100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 51: I am waiting for you in China


Arriving at the embassy, things became clear after that.

Xing Yuan's USB flash drive and many of the secrets he had mastered before were highly valued. He stayed in the office with the ambassador to the UK every day, and sometimes chatted with some domestic officials remotely through video. Marven Ye listened to a few. The second time, I found that they had decided the future of several political bigwigs in an understatement, and I couldn't help being a little frightened.

Without exception, these bigwigs have done PY activities with the Xing family.

Marven Ye felt inappropriate, he didn't expect Xing Yuan to play so much, and later when reporting to Zheng Xingguo, he hesitated to ask.

His immediate boss just said: "Xing Yuan had contact with us a long time ago, and most of the encrypted and important confidential documents in the Intelligence Data Center of the Special Affairs Department are from 'nails' placed in the dark. Efforts. And among them, there is a contribution of Xing Yuan."

"The Xing family has climbed too high, and their ambitions are too high. The length of the list of officials who colluded with the Xing family can be said to be very shocking." Zheng Xingguo said: "And recently, they have begun to contact the arms and drug business. It is also vaguely mixed with foreign terrorist forces."

Marven Ye's throat moved: "These... can't be all Xing Yuan told you, right?"

Zheng Xingguo: "Some things do not need to be said by Xing Yuan, we can also find out by following the clues."

"But isn't he from the Xing family?" Marven Ye wondered: "If he is like this, doesn't it mean that he will kill his relatives righteously?"

Zheng Xingguo snorted slightly: "If the Xing family is really a good place, how could such a scene of a concubine and a brother be played."

Marven Ye was speechless, and then was speechless.

"Xing Jianming supports the eldest son on the surface, but in fact he also loves his second son. It is impossible not to notice the tension between the two sons. But he is still sitting in the president's office of Xing Group in City B. , did not question Xing Yuan's death at all, just expressed his sadness to the media."

"The Xing family is now actively confirming the news of Xing Yuan's death with the British police. On the one hand, they are busy condemning the British royal family, and on the other hand, they want to take advantage of the opportunity. They may not know that Xing Yuan has had contact with us, otherwise they will be more covert. Zheng Xingguo shook his head: "I guess, Xing Jianming and the relatives of the Xing family who supported him have noticed that Xing Yuan was collecting evidence, and they didn't want Xing Yuan to go back alive in the first place."

Marven Ye: "This Xing family... is really..."

He remembered that he had been to Xing Yuan's house several times before. Father Xing acted like a very connotative professor. He was always reading various books, and he would also ask the nanny to bring him a cup of coffee. Xing Yi likes to chat with him. He smiles very softly. Although he is not good at work, it can be seen that his enthusiasm for life has not been destroyed by illness.

Now that I think about it, the young man... probably just wanted to inquire about Xing Yuan from him.

After this conversation, Marven Ye was in a complicated mood, and when he faced Xing Yuan again, it was different from before, with more patience and inquiry in his eyes, and a much gentler attitude.

This person... is really not the same as what I imagined.

Two days later, the storm that devastated London finally dissipated, and Xing Yuan followed a few guards to bid farewell to the place and returned to China on a special plane.

Before leaving, the two got together and had lunch alone.

There were no consulate staff around them. At the dinner table, Xing Yuan briefly told Marven Ye about his affairs.

"My mother suffers from depression. After the news of Xing Jianming's derailment of his second wife came to light, she chose to commit suicide by cutting her wrists in the bathtub at home."

"Before the incident, she once came to my room, touched my head to say goodbye to me, and warned me that when I grow up, I must stay away from this emotionless family." Xing Yuan's tone was very flat, cutting the steak, He said, "Later I grew up and found that she was right. The Xing family is really not a place for people to stay."

Marven Ye's chewing speed slowed down: "At that time... how old were you?"

"Five years old, I don't remember much." Xing Yuan showed no expression: "Put away the sympathy and maternal love that are overflowing in your eyes. I don't have too much affection for my mother. I was too young at that time."

"Okay." Marven Ye continued to eat while bowing his head, "But your father is so scumbag. No wonder I haven't found any news about Xing Jianming's wife on the Internet, so it's your stepmother who lives in your house now?"

"Accurately speaking, it's my second stepmother." He smiled slightly: "I, Xing Yi, and Xing Peiwei's mother are not alone. How about it, is it exciting?"

Marven Ye took a sip: "... Really exciting."

After the meal, Xing Yuan packed his luggage, and Marven Ye, the ambassador to the UK and others accompanied him to the airport.

Escorted by the guards, Xing Yuan suddenly turned back when he walked to the gate. He was wearing a long black trench coat, carrying only a carry-on bag, and stood in front of Marven Ye and pursed his lips.

Being stared at by the ambassador to the UK and a bunch of staff, Marven Ye was suddenly a little nervous: "What are you doing?"

"There's something I've always wanted to say." Xing Yuan bent down and whispered in his ear, "Thank you very much for coming to the UK with me."

"I'll be waiting for you in China."

With the fiery breath still beside his ears, Marven Ye subconsciously touched his hot earlobe, without answering, he just watched the other party's random group board the plane in a chaotic manner.

How... how does it feel a little strange...

Until the special plane took off, Marven Ye was still touching his ears, feeling that the temperature on his earlobes had not subsided.

He couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, "Damn... I'll pay you back when I go back!"

Marven Ye didn't go back with Xing Yuan's special plane because he had another task to complete.

After sending Xing Yuan away, Marven Ye hurried to a coffee shop in London to meet Adonis again as agreed.

Adonis didn't bring Casey with him this time. He came alone and bluntly said that it would be easier to escape.

Regarding this unfortunate supersonic ability user, Marven Ye has reported his situation to the Special Affairs Department, officials from several major departments in the Special Affairs Department, and Minister Luo Wen sat and discussed it together, and finally discussed it. a more unified opinion.

"Our country can provide you and Casey with a certain amount of political asylum, but accordingly, we need you to provide more comprehensive information about the SP laboratory, as well as detailed data on every power user you have seen."

"In addition, in the first two years, you need to wear a monitoring bracelet, the residence is provided by us, and daily activities will be subject to certain supervision. Once you are found to have abnormal behavior, our country will immediately deport you. Leave the country and give appropriate punishment."

"But correspondingly, under the supervision of our staff, you can return to normal life as quickly as possible. Casey can enter the school to study, as long as you don't reveal your identity, you can live a normal life. If In the event of a relatively special emergency, the Special Affairs Department and the military may urgently recruit you to participate in the operation as 'non-staff', but we can discuss this later."

Marven Ye held up the mobile phone and read all the content inside, and then looked up at the person opposite: "Can you accept these conditions and rights?"

After listening carefully, Adonis asked only one question: "Does your country not require me to cooperate with relevant research and experiments?"

"There is no such item in the documents I received." Marven Ye touched his hair unconsciously: "This is also one of the reasons why I chose to actively join the government agencies in our country. They think that my achievements in power supply are far greater than that of me. It's more realistic to do some craniotomy experiment."

"..." Adonis was choked and said reluctantly, "That sounds really good."

However, when he said this, his expression was inexhaustible, and he felt very insincere.

"But... I really didn't expect... You turned out to be a Chinese." He looked at Marven Ye who had taken off his disguise, and the vigilance in his eyes disappeared a lot: "The mysterious eastern country, I have always longed to go there when I was a child. ."

"So, your thoughts are...?"

"Cathy said you were safe." Adonis took a deep breath and slowly stretched out a hand: "I trust her. So, I want to trust you again."

Marven Ye looked at him, and stretched out his hand to form an alliance with the opposite ability user: "Welcome to you."

After successfully accepting two extraordinary abilities, Ye Wenxuan was in a good mood. He discussed with Adonis about going to China, and bluntly said that if he and Casey are ready, they can go directly to the airport tomorrow, together with Ye Wenxuan leave.

The special plane prepared by the Special Affairs Department for Marven Ye will take off tomorrow morning. Adonis and Casey can use their superpowers to avoid other people and secretly follow Marven Ye on this plane to China.

Adonis didn't think much about it, just nodded and agreed.

"For me and Casey, the sooner we get out of here, the better."

Before leaving, he said bluntly: "We are currently in a difficult situation, most of which is due to the infiltration of 'Dark Whistle' people into all walks of life. People report what they see and hear, and it brings us great disaster."

Adonis: "So, please be careful."

Marven Ye said solemnly, "I will."

After completing the task assigned to him by the Special Affairs Department, Marven Ye felt relaxed when he returned, feeling that the sky in London was much clearer.

However, this good mood disappeared when he stepped into the consulate.

The ambassador to the UK specially waited for him in the office. When Marven Ye was led in, the ambassador said solemnly: "Xiao Ye... I may have very bad news to tell you."

The faces of the secretaries standing beside them were also not very good-looking, and the atmosphere in the office made Marven Ye feel a little uneasy.

He couldn't help but restrain his smile: "Mr. Ambassador, what happened?"

"Just fifteen minutes ago, we received news from the country."

"The special plane that took off from London Heathrow Airport this afternoon and was originally scheduled to land in City B lost contact with the ground command center for unknown reasons after flying for an hour and a half." The ambassador to the UK said solemnly: "The preliminary judgment may be Weather-related reasons, but ... do not rule out other human factors. There is no clear information given to us in China, maybe it is just a false alarm.”

After he finished speaking for a while, Marven Ye seemed to understand the meaning of the words.

He was a little confused and said dryly: "You mean, the plane disappeared?"

Ambassador: "Currently still looking for..."

Before he could finish speaking, a confidential secretary walked in from outside, and he knocked on the door eagerly: "Mr. Ambassador, I think you need to see this!"

"Instant news just broadcast on the Internet, an unknown passenger plane crashed in a certain country in Africa, the specific casualties are unknown, because it is a war-torn zone, there are troops exchanging fire nearby, and the war reporters there only took a few very blurred photos. .I...I looked at the plane in the photo...it looks like the one that Mr. Xing was on..."

Marven Ye's breathing stagnated.

"From here to China doesn't go through Africa, maybe it just looks like..." he replied with difficulty.

It's not necessarily the plane. The news of the special plane is very secret. Except for a few high-level officials from the domestic military, the special affairs department, the embassy in the UK and the airport, no one knows that Xing Yuan will return to China today.

But inexplicably, he recalled the warning given to him when he met Adonis in the afternoon.

-Most of the people in 'Dark Whistle' have penetrated into all walks of life, some of them don't even know what kind of organization they are working for, they just report what they have seen and heard to some fixed people, but because of this We have brought great disaster.

After waiting hard for more than an hour, news came back from China confirming that the plane Xing Yuan was on had indeed crashed, but the staff there also said that there seemed to be people still alive on the plane.

Although there was no response to the call signal sent by the district control office, just an hour after the crash of an unknown airliner was widely publicized on the Internet, the domestic capital airport received an encrypted message from the communicator of the crashed airliner.

[There is an inner ghost. Do not send anyone to answer.]

This information was handed over to several insiders, and Marven Ye learned of it indirectly through Zheng Xingguo's phone.

"The special flight that was originally scheduled to pick you up tomorrow morning has been temporarily cancelled. Before finding out about the internal ghost incident, please trust the words of anyone around you as appropriate."

Marven Ye: "Including colleagues from the Special Affairs Department?"

Zheng Xingguo was silent for a while, then replied, "Probably my order is also included."

Marven Ye: "I understand."

He was sitting at the computer desk, the encrypted message still displayed on the screen.

The words that Xing Yuan said before leaving seemed to be still lingering in his ears, but it was only a few hours...

The change came so suddenly that everyone couldn't react.

"Who the hell leaked the news." He looked at the message and muttered to himself, "Xing Yuan... Are you still alive...?"

"Where did the plane... crash?"

"Wenxuan, this incident has been escalated. The progress of the case cannot be disclosed to unrelated persons. You should be clear about this procedure."

Marven Ye took a deep breath: "What is... Irrelevant personnel... Deputy team, I saved him all the way."

Zheng Xingguo did not speak.

"If I join this case, can I know the location of the crash?" Marven Ye chased after the victory: "Deputy team, there is actually some news on the Internet now, if I try to check..."

Zheng Xingguo sighed and interrupted him: "The fixed communicator on the plane is used to send encrypted information, and the coordinates have been locked."

"The crash site was in South Sudan, near Eastern Equatoria."

Marven Ye closed his mouth, he lowered his eyes, and a dark thunder was generated in his palm.

As soon as it appeared, an abnormality occurred in the communication equipment, the computer screen flickered, and the current sound of "zillazla" began to appear frequently in the mobile phone that was talking.

Marven Ye looked at the group of deadly dangerous weapons in the palm of his hand, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Ye Wenxuan, a member of the anti-terrorist action team, codenamed Mage, applied to go to South Sudan to help find the crashed plane and possible survivors. I hope... the deputy team can approve it."

The author has something to say:

#####It is a good FLAG #####

Xing Yuan: "We will get married when we return to China."

Then the plane fell.

Marven Ye: "What should I do, I'm not surprised at all."