100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 31: There is electricity in your eyes


After Xing Yuan finished speaking, he straightened his waist, turned and walked forward without changing his face. He opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat as if nothing happened.

With Marven Ye hanging his hand above the key, he heard Xing Yuan speak from the front: "Assistant Zhang, I can't sit in front of you, please, go to the back compartment for a while."

Zhang Qingxue said delicately: "Mr. Xing, let Brother Ye go, they want to sit with you."

Xing Yuan: "Hurry up, or I'll leave you here and figure it out for yourself."

Assistant Zhang was silent, Marven Ye felt like a huge and shining light bulb, he walked over a little embarrassedly, Zhang Qingxue immediately looked at him with big watery eyes: "Brother Ye, there is no seat in the carriage, how can I sit? Yeah, don't you think so?"

Marven Ye coughed dryly: "There are several boxes of milk in it, you can sit on it, and you can take it apart and drink it when you are thirsty."

Zhang Qingxue: "... ah?"

Xing Yuan said again: "Assistant Zhang."

Zhang Qingxue looked over with hope.

Xing Yuan looked at her from top to bottom, then opened the bag at his feet, took out the milkman's uniform and threw it to her: "Except cash, throw away all your belongings, including mobile phones. Yes, put this on, and throw away the clothes you're wearing now."

Zhang Qingxue, with her eyes wide open, leaned on the co-pilot and said, "Mr. Xing..."

Xing Yuan covered his lips with his hand: "Come on, don't act like a spoiled child."

After all, Zhang Qingxue was also a trained assistant of the Xing Group. Zhang Qingxue couldn't get her wish, so she simply shook her hair, opened the car door with a snort, and twisted her butt to the back.

With a bang, the carriage was slammed shut.

Marven Ye and Xing Yuan looked at each other, Xing Yuan raised his chin: "Come up."

Marven Ye didn't hesitate, turned over and climbed into the co-pilot. He had just closed the door when Xing Yuan rushed out with a kick of the accelerator.

Marven Ye only had time to grab the armrest from above, and shouted, "Seat belt! I haven't put on my seat belt yet!"

Xing Yuan stepped on the accelerator to the end: "Hold firmly, don't fly out of the window."

Marven Ye: "I didn't see you in such a hurry to change clothes just now... You give me some time—fasten your seat belt—"

He was swaying around in the car, and he could hear "dong" and "dong" from time to time in the back of his head. It was the assistant Zhang in the back compartment who was slamming the box wall in protest.

The pickup truck drove south along the highway. President Xing stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and he drove the car out of the F1 formula. He drove straight for a few hundred meters, and then slowly lowered his speed again.

Marven Ye finally put on his seat belt, and he had time to pay attention to the situation around him.

The school has been left behind, the truck is on a side road that is not often used, there are large fields on the left and right sides, and faint mountains and jungles can be seen in the distance, if not just experienced a thrilling experience. Running away, he might sigh about the beautiful scenery here.

But those gunfire and artillery fire are too fresh in the memory, and the dead innocent people make everyone's heart heavy.

Xing Yuan looked at the school building that was getting farther and farther from the rearview mirror, and suddenly said, "You make a call."

Hearing this, Marven Ye raised his head: "Who to call?"

"Call the police stations in Essen City, Adal City and Scotland Yard, as well as the Metropolitan Police Department, and say..." Xing Yuan took his eyes off the rearview mirror and said lightly, "Just say the terrorist attack that happened here. After the upgrade, the police in Wishall City couldn't bear it. Let them search the cathedral in the north of Wishall University and the forest to the west. I suspect that there should be a large amount of arms hidden in one of these two places. , Well, there are probably some mercenaries."

Marven Ye frowned: "How did you know?" After all, he quickly took out his phone and flipped his fingers to release the lock.

"I guess." Xing Yuan held the direction with one hand and put the other hand on the side of the steering wheel, and tapped lightly on it with his fingers carelessly, while saying: "There is nothing else to hide near Weishall University. The place, the town nearest to it is sparsely populated, and if there are any unfamiliar faces, it will spread a lot in less than half a day, and it is not a good place for mercenaries to settle down.”

He said: "Compared to the small town, the church on the north side is the most suitable place. It is the closest to the school, and it is populated by missionaries who are helpless."

"The second choice is the forest in the northwest. It should be quite desolate. When I came here, I heard that the forest is very large. It takes at least three days to walk through the forest area. If you go out, you can directly reach the Ai next door. Mori City." Marven Ye replied, he pressed the alarm phone, and after a beep, he said in English, "Hello, hello, I want to transfer to the Metropolitan Police."

"The line is busy, please try again later."

Marven Ye: "… "

He switched to other police stations. Except for Scotland Yard headquarters, other police stations had the same result in the past, and finally had to give up: "What is the situation, we must have some bad luck today, and even a call to the police can't get through. Is it?" Then he added: "Scotland Yard is far from here, and when they get here, the terrorists must have all run away."

Xing Yuan murmured, "I guessed how much."

"If such a big thing happened, the phones of several nearby police stations must have been blown up."

He held the steering wheel with one hand and threw a bunch of odds and ends on the co-pilot: "Leave the documents and cash in the wallet, pull out the phone card in the mobile phone, and throw everything else away."

Marven Ye caught it in a hurry: "Wow, it's all high-end goods, you're willing to throw it away!"

Xing Yuan: "It's the same with yours. If you don't accept protests, if you want to save your life, you need to 'clean' everything on your body first."

Marven Ye raised a hand: "Report, can I apply to keep a mobile phone?"

Xing Yuan: "The application is rejected, no."

Marven Ye pouted, took out the black wallet first and turned it over.

"Well, could this be... the legendary centurion black and gold card?" He took out a card at random, and it was marked "American Express", which translates to American Express.

He whistled: "Rich man, are you going to throw this one away too?"

Xing Yuan mocked to himself: "Probably... it won't work soon."

Marven Ye didn't hear what he said, but this didn't prevent him from exploring.

Taking out all the dozen cards in the wallet, Marven Ye checked them one by one, then took out the photos in the compartment, and shook them in front of Xing Yuan: "Boss, throw this one too?"

In the photo, there is a little girl with braids, her face is innocent and innocent. The girl looks a bit like Xing Yuan, but her eyes are also black. Marven Ye guessed that this is probably Xing Peiwei, who never showed her face in front of the media.

That is, Xing Yuan's sister.

Sure enough, Xing Yuan glanced at it, and immediately reached out and took out the photo, folded it in half, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

"My sister?" Marven Ye asked very gossip.

Xing Yuan warned him with the corner of his eyes, keep working and don't talk too much.

Marven Ye shrugged, lowered his head and continued to study the pile of bits and pieces on his legs.

"I'll be in town soon. I'll go to the convenience store to buy something to eat. I won't stop there." Xing Yuan said while driving: "If you want to buy something, remember to use cash later, and don't swipe your card."

"Oh." Marven Ye opened the window and threw Xing Yuan's pile of high-end goods, along with his own miscellaneous things, into the grass by the roadside. Seeing that his belongings had just left him, Marven Ye felt good. A pain in the flesh.

"Boss." He clawed at the window and looked back at the grass: "How much sacrifice I have made for you, can I reimburse you when I return to China?"

Xing Yuan hooked the corner of his mouth: "Here." If he could go back.

Marven Ye felt a little comfort after he got the promise. When he turned his head, he saw Xing Yuan handing over a black sports bag.

It was the one he had taken from the trunk earlier.

Xing Yuan: "Excuse me, throw this away too."

"..." Marven Ye flipped out the sports bag stuffed with the two's clothes, and hummed, "It's really able to call people, will you be exhausted by opening the window and throwing it away."

He wanted to choke a few more words, but there was another knocking sound of "dong dong dong" from the cargo box behind him.

Marven Ye turned around and shouted, "Beauty, what's the matter?"

"I hate it~" After a layer of iron, Assistant Zhang's thin and weak voice was almost drowned out by the sound of the engine: "I want to go to the toilet... I'm in a hurry..."

Yes, I have to take care of lesbians.

Xing Yuan parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and leaned against the back compartment, and then knocked on the wall of the box with his backhand: "Give you two minutes, hurry up."

Zhang Qingxue: "Okay~ Thank you Mr. Xing~"

Taking advantage of Zhang Qingxue's convenience, Marven Ye also got out of the car. He covered his eyes with his hands, looked in the direction he had come from for a moment, and finally sighed: "I don't know what happened at Weishall University, I hope the casualties are not affected. would be too much."

Xing Yuan held a cigarette between his two slender fingers. He lowered his head and put the cigarette in his mouth, frowning slightly: "I found out that I ran away, these people should naturally withdraw."

Marven Ye turned his head to look at him: "Where did you get the cigarettes, didn't I throw away all your stuff!"

"I didn't have this stuff on me at all." Xing Yuan squinted at him, put his hands in his pockets, and leaned against the milk cart: "I found it from the sports bag in the carriage, but unfortunately there is no lighter, so I can only take it Biting and playing in the mouth."

Marven Ye leaned beside him and stretched out a hand: "Give me one too."

Xing Yuan: "In the car, take it yourself."

Marven Ye went back and searched, and sure enough he found half a pack of cigarettes under the driver's seat. He took one out of it, put it in his mouth, and retreated to Xing Yuan's side again, his eyes drifting to the town on the other side of the road.

"Boss." Marven Ye rubbed the cigarette holder with his teeth and said, "Ask you a question."

Xing Yuan: "Huh?"

Marven Ye: "Why are you being chased by that group of people?"

Xing Yuan didn't speak, just turned his face and looked at him.

Marven Ye looked up at him and asked, "What is the identity of those people?"

Xing Yuan snorted, lowered his head and slowly approached him, and asked casually, "Do you want to know?"

Marven Ye tilted his head, avoiding the hot breath, and asked impatiently, "Are you willing to tell me?"

Xing Yuan took the cigarette out of his mouth, played with it between his fingers, and said slowly, "Then I also have a question that I want to ask you."

The other party's posture did not seem to be against him or resentful, but Marven Ye still had a bad premonition, and always felt that this guy seemed a little excited. From his point of view, Xing Yuan even had the color of his eyes. have become much deeper.

He intuitively felt that Xing Yuan had bad intentions, and sure enough, the man stretched out two fingers and pinched his chin accurately before Marven Ye wanted to dodge. All stick to each other.

Xing Yuan leaned over to him, those blue eyes like eagle eyes, locked his pupils firmly.

He lowered his head and murmured vaguely: "You have electricity in your eyes, this is not my illusion, right?"

Marven Ye pushed him away.

Careless. He thought about it, while pulling away from Xing Yuan, he said with a cold face, "This way of approaching is not attractive."

There were shrill footsteps in the distance, and Zhang Qingxue finally came back.

Before she approached, Xing Yuan smiled lowly: "You are on alert."

Marven Ye: "No."

"That's angry."

"I just want to declare one more thing to you." Marven Ye took a deep breath and looked at him blankly: "I hate men who are taller than me, and even more hate being pinched by men."

Xing Yuan squeezed the cigarette in his hand playfully: "You are afraid that I will discover your secret."

Marven Ye said coldly: "I know you want to test me, but I refuse."

Zhang Qingxue's return ended this not-so-friendly conversation. Marven Ye didn't speak any more, turned around and sat back in the co-pilot, but Xing Yuan was entangled by the lady and acted coquettishly. After a few minutes, he opened the car door and held the unlit stick in his mouth. Cigarettes, restart the engine.

After a while, Marven Ye didn't say a word to Xing Yuan again, fully expressing his attitude that he didn't like seeing this person's frivolous behavior before.

After another journey, they finally reached the town.

There are not many people in the town, and the scene is laid-back, not like the chaos and chaos in Weishall University more than ten kilometers away.

Marven Ye always felt unreal.

The author has something to say:

#####What the hell is in the eyes####

Xing Yuan: "Your eyes..."

Marven Ye shouted: "There is no electricity!"

Xing Yuan: "Oh."

Xing Yuan said again: "Your eyes..."

Marven Ye shouted: "There is really no electricity!!"

Xing Yuan: "Oh."

"But..." He hesitated, "in your eyes really..."

Marven Ye slapped the table: "It's said that there is no electricity, no electricity, and I will electrocute you if you mention your eyes!"

"But," Xing Yuan said calmly, "you have mucus in your eyes."

Marven Ye: "… "

Xing Yuan: "The one on the left."

Marven Ye: "Stop talking...you go..."