100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 54: Foreigners who strayed into the war zone


Yulaiya turned his attention to the others again, avoided his employer, and fired at Marven Ye: "Yellow-skinned monkey, why don't you go down and have a look? Maybe a corpse in the firefight area looks a lot like your friend."

Marven Ye glanced at him, and unhurriedly put the phone into his bag.

Then he buckled his right hand towards the opponent's neck like lightning, leaned forward in the space where Yuria raised his hand to block, and the dagger in his left hand touched his Adam's apple.

In terms of fighting skills, even ten Marven Ye couldn't compare to this white bodyguard. Yulaiya didn't think he would lose, but just as he fought back violently, a tiny electric current flowed from the opponent's fingers. Yulaiya was caught off guard, and half of his body was numb and itchy with electricity. The neck was cold, and the blade was stuck to the flesh.

Marven Ye pushed behind him across the backrest, and said in a low voice, "I don't mind washing it for you if you talk about it again next time."

Yulaiya moved her fingers: "You motherfucker... cheating?"

Marven Ye quickly slashed on his neck, Yulaiya immediately shut up, feeling liquid flowing down the wound, he took a deep breath, and said maliciously: "Okay, you win."

Marven Ye slowly withdrew the dagger, sat back in his seat, put his elbows on the car window and turned to look at the scenery.

Tim & Gemma: "… "

I thought there was a weak Asian sitting next to me, but I didn't expect that even a tall bodyguard could be subdued in an instant. Eye.

"Tang... Tom... I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Tim was the first to exclaim: "Is this what, that what-Huaguo Kungfu?"

Kabu put out the cigarette and threw it on the ground: "Boy, if you speak a little louder, you can attract everyone on the opposite side."

Tim fell silent immediately.

But it was too late.

As soon as a bullet passed through the front window of the jeep, it rubbed the temple of the French boy sitting in the middle and flew out. With a "pop", it opened a hole in the rear window again.

Tim: "???"

Before he could react, everyone else in the car had already moved.

Kabu slammed the car door open and rushed in. He quickly started the engine and started to reverse the car. Yulaiya raised the window while pulling out a gun, and took time to scold: "Kabu, why doesn't your car have bulletproof glass!"

Cabo: "No money."

Someone in the distance shot a shuttle of bullets here, Yulaiya cursed and lowered his head, looking for an opportunity to raise his gun to fight back: "Who is on the opposite side, there is still a sniper, quickly retreat!"

Marven Ye: "At least three people came over from the direction of two o'clock, and I saw people."

Yulaiya: "Don't worry about those people, there are snipers on the other side! Get down!"

The bullet burst out from the barrel of the gun, and in almost an instant, it broke through the window from a hundred meters away and flew to Marven Ye!

Marven Ye's pupils shrank suddenly, his index finger flicked indistinctly, the bullet seemed to be hit by something, its trajectory was forcibly deflected, and the bullet was nailed into the seat.

The whole process takes less than three seconds.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Marven Ye's back, he retracted again and held the dagger in his palm, only to feel that his heart was still beating uncontrollably in his chest.

When he was relieved, he looked at the two reporters and doctors next to him.

Tim and Jima's faces were full of horror, and they both grabbed the armrest and hid behind the backrest without making a sound.

Marven Ye guessed that the two of them might be so frightened that they forgot to shout.

The jeep quickly turned in place for half a circle, and then quickly retreated in the direction from which it came.

Before driving a few dozen meters, the car suddenly tilted to the left, and Kabu slammed the steering wheel. He stepped on the brake with one foot, and several people in the back were caught off guard, and his head almost hit the roof of the car.

"What... what's going on..." Tim asked in a low voice, holding his head.

Kabu pulled a long gun from under the seat, along with several pieces of clothing: "The tire was blown out."

"If you come face to face with them, surrender immediately." He distributed clothes to everyone: "If the government army is okay, the rebel army... They generally don't kill foreigners. If someone points a gun at you, just call the reporter doctor. Either way, they treat these kinds of people preferentially.”

Marven Ye looked at the clothes on his hands, it was written in big English, and the word was translated as "reporter".

Yulia also got out of the car. He dragged the luggage out of the trunk, and with the cover of the jeep, crouched on the ground and quickly took out a few grenades and heavy machine guns from the trunk.

Marven Ye turned his head back and twitched the corners of his mouth: "Jima, how did your bodyguard consign so many weapons to the plane?"

Before Ji Ma returned to her senses, she said in a daze, "He... He didn't bring any luggage. He just came back from outside with a suitcase yesterday..."

Before she could finish speaking, a new round of battle had already begun outside.

Yulia put the machine gun on the back of the jeep, and then slapped the door hard: "Get down and cover your ears."

Jima: "Yureya..."

Kabu held the binoculars: "I found the sniper, three hundred meters away, at nine o'clock, behind that bush."

Yulia: "Ha, 300 meters, not too far."

He turned the muzzle of the gun, pulled the trigger with his finger, and the cannonball roared out like a tongue of flame. The huge sound and the smell of gunfire came into the car, and the young man in the back seat covered his ears involuntarily, pressing down Body lying in the car dare not move.

There were a few screams not far away, and Yulaiya laughed: "It's all small pieces, where's your captain? Ask him to come and fight me!"

He shoots while talking, as if the wildness in his bones is stimulated by the ammunition. After finishing the long chain of ammunition, Yulaiya finally stopped, biting off a grenade and throwing it somewhere behind him, two explosions instantly exploded. Militants.

Kabu raised his rifle, shot one at a time, and wiped out the enemies that Yulia had missed.

In just ten minutes, the battle quickly ended.

"Strange... It's too weak, not like a trained soldier." Kabu sat on the side of the jeep while changing bullets and said, "I looked at them like a civilian who just knew how to use a gun."

Yulia: "Snipers are a bit interesting."

Putting the heavy machine gun back, Yulia carried the submachine gun and walked to Kabu's side, opened the car door and sat in: "The fight was fierce, there was such a loud noise here, and the people on both sides of the exchange didn't call a few more people. Come and check the situation."

He put the submachine gun on his leg, picked up the binoculars and observed the distance: "I don't know who the two sides are, I don't think they are like government troops and anti-government armed forces."

Kabu also sat up: "It may be a small-scale tribal conflict. Let's go back to the original road, first set up the last three places to find a safer place, and see if we can drive tomorrow."

Yulia looked at the back row.

Jima was born in the International Red Cross, so she was relatively familiar with this situation, so she was relatively calm. Tim was a little unbearable. He burst into tears, shivered with his backpack, and hid under the seat.

The Asian youth sitting on the right was somewhat unexpected.

The young man held a dagger in his hand, and his eyes wandered back and forth in the jungle outside the window. When he saw him coming in, he only glanced at it lightly.

Yulaiya is racist, but this Asian has aroused his curiosity.

"Boy, what did you do before you came here?" He took off a grenade and handed it to the back.

"Photographer, I used to be a designer before." Marven Ye separated his hands: "I won't use this stuff, you can keep it."

Cabo: "Not quite right."

Yulaiya took back the grenade boringly: "Huh?"

"The war zone has quieted down." Kabu frowned, turning the car around and driving carefully: "It's too quiet."

Yulia sat up straight: "There is a deceit."

Tim shuddered and asked, "Can we… get out of here? I'm afraid…"

Kabu: "The tire on the left side of the jeep blew out, and I can't drive fast. I have to find a place to stop and change the tire."

Before he could finish speaking, Kabu suddenly stopped the car in place, his lips pursed tightly, and his eyes stared straight ahead without blinking.

"Oh, ladies and gentlemen," he said dryly. "I'm afraid we can't go."

Ten meters ahead, an armored tank slowly split through the grass, revealing its hideous muzzle.

Yuria stretched out two hands and signaled to the other party that she had no weapons in her hands.

He stared at the grass in front of him like a falcon. Before long, a group of armed men with guns and live ammunition gradually gathered next to the tank.

They wore bulletproof vests, held submachine guns in their hands, and wore goggles. Although there were a large number of them, they could hardly hear any movement when advancing. It was obvious that they were well trained, and their mobility and weapons and equipment were not comparable to those of the group just now.

Unlike the black men who had attacked them before, these men were uniformly dressed, and each had a red strip of cloth wrapped around their arms.

The red cloth is an important symbol used to distinguish government troops from rebels.

"It's really bad luck." Yulaiya took a deep breath: "It's the elite of the rebel army, and the soldiers are not easy to deal with."

Kabu whispered: "We can't leave."

The soldier on the opposite side shouted to this side, and Kabu got out of the car, walked to the front of the car with his hands up, and started a conversation with the other party.

They spoke the local dialect, and the people in the car couldn't understand it. Jima hid her body behind the back of the front row and asked in a low voice, "Yuraiya, what will happen to us?"

Yulaiya stared forward with her eyes and her lips moved gently: "Generally speaking, they don't kill doctors and foreigners."

They looked at a few people coming out from the opposite side, grabbed Kabu and pushed him to the ground, and began to search inside and out. Tim couldn't help sobbing: "I don't want to die... I want to go home... I shouldn't be here. …”

Marven Ye looked down at the dagger he had been holding, and then stuffed it into the gap between the rear seats of the jeep.

The group didn't kill Kabu.

When the one-eyed guide came back, he hurriedly said "don't resist", and was pushed aside by several rebels who came over. Some of these people drove the people out of the car, and some started to turn the luggage on the car. .

Jima screamed, a black person slapped her on the ass, and the girl yelled, "Go away!"

Everyone in the circle burst into laughter, and Jima's bodyguard stood in front of her: "Okay, gentlemen, I know the rules, but she is a doctor and deserves to be treated."

Hearing that Jima is a doctor, the group of people looked at each other, and the black man who started first said, "We can't move the doctor, Garcia, take her to see the boss."

"Moses, have you forgotten that the boss went to the east battlefield." The partner next to him patted him on the shoulder: "We all have to listen to Jerry now, take her to let Jerry meet."

Moses snorted and waved his hand: "Oh, well, that new Asian guy knows Chinese Kung Fu, how could I forget."

"Garcia, take this doctor... Forget it, take all these people and let Jerry see it for himself."

Asian, new here, name is Jerry.

Marven Ye's breathing was disturbed for a moment.

The black man in charge of the body search pushed him: "Put your hands up, don't look away."

Marven Ye looked back at him: "I can give you everything else, um... Can I keep the pen?"

"That was given to me by my mother, and if everything else is lost, at least this one... allows me to look at it and think of my mother."

The rebel looked at him, looked at the pen again, opened it and found that it was not worth a few dollars, so after taking his backpack away, he threw the pen back.

"We treat foreign prisoners preferentially."

Marven Ye took the pen and said, "That... Do you also have Asian members here?"

"You have too many questions." The man pushed him to the side of Tim and Jima, and said harshly, "Let me all follow closely, whoever walks slowly, I will tie him behind the armored vehicle, Let him be dragged away by the tank."

Tim sobbed loudly.

Yulaiya said irritably, "Oh, baby, can you shut up?"

Jima: "Yuraiya... don't say it..."

After a few minutes, they re-traveled the area they had just passed, all the way deep into the battle zone.

It was a small village, which seemed to have been bombarded into ruins a long time ago, Marven Ye glanced around from the corner of his eyes, and did not see any civilians along the way, but there were many dead people lying on the ground.

He has never seen such a situation in more than 20 years, and he has never seen so many dead people with broken hands and feet, and their brains are flowing.

After they settled in one of the wide bunkers, Marven Ye was still in a trance, not knowing what he was here for.

Until he heard a low and hoarse voice asking, "Moses, who did you arrest?"

The author has something to say: For Ye Xiaoshou, the fountain pen is already equivalent to the existence of the steel shovel to the lady of the electromagnetic gun (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


##### So let's talk about pens #####

Marven Ye [affectionate state]: "This pen was given to me by my mother. It is very important to me. When I see it, I think of my mother."

Anti-government militants: "Oh, this is so touching. It's not worth much anyway, so keep it."

Ye Ma: "???"
