100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 49: Walk with the wind and rain


Marven Ye retracted the phone neatly, and smiled: "Let's go, I'll take you to Mianji."

But when they actually arrived at their destination, Marven Ye realized that the situation was a little different from what he thought.

There are too many people in Cantel's Fifth Square.

"There is an open-air concert here." Xing Yuan took the flyers distributed by passers-by and said while looking down.

Marven Ye suddenly said: "No wonder there were so many cars entering the city when I came yesterday." After speaking, he leaned over to Xing Yuan's side: "Rock? Which band..."

Xing Yuan looked strange: "Xia Yanbin."

"..." Marven Ye immediately remembered that he had bumped into these two people talking privately at the hotel, and the expression on his face became gossip: "Oh, oh, that Xia Yanbin..."

"...What kind of expression do you have." Xing Yuan threw the flyer into the trash can with a dark face: "I remember I said that I have nothing to do with him at all."

"Hey, I didn't say anything, don't rush to explain it." Marven Ye looked at his movements, touched his chin and said, "What's this called, are you destined to meet you thousands of miles away?"

Xing Yuan: "You can shut up now."

Marven Ye: "Don't be like this, it's all fate!"

Therefore, when they arrived at the designated place and saw Xia Yanbin walking out of the RV, the scene was very embarrassing.

Marven Ye pointed at each other with one finger, feeling that the whole person was not well: "Xia... Xia Xia Xia... "

"Mage?" Xia Yanbin looked at them: "This dress is not bad, I really didn't recognize you at first glance."

Xing Yuan confirmed for Marven Ye: "Little sister?"

"Come in and talk." Xia Yanbin looked around alertly. He let the two of them in, closed the door of the carriage, and then took off his sunglasses: "You can come, just sit down, I have a concert in half an hour, and it's over. Then we'll go."

"No, wait..." Marven Ye said in a chaotic manner: "I'll confirm again, what's your code name?"

Xia Yanbin: "Little sister."

"Little girl with such a cute name, how could she not be a girl?!"

"Whoever tells you the code name must match his own." Xia Yanbin said as a matter of course: "Also, with such a cute name Xiaomei, of course it should be a boy."

Marven Ye's expression matched that of Xing Yuan before.

Never thought you would be such a rock star!

Xia Yanbin: "Stay here. I told my agent that you are my fans in the UK. He doesn't know that I work for the special affairs department, so don't reveal the truth."

After he finished speaking, he left, leaving the two of them with different expressions, but they all had the same idea in their hearts.

After a while, Xing Yuan said, "What is a pink head?"

Marven Ye stretched out his hand and rubbed his face vigorously: "The little leader of the fan club."

Xing Yuan put his head away: "Being a fan head for him is really worth it."

Outside the RV, the crowd of people shouted louder and louder, the music gradually started, and a penetrating voice roared along with the drum beat.

After the initial shock, Marven Ye finally stopped struggling with the difference between the codename and the real person, and turned his head to observe the interior of the RV.

Not to mention, this rock king is quite extravagant.

Not long after, Xia Yanbin's manager opened the car door from outside.

The agent had also met Xing Yuan and Marven Ye before, but they had never had close contact, and the two made simple disguise on their faces. Therefore, he was stunned that he did not realize that the man in the car was the one who dominated the global news list before. Ex-president of the Xing family for three full days.

"Hello, I'm Xia Yanbin's manager Zhang Mingjie, just call me Brother Jie or Ajie." Zhang Mingjie pushed his glasses and handed the documents to the two of them: "This is Yanbin's publicity plan for coming to the UK, you guys You can go back and have a look, and do the propaganda work according to the above."

When he was not paying attention, Xing Yuan removed his hand from the gun handle under his clothes, and Marven Ye waved the lightning ball in his hand silently. The rattling of swords is completely non-existent.

With the open-air rock music outside, Marven Ye and Xing Yuan pretended to look at the promotion plan. Marven Ye fully expressed his admiration for the rock king. Xing Yuan couldn’t pretend to be like this, so he and Zhang Mingjie simply began to discuss how to conduct business with celebrities. packaging, and various means of marketing.

Zhang Mingjie was still in low spirits at first, but after a while, he pushed Marven Ye aside, and he and Xing Yuan sat on the sofa, dancing and impassioned chatting.

Marven Ye: "… "

He was a little speechless, he simply said hello to the two of them, got out of the car and sneaked into the crowd, watching the singers on the stage revel in revelry.

The rock emperor Xia Yanbin is actually his colleague "little sister".

Marven Ye: "... This is sour."

More than four hours later, Xia Yanbin's concert in Cantel ended. Marven Ye and Xing Yuan mixed with his work team and followed the team back to London overnight.

However, Lola's power here does seem to be not small.

Less than an hour after the convoy was out of Cantel, they began to encounter the first wave of unidentified individuals.

At that time, Marven Ye and Xing Yuan were mixed in the staff's bus, and their team was not low-key on the road. When the bullets penetrated the tires of several cars one by one from a distance of 100 meters, the two immediately became alert.

"What's the matter, it seems that the car has a flat tire."

"Oh, that nasty prank..."

The band and dancers in the same car were whispering. Marven Ye sat by the window. He looked out the window vigilantly and whispered to Xing Yuan, "Not only us, but also some private cars have turned off."

The driver opened the car door and went to check, Xing Yuan looked out next to Marven Ye: "The car in the rear right, a man and a woman who got down are not weak."

Marven Ye: "I thought it was just an ordinary couple."

But after all, he had received special training, and after a few glances, he could recognize the sense of disobedience, and his nerves immediately became tense.

"One group of them blocked the road and robbed cars, and the other group was mixed with ordinary people." He frowned and thought: "But how did they find us?"

Xing Yuan: "Get off the bus first."

"Ding dong", Marven Ye's phone vibrated. He took out his mobile phone and glanced hurriedly, and found that it was a message from Xia Yanbin in the RV in front of him.

Little sister: [I exposed.]

"It's my little sister." Marven Ye said vaguely: "They found him."

The two got out of the car in the middle of the staff, and Marven Ye saw with sharp eyes that the door of the RV in front was wide open, and Zhang Mingjie jumped out of it, and he immediately greeted him: "Where's Xia Yanbin?"

"Huh? In the car." Zhang Mingjie was inexplicable, apparently not knowing why he asked that.

Marven Ye: "I'll take a look." After speaking, he ran away.

Xing Yuan couldn't run vigorously due to his injury, so he chatted with Zhang Mingjie behind him: "Xiao Zhang, please call the nearest police station and say that we have met terrorists."

Zhang Mingjie: "… Huh?"

Xing Yuan put it another way: "Xia Yanbin's British black fans are going to kidnap him for indecent assault, please call the police."

As soon as he heard that he was a "black fan", Zhang Mingjie immediately took out his phone without thinking.

In the RV, Xia Yanbin, who was about to be attacked by "black fans", said to Marven Ye, "It's a good guess. I have been in London recently, and suddenly I went to Cantel, and my identity is sensitive. They must have guessed that you would be hiding with me. ."

As he spoke, he dragged a box from his feet, and after opening it, he took out a few pistols and put them on the table: "But to find the right person in my group of staff, it won't take much effort. ."

Marven Ye picked up a gun and looked at it: "Is this going to be a shootout?"

"The gun is just for spare." Xia Yanbin's eyes lighted a little: "I have wanted to see the magician's stunt for a long time."

The two smiled tacitly.

Zhang Mingjie just came back from the outside and saw the two of them playing with a table of weapons. The whole person was about to get sick: "You, you... Where did you get so many guns?!"

Xing Yuan followed behind him and caught the pistol thrown by Xia Yanbin.

Xia Yanbin: "For self-defense for the boss."

Zhang Mingjie: "Don't pretend you can't hear! What are these... BB bombs?"

Xing Yuan: "Is there a sniper? Give me one."

Xia Yanbin: "If you don't need it, your mage will expand in a while."

Zhang Mingjie collapsed: "Binbin! You are a public figure, even if there are black fans who want to insult you, you can't openly take out the gun! So how did you pass the security check on this box of weapons?!"

Xia Yanbin said inexplicably, "Black fans?"

"I told him that the bandits outside are your black fans." Xing Yuan took the gun apart and looked at it, then raised his head again: "There are gunshots, they are here."

"I'm going to the co-pilot, where the view is wider, so I can do things more easily." Before he could finish speaking, Marven Ye had already opened the door and rushed out.

Xia Yanbin followed closely. He put on a mask and this cap, and patted his manager with two guns: "Little Jiejie, stay here, and I'll play a guest role as a driver."

Zhang Mingjie was messy: "Don't call me Xiaojiejie... No, what are you doing... I'm a little messy... "

Another Xing Yuan, who was left in the car, opened the small window on the side wall and tilted his head slightly to observe the situation outside.

"Less one pair of communication earphones." He shook his left shoulder unwillingly, where there was still a little pain.

After ten o'clock, the sky was getting darker and darker, and when everyone was unaware, the clouds slowly gathered here.

The location where Xia Yanbin's motorcade was forced to stop is very delicate. There are fields on both sides of the place, there are still mountains in the northeast, and there are no villages nearby. In the moonless night, a street lamp every tens of meters on both sides of the road becomes the only light source here.

At this time, a team of jeeps quietly crossed the east and west sides of the road, blocking the dozens of cars in the middle, very much like bandits and robbers preparing to block the road.

In addition to the convoy of the King of Rock and Roll, there were also several private cars that were forced to stop. A group of people stood outside and gathered nervously to ask each other.

Xia Yanbin's RV was parked in front of the bus, he drove the driver to the back to squeeze the passenger car, and pulled Marven Ye to sit in the cab, while taking out a binocular from under the seat and handing it to the other party: "My people have all returned to the car, Of the remaining ones, eight out of ten are fake passers-by, I'm really blind."

Marven Ye took the telescope: "So are we surrounded?"

"I heard that Pipilu authorized you to use your abilities on a large scale." Xia Yanbin said: "There must be many colleagues in the ministry who have encountered unknown obstacles, otherwise Pipilu would not be so violent."

"Yeah." Marven Ye thought of the ability user he encountered before, and said vaguely: "About my abilities, I have to ask Pipilu more things after I go back. In short, this time abroad has really refreshed my worldview. "

The members of the Brotherhood who blocked the road in front fired their guns into the sky, signaling all the people in the car to come out.

Because of Xia Yanbin's instructions, the team members did not act, only the private car owners got out of the car and raised their hands, with a very cooperative attitude.

"Didn't you hear me? Get out of the car for Lao Tzu!" The leader of the team patted the front hood and ticked his index finger behind him: "Five numbers, if you don't move, my people will help you."

Behind him, team members jumped out of the car one after another.

As soon as this group of people appeared, Xia Yanbin and Marven Ye noticed something tricky, the former said, "High-voltage insulation suit? Come prepared." Then he patted the colleague next to him: "Master, they are all insulated. Are you okay?"

Marven Ye blinked: "I'll try it."

Then, he took out the pen he had used before, tapped one end of the pen on the car window, and casually asked the driver, "Which one do you think is more handsome, Demacia or Mr. Lei? "

Xia Yanbin: "All..." Very frustrated.

Before his spit was out, the rest of the words were smashed by a thunderbolt above his head.

There was a loud bang, and the storm came negligently.

Everyone who was still standing outside was chilled, and the team leader was taken aback, and the cigar in his mouth fell on the ground without realizing it: "Thunder... Damn, this is not the mysterious weapon. Are you kidding?"

"Boss, insulation suit... can it stop lightning..."

"You really think they can recruit lightning, go and arrest people!"

"Yes Yes… "

However, they soon discovered that this group of people can really attract lightning, and it is useless to use insulating clothing to resist lightning.

On the suburban road in the rainy night, thunder covered the sound of gunfire, and the vicious gangsters didn't even touch the target's face, and they were already lying on the ground with their insulating suits silent.

A Chinese wearing a raincoat got out of the car and hurriedly changed the tire, and then slowly set off under the horrified eyes of the surrounding private car owners.

Heavy rain is slowly spreading from the suburbs of Cantle into London.

On this day, almost half of the island of Great Britain was cloudy and rainy, thunder roamed among the billowing black clouds, and even the French towns on the other side of the English Channel could faintly hear the loud noise.

The author has something to say:

#####From dismissive to rush it only takes a bolt of lightning #####

Marven Ye held the pen high: "Lei-gong-help-me-"

Xia Yanbin: "Ah, what a good second..." So frustrating.

A bolt of lightning struck down, electrocuting all the roadblockers.

Xia Yanbin: "Okay... so handsome! So cool! Master, I want to give you a monkey! I'm going to call you crazy!"