100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 109: One percent of the speed of light


"If we don't choose to bypass the control area, we can reach our destination within 20 minutes at the earliest." His voice was serious: "There is still a tough battle ahead for us, so let me adjust to the fighting state."

Marven Ye waited for him to finish, and then said: "In the SP Research Institute, there are people with abilities similar to me. I hope you are mentally prepared and act carefully after entering."

He Tingbai listened to it for a long time, and said, "Excuse me, how many power users are there, what are the powers, and what are the obvious features of their appearance?"

Marven Ye shook his head: "I don't know much. At present, I can only confirm that there are two of them. One can adjust his body age at will, and the other can make himself liquefied. Besides... "

He pondered for a moment, but decided to speak up.

"I don't know how much General Feng has revealed to you. The SP Research Institute we are going to is conducting some little-known experiments, some of which are forbidden experiments on the transformation and reconstruction of human genes and the creation of superpowers."

Several team members looked stunned, but the captain and vice-captain's face slowly sank.

Liao Banqing: "I know a little bit about this."

Marven Ye: "I've seen a few super soldiers who have been transformed. They are completely war machines. They don't know fatigue and pain. They can do things like tearing devils with their bare hands on TV, and they do it very smoothly."

He used Leiju as a metaphor, and Liao Banqing said helplessly: "Hey, don't make the atmosphere so cheerful. Let's get down to business."

Several armored vehicles were overturned on the road ahead, and Marven Ye tapped the driver's seat with his fingers: "Just drive over, the people inside were stunned by me."

He Tingbai: "..."

"I don't know why, but I feel like you are impatient." He Tingbai looked at him from the rearview mirror and stepped on the accelerator to the end: "Can you ask the reason?"

Marven Ye touched the pen in his arms and thought: Can I be in a hurry, my wife is still inside.

But he said honestly: "The hostages and Costin are both in the institute, and I am worried about their comfort."

He Tingbai immediately became awestruck.

Marven Ye: "So can we speed up?"

He Tingbai: "Of course."

Marven Ye snapped his fingers: "I'll help you."

Then the people of the Qilin team suddenly discovered that their armored vehicle had lifted off.

He Tingbai: "?!"

"Boss!" Miao Wenwen wailed in the intercom: "What happened again!"

Jin Peng's voice overshadowed him: "Shut up, it's a magnetic field."

Marven Ye raised a finger and shook it back and forth.

The two armored vehicles seemed to be controlled by invisible forces, the wheels were still spinning at a constant speed, but the bodies began to dash forward at a faster speed!

This speed is even more violent than the F1 formula. He Tingbai only felt that he was sitting in a bullet that came out of the gun chamber.

Miao Wenwen: "Ah, I'm flying—"

Kang Yuan: "Captain! Emergency!"

In order to maintain balance, Liao Banqing immediately grabbed the ring above his head and said loudly, "Marven Ye, what did you do?"

"Just set up a passage." Marven Ye saw sweat on his forehead, he put the back of his head against the backrest, and said to Liao Banqing, "Captain, lend me the map."

Liao Banqing threw the tablet directly to the back, Marven Ye caught it with one hand, and quickly glanced at the content on it.

"I want to build a set of magnetic field arrays. The starting point is the fortifications behind, and the end point is the SP Institute marked on the positioning signal. You must have heard of electromagnetic acceleration guns." He said lightly: "Now, our two vehicles The car is equivalent to the 'iron projectile' in the electromagnetic acceleration gun."

Unicorn Team: "… "

Guo Lei: "So... we are the shells inside?"

Qin Bai: "Cool!"

"Wait." Jin Peng said with difficulty: "The ultimate purpose of the electromagnetic acceleration gun is to use the electromagnetic to accelerate the projectile. Let's not talk about the electric current needed to directly vaporize people, just talk about its speed..."

"One percent of the speed of light, Earth's technology has not yet reached such a level. Even if we can do it, if we hit a building halfway, we will all finish playing!"

Marven Ye: "Don't worry, I just did this question last month, and I won't die."

"Passengers, please fasten your seat belts and take a deep breath." An excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The tablet was thrown to Guo Lei, who was in a hurry. Marven Ye leaned forward slightly, raised his right hand, and bluffed his fingers.

The powerful electromagnetic field suddenly showed its shape, and spread to the end of the field of vision at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a channel composed of electric light, which made people tremble and dazzled.

Witnessing this miraculous sight with his own eyes, even Liao Banqing couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Marven Ye: "Now, it is only one percent of the speed of light."

He suddenly folded his palms: "Let's go!"

The two armored vehicles suddenly disappeared in the air.


The siren still echoed overhead.

The door of the office was knocked, and Daniel's voice was hesitant: "Doctor, are you finished?"

Mario tapped the table impatiently: "No, don't bother me."

Then he turned to the man on the sofa and said, "I have many ways for you to tell the truth, but I chose the gentlest one. You should be grateful."

Xing Yuan said coldly: "Really, thank you."

"..." Mario frowned, and seemed to have scruples.

"I thought we were already on the same road, but now it seems that it is not." The suspicion in his eyes deepened, and the man on the opposite side was perfunctory. people should react.

"What is the purpose of your coming to SP Research Institute?" He reached under the table with one hand, touched a round button, and said, "What do you want from here?"

The man on the sofa put his hand in his arms and groped in his pocket.

Mario was immediately alert, he pressed the button almost at the same time, then squatted down and hid directly behind the desk.

Four sides of super glass fell from the ceiling in vain, firmly protecting the small area where Mario was.

At the same time, the ceiling of the room has changed beyond recognition.

Countless mechanical arms with strange shapes stretched out from behind the ceiling, and the metal muzzles automatically searched for prey in every corner of the office. After half a second, they all aimed at Xing Yuan.

Daniel held up his pistol and broke into the door: "Doctor! What happened?!"

Xing Yuan raised his eyebrows and took out his hand from his pocket, holding a cigarette between his fingers.

Daniel looked at him and then at the machine guns on the ceiling: "Doctor?"

Mario went out of the ocean and was very annoyed. He didn't remove the glass and pointed at Xing Yuan: "Give it to me, arrest him!"

"Dr. Mario, can I know why." Xing Yuan was very helpless: "I didn't do anything unusual, I just wanted to smoke a cigarette. Is this also illegal?"

"Or, actually, Doctor, you just want to find an excuse to arrest me." He said slowly: "Are you targeting me, or... targeting the entire Dawnbreaker?"

Mario said with a sullen face: "You know what I want, and now, I also suspect that you have another conspiracy to enter the research institute."


Daniel: "Doctor."

"Take him to my lab, tie him up, and throw him on the operating table." Mario said coldly, "I always have a way to get him to tell the truth."

"You send him there, and I want to contact Quinnir." He stared at Xing Yuan and said slowly, "I didn't want the chief and other scientists to know about the last time I was in South Sudan, but now it seems, I have to talk to him."

Daniel pressed his gun to Xing Yuan: "Mr. Xing, I hope you will cooperate, otherwise I will have to slap your neck."

Along with him, there are countless metal firearms on the ceiling.

Xing Yuan raised his hands symbolically: "This is how you treat allies?"

Daniel: "Everything takes precedence at the Doctor's will."

He glanced at the cigarette between the other's fingers: "Also, there is no smoking here."

Xing Yuan snorted: "It seems that this broken research institute is almost over."

Daniel put a gun on his forehead: "Let's go."

"Also," he turned to Mario and said softly, "Doctor, there is a big problem on the minus 27 floor, you pay attention to the broadcast, I'll be right back."

"Go and bring P0223 to me." Mario said depressedly, "Damn it, am I safe even if I stay in the laboratory now, I need to bring the modified talents with me?"

Daniel: "It's always good to be careful."

Xing Yuan stood up and walked out of the room under Daniel's gaze.

Mario was still surrounded by super glass, and the doctor fumbled and pressed the button under the table.

He thought about it, picked up the phone on the table, and slowly dialed the internal number of the head of the institute.

Daniel escorted Xing Yuan out of the office, and when they passed the living room, they ran into Liu Tianquan and Benjamin. The latter two were surprised when they saw Daniel flashing his gun.

"What's the matter, isn't it about business?" Benjamin straightened up, stared at the gun and said, "What are you trying to do?"

Daniel said coldly: "He ran into the doctor and violated the rules."

Xing Yuan: "If you take a cigarette from your arms, it's a violation of the rules."

Daniel put the gun on his shoulder: "Okay, come with me." Then he said to the other two: "You stay here, I will send someone to take you back to the ground, and this trip of the Dawn Society should end. , it's time to go back."

Benjamin: "Hey, is that how you treat Dawnbreakers? Be nice!"

Daniel: "If I were you, I would just shut up..."

Xing Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand to hold his gun-carrying arm, clenched the tiger's mouth and said goodbye, while the other hand quickly tapped on the numb hole in his arm.

Daniel only felt that half of his body was numb, and the pistol had been handily handed over by the other party.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, two arms crossed his throat, one covered his mouth, the other grabbed his neck, and twisted violently to the right.

Daniel didn't even make a sound, his body went limp and collapsed on the ground.

Xing Yuan took the gun apart, looked at the magazine, and said casually, "Bat? Old Feng's man?"

Liu Tianquan pulled the corner of his mouth and moved his wrist: "You know him, what is your identity?"

Xing Yuan pushed the magazine back again: "I'm from Lao Luo." Then he laughed: "Someone told me just now that he doesn't like bats."

Liu Tianquan mocked: "I don't like it, but I didn't come up with this code name." Then he asked, "What is your mission?"

Xing Yuan glanced at Benjamin next to him.

"..." Benjamin didn't expect things to develop to this point at all, he said hurriedly: "I'm just a passerby, I... I can help you cover! Help you hide the body! Don't kill me!"

Xing Yuan slapped his palm on the back of his neck, and Benjamin fell to the ground.

The author has something to say: #####Light-speed dynamic train departs #####

Marven Ye: "Every passenger, please sit tight, the light-speed dynamic train will set sail soon."

Jin Peng: "Wait, people will die! This is a sending proposition!"

Marven Ye: "I only finished this question last month, and I will send the sub-question to the sub-question."

Miao Wenwen: "Who am I, where am I, my party constitution?!"

Marven Ye: "For my wife! Let's go!"