100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 18: Crappy tail row technique


Covering it so tightly, it may be a low-key movie star who is staying in a hotel.

Just as he was thinking, another young man came towards him. The security guard looked up and saw that the mask and sunglasses were fully armed, and the cover was more encrypted and airtight.

Mr. Security: "..."

The young man walked quickly with his head down, and the security guard turned around and followed him suspiciously all the way to the door of the other party's room on the 21st floor, when he saw the man swiping his card to open the door.

The young man looked back at him: "If you follow me again, I will call your boss and complain that you are harassing hotel customers."

Mr. Security: "..."

He put his hand down from the baton around his waist and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, because your outfit is very suspicious, so I followed you unconsciously."

Xia Yanbin: "…"

On the other side, Ye Wenxuan, who successfully found Xing Yuan's position, felt that he had completed a huge task. After he entered the elevator, he did not go back to his room directly, but went all the way up to the top floor of Huaxia Hotel.

It has been renovated into an open-air restaurant, and the area near the edge of the building is designed as a circle of swimming pools. At night, the water is sparkling with a dozen lights. In addition, there are young men and women in good shape playing in the water from time to time. Diners can watch To the "landscape" in various senses, the atmosphere at night is always extremely hot.

Marven Ye didn't pay too much attention to the exquisite food, nor did he appreciate those bikini girls. He found the position of the safe exit, avoided the crowd, walked in, and started to slowly climb down the stairwell.

Although he had seen the security guard here before, Marven Ye decided to walk up the stairs in person and reconfirmed that there was nothing unusual in the stairwell.

"It feels like being in an action blockbuster." He put his hands in his pockets, and said to himself as he walked: "If I learn a few more cool kung fu martial arts, I'm sure I'll be the male lead in a Hollywood blockbuster. "

That Xing Yuan could probably play the role of the female lead.

As soon as this thought popped out of his mind, Marven Ye immediately covered his mask and forcibly suppressed the smile on his lips.

More than half an hour later, Marven Ye climbed out of the exit on the first floor panting heavily, feeling that he was a complete idiot who just wanted to explore the stairwell on a whim.

This building is normal. Although the security is insufficient, it is doable. The entertainment area in the hotel is only open to guests. To take the elevator, you need to swipe the room card, and even when you take the stairs, you need to swipe the card to open the security door.

If someone wants to commit crimes here, they must find another way to enter the building, or check in at the hotel, and obtain a room card before they can take further action.

The doorman graciously pushed open the hotel door for him, Marven Ye nodded and thanked him, then walked on the street outside, looking up at the building above his head through the night.

It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening.

The Mansion Hotel where everyone stayed is not old. The entire building is designed with a pure glass curtain wall. This is a minimalist style from Mies. At night, lights will be reflected from the interior, and there is a faint meaning of showing off wealth.

Marven Ye raised his head and counted from the top down to the 29th floor.

He was standing at the main entrance of the hotel, and he could see that five rooms on the 29th floor were all lit. Because he didn't know the layout of the luxury business suite, Marven Ye couldn't tell how many guests were staying there.

And that's just one side of the hotel.

The interior of the hotel is not a traditional square design. There are many corridors inside, connecting various rooms with different styles. Marven Ye didn't know which side Xing Yuan's room would be on. I want to see what flowers are coming.

Should be fine tonight.

The lights in two rooms on the 29th floor went out.

Marven Ye simply found a bench on the street opposite the hotel and sat down.

Occasionally glance at customers entering and leaving the hotel.

After sitting for more than half an hour, Marven Ye was a little tired of sitting. He stared at the spacious door of the Huaxia Hotel, where a doorman was pulling the door handle, bowing and waiting for the man inside to come out.

Marven Ye's movements stopped.

The man at the entrance of the hotel was wearing sunglasses and a simple casual suit. He was led into a black car by a figure who looked like an assistant and a bodyguard.

Then the car turned left and merged into the traffic, and after a while it drove away.

Marven Ye stood up, he hurriedly wrote down the license plate number, beckoned to call a taxi, and said to the driver in quick English, "Excuse me, keep up with the car in front."

Although the other party was wearing sunglasses and was not wearing the same suit as before, the man's beautiful figure and familiar micro-movements still made his personal photographer recognize him at once.

It is very likely that Xing Yuan was the one who just got in the car.

Marven Ye didn't know where this man was going with sunglasses at night, but seeing that there was only a man in a black suit by his side, Marven Ye was worried that someone would take advantage of it.

The taxi driver was a black man with dreadlocks and gave him a suspicious look when he started the engine: "Man, aren't you trying to do something illegal?"

Marven Ye blinked and opened his mouth: "Brother, you misunderstood, my brother's wife cheated, and the one in front is the adulterer."

When the black man heard it, he immediately showed sympathy: "Oh, this is so miserable, man, the other party drives a good car, he must be rich."

Marven Ye: "For my brother, I have to go to him and ask clearly."

"I support you, young man." The black man stepped on the accelerator and drove the taxi out of the speed of the F1 formula: "Don't worry, I will catch up with him!"

Marven Ye was slammed into the seat by this momentum, he silently grasped the handle and coughed dryly: "Brother... Just keep a low profile, you don't have to work so hard."

"Oh no no, it's really nothing." The black man laughed: "Listen to me, this is very common in London. I have also driven lovelorn men chasing sad girlfriends, plainclothes detectives stalking drug lords, and disguise. Dressing up Prince Gaia who ran away from home, sigh, it’s all about when I was young, and thinking about it now, I’m still very excited, hahahahaha!”

Marven Ye: "..." I didn't expect this to be an old driver with a lot of stories.

Seeing that Xing Yuan's car was driving smoothly in front of three or four bodies, Marven Ye felt relieved, and listened to the driver's story about his glorious deeds. The most important thing is that this guy really speaks like a rap singer, and can also bring his own wonderful drums and beats, which is simply incredible.

He glanced at the middle-aged man who was swaying excitedly next to him, and silently closed his mouth.

When the black car they followed arrived at their destination, Marven Ye had already heard the black RAP in one ear, and his mind was filled with the "extraordinary past" of the old driver.

After paying the money and getting out of the car, he hooked the edge of his mask and watched the figure walk into a high-end club.

The facade of this clubhouse is very stylishly decorated. From the front, it should occupy a very large area, but the door is opened very small, it seems that it pays great attention to privacy, and even the signboard of the clubhouse is a row of small characters embedded in the door.

Marven Ye walked in and saw clearly that the words in the line were "Red Rose Club".

After thinking about it for a long time, he still walked over and tried to enter the clubhouse from the main entrance.

Of course, he was stopped by two tall white men at the door.

"Red Rose" is only accessible to members.

Marven Ye: "Can I become a member now?"

The white man said impatiently: "Children, only rich adults are here, get out." Obviously, the racial characteristics of the Asian man made the white man think he was only a teenager.

Marven Ye: "I'm an adult, and I'm rich."

White man: "Do you have five million?"

Marven Ye: "I..."

White: "Pound Sterling."

Marven Ye: "… "

"Boy, there are a lot of bars across the street. I like a little mouse like you with no hair. Go there and play." The white man waved him away, and while he turned around and laughed with his companions for a long time, he ignored him. .

Marven Ye looked at the two of them, said nothing, turned around and left.

When he walked far away and turned into the alley next to the clubhouse, there was a scream of pain behind him.

The scream was a bit miserable, and it attracted countless people to come forward to watch. A group of passers-by who were watching the lively asked for a long time, only to realize that the one who was lying on the ground seemed to have been hit by static electricity to a key part. Legs are twitching hard.

Everyone didn't believe it, and one laughed and said, "Is the second child electrocuted by static electricity? Hahaha, I have never seen such an accident. Dude, what does it feel like to be electrocuted? Are you happy?"

The white man's companion didn't believe it either, and even kicked him: "Jill, get up for me, it's a shame!"

Jill, who fell to the ground, covered his crotch with his legs between his legs, and he sobbed twice from time to time, as if his soul had been out of his body.

In a small alley dozens of meters away from the crowd, Marven Ye rubbed his fingers and snorted softly before he lifted his foot and continued to walk inside.

On his left was the outer wall of the clubhouse. As he walked deeper, he could see several closed windows on both sides, as well as narrow doors with rust.


Marven Ye stood still, his eyes fixed on the row of trash cans on the right.

A big ginger cat was lying on the lid of the bucket, and when it saw the stranger, it screamed vigilantly.

Marven Ye looked at it for a few seconds, the big cat turned around and jumped out of the trash can, fluttering a few times and disappearing.


A small door in front of him was opened, and a thin figure came out.

Marven Ye's face was covered by the mask, and he saw this little man wearing a uniform that was obviously a club employee, walking towards this side in silence with two garbage bags in hand.

It's an Asian guy.

All kinds of thoughts went through his mind, and the man finally found that there was still a person standing in the dark alley. He opened his mouth in a conditioned reflex, and Marven Ye's heart moved at will, and quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to stab him.

The man rolled his eyes, but without making any sound, he was directly stunned.

The author has something to say:

#####Zhang really translates the cavity #####