100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 34: I caught you


Far from the bustling city center, almost every city has some old city areas that are not comparable to the splendor.

The law and order here is relatively chaotic, robberies and fights occur from time to time, and the environment looks very worrying. Except for the locals who live here and have become accustomed to it, generally no tourists like to linger here.

Except for those foreign travelers who are unaware of the local situation and have particularly weak security awareness.

Marven Ye was standing outside a grocery store at this moment. He glanced down at the screen of his mobile phone from time to time, and he was a little unsure for a while.

Until someone patted the door behind him, Marven Ye turned around, and the boss of the grocery store looked at him with a cigarette in his mouth: "Boy, come in to buy something?"

Marven Ye looked at the disorganized little shop behind him: "Don't buy it."

Boss: "Get out of here if you don't buy it, don't stand in front of Laozi's store and block the road, it's an eyesore!"

Marven Ye thought for a while: "Then I'll buy it."

The boss puffed at him: "What to buy, hurry up."

Marven Ye looked around, followed by pointing to a straight umbrella: "That's it."

After paying the money, he took the umbrella in one hand and said to the big man in front of him, "Brother, I want to ask you something."

The boss cursed back at him: "What else?"

"Tell me, please, where is this location on the map?" Marven Ye turned the screen of his phone, "I'm not familiar with this area."

After the boss looked at it, he pointed to a place at will.

After walking out of the grocery store and turning into a nearby narrow street, Marven Ye slowed down and rubbed his fingers lightly.

With a bang, the lights on the ceiling of the grocery store went off.

The shop owner cursed loudly, Marven Ye snorted coldly, looked down at the phone again, and finally walked slowly in the direction the boss pointed.

The lights on this street were dim, and several street girls gathered next to the street lights and giggled. When they saw someone coming, they fluttered their long hair and threw a wink at the visitor.

"Little brother, do you want to come and try it? I'll give you a good night~"

"You're in good shape, hee hee... Let's play with me, it's cheaper for you... "

Marven Ye was still wearing sunglasses, and his hat was extremely low. At this time, he casually put the straight umbrella on the ground and walked over so deaf.

The girls looked at each other: "Is this... a blind man?"

An umbrella was turned into a crutch by him, and the girls standing on the street were a little disappointed. Seeing him walking straight to the other side of the street, they no longer bothered.

After walking more than 100 meters, he finally stopped in front of a youth hostel with a signboard of "Mart Hotel".

Although the grocery store owner was a little irritable, he still managed to point him in the right direction.

The entire neighborhood around here is not particularly dilapidated, but it has been built for a long time, coupled with the aging of the surrounding facilities, which cannot keep up with the speed of urban development, the old city has gradually declined.

But even so, if you walk slowly along the path, you can still feel that every house here is full of classic Georgian architectural style.

The unremarkable Mart Hotel in front of me is no different from the surrounding houses in appearance. The red bricks are outside, the sloping roof is on the top, the front door and window frames are painted white, and there is still a bit of elegance left. smell.

As long as you don't look closely at those peeling walls, unclean glass windows, and old rusted house numbers.

Marven Ye guessed that most of the patrons here should be backpackers who like to travel on a budget, as well as some short-term renters who work and live nearby.

The positioning coordinates on the mobile phone showed that Xing Yuan was in this hotel.

He took a deep breath, put the umbrella pole on the ground, and stepped inside.

After entering the door, there is a long and narrow front desk to the right. A brown-haired girl with smoky eyes was sending a text message. When she heard someone coming in, she raised her voice: "A ten-person room is 4.6 pounds, an eight-person room is 6.9 pounds, and a triple room is 4.6 pounds. 9.2 pounds with bathroom, one single room left, others are full.”

Marven Ye groped to the front desk, the woman glanced at him: "Is your eyes bad?"

"Well." Marven Ye smiled at her: "Beauty, I want to ask you a favor."

His voice is low and pleasant, even if he wears sunglasses to pretend to be blind, his temperament is very attractive. The little girl at the front desk threw her phone aside, got up and lay on the counter, approached him and said, "Don't you have bad eyes, how do you know if I'm a beauty?"

"Listening to the sound, I can draw your appearance in my mind. Hmm... You must have brown-red curly hair, which is very beautiful." Marven Ye let her look at it: "Also, the perfume on your body smells very good."

These words really pleased the other party, the woman giggled and said, "You must be very attractive to women. Okay, what do you want me to help you with?" She raised her arms and put her upper body across most of the counter: "Kissing It is also possible."

Marven Ye pretended not to hear: "My eyes are not very good, I want to find a house with Chinese roommates, or live next door, I can take care of it a little bit. Hmm... I don't know if it is possible?"

The girl at the front desk glanced at the computer next to her: "We don't have too many Chinese people here recently. Well, there are two of the ten-person rooms, and there is a single room in the afternoon. Handsome guy, if you're afraid of the crowd, you'd better live in a single room. , We still have one room left, and there is a Chinese next door." Then, she giggled again: "He is also a handsome guy, he must be happy to help you."

If Xing Yuan really stayed here, Marven Ye couldn't imagine the picture of him and others cramming in a room of ten, but the person who ordered the single room happened to be staying in the afternoon, which sounded more likely to be Xing Yuan.

So he nodded his head: "Thank you very much, please help me register, I will live in that single room."

The woman gently tickled his chin: "It's cheaper for you, 10 pounds a day, 8 pounds if you live for a long time."

"Just 10 pounds." He moved to the side quietly, took out his wallet, and paid the other party's room fee for the day.

"Oh, okay. This is your door key. The room is the innermost room on the left on the third floor. If you can't find it, come back to me and I can open the door for you." The girl at the front desk put the key on the door. In his hand, he couldn't help scratching his palm again: "My name is Sasha, you can come to me if you need anything."

Marven Ye retracted his hand: "Thank you, Sasha." After speaking, he turned around and left, giving the other party no chance to continue flirting.

"The little girl here is really, too open." He muttered to himself as he went upstairs, and flipped out the key. The number 312 was engraved on the keychain.

Going upstairs and turning left, there were several people walking in the corridor, Marven Ye simply used the umbrella as a crutch, pretending to be blind and groping around.

A young man came to ask him if he needed help, Marven Ye took out the key: "Oh, yes. I can't see clearly... The girl at the door said, my room is in the innermost... "

The young man glanced at it and helped him go inside: "I'll open the door for you, why did you come out and live in the hotel by yourself? This place is not very safe. If you can't see it, it's easy to be robbed."

After talking, he had already reached the place, and the man inserted the key and twisted it: "This is it, you can go in by yourself, and don't forget to put the key away."

"Oh, thank you." Marven Ye looked at him through his sunglasses, and said casually: "I heard that there is a Chinese person next door like me, who just moved in today, have you seen it?"

"Ah, I go out to work during the day, I'm not sure." The man scratched his head: "The soundproofing of the room here is not very good. I didn't hear anything at night. Maybe I went out?"

After the locator was locked here, it never moved. Xing Yuan was probably still in the room, or maybe his glasses were still in the room.

Without asking for any useful information, Marven Ye politely expressed his thanks, and then "watched" the well-meaning person out of the room.

After closing the door, he took off his sunglasses and threw his umbrella and backpack on the bed. Then he found a chair, sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out his mobile phone and checked again, but the dot still didn't move, Marven Ye thought about it, put on his sunglasses again, went out and turned right to reach the door of the next room.

He slammed the door lightly with his hand and waited for about two minutes, but he didn't hear any movement inside.

There should be no one.

"Well, is there anyone in the room?" He put his palm on the door panel, and after a long time, he tapped again: "Is there... is there anyone?"

After waiting for a while, Marven Ye finally gave up.

Before the people in the other rooms noticed him, he neatly stopped and left, and went back to the room to close the door and lock it.

The single room in this hotel has its own bathroom. Because it has been built for a long time, the walls and furniture have some old-fashioned atmosphere.

Marven Ye stood at the entrance and looked around. The bathroom was on the left side of the door, and after walking a few steps in, the single bed was next to the left wall, and on the right was a cabinet for storing clothes, and a long table that wasn't too big.

The window was open directly opposite the door, and Marven Ye glanced over and could see that the building opposite was also lit.

The bed and quilt are a little yellowed, the floor is wooden, there will be creaking noise when walking on it, and some corners have bubbling up, it is estimated that the previous guest accidentally spilled water on it.

He first closed the curtains, and while unbuttoning his shirt, he walked into the bathroom and poured cold water on his face to wash away the fatigue of the day.

Putting his hands on the washstand, Marven Ye raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror, focusing on those eyes that were shining with electricity.

"How long will it take me to fully control you," he said to himself.

Ten minutes later, after taking a battle bath and changing into clean clothes, Marven Ye wiped his hair and fell on the single bed against the wall, not wanting to move anymore.

I picked up my phone and checked the time, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

The red dot has not moved.

Marven Ye wrapped his entire head in a towel a little irritably, and after a long time he lifted a corner, exposing his nose and letting out two breaths.

He held the phone to his face and swiped the latest news.

[Xing Yuan, president of Xing Group, is missing in the UK and is suspected of being involved in a series of terrorist attacks.]

[Xing Jianming came out to take charge of the Xing Group again, is the Xing family already crumbling? !]

[British police said: It is too early to say that Xing Yuan is dead.]

Marven Ye read the news at a glance and ten lines, and the more he read, the more irritable he became.

He played infinite levels, there was no time limit and he also had infinite props. Even people with bad eyesight could always win for three days and three nights. He lay sideways on the soft bed, turned off all the sound effects of the game, and then started to win one level after another.

The sound insulation effect of the hotel is just like what the young man said before, the sound of doors opening and closing in the corridor, the squeak of people stepping on the floor in the corridor, and in the single room opposite, a boy is playing the guitar lightly.

It's half past eleven.

Half of Marven Ye's face was sunk into the pillow, and he was so sleepy that he still managed to tap the screen back and forth to eliminate the paired animal icons one by one.

There were soft footsteps in my ears.

Someone turned on the shower, and the water sprayed from the shower, and the sound of clattering was especially clear at night.

Marven Ye stopped clicking the icon.

He put one palm against the wall, and then leaned on it. After listening for a while, he slowly raised a smile.

There is no room to the right of 312, and to the left is next to 310, which is the one he knocked on the door for a long time just now.

The red coordinate dot moved slightly, and then stopped again.

Marven Ye stared at the dot for a long time, and said softly, "So you didn't throw it away."

Soon, a simple message was sent to the "Piranha" who was still far away in Westhall.

Master: [I found him.]

Piranha: [Quietly dormant, don't abuse your abilities.]

The author has something to say: The current main battlefield is not in China, just sauce.

Marven Ye said: What is it to follow secretly, of course, choose frontal anus!



##### From the special affairs department #####

Zheng Xingguo: "When you go abroad, don't make a thunderbolt unless you have to."

Marven Ye: "Okay."

Then Marven Ye split Dao Tianlei at Weisshall.

Piranha: [Don't use large-scale abilities!]

Marven Ye: [Received.]

Then Marven Ye killed a bunch of snipers with Lei outside the teaching building.

Piranha: [Just stay by the target's side, don't thunder! Don't thunder! Don't thunder!]

Marven Ye: [Okay!]

Special Affairs Department: No, we don't believe it, you must have another thunderstorm.

(No longer credible) Marven Ye: "..."