher Sun myself."

Teacher Sun was the military instructor who taught her. Marven Ye was already familiar with him. As soon as Casey said it, he immediately thought of who it was.

"I saw you and Noel met." She said in a hoarse voice, "I think, save him."

Marven Ye was stunned: "Who is Noel?"

Liao Banqing coughed softly: "I'll go see if the team has been rectified first."

Marven Ye stopped him: "Team Liao, wait a moment."

He said: "You are the captain of the team, no matter what... I think it is necessary for you to understand what kind of enemy we are about to face."

Liao Banqing glanced at the two of them, and sat back again: "My hunch tells me that I shouldn't be listening to the next thing."

Marven Ye grinned: "It's okay, I'll probably just refresh the world view."

Casey raised his head, and the voice came out through the mask: "Brother Noel is a power user."

"He can make himself like water." She whispered: "His father doesn't let him out, and he always draws his blood. Brother Ye, save him."

"I see... Noel is dying..."


"When was the last time we met?"

"The year before last, Xiao Yi's leg injury hasn't recurred yet. The Xing family gave him a 22-year-old birthday party."

Xing Yuan thought for a while and put his finger on the table: "I don't remember."

Liu Tianquan sneered: "Your nobleman forgets things a lot, and you entertain more than a dozen people every day, how can you remember me as a little guy."

"Don't belittle yourself." Xing Yuan shook his head: "The heir to the Liu family is not a small person."

"It's just guarding an empty shell that's about to die." Liu Tianquan raised his head and laughed: "But you really opened my eyes, killing my relatives righteously, stepping on my own father and brother, and finally picking myself clean. net."

Xing Yuan was unmoved, and tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

Liu Tianquan turned his face slightly and glanced at him from the corner of his eyes: "During the birthday party the year before last, you wished him happiness and health and a smooth life."

"As a result, he will be sent to prison in the coming year." He lowered his voice and said slowly: "I have been thinking, did you already have this sentence in your heart, mocking him secretly?"

Xing Yuan lowered his eyes: "If he doesn't attack me, I won't fight back."

Liu Tianquan shook his head: "I'm not a three-year-old child. I don't believe what you said."

After a while, he said lightly, "Xiaoyi's leg injury has recurred."

Xing Yuan lit the table with a hint of disappointment on his face.

"It was last year. I went to see him last month, and it got a lot worse." Liu Tianquan said: "I'm already going through the procedure of medical parole, but he doesn't look very well, and he may be mentally stimulated."

He looked sideways at Xing Yuan: "He begged me to kill you."

Xing Yuan looked at him directly: "What about your answer?"

Liu Tianquan's lips pursed tightly: "I refused."

This was somewhat unexpected to Xing Yuan, he raised his eyebrows, and said with a little interest: "This is strange, my brother has never run into a wall with you, he just wants a satellite, I guess you will too Find a way to make one for him."

Liu Tianquan: "Huh."

Xing Yuan: "Can I know the reason?"

Liu Tianquan rubbed the handrail, and then said in a very soft voice, "I will save him."

This is to avoid Xing Yuan's problem.

The latter ignored it, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Do you like bats?"

Liu Tianquan moved his finger: "Huh?"

Xing Yuan: "Do you like that little animal that hides in the dark and explores the world in a unique way?"

Liu Tianquan pursed his lips: "...I don't like it." Then he asked, "Why are you asking this?"

Xing Yuan clicked his tongue: "It's okay, I don't like it either."

The author has something to say:

####The little villain with the least amount of drama####

Liu Tianquan: "Little darling, I'm going to play you again today, is it unexpected? Are you surprised?"

Xing Yi: "As a small villain, please give me a line and a chance to appear, thank you."

Xing Yuan: "Too naive, you will always only live in the dialogue of others."

Xing Yi: "_(:з"∠)_"