100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 55: Asians in the rebel army


Moses clicked his tongue: "I don't know, they are all foreigners, and the woman said she was a doctor." Then, he added impatiently: "We found medical supplies in their car, which should be real doctors. "

"Bring it to me to see."

Ji Ma was pulled to the front, and Yulaiya raised her hand at the other party: "Hey, don't be so rude to the lady."

The man standing against the wall was noncommittal: "What's it called, where do you work, and why did you pass by here?"

Jima tried hard not to tremble, and said nervously: "I... I am a surgeon. I worked in the Red Cross before, and I came here... to go to the hospital in Kurtu camp for humanitarian relief missions... "

"what is it call."


"Take it away." The man lowered his head and didn't look this way at all. He only said to the team members next to him, "Let her treat the injured guys below first, and then send it to Kurtu when it's done, with a better attitude. "

Someone next to him muttered in a low voice, "It's hard to find a girl..."

Jerry didn't say a word, Moses had already walked over and gave the guy a first step: "Do you know the rules, the doctor dares to touch, be careful that our boss knows and chops your dick!"

The man flinched, not daring to speak.

These people seemed to be very well behaved, and Yulaiya breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that things weren't too bad.

He looked left and right, and the people who were arrested together were a little sluggish. Kabu was taken to another place by the rebels because he was a Dinka. The rest of Tim had his hair down and trembled, which made him look at the Asian. He held his head high, and his eyes kept lingering on the "Jerry" who had spoken before, as if to see the flower on the other's face.

It's a pity that this group of people are wearing goggles and helmets. If you don't take off the goggles, you really can't see what the other party looks like.

In Yuleia's view, this man was only a few shades paler than the surrounding blacks.

Oh, and that's probably a damn Asian too.

He thought quickly in his mind, and the man leaning against the wall said again, "The rest are whoever."

"Reporter, photographer, doctor's bodyguard." Moses curled his lips: "There is also a guide, a Dinka, who has been locked up."

"It's all in the same group?"

Moses: "Oh, you should ask them. I don't care about this job. I'm only responsible for killing that group of government troops."

Jerry twitched the corners of his mouth: "That's not up to me either."

Then he threw away the cigarette in his hand and turned away.

Moses looked at his back and shoved a kick against the wall: "Damn, it's the boss who values him."

The black man holding Marven Ye laughed: "When you can defeat the boss, you will be treated like this."

Moses: "Go away!"

Marven Ye was still waiting to hear a few more words, someone came over and dragged them to another bunker not far from here.

It looked like a place where the hostages were being held. Most of the walls on the first floor collapsed, and many people were locked on the second floor. There are many rooms on both sides of the corridor, some with their doors closed, and some with the door panels gone. Marven Ye glanced at the corner of his eyes as he passed by, and just happened to see a few ragged black people squatting against the wall with their heads up, with the same temperament and expression. The soldiers who pushed them in were completely different, but they could still see some bandit.

It must be a prisoner of war captured on the battlefield just now.

The soldiers pushed them into an empty room and left. This room had a door. Yulia stood by the door, peeking out through a large broken hole in the door. After a while, he came back and said, "There is a Soldiers with guns, they are not afraid of people escaping, and when the gun is fired, everyone around them will be obedient."

Jima calmed down a lot at this time, she tied her messy long hair again, and found a wall to lean against and sit down to rest.

"They said they would send us to Kurtu." She looked at the others and said, "Can I trust them?"

"I'll try my best to convince them." Yuria could only say that.

"But he only talked about you!" Tim cried. "What about the rest of us? I… I don't even have a press pass, and they sure don't believe I'm a reporter… what to do…"

Yulia: "Be quiet."

Tim: "I'm scared! Can't be quiet! I want to go home... ugh!"

His outburst was snapped back by Yulia, who pressed him against the wall and said fiercely, "If you still want to live, you'd better learn to shut up from now on."

Tim stomped his feet hard, his hands desperately grabbing the palms of his neck.

Jima: "Yureya! Let him go!"

Uriah released Tim and punched the wall irritably. He walked around the room against the wall twice, then stood at the window and turned his head out to observe carefully.

The windows in this ruin are all incomplete, and the glass above has long since disappeared, leaving only the black square opening, with the surrounding walls blackened by gunfire, the bullet casings and blood on the floor, it looks like shocking.

Marven Ye played with the pen in his hand and stood beside Yulaiya and looked out.

Yulaiya glanced at him: "What did you find?"

The room where they were imprisoned was on the second floor. At this time, a team of soldiers passed by downstairs, dragging several corpses in their hands that were found from nowhere.

"These anti-government troops are occupying the stronghold." He glanced at the red cloth strips tied to his arms, and whispered: "This is very close to the city of Seral, which is an important stronghold of the government army. One, I guess... there's going to be a war there soon."

Seral was the city Tim originally went to, and the senior he mentioned was working there, a professional war correspondent with a press card.

Yulia is also watching the group of people: "I'm worried that the rebels will take us to Serra to fight."

"Jima is a doctor and can save her life at a critical moment. This possibility is not small." Marven Ye put the pen in his pocket and said casually: "But on the contrary, they will try their best to protect her."

Yulaiya cast a scrutiny glance: "You don't seem to be nervous at all."

Marven Ye: "No, I just don't like to show nervousness."

Yulaiya: "Like the little brat behind us?" He squinted at the figure shrunk in the corner, and mocked: "With this psychological quality, I still want to go to be a war correspondent, sigh."

Marven Ye sighed: "It's just the normal reaction of ordinary people."

It didn't take long for someone to come in and ask Jima to go out for a visit. Knowing that she wanted her to see a doctor, Yuleia still dutifully asked her "employer who wants to accompany her".

"She will relax a little when someone she knows is with her." He plausibly said, "You don't want the doctor you find to be too nervous. Leave gauze and the like in the wound."

Naturally, his request was denied.

Watching Jima leave, Yulaiya hooked the door frame with both hands and did a pull-up.

Marven Ye sat cross-legged on the ground watching him exercise.

He looked very calm, but in fact he had been a little restless.

The "Jerry" Gein had seen before, although he couldn't see his face clearly, his tone of voice and general physical features were very similar to Xing Yuan's.

Coupled with the tags "Asian" and "Recently joined", Marven Ye was more sure of his guesses.

As for the name "Jerry"...

Back in Kane Town, he once jokingly called himself "Tom Sirius", and changed his name to "Jerry Sirius" for Xing Yuan.

"We must find an opportunity to approach him to test." He said silently in his heart.

For a while after that, Marven Ye was thinking about how to act. Yulaiya, he and Tim didn't say anything, and only observed the outside through the doors and windows from time to time, paying attention to the movements of the people around him, and it seemed that he was quite vigilant.

Tim was a lot worse. The child was so frightened by the bullets and the dead that he was hugging his knees and huddled in the corner. After a while, he fell asleep exhausted.

Marven Ye looked at him and sighed.

If he doesn't have superpowers, his mental quality is probably no different from Tim's.

However, if it wasn't for Xing Yuan, he wouldn't have run into the war zone with nothing to spare, so there's no comparison.

When the sun went down, a soldier came over and brought them two large bowls, saying it was dinner.

Marven Ye leaned over to take a look, and found that one of the bowls was not very clear water, and the other was a thick paste, which must be the "dinner" in the mouth of the soldiers.

"This... something." He touched the bowl with his hand, and found that it was warm, and the contents in the bowl looked and smelled rather strange and daunting.

Yulaiya came over to take a look: "Oh, you can't eat dead people."

"..." Marven Ye watched him calmly grab a handful with his hand and stuff it into his mouth, and let it go to the side without a trace: "Your requirements are really low."

"What right does a prisoner have to be picky?" Yulaiya took the bowl of water and took a sip, his expression was not very good: "It's not fresh water, it tastes really fishy." He put the bowl down and said casually: "You guys Have you been vaccinated against diseases before coming here?"

Marven Ye nodded: "I heard that cholera and malaria are prevalent here."

Yulaiya said, "If you don't take precautions, this bowl of water will probably kill you."

Marven Ye: "With all due respect, even with precautions, that bowl of goo can kill me."

Yulia shrugged: "It's good to have some food."

It was not until night fell and all the light in the room disappeared that Jima was brought back by two soldiers.

An oil lamp was also brought into the room.

"That rebel leader named Jerry ordered it to be delivered to us." Jima didn't seem to be too frightened, her face was not as pale as before, and she spoke more naturally: "I gave those soldiers Treating the wound, they were a lot more polite to me."

Marven Ye looked at the oil lamp on the ground and asked, "Did you see that Jerry?"

"Yes." Jima said briskly: "He was also injured, so I took a look at him and re-dressed him. Well... I have to say... He is very manly and handsome... "

Marven Ye & Yulaiya: "… "

"Jima, I suddenly feel that you probably don't need bodyguards very much." Yulia wiped her face and said speechlessly, "Girl, don't tell me that you and a soldier from the anti-government army are looking right in the eye."

Marven Ye asked, "Have you seen the injury on his body, where is the injury?"

Ji Ma ignored her bodyguard's ridicule, and turned her head to answer the young man's question: "There are quite a lot of injuries, including gunshot wounds, knife wounds, and burns on the back. Alas, it's not easy for them."

"What kind of burn." Marven Ye leaned forward unconsciously: "Also, does he have the same wound on his left shoulder?"

"Is there..." Jima hesitated. "Tom, why are you asking this? Why do I think you... Do you know that man?"

Marven Ye got a positive answer, and he felt more and more that the person was Xing Yuan. While he was secretly excited in his heart, he said to the girl, "Jima, I don't know, I haven't seen his face."

Jima sat down beside him. She looked at the closed door. From the small hole in the door panel, you could see the light of the oil lamp outside. There were rebels patrolling in the corridor.

When the footsteps of the soldiers got farther and farther, she said, "When I saw him, he wore glasses, and then when I wasn't so nervous, I looked at his appearance. Well, he's very handsome, The eyes...seem to be blue. But it was too late and the light in the room was so dark that I didn't dare to look closely."

As she said that, she covered her face and muttered to herself, "Oh, it's so cold, I didn't say a word, it's such a pity."

Marven Ye's heart was pounding: "You see clearly, are they really blue eyes?"

"Uh, I didn't see it clearly, it seems so." Ji Ma covered her face and said, "I don't dare to look for too long, just staring at his eyes... He will misunderstand me!"

Marven Ye leaned his back against the wall and exhaled slowly.

He raised his right hand to cover his eyes, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.


"Huh?" Jima looked at him suspiciously: "Tom, are you laughing?"

Marven Ye ignored it, but said, "Next time you go to see him, please... be sure to bring me."

The author has something to say: Tom and Jerry = cat and mouse. Ye Xiaoshou always felt that he was better than Xing Yuan, so he wanted to be Tom.


#####Jima's maiden heart is rippling #####

Jima: "Ah, looking at this situation, I should be the heroine of this drama, going deep into the rebels, and having a love story with the rebel leader to promote world peace~"

Marven Ye: "Sister, do you still remember that you came to treat people?"

Jima: "Yes, cure the handsome rebel leader, and then let him discover my beauty, and let's elope to the moon together..."

Marven Ye: "...Look at the little romance a little less, and you can still keep your last IQ."