100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 28: Weshall University terror attack



The entire office was twisted and shattered, the invisible shock wave slammed heavily from the rear, Marven Ye didn't even have time to scream in pain, and was staggered and flew out, hitting the back of the person in front straight.

There was a sharp pain in his nose.

There were women's screams and men's curses, and it seemed that someone in the distance was whistling and laughing happily.

The second rocket can kill!

It passed through the wall that had been smashed by rockets, broke through the billowing smoke, arrogantly let out a shrill whistling, and chased the target all the way with such fanfare.

Suddenly, a power grid was erected out of thin air, blocking this arrogant big guy in the middle!


The rocket revolved unwillingly at a high speed, and the bright blue lightning arc was locked in the middle of its warhead, like a gradually closing fishing net, vowing to kill the prey in the net.

No one could see the wrestling in the thick smoke. The mysterious power grid only appeared for five seconds, and then disappeared abruptly again like the Tathagata had.

The rocket projectile was incapable of being rectified by the elusive "enemy". It fell headlong, and the warhead exploded when it hit the ground, bringing a second blow to the already messy building!

Only the man outside the building with an RPG bazooka let out a soft snort, as if surprised by the effect of this shell.

"Oh, that's not quite right." He stood up from the ground, flipped the weapon on his shoulder, and said to himself, "No one was killed? Really, what a pity."

However, the power caused by these two rockets is actually very huge.

The teaching department originally had six floors and was at least 30 meters long from east to west. At this time, an office on the fourth floor facing south was taken care of by artillery shells. When it was detonated, the burning red flames grew when they saw the wind, and in a short while there was a tendency to start a prairie fire.

Walls collapsed, fires spread, and thick smoke poured into every corner of the building, all of which disturbed the asylum seekers in the teaching building.

For a while, the whining and howling could be heard clearly even from a few dozen meters away.

In the midst of the fire, some people ran out in a panic, and some people walked in like a stroll.

It is said that it is purgatory on earth, but it is nothing more than that.

There was a heart-pounding pain in the middle of the people under the nose, Marven Ye suddenly opened his eyes, just in time to meet the pair of deep "sapphire" on the top of his head.

Hmm... kinda nice.

"Are you awake?" Xing Yuan retracted the fingers he pinched in the middle of others, and then stretched out two fingers in front of him: "What is this?"

Marven Ye looked at him a little dazedly: "... What is this?"

Xing Yuan compared four: "Ask you."

Marven Ye shook his head: "...Ask you."

Xing Yuan looked down at him for two seconds: "Sure enough, I was dumbfounded by the stone."

"Smashed stupid...?" Marven Ye put his right hand on the back of his head and felt a bulge: "What... what's going on..."

After asking, he remembered it himself.

When the six people fled to the corridor, the second rocket flew over behind their butts. Marven Ye built a power grid to intercept it under the cover of gunpowder smoke, but did not pay attention to the collapsed floor. Shi fell to the third floor.

Then the second shell was detonated, and he was blown away again by the strong aftermath, and a stone was hit on the back of the head in the middle, so that his head was not smashed.

As for why Xing Yuan fell into the same place with him, Marven Ye was really not impressed.

After the dizziness finally subsided, Marven Ye looked at the situation around him.

At this time, they were nestled in a very narrow space, with mountains of concrete blocks and broken steel bars on the left and right. The place as far as they could see was dark, and sometimes they touched hard stones when they moved their hands and feet.

There were constant cries for help coming from the cracks in the stone, and Marven Ye guessed that this was the poor man who was crushed under the stone like them.

He moved his nose, then couldn't help coughing from the pungent smoke.

Xing Yuan was lying on top of him, his face was hanging down on his right cheek, when he heard him coughing, he stretched out a hand and covered his mouth and nose: "Slow your breath, don't cough hard, Too much smoke will kill you."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head to the side and said to his back, "Cherno, can you go out?"

Marven Ye heard a familiar voice behind Xing Yuan: "Yes."

Only then did he realize that it wasn't just him and Xing Yuan, there was also Cherno at the top.

No wonder I always felt like I was going to be squeezed all over my body after waking up. It turned out to be because I was crushing two big men.

He just really thought that Xing Yuan lied about his weight, but he was actually a big fat man weighing more than 400 kilograms.

Marven Ye was so overwhelmed that he was almost speechless: "You guys—so heavy—"

Xing Yuan let out a breath, as if he was glad that Marven Ye was not smashed into an idiot: "If you have a life, you should be content, and you still despise your savior?"

Hehe, it's not certain who's savior is who.

Marven Ye was crushed by the terrifying weight and was unable to complain, and he was only dying: "What's the situation now...?"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a roar above his head, and Cherno had his back against the two people below, and had already lifted half of the door panel that was pressing on them, and at the same time threw the countless stones that had hit the door panel and flew out. .

The movement was really not small, the gravel flew out all over the place, and a few pieces fell beside Marven Ye.

After a while, Marven Ye became much more relaxed in vain. He opened one eye and saw two figures dangling beside him in the dark.

"The two of you are standing like this, I thought it was black and white impermanence to lock the soul." He raised one hand, spit out angrily, and then asked: "Why are the three of us, and the others?"

Cherno was about to pull him, but was stopped by Xing Yuan, he himself leaned over and grabbed the outstretched hand, and his arm violently pulled Marven Ye to sit up.

"It happened suddenly, and you were right next to me." He let go of his hand and said lightly, "Fortunately, Cherno grabbed half of the door to block it, otherwise the three of us would have to die."

Marven Ye sat and patted the ashes on his body, paused after hearing the words, and said "thank you" anyway.

Because the building was on fire, the three of them didn't stand up, they just lowered their bodies to avoid breathing in the smoke, and searched for a way out while looking for others.

Five minutes later, they found Li Fei and Zhang Qingxue who also fell from the fourth floor in the wreckage more than ten meters away.

Li Fei was hit on the shoulder by the flying stone, and one arm was broken. Zhang Qingxue was shielded by him. When he fell, there were many bruises, but they were not fatal.

"Cough, woo woo... Assistant Ruan... she didn't fall down." Zhang Qingxue cried while coughing: "She pushed me from behind and ran away by herself, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

Li Fei was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, dragged his bloody right arm, and whispered: "If the flying wolf is cautious enough, he will definitely come in to cut the grass and root, we must leave here quickly."

Marven Ye observed everyone by the firelight, while putting a lot of question marks on Ruan Yushan's label.

Could it be that Ruan Yushan is the traitor mentioned by "Piranha"

There are also two bodyguards who went out to explore the road before. They have never come back. Is it possible... Actually, they went out to tip off

The more he thought about it, the more the lump on the back of his head clamored for his presence. Marven Ye couldn't help feeling it again, and simply frowned and stopped thinking about these questions.

The most urgent task is to wait for Xing Yuan to the back door mentioned by "Piranha" and find a milk truck.

He was thinking about what to do, when Xing Yuan suddenly said, "There are gunshots."

The crowd froze for a while and stopped talking.

Marven Ye listened for a while, and suddenly felt a little creepy.

I don't know where, there are thick-soled boots crushing stones, and they are walking unhurriedly.

The sound of walking footsteps would sometimes stop, and then a "pop" could be heard. Marven Ye was quite familiar with this sound. He reflexively thought of the shooting coach who had asked him to try it out during the special training in the special affairs department. over this.

That was the sound of a pistol with a silencer installed.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but the cries for help around him seemed to gradually disappear.

Marven Ye was breathing rapidly, and Xing Yuan next to him pinched the back of his neck with one hand, rubbed his hand on his neck, and whispered, "Calm down, follow me, and find cover first."

Marven Ye tried to breathe calmly: "Well... I'm not afraid."

Zhang Qingxue complained on the side: "Mr. Xing... I'm afraid of Mr. Xing..."

A group of people did not hear.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Xing Yuan looked around quickly, while he instructed Cherno to deal with the comers, while checking Li Fei's injury: "If your wound doesn't stop bleeding, your whole arm will be useless. Follow me, I'm afraid If you can't treat it in time, you act on your own, get out of danger and then contact."

Li Fei gritted his teeth: "Boss, be careful. There must be someone from the other side among us, otherwise we won't be exposed so quickly, that Qian Wu, and..."

Xing Yuan interrupted him: "Don't say it, it's all in your mind. After you go out, you can check it for me."

Li Fei swallowed his bloody saliva: "Yes."

While the two of them were talking, Cherno had already left the crowd and was fighting with the killer in the dark!

"Hahahaha!" The man laughed wildly: "I found you, little babies..."

There was a low growl in Cherno's throat. The two of them made dozens of moves in the firelight, and they hit the amphitheater from the corridor to the ruined amphitheatre next door. There were occasional gunshots and the sound of bricks collapsing. It is conceivable How intense is the battle.

Xing Yuan pushed the people around him: "Go!"

Marven Ye had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, he grabbed Xing Yuan and Zhang Qingxue abruptly, and the cat raised his waist and started to move forward with difficulty in the pitted passage.

As long as Xing Yuan was talking to Li Fei, he had already begun to observe the surrounding environment and search for escape routes.

The author has something to say:

#### Assistant Zhang and its people ####

On a business trip to Europe, Xing Yuan and his party encountered a volcanic eruption.

Assistant Zhang Qingxue came over and said, "Xing~ President~, people are so afraid~"

Xing Yuan: "Calm down."

A certain time when they went to the Middle East to meet the king of XX country, Xing Yuan and his party encountered a rebel riot.

Zhang Qingxue: "Xing~ President~, people are scared to death~"

Xing Yuan: "Calm down."

This time Weishall gave a speech and encountered terrorists.

Zhang Qingxue: "Xing~ President~, you touch my heart, it's jumping and jumping~"

Xing Yuan: "Calm down."

Marven Ye: "Actually... I think the big girl is quite calm."

Xing Yuan: "I'm reminding myself that I must be calm and not kill her with one punch."