100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 60: Mario Lord and his new home


Marven Ye's attention was instantly pulled back: "If you're talking about the mushroom-topping plumber..."

"That's right." Xing Yuan paused and corrected him: "It's not a plumber, his name is Mario Rhodes."

Marven Ye spread his hands: "Whatever."

"This person also has friendship with the Ysera army. I heard that this doctor is coming to South Sudan. The plane the day after tomorrow, the group of high-level executives are discussing how to receive each other grandly." Xing Yuansu said: "It seems that the two sides The relationship is excellent, Mullen's troops are ready to go, and he has no complaints when he is abruptly stopped, and he even wants to pick up Mario in person."

Marven Ye and him looked at each other: "The Ysera Armed Forces... Know the SP Lab?"

"I don't know, but the two sides must have cooperated with each other in some aspects. I think they are so cautious about his visit. Nine times out of ten, they know something." Xing Yuan frowned: "Last time there was so much trouble in the UK. Big, I wonder if this doctor suspects that it was done by a superpower."

He said: "Because of this incident, all of Ysera's elite will rush to the nearest stronghold to the airport this afternoon. During this period, the area under Ysera's control will be under full martial law, and I am afraid that my plan to leave quietly will be hindered. "

Marven Ye's thoughts were confused. He wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Mario and learn about the power user, but because of Adonis' experience, he was full of fear and vigilance against the doctor.

"If, I use my ability to help us escape..." He asked the person sitting on the sofa opposite.

Xing Yuan: "On the eve of Mario's upcoming arrival, it may not be sensible to do so."

Marven Ye hesitated: "Will he find me?"

Xing Yuan looked at him: "It's the dry season now, and South Sudan is not like the United Kingdom, which is rainy and rainy all the year round. You are very likely to be exposed."

Immediately afterwards, he considered again: "There is one more thing, Mullen suggested that I follow him to pick up the plane."

Marven Ye raised his eyebrows: "Is this trying to... promote you?"

"Ysera knows that I am the rich man who has been declared dead. Maren asked me to join his fifth elite. First, I am good at it, and second..." Xing Yuan said indifferently: "They want to absorb me, and then let me I'm on the stage at the right time."

"If I take my property back in one fell swoop, Ysera will receive a considerable amount of military spending, and as my saviours, they can also refresh their image in the international community, promote themselves, and attract more young people. join them."

"However, as far as you are concerned, Ma Lun's proposal is meaningless." Marven Ye disagreed: "The plumber has an affair with the Brotherhood, and he may know that you are wanted. You are too recognizable. Once the plumber recognizes you, we can't guarantee that he will tip off."

Xing Yuan smiled: "The relationship between the plumber and the Brotherhood may not be as good as you think."

Immediately afterwards, he said: "I think it should be necessary to observe this person nearby if you can't leave for a while."

Marven Ye snorted: "It's too dangerous."

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will be in danger in a hundred battles." Xing Yuan looked at him: "You are a superhuman. He catches supernatural powers for research. Sooner or later, you will meet each other. Now that you can see the opponent's situation clearly, you will not be blinded in the future."

Stared at by sapphire-like eyes, Marven Ye coughed lightly, turned his head and said, "That's my business, you don't need to..."

Xing Yuan smiled: "You can be it, I want to do it myself."

On March 29, at 3:30 in the afternoon, the special plane carrying Mario Rhodes arrived at the airport.

Xing Yuan and Ma Lun had already entered the apron through the special passage arranged by the airport staff. The sun was hot in the afternoon. Both of them wore sunglasses and walked slowly after the plane stopped.

"Ma Lun, what happened to the people behind the gate of Exit D? They have been looking this way since just now." Xing Yuan's blue eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses. His tone was cold and indifferent. Sera's anti-government uniform, when he turned his head to look at Exit D, several small men hiding there immediately hid behind the door.

Mullen patted him: "It's okay, they are all from other armed forces. I heard that Dr. Mario is coming and came over to have a look. It is probably the same as our purpose."

Xing Yuan: "You only dare to hide behind the wall and watch?"

Mullen smiled: "If you can't beat us, of course you can only hide and watch."

Xing Yuan was noncommittal. At this time, the door of the plane was opened, and several crew members came down one after another.

Three minutes later, a middle-aged man in a white coat was surrounded by several people and walked down.

He is not tall, his hair almost touches his shoulders, and he has a huge hooked nose, with heavy square-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Through the thick lenses, he can vaguely see the small, narrow eyes behind him.

Walking in, you can see that this person should be quite old. Most of the brown hair is white, and he looks like he has two hair colors. The wrinkles on his face are also very obvious, and there is unshaved beard on his chin.

Xing Yuan immediately confirmed in his heart that this person should be Mario Rhodes.

Mullen, who was beside him, stepped forward first, bowed his head and said respectfully to the man, "Dr. Mario, welcome to South Sudan."

However, the white coat didn't seem to have much energy, so he just glanced at him casually, and said casually, "Ysera's?"

Mullen didn't feel humiliated at all, and answered meticulously, "Yes, Doctor."

"Well... who is your leader..." Mario thought for a moment. "Oh, Monroe. Where's Monroe?"

Mullen: "The chief is still a guest at the Secretary of Defense's house, so he couldn't come over, so I specifically asked me to tell you his apologies."

Mario waved his hand indifferently: "Understood, let's go. I'm going back after talking about business, my little babies can't be without me for too long."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the seven or eight men and women who were following him: "These are my assistants, you can also arrange it." Then he pointed to the boy closest to him: "This one has to follow me all the time, no need to be with me. together."

"Of course, you must be satisfied."

Mullen turned sideways and made a "please" gesture: "Doctor, please come this way."

Xing Yuan was standing behind him, and Malun's sturdy body covered half of him. Mario's vision was erratic, and he didn't notice him. His assistants were all carrying suitcases, and they were also superior. It looks like, not looking away, followed Mario into the special passage of the airport.

Ma Lun gave Xing Yuan a wink and signaled him to behave well. Xing Yuan thought about it, and simply drove the driver away while everyone was putting their luggage in the parking lot.

Then he sat in the cab of the armored car by himself, and when Mario and Mullen came up, he said in a deep voice, "Everyone, please fasten your seat belts."

Mullen had just sat down in the co-pilot, and when he turned his head and saw it was him, he was immediately startled.

"Jerry, what are you doing?" He looked at the cars behind him: "Where's the driver?"

Xing Yuan: "I asked him to rest in the back car."

Mullen: "Oh, well, it doesn't matter. Let's go."

Xing Yuan glanced at Mario in the back row along the rearview mirror, and the little boy sitting next to him, nodded, turned the key to start the car, and drove out slowly.

Along the way, he was quietly observing the Doctor of Science.

Mario Rhodes didn't speak much, and his attitude was indifferent. He often had to bury his head in his mobile phone, and his long hair hung down to block most of his face. His hair was greasy like kelp, and he looked extremely sloppy.

He seemed to be experimenting a moment before getting on the plane, so that he didn't even take off his work clothes, and ran to South Sudan in a white coat, and he didn't think it was very rude to wear it.

A slovenly, self-centered, and extremely egotistical person.

A cold gaze met him in the rearview mirror, and the little boy sitting next to the doctor looked at him coldly, but didn't say a word.

He looked about ten years old, wearing very ordinary long-sleeved trousers, his blond hair reflected a circle of light in the sun, and his facial features were perfect like a carved artwork.

But there was no expression on that delicate face, he and Xing Yuan looked at each other with cold and dead eyes.

Xing Yuan retracted his gaze, stopped looking at him, and concentrated on driving.

They went to a Ysera station near the South Sudan airport.

Just yesterday, most of the backbone of the anti-government armed forces came from all over and gathered here. Gein wanted to welcome this doctor of science from afar. Only the leader, Monroe, held a secret meeting elsewhere in order to win over the Minister of Defense. .

There are no ordinary civilians in this station. Two-thirds of the city's population are Ysera soldiers. Some of the rest are family members of soldiers, and some are foreigners who are temporarily recruited. They are still under observation. Only operate in the safe area on the perimeter of the station.

Marven Ye, as the "soldier's concubine", was arranged to live in the edge of the station. There was only a dome thatched hut with a few wooden boards on the ground. On the boards were messy sheets, and there was nothing else.

When he was brought here by the soldiers, Marven Ye looked inside and out several times, and found that there was no lighting equipment in the house, and it was only a little better than sleeping on the street.

This is the house allocated to him by the anti-government army, but it does not mean that Xing Yuan is also given this virtue.

Marven Ye stayed in the room for less than five seconds, then came out and said to the soldier, "Excuse me, can you take me to where Jerry lives?"

Soldier: "No, no unrelated personnel are allowed to enter there."

Marven Ye: "I'm not, I'm Jerry's family."

Soldier: "My concubine won't let you in."

"..." Marven Ye: "What a concubine, it's too ugly, we are true love!"

The soldier looked at him, presumably thinking that whether it was "concubine" or "true love", it was very unusual to choose such a man with a pockmarked face.

He was shocked by the phrase "true love", so he simply asked the communications soldier to report it to his superiors. Ma Lun and Xing Yuan were on their way there. He laughed and he was right.

So, when Marven Ye was taken into the luxurious three-storey villa that Ysera had provided for Xing Yuan, and after rolling around comfortably on the bed in the guest room, he suddenly remembered that he could actually say that he was Xing Yuan's brother, for the sake of What does it have to be "true love"

Marven Ye: "..." I guess he was pissed off by that dome hut.

This city is smaller than the stronghold he stayed in a few days ago, but militarized facilities can be seen everywhere. There are no shops or idlers on the streets. It is more of a team of soldiers patrolling, more like a military fortress than a general sense. town.

He can no longer wander the streets at any time like he did before, and he can no longer sit in a roadside tea shop to collect information. He can only stay in a closely monitored house and temporarily be a rice bug raised by Xing Yuan.

"Well, if it weren't for the fact that there are no computers or mobile phones here, and the only TV is to watch Ysera's promotional videos, I think it would be good to be a rice bug." He lay on the bed, rolling the eyes of the dead fish. think.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door panel outside the door.

Marven Ye walked over cautiously, and the person outside said, "Mr. Tom, please open the door."

"What's up?"

"I'm Lord Mullen's personal guard." The man said, "On the order of the Lord, come here to send some gifts."

There is no cat's eye on this door, Marven Ye hesitated whether to open the door or not, he put his hand on the doorknob: "Where's Jerry?"

"We're welcoming the distinguished guests with your lords. Open the door, Mr. Tom."

Marven Ye said slowly and opened the door a crack.

It turned out to be a black man in uniform.

Seeing that the door was finally opened, he pushed the door open again impatiently: "I'm just sending something, I'm leaving right away, I'll scare you."

Marven Ye held a flash of lightning in his hand and was hesitating whether to give him a shot.

Then he saw the "gift" this man brought.

Marven Ye: "You guys here... it's popular to send people alive?"

The soldier pointed to the three men and three women who walked into the living room: "This is given to Jerry by Lord Mullen. It's okay to be a servant. It's better to accompany the bed. Let Jerry change his taste, and then change his style. Soldiers in war zones benefit."

Of the three men and three women who came in, only one was a local, and several of the others were Caucasians, including Asians, and they all looked pretty good.

Marven Ye: "… "

He said with difficulty: "But... it's too much..."

The soldier laughed: "Jerry can do it! Only six people, no problem!"

The lightning in his hand swelled in a circle, Marven Ye rubbed the thunder back and forth, and finally closed the door fiercely, and then gave him a stroke while the black man turned to leave.

The soldier knelt on the ground with an ahh, and after a long time he got up and left inexplicably.

Marven Ye: "Humph."

He turned his head and looked at the six people sitting in the living room, adjusted his breathing, and laughed: "How are you guys?"

The six looked at each other, and a blond man stood up: "We are here to serve Lord Jerry."

Marven Ye looked at him: "European? American?"

"Swiss." The man smiled friendly: "My name is Clarence, these two are Edward and Yu, and the three ladies across from them - Renee, Lucy, and Lily."

Marven Ye's gaze swept across them one by one, and finally stopped on the obviously oriental face.

The young man stood up with no expression on his face, and said to him, "Yuwei, Chinese."

Marven Ye snorted and pointed to himself: "Tom."

The author has something to say:

#####Jerry is very strong ♂######

Soldier: "Jerry is strong, six is fine!"

Marven Ye: "How do you know?"

Soldier: "Last time he knocked over a dozen of us!"

Marven Ye: "Wood grass?!!"

Xing Yuan: "...It's obviously a normal fight, why are you so dirty after you say it?"