100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 20: Second day in London


Marven Ye didn't look sideways, and in his ears he vaguely heard the kid named Lin En instigating others to do something.

"Just take a look... it's alright..."


"Trust me... we'll just stand by the door and watch..."

That Ada kept shaking his head, Marven Ye wanted to listen again, but a few people had already turned out of the stairwell, and finally the person closed the door and shut out the sound together.

Marven Ye paused for a while, and finally chose to climb the stairs, regardless of the "door" in the waiter's mouth for the time being.

When he got to the third floor, he didn't have to look for it seriously, he went straight to the box where the bodyguard stood at the door.

When he entered the door, he was stopped by the bodyguard again: "Our boss didn't want this."

Marven Ye looked scared and whispered: "Miss Hannah asked me to bring it, is the boss still there?"

The black man who stopped him said harshly: "The boss doesn't need it, let's go."

Marven Ye wanted to say more, when the big men by the door all gathered around, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he could only answer hastily, turning around and walking back with his plate in hand.

After all, he was not a professional investigator, so Marven Ye was very guilty.

He was not sure how long the unlucky Asian in the backstreet would fall asleep. The longer he stayed, the more dangerous it would be. Marven Ye thought about it in his heart, and finally decided to go back to the hotel first, lest someone see through his identity and want to leave. Can't go either.

After making up his mind, he acted immediately, or went to the previous kitchen. Marven Ye picked up another bag of garbage made by the chefs, and found the back door and slipped out without a word.

He kept an eye on his back and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he quickly walked deep into the alley and turned over the unconscious Asian man beside a waste dump. In March, this guy was stripped of his clothes and pants. , lying on the ground wearing only a single shirt, Marven Ye guessed that he would definitely catch a cold after waking up.

Seeing that the unlucky guy would have to faint for another hour, Marven Ye was relieved, he gasped for a few breaths, tried to calm his pounding heart rhythm, and then quickly took off his uniform and changed back to his clothes.

I simply did the aftermath work, and then looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock at night.

"Wilson... It seems necessary to find out what this person is from." He muttered to himself, wrapping his hat around his head, and covering the lower half of his face with a mask, then walked out of the small room against the wall. lane.

London was still very lively at eleven o'clock. Marven Ye walked along the road for a while, and stopped a car at a distance from the Red Rose Club. After he reported the name of the hotel, he put his head on the car window, thinking endlessly. What I just saw and heard.

Why did Xing Yuan go to that club by himself at night

To meet the boss, or... to do something there.

Marven Ye couldn't figure it out, he felt that the information in his hand was still too little, but he couldn't do more things like taking risks by himself.

It's just one night, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Marven Ye suppressed his impetuous thoughts, and simply stopped thinking about it, and only turned his head to admire the flashing neon night scene outside the window.

A few hundred meters behind him, on the third floor of the Red Rose Club, someone pushed the door out, and the bodyguards gave way to both sides, respectfully waiting for the people inside to come out.

The first to come out was a beautiful woman with enchanting makeup. She swayed and swayed while walking, her eyes were like small hooks that scratched people. She looked back from time to time as she walked, and winked at the people behind her.

Behind her, the black-haired, blue-eyed man glanced at her, took all the blatant seduction, and always had an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"My dear Xing, Hannah is only looking at you tonight, and even her own boss has no respect for it." Wilson walked beside him with a taste in his tone: "Do you think I should Give her to you, um, let her go to work in your Xing Group."

Xing Yuan let the beauties in front look at him, and smiled when he heard the words: "Are you willing?"

"Not happy." Wilson said firmly: "She is my baby."

Xing Yuan didn't want to talk about women anymore, so he changed the subject: "What good things are there in the Black Gate this time?"

Wilson: "You're coming, I'm sure I'll prepare the best."

"I'm going to have a look. I have to pick one to go tonight. I think you should have heard that it's not very safe around me recently." Xing Yuan said: "There is also the matter of flying wolves, you'd better be careful."

Wilson: "Oh, yes, I know. Don't worry, Xing, you're satisfied."

A black bodyguard came over and whispered a few words in Wilson's ear. Xing Yuan looked back at him if he felt something.

Wilson smiled unabated, and waved to the man: "Don't be so rude, let them sign the agreement, leave a finger to scare them, and just quit."

The black man turned to leave, Xing Yuan turned his head, he guessed what happened, so he hummed: "Wilson, the security here is really getting worse and worse. If this goes on, the development of Red Rose is really in jeopardy."

"Oh, please don't worry, trust me, I can handle these problems." Wilson laughed: "Come on, let's go down here and take a look at my new batch of goods."


That night, Marven Ye didn't sleep well.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Xing Yuan, and he was afraid that he would go out with only one bodyguard. If he didn't die when he met terrorists, then his mission would be declared a failure.

Shouldn't it be better to squat outside that clubhouse and be always prepared

But... that's really a bit too silly.

Just thinking about it like this in the middle of the night, Marven Ye forced himself to sleep until Zhang Zhen was carried back drunk by his colleagues.

This anxiety continued until the next morning. He hurriedly had breakfast with his colleagues, went back to the house and sorted out his belongings, and then got a call saying that he was ready to leave.

Marven Ye carried the camera, was dragged downstairs by Zhang Zhen, and then ran into Xing Yuan at the gate of the hotel who was about to get into the car.

Zhang Zhen dragged him to the side of his colleague, panting while rubbing his chest: "It's okay, I wasn't caught late by President Xing."

Marven Ye was still turning his head to look at the other side, Xing Yuan was still the same as in the daytime yesterday, stern and indifferent, he was talking to Assistant Ruan, the bodyguard on the side opened the rear door, Xing Yuan bent down and sat down After entering, Ruan Yushan said a few words to him at the door, and then walked to the black car behind.

Marven Ye heard someone next to him whispering together, "Don't Assistant Ruan usually take the seat of President Xing's co-driver, why did you change cars this time?"

"I don't know."

Sitting in the passenger seat of Xing Yuan's car was a man, whom Marven Ye had never seen before, not a domestic bodyguard who flew in with them on a special plane, but a strong foreigner with high brows and fierce eyes.

He had learned from the teacher how to know people, and saw that this person should have good skills, and he must be a bodyguard.

Marven Ye asked a few colleagues around him unintentionally, but no one knew this person, nor did he know when he was with Xing Yuan.

Could it be... Did you find it after going to that club

Marven Ye was thoughtful, and while he got into the special car behind, he sat among his colleagues and listened to gossip.

Today's schedule is very tight. They will go to Wright Company to inspect the performance in the morning, have a meal with the CEO of Wright at noon, and rush to attend a European Financial Forum meeting in the afternoon. If time permits, Xing Yuan may also take the stage. short speech.

These are all the highlights of this trip, and Marven Ye needs to follow the whole process.

The photographic equipment he prepared this time was relatively complete. In addition to the camera on his neck, he also carried a double shoulder strap plug-in system on his body. This thing is like a small vest with a D-shaped buckle at the waist, which can hang many cameras. lens.

Coupled with a sloping shoulder bag with photographic accessories, Marven Ye was amazed by his outfit, and they all stretched out their thumbs and praised that he was fully armed and dedicated this time.

Only Xing Yuan twitched the corners of his eyes when he saw his look, as if he was a little disgusted.

Marven Ye checked his equipment seriously, looked down at the expensive SLR lens around his waist, and was silent for a second for his appearance.

I always feel that this is a bit too pretentious, and it is likely to overturn.

After that, all the itineraries are planned.

Because Ye Wenxuan wanted to follow Xing Yuan, he could blatantly pay attention to his every move. No one thought that there was any problem with him focusing on President Xing. He just had to pay attention to the extra foreigner at the same time. Go to see that person frequently, and you will be noticed by the other party in a short time.

The man turned his head to look at him halfway through, Marven Ye didn't dodge or evade, both of them felt the vigilance in the other's eyes.

But they didn't make a sound. After a while, they looked away at the same time, and did not make further tests.

Marven Ye didn't see it, when he looked at the man, Xing Yuan's eyes swept past him, with a hint of scrutiny.

The inspections and meetings that followed went smoothly. The Financial Forum meeting mobilized most of the police force of the British Police to ensure that no uncontrollable accidents occurred in the middle of the meeting.

When Xing Yuan was speaking on the podium, Marven Ye and a group of photographers were crowded under the stage, his eyes swept across the curtain on the side of the stage, and he could see half of the foreigner's body.

The man's eyes were sharp, and his eyes had been patrolling back and forth between the auditorium and the aisle.

Marven Ye turned to the auditorium with the camera, and quickly looked for the other five bodyguards of Xing Yuan by filming the movements in the lobby.

Three were not found, the other two were hidden by the entrance to the synagogue, and the other was closest to him, on the steps to the left of the podium.

Ruan Yushan and the employees of the Xing Group were sitting in the second row of the hall, listening carefully to Xing Yuan's speech.

Marven Ye turned around and observed Xing Yuan from the camera again.

The author has something to say:

####Professional bodyguard Ye Xiaoxuan######

Marven Ye: Observing in secret. JPG

Xing Yuan: …I always feel a chill behind my back recently.

Marven Ye: The end of an idiot. JPG

Xing Yuan: It seems that someone is following me

Marven Ye: Dress up and hide around.

Xing Yuan:…

Xing Yuan picked up the phone: "Hey, call fifty more bodyguards for me."

Fifty bodyguards arrived, forty-five of them were plainclothes from the Special Affairs Department.

The plainclothes and Marven Ye made friendly eye contact.

Xing Yuan: ...why does it feel colder behind you? !