100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 52: Travel to Juba alone


On March 15, Juba, the capital of South Sudan, was under the scorching sun.

Juba's new airport is still under construction. The old and small old airport is full of people. Passengers of different skin colors are crowded at the door of the checked luggage. The airport lobby is extremely hot and smells strange from time to time. .

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the luggage was finally pulled out with a cart, and the passengers waiting at the door rushed to the front to find their luggage.

These people then need to go to the more crowded visa area and wait for the visa process.

An idle Dinka turned around in the hall a few times and finally found the target.

He leaned over to a young man with black hair and black eyes, and said quickly in English, "Hello sir, if you are coming here alone for the first time, you must be in great need of a capable guide."

The black-haired man had just been rudely asked for cash by the security staff at the airport. Hearing this, he turned his head vigilantly and looked at the approacher who was a head and a half taller than him.

This Dinka man is dark-skinned. Although he is much taller, he is not strong. Instead, he is very thin. A shirt can sway back and forth on him.

Seeing the fat sheep he had chosen, he immediately showed his teeth that were not white: "Dear sir, it's too noisy here. If you want to change to a quiet place to quickly apply for an entry permit, then I suggest you go to VIP. service area."

Asian man: "Freedom guide?"

"Oh, yes. You can call me Noah, I'm a local here." Noah smiled and pointed not far away: "There is the VIP service area, you can go there and try."

The passenger, who was tipped by the airport guards just after getting off the plane, was noncommittal. He looked at the still crowded and noisy lobby, and finally chose to try his luck in the VIP area.

As he walked, he debugged the phone and sent messages.

Master: [Arrived in Juba.]

Pipiru: [The location of the plane crash has been locked, the coordinates will be sent to you, please pay attention to safety.]

Pipiru: [The Chinese embassy in South Sudan sent peacekeepers to the accident site yesterday afternoon. There were only the bodies of several crew members and accompanying police officers at the scene. The mission target is most likely still alive.]

Master: [Do I need to connect with the peacekeepers?]

Pipiru: [Hiding is good for your abilities, but I have informed the ambassador to South Sudan that you can also go there to seek support if necessary.]

Master: [Received, thank the deputy team.]

That's right, this black-haired, black-eyed, black-yellow-skinned, ordinary-looking ordinary man with a few pockmarks on his face took the initiative to apply to come here with a simple disguise and a fake identity certificate forged by the Special Affairs Department. Looking for Marven Ye of the crashed plane.

He has never been to Africa, and only knows about the magnificent natural landscapes, the wild animals running around in the grasslands, as well as war, poverty and disease.

So it would be wise to hire a local guide as soon as possible.

After completing the formalities, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when he walked out of the airport. Marven Ye was carrying a black backpack, frowning slightly, letting the young black man named Noah follow him.

"I'm very worried about the law and order here, so can you find a more secure high-end hotel for me to stay in?"

"Oh, of course. I am familiar with all the hotels here!" Noah said hurriedly: "Sir, are you here for tourism or work? There are several safe and comfortable hotels in Juba. If there are no specific requirements, I can take you to the one with the best traffic conditions."

"Okay." Marven Ye thought for a while, then simply said: "You can call me Tom Sirius. Noah, I plan to gather in Juba, and I also want to go outside the city. Several cities that are closer to here are all located. One turn."

"Oh, Mr. Sirius, I can help with most of your requests." Noah led him out of the main gate of the airport and said, "But there were several small-scale conflicts outside the city a few days ago. If If you want to go outside, we probably need to follow the peacekeepers outside the city, or... If you don't mind, you can form a temporary team with other tourists." With that, Noah reached out and called for a car: "Mr. Sirius, this way boarding."

Marven Ye was very good, got in the car and talked with Noah again, learning as much as possible about the situation here.

Along the way, he looked out through the car window, and all he saw were low bungalows, some local dome huts, or simple sheds built at will.

Vehicles run over the dirt road, and there are dark-skinned men and women everywhere, cows roaming leisurely, and children squatting and playing by the garbage heap.

Occasionally, high-rise buildings stood abruptly in the middle of the low houses, and Noah explained to him that those were high-end hotels or villas for the rich.

But in fact, it is only six or seven stories high, which gives people an intuitive feeling that it is not as prosperous as a fourth- and fifth-tier city in China.

Marven Ye's gaze went from the thatched hut to the small high-rise building, and he kept thinking in his heart, where might Xing Yuan be, could it be in Juba

The location of the plane crash is not close to Juba, but it is farther away from other big cities.

Xing Yuan's injuries were not healed before boarding the plane, and Marven Ye didn't dare to think whether he would suffer more serious injuries when the plane crashed, but if the people on board survived, they would most likely find the nearest hospital.

Judging from the current situation in South Sudan, hospitals can only be established in larger cities, and there may also be United Nations camps and refugee camps. These are the places that Marven Ye needs to look for first.

When I arrived at the hotel, it was said to be one of the top high-end hotels in Juba. In fact, it was only six stories high, but compared with the tin huts and thatched huts by the roadside, it was indeed considered luxurious.

Noah helped him check in at the front desk, and Marven Ye waited on the side. He felt that this person was fine except for being overly enthusiastic, so he exchanged contact information with him, and agreed to meet tomorrow and go around Juba City first.

Before leaving, Marven Ye asked him, "If I want to go to Mount Kinetti, how should I go?"

Noah's smile eased, and he shook his head again and again: "No, no, no, we can't go there, and neither will our people."

"I know that there are often civil wars in that area, but the situation has improved recently. I have inquired about a tour guide who has been there." Marven Ye stared at him with a puzzled expression: "Am I being deceived?"

Noah just waved at him, said "can't go", then turned and ran away.

Marven Ye: "… "

He closed the door, ripped his hair irritably, and threw his backpack on the bed with himself.

The crash site of Xing Yuan's plane was near Mount Kinetti.

It is a war zone, and there are several small towns scattered around, some of which belong to the government army, and some are occupied by the rebels.

In order to compete for territory, the two sides will clash from time to time. Every day, stranded civilians, regular soldiers and armed elements die. No businessmen or tourists want to go there. In addition to various troops, the only people who enter the war-torn area are peacekeepers, Doctors, and war correspondents.

Zheng Xingguo once mentioned that after re-confirming the crash site, the nearby Chinese peacekeeping force had already gone to investigate. The corpses in the wreckage of the plane were incomplete, but judging from the remaining clothes, they should be crew members and accompanying guards. The number of people was about seven. To nine or so, and the actual number of people in the cabin should be more than a dozen.

The black box on the plane was taken away by the troops and has not yet been decrypted, but some soldiers found that the fuselage door of the crashed plane was open. From the traces on the scene, it seemed that it had been opened before the crash.

"We don't know what happened at that time, but before the plane crashed, there may have been several people who fell." The chief of the peacekeeping force reported to the country: "It is not ruled out that some people escaped by parachuting."

Afterwards, the peacekeeping force and the embassy in the UK checked each other, and it was finally determined that in addition to Xing Yuan, there may be two security guards, a flight attendant, and the bodyguard Cherno brought by Xing Yuan.

It was also because of this tiny possibility that Marven Ye insisted on coming, hoping to see the crash site with his own eyes.

"Just kidding... I protected all the way, and the people who were finally put on the plane, how could they just disappear..." He lay on his back on the bed and whispered bitterly.

"Even if I die, I have to see the corpse, and I'm content."

In the next two days, Marven Ye followed Noah around Juba.

In fact, it doesn't take that long, it's really too barren, you can almost walk around the city in a morning by car.

But Marven Ye walked very seriously, he asked vaguely how many Chinese were there and whether there were any unfamiliar faces recently.

Unfortunately, the answers were not satisfactory.

After two days of delay, Marven Ye couldn't bear it any longer, and expressed to Noah his strong desire to go to the vicinity of Mount Kineti.

Apart from the love of money and money, Noah can still be regarded as a relatively competent guide. He firmly opposed it at first, but when Marven Ye explained that he was willing to pay him double the tour guide fee, Noah could not help but be shaken.

"This is very inappropriate. If you are a war reporter or doctor, I probably wouldn't advise you." He frowned, wondering, "The war zone is very dangerous, and ordinary tourists are not allowed to enter. Your request is true. Yes... I bring so many foreign tourists, not many want to go to that kind of place."

Marven Ye: "Not much, that means there are still some?"

Noah cried helplessly: "Very few, really few!"

"Money is not a problem. If you don't want to, I won't force it." Marven Ye said to him, "However, can you help me find a guide who is willing to take people into Mount Kinetti?"

Noah: "You... why do you want to go there, it's not a good place."

Marven Ye said: "My friend came here before, he disappeared near Mount Kineti. I... I'm worried... "

He only said so much, but it didn't prevent Noah from making up a complete story by himself. The latter really said: "Oh, this is really bad... Well, let me think about it... "

In the evening, Marven Ye returned to the hotel and received a message from Noah not long after taking a shower.

Noah: [Mr. Sirius, a guide I know will take a few people to Eastern Equatoria tomorrow, and their destination is not very far from Mount Kineti. I talked to him, and the guide said that if he gave more money, he could take you for a ride, but after arriving there was only one day of activity, and he was unwilling to stay there.]

Marven Ye sighed in relief, he threw the wet towel on his head aside, and quickly replied to the other party.

Tom Sirius: [Money is not an issue.]

Noah: [I will send his contact information to your mobile phone. Mr Sirius, there are daily wars and deaths around Mount Kineti, I hope you are ready. You are a generous gentleman and I do not wish to hear of your death in a few days, so please stay safe.]

Tom Sirius: [Thank you so much, Noah.]

Shortly after, the mobile phone made a "ding dong", and Noah sent the guide's information and travel time and place.

Marven Ye glanced at it, saved the number, and then deleted all the information on the phone that might reveal his identity.

Early the next morning, he made up the disguise on his face again, and turned back to the black and yellow man with a pockmarked face. Afterwards, he inserted a pen on the table into his jacket pocket, and left a tip on the bedside. Then he put on his backpack and hurried out of the hotel.

When we arrived at the predetermined location, the guide's car was already waiting there.

The guide Noah found for him was named Kabu, who was also a native of Juba. He heard that he used to be a police officer in South Sudan, but he was injured in the civil war and was forced to retire.

At this time, Kabu was leaning against the car door to smoke, and when he saw Marven Ye walking in front of the car, he checked his identity information with him.

The author has something to say: #####African people heard that Thor is coming #####

Hearing that Marven Ye was coming to Africa, the local prime ministers displayed various banners at the airport.

[Welcome Comrade Ye XX to visit South Sudan and surrounding areas for inspection and guidance!]

[African people welcome you!]

[Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain!]

[Warmly celebrate the early arrival of the rainy season in 2017!]

[Spring in the Sahara Desert is more exciting because of you!]

Marven Ye, who just got off the plane, dressed as a passerby: "… "

So annoying, can I buy the latest flight to go back