100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 33: Dissolution and tracking


Immediately, he stood up straight and turned his head back to the driver's seat with his long legs.

Marven Ye turned his head and saw Zhang Qingxue walking back far away.

Miss Zhang didn't return to the carriage, and ran away to find the CEO to flirt.

In front of this man, he couldn't say anything else, so he had to turn to the other side to open the door and take a seat, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Xing Yuan didn't trust them, he was completely understandable.

If it was him, it was guaranteed that from the beginning, other suspicious people would not be allowed to follow him into the car.

But understanding does not mean that there is no resentment at all.

When we entered the city of Yadar, it was just after one o'clock in the afternoon, it was past dinner time, and there were not many cars on the road.

Xing Yuan parked the car on the side of the road opposite the Yadar City Railway Station, took out a cigarette and took it: "It will be much safer to go back to London by train. Then listen to the radio and don't cross the station."

Marven Ye leaned back on his seat: "Where are you going?"

Xing Yuan turned his head, exhaled a puff of cigarette at him, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Don't you think you control too much?"

"Hello." Marven Ye looked at the smile on his mouth, and suddenly said, "Has anyone told you that you are a very different person?"

Xing Yuan: "Oh, there are many people who said it."

"In the public eye, your face has almost never smiled. The few times I went to your house to take pictures, you were also of that rigid morality. I always thought that your facial muscles were stiff and you couldn't smile at all." Marven Ye looked Looking at his face, he said, "I laughed many times today. Boss Xing, why are you smiling today?"

Xing Yuan sneered: "When I see the mentally handicapped, I instinctively want to laugh."

Marven Ye: "… "

Marven Ye: "Goodbye, I don't think you have any parting speeches anymore."

Xing Yuan raised his hand: "Walk slowly and don't send."

When he was about to get out of the car, Marven Ye asked again, "As long as Assistant Zhang and I go back, what will happen to the other employees of the Xing family? Don't you worry about them?"

Xing Yuan lifted his eyelids and sat in a stable position: "In short, it's safer than me. You're talking too much nonsense, get out."

Marven Ye slapped the car door.

Miss Zhang just wanted to follow Xing Yuan on a romantic escape, but was dragged out of the trunk by Marven Ye, making it look like a human being abducted, Marven Ye grabbed her arm: "Everyone is gone, don't look at it. , if you stand here as a looker, you won't come back to look at you!"

Zhang Qingxue covered her face and whispered: "I want to be with President Xing, why does he always think about my safety and always face those dangers alone, I know, he left for me!"

Marven Ye: "..." Girl, you think too much.

Zhang Qingxue: "No, I'm going to chase him and let him know my determination!"

Marven Ye held her back: "Auntie, can you be realistic, Xing Yuan doesn't want to take us with you at all, and are you going to chase his four reels with your two legs? You're almost there."

Zhang Qingxue finally burst into tears.

Marven Ye: "No, I didn't scold you again, grandma, don't you cry, it's like people think I'm wrong with you."

After comforting Miss Zhang, who had been reluctant, a moment later, the two sat in the cafe opposite the train station and looked at each other for ten minutes.

Marven Ye cleared his throat and took the lead in breaking the deadlock: "That, girl, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Qingxue sips the coffee in her hand: "How about you?"

Marven Ye said as if it were true: "What else can I do, buy a ticket and go back."

Zhang Qingxue: "Oh."

Marven Ye waited for a long time, then tentatively said, "Aren't you going back with me?"

Zhang Qingxue looked at him, and suddenly said coquettishly: "Brother Ye, you always ask me, don't you really like me very much?" After saying that, she blushed: "Actually, I also have a good impression of you, although you don't have President Xing. That kind of business, but face... ah, anyway, if you really mean that, we can also date and see~"

Marven Ye almost choked into the air intake pipe with a sip of coffee.

He coughed weakly across the table for tissues.

Zhang Qingxue is still saying: "Brother Ye, you are super handsome when you don't wear glasses. Why did you keep covering your face with the glasses with the old hat? I didn't look at you carefully before hurting others."

Marven Ye thought to himself: Fortunately, I didn't look carefully.

The secret in his eyes has already been seen by Xing Yuan, and must not be discovered by another person.

At this moment, Zhang Qingxue leaned over to look at him, Marven Ye immediately leaned back, lowered his eyes to avoid each other, and said, "Since you don't want to tell me your plans, why don't we just part ways here?"

Zhang Qingxue: "Brother Ye, are you going back to London?"

"Yeah." Marven Ye nodded: "With such a big thing happening, I don't dare to walk around at will, I can go back to China as soon as I can." After speaking, he looked at the woman opposite and said solemnly, "Assistant Zhang, Are you really not going back?"

Zhang Qingxue rolled her hair with a natural expression: "I don't know, but I don't want to leave so soon. You go first, I'll just sit here and think about it."

Marven Ye stopped persuading her: "Then you pay attention to safety."

He drank the coffee without stopping, pushed the door out of the cafe, crossed the road, and turned into the train station opposite.

Of course, he did not go into the ticket office to buy a ticket.

After walking around in the large supermarket next to the station, when he came out, Marven Ye had changed into the milkman's uniform with "Daily Milk" painted on it.

He was wearing a light blue plaid shirt, his trousers were changed to a more fashionable denim style, he had put on his sunglasses again on the bridge of his nose, and he didn't forget to put a peaked cap on his head. In addition, Marven Ye also carried a bulging sports bag on his shoulders.

Xing Yuan had been thinking about getting rid of them before, but when they let them throw things, they didn't force them to throw away their credit cards and passports.

With the new phone in his pocket, Marven Ye didn't use the original phone card. He bought a new local phone card, and the first person to contact after plugging it in was "Piranha".

[Piranha, I am a mage, now located near the train station in Yadar City.]

Just a few seconds after the message was sent, there seemed to be a special trip staring at the phone, and a reply was given immediately.

Piranha: [Mr. Mage, you lost your target and you are not very skilled in business.]

Master: [Sorry, it was my work mistake, do you know his approximate location now?]

Piranha: [Wait.]

Marven Ye read the news as he walked, he returned to the previous cafe, sat in the corner after entering, and searched all the seats behind his sunglasses with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Qingxue had indeed left.

The waiter who came to order apparently didn't recognize that this handsome guy had just come here. The little girl ran back to the workroom with a blushing face. Marven Ye ignored her and just looked down at the information.

[He abandoned the car. The last location displayed by my locator was a car dealership in the southern suburbs of Yadar City. The mission target probably took some dark paths. I guess he sold the transporter and bought it again. other means of transportation.]

Marven Ye replied: [Send me a copy of the location information.]

A screenshot of the location was sent over there, followed by another "ding" sound.

[According to my analysis, it is unlikely that the target object is still staying in Yadar City, where the scale of urban construction is not as good as that of Weshall. Continue driving south, the nearest big city is Jaya City, he may stay there more than 68%, the possibility of continuing to the surrounding big cities is 25%, and the possibility of hiding in towns or deep mountains and old forests is 5% and a 2% chance of rushing to London.]

Marven Ye zoomed in on the map, found the so-called Jiaya City, and checked several towns adjacent to Jiaya City one by one. After watching it for a while, he took time to send another sentence: [Do you know Zhang Qingxue?]

Piranha: [Assistant of the mission target. The last six months of the surname Xing is really miserable. Our people must check him. We have all had vague contact with his ten assistants, and some of them have a good relationship with the plainclothes of our special affairs department.]

Master: [Then, have you found anything about this person?]

Marven Ye waited here for a while before Piranha came back with a text message.

[A standard actress, the part of her character that she shows may not be all of her.]

Master: [Do you doubt her?]

Piranha: [We doubt everyone.]

Master: [Zhang Qingxue ran away, I suspect she has a connection with Flying Wolf.]

Piranha: [Received. Let Zhang Qingxue's business go first. Your most important task now is to find Xing Yuan, and don't let him really die.]

Marven Ye paused for a while, he looked at the line of words, and in the end still replied to the other party: [Understood.]

Although "Piranha" said that Xing Yuan may have run farther, but Jaya City was still placed in the first place for them to find the target.

After confirming the itinerary with this colleague on the mobile phone, Marven Ye didn't stay any longer. He bought a ticket to Jaya City nearby and hurriedly entered the station, rushing all the way to Jaya.

At 7:30 in the afternoon, in a commercial pedestrian street in the center of Jaya.

Marven Ye held a hot dog in his hand, and while observing the city, he stuffed dinner whole into his mouth.

Jaya City is much larger than the city where he took the train before. With a population of more than 900,000, it is a tourist city with some cultural heritage. In the ten minutes he was standing on the corner of the street, he had seen no less than five groups of domestic tour groups passing by, hustling and crowding around with cameras for group photos.

In such a big city, trying to find a Chinese person is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Before coming, "Piranha" also expressed the same concerns.

[The city is not small, and hundreds of Chinese people choose to go there for vacation every year. To be honest, we may really lose his whereabouts this time.]

To this, Marven Ye only replied: [I may have some solutions.]

He re-downloaded the private APP developed by the Special Affairs Department on his new mobile phone, opened it, verified his identity, and entered a command in the command box.

"Okay, now let me see if you threw away the things I gave you." He lowered his head and waited for the interface to refresh, while muttering to himself.

The refresh was successful, and an accurate map of Jiaya city appeared on the display.

The signal was updated synchronously, Marven Ye swiped his two fingers on the map at will, and then successfully found a small red dot.

He stared at the dot for a few seconds, and it stopped motionless at first, then suddenly moved slowly.

"If that pair of glasses hadn't been thrown into the trash can and taken away by a wild cat. Then I should have been..." A small current flashed through his eyes, and he slowly smiled: "I found you."

The author has something to say:

#### Today's small theater is long again #####

Xing Yuan sat in the cab and said coldly: "You go, you don't want to be fat anymore, you man with a heartless heart! (▼_▼)"

Marven Ye: "Do you think it's appropriate for you to say this sentence with a 'cold' expression?"

Xing Yuan didn't listen and continued to say coldly: "I didn't expect you to have another woman, you should spend the rest of your life with her, you scumbag! (▼_▼)"

Marven Ye reminded: "It should be humming here."

Xing Yuan is fluent in kindness: "嘤嘤嘤. (▼_▼)"

Marven Ye took the show: "If I don't go, I won't go, I won't go! I love you so much, why do you want me to go!"

Xing Yuan: "You go!"

Marven Ye: "I'm not leaving!"

Xing Yuan: "You go!"

Zhang Qingxue: "..."

Zhang Qingxue said quietly: "Mr. Xing, you two got the wrong script. That's the line of "Sexy Wife Running with the Ball" by the crew next door."

Xing Yuan: "No wonder I always feel very inconsistent (▼_▼)"

Zhang Qingxue: "Because you took the heroine's script."

Xing Yuan: "..."

Marven Ye: "Isn't it pretty good (⊙▽⊙)"