100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 63: Rescue from Kurtu


Not long after returning to the living room, Edward came over with the game console.

"Hi, Tom." He said shyly, "Can I play games with you?"

Marven Ye looked at the baby-faced brunette boy, and raised a smile: "Of course, what do you want to play?"

"It's not a new game, it's an old game from three or four years ago, but I like it very much." Edward turned on the machine awkwardly and handed him the other handle: "Tom, you're amazing, when you're with Jerry, a little Don't be afraid of him."

Lucy floated over at this time and brought them two glasses of juice.

After Marven Ye thanked him, he replied vaguely to Edward: "Actually, I was also quite scared. You can see that I seemed calm at that time, but I was actually frightened."

Edward: "Really, really?"

Marven Ye imitated his words: "Yes, of course."

"..." Edward covered his face: "Hate, Tom, don't imitate me, I'm just too nervous."

The two started playing games.

Halfway through, Lucy sat down with another face mask on to chat with the two, Yuwei took a rag to clean up, and Clarence went out with a bag after breakfast, apparently going to a nearby market to buy ingredients.

Marven Ye calmly chatted with all the men and women who approached him, his eyes slid over each of them, looking for the other's flaws and doubts.

Who is the spy undercover in the house

If you say who is the least like, the first thing Marven Ye thinks of is Renee. That girl doesn't know how to hide her edge at all, so she is jealous, she looks like a big-chested and brainless character.

But among the remaining few people, Clarence is gradually taking control of the internal affairs of the new house. Edward seems to be shy and introverted, but he can always perceive a sense of disobedience. Although Yu Wei is Chinese, but seeing his fellow villagers, he does not see any closeness.

Lucy knows how to advance and retreat, but Xing Yuan said yesterday that she should be very good at her legs. If this woman gives a roundabout kick, I am afraid that most men will avoid her edge. And Lily, she cherishes her face very much, with a soft personality, other than that, he hasn't seen anything else for a while.

This analysis, it seems that these people have problems.

Talking to them, Marven Ye scolded the side, and learned that some of these people were ignorant teenagers who were attracted by Ysera and came from thousands of miles to join, and some were foreign tourists who were kidnapped. Almost, only because Jima was a field doctor, so she received special treatment from these soldiers.

They are either content with the status quo, or they are already used to this kind of life. Anyway, since they moved into this house yesterday, they seem to have adapted very well.

Marven Ye had a headache, he hated this turbulent atmosphere, and he needed to find all the clues to prove that he was surrounded by bad people.

In fact, as long as he is vigilant to everyone, no matter who is behind the evil intentions, the soldiers will block the water and the soil, can he still beat them

After playing two games with Edward, he handed the gamepad to Lily, who was excited, and went to the bathroom by himself.

The man in the mirror has sallow skin, but his facial features are actually pretty good, but his eyebrows are not well-shaped, his nose is a little slumped, his lips are dark and purple, and there are fine lines at the corners of his eyes. Big and small pockmarks were scattered all over his face, destroying the little handsomeness that was left, and it also made people feel a little bit of psychological disgust when they saw this face.

Marven Ye looked at his face and couldn't help murmured: "With such an ugly face, how could that guy Xing Yuan kiss him..."

Also fascinated.

In addition to disgusting his disguised face on a daily basis, he also has an imminent problem that needs to be solved urgently.

This makeup will last for a week at most, and it will gradually fade after that. At this time, he leaned in to look at his profile, and the pockmarks were much lighter than a few days ago.

I believe that within a day and a half, the pockmarks will begin to disappear, his yellow skin will become whiter and whiter, the wrinkles around the corners of his eyes will subside, the color of his lips will become more rosy, and the shape of his eyebrows and nose will return to normal.

He will turn into a handsome man who is completely different from what he is now.

He rubbed it on the relatively concealed neck, and there was indeed a light yellow on the fingertips, which was the special paint he smeared on himself.

Marven Ye frowned, thinking of a remedy quickly in his mind.

As soon as he had an idea, there was a light knock on the door behind him.

"There's someone inside." He shouted casually, the voice didn't stop, Marven Ye got a little impatient, ruffled his hair and turned to open the door.

Yuwei is outside.

Marven Ye looked at him in surprise: "Yuwei?"

The latter was turning his head to look in the direction of the living room. Seeing that he opened the door, he didn't speak. He directly grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and pushed the person inward with force, and at the same time, he also got in.

Marven Ye was immediately vigilant, he held the hand on his shoulder, his body quickly rotated, grabbed the opponent's thumb and was ready to throw him over the shoulder!

Yu Wei's reaction was very fast, almost at the same time, he kicked one leg on the wall, followed Marven Ye's strength and turned halfway in the air, when he landed, his arm shook to release the opponent's attack, and then he continued to press He sticks it to the wall.

His skills were surprisingly good, and in the small bathroom, he and Marven Ye went back and forth quickly with a few tricks, and not a single thing was knocked over, but the latter's physical skills were really poor, and he was at a disadvantage in an instant.

Marven Ye was pressed against the wall again by him, he struggled twice, shook off the opponent, reached into his arms, pulled out an object and pressed it against Yu Wei's grasped palm at will, using this to electrocute him.

The other party was really hit, staggered and took a step back, and then fell to the ground.

Yu Wei finally said, "Electricity... is it electricity..."

Marven Ye showed the pen: "Electric baton."

Yu shook his head slightly, and the corner of his mouth lifted a slight arc.

"Who are you and why are you attacking me?" Marven Ye took a step forward, squatted in front of him, raised his chin with a pen and looked left and right: "What is your purpose for approaching us?"

Yu Wei tried to move her body, and found that she was too numb, so she stopped struggling and only sighed: "It's a test."

Then he lowered his voice and said, "Mage, I am from the Kurtu camp. I was instructed by my superiors to find you and Xing Yuan in the Ysera ruled area with my comrades."

Marven Ye: "… "

Marven Ye: "!!!"

"Mage and Xing Yuan... and Kurtu..." He opened his mouth wide: "You wouldn't be..."

Yu Wei leaned against the wall beside the washstand with difficulty. He struggled to raise his hand to his temples and gave a stiff military salute.

"Kurtu camp, Chinese peacekeeping force, scout Yuwei. Friendly in war."

Then he smiled slightly: "Because of the confidential mission, I didn't bring the certificate with me, sorry."

Marven Ye conditioned reflex followed and saluted: "Marven Ye, a member of the anti-terrorist operation team of the Special Affairs Department, codenamed Mage, is a friendly fighter!" After realizing that the voice was too loud, he lowered the volume and said, "How did you know we were here?"

"You used to send messages to the special affairs department every day, and there was no news after the 18th. The special affairs department specially contacted the peacekeeping force in South Sudan for this reason." Yuwei explained to him: "Because you have reported your itinerary before. , We learned from the intelligence that there were two tribes fighting there for unknown reasons. The scouts went there to check, and there were traces of tanks and armored vehicles running over, and the small tribes did not have such equipment. "

Marven Ye continued his words: "After contacting that again, the Ysera rebels suddenly attacked the city of Sierra. You suspect that Ysera's troops happened to pass there and surrendered these two small organizations? Well... Also caught us by the way."

Yu Wei nodded: "We have looked for those two tribes, but we haven't found you. So, this is the most likely."

"For this reason, the commander sent a team of scouts. We were scattered in several strongholds in Ysera, thinking that if we couldn't find anyone, we might be able to find out some news about you. My comrades and I are in charge of this Colham. Zhen, I didn't hold out much hope before, but I didn't expect to bump into you."

Marven Ye didn't know what to say for a while, he opened his mouth, and finally just slowly raised his hand to salute, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Yu smiled: "You're welcome, family, help if you can."

The two have confirmed their identities.

Before going out, Marven Ye couldn't hold back and asked him, "I've painted like this, how did you recognize me?"

"I didn't recognize you at first, but Xing Yuan is very recognizable. His face and blue eyes are just a sign that he can walk." Yu Wei said: "In this kind of place, you are close to him, and you are Chinese. In addition, I just tested you, and sure enough, you will still use electricity if your kung fu is not good."

Marven Ye: "..." Gong... Kung Fu is not good...

"Of course, it's not because you didn't cover up well, it's mainly because we understood and analyzed your situation before we came." He was afraid that Marven Ye would be embarrassed, so he patiently said: "Although you know how to disguise, we are also good at seeing through. Disguise, some people's facial features feel inconsistent, if it's not plastic surgery, then it must be a disguise." After speaking, he added: "And... your face makeup is very light."

Marven Ye touched his nose: "It's been too long, and the makeup is almost gone. Besides, the tools are in the hotel, so I didn't dare to bring them with me."

Yu Wei was embarrassed: "I made some facial adjustments when I came, but I didn't bring those... Well, there is an eyebrow pencil, otherwise you can make do with it..."

Before he could finish speaking, the door was knocked again from outside.

"Tom, are you okay? I want to go to the toilet..."

It's Edward.

Marven Ye cleared his throat: "I... I'm constipated! You can go to the second floor if you can't wait."

Edward: "… oh, well."

After they left, Marven Ye and Yu Wei exchanged a look.

Yu Wei mouthed: He was an insider. I'll find a chance to go to your room tonight.

Marven Ye: "?!" Wait, the insider turned out to be Edward? ?

After a while, Yu Wei made sure that no one was outside, and then explained: "He is a special talent given to Mullen by Monroe. This kind of appearance can easily lower people's vigilance, and it is easy to penetrate the interior of the place."

Marven Ye: "...No wonder I always feel a sense of disobedience."

He still wanted to ask the remaining few, but the two did spend a bit of time in the toilet, thinking that it would be better to ask them together at night, Marven Ye opened the toilet door, looked left and right, and found that there was no one in the corridor , which made Yu Wei come out quickly.

After the two came out, it seemed as if nothing had happened, one went to the left to the living room, the other picked up the broom hidden in the corner, and began to continue cleaning in silence.

Marven Ye slowly paced absentmindedly in the corridor. The corridor was not long, and when he reached the end, he turned right to enter the living room, and when he turned left, there was a glass door that connected to the wide small courtyard outside.

He walked to the end and was about to turn right when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a dark figure standing on his left from the corner of his eye.

This discovery made his hair stand up in an instant!

Marven Ye turned around in horror, and Edward's figure was immediately reflected in his sight.

"You..." He almost stuttered, and managed to suppress his heartbeat, and asked with a little calmness on his face: "Edward, what are you doing here?"

Edward looked at him and said timidly: "I want to go to the yard to have a look, but... just myself... "

Marven Ye didn't know if he and Yuwei came out of the bathroom just now, whether this guy saw it, but Yuwei said that Edward was an insider, which had to make him vigilant.

He patiently said to Edward: "It's hot right now, and the sun is so big, it's definitely peeling when you go out. Let's go back and continue playing games."

Edward dared not refuse: "Ah, good, good!"

Marven Ye saw him walking past the glass door, and suddenly said, "Edward."


"Have you finished using the toilet?"

Edward turned his head to look at him: "Well, I've been there."

Since then, he has been observing secretly, Edward is like every introverted boy in his early twenties, and sometimes Marven Ye feels that he is like a simple little white flower.

But this does not exist in war zones.

While Edward ran to chat with Clarence, Marven Ye turned to ask Lily, "Beauty, did you see Edward go upstairs just now?"

The spiral staircase leading to the second floor is close to the wall on the right side of the living room. If you have to go upstairs, Lily shakes her head holding a bottle of milk: "No, handsome Tom."

Marven Ye thoughtful and smiled: "Thank you very much, Lily."


Because of the arrival of Mario Rhodes, most of Ysera's elite came to Colham Town and gathered in a five-story military building in the center of the town.

These people were asked not to carry firearms or other weapons. At this time, each of them took a folding chair and sat under the stage to listen to the doctor's speech.

Of course, most of his remarks were too professional, and few people understood what the half-old man was talking about.

Xing Yuan was mixed in and listened very carefully.

He needed to know what the raunchy doctor came to South Sudan to do.

Mario finally stopped, he motioned his assistant to come on stage, and said: "I brought some finished products this time, I think that although you have seen the experimental video and some text materials from the laboratory, you probably haven't really seen it. over this thing."

Here comes the main event.

Everyone subconsciously straightened their backs, and there was a sound of moving the legs of the stool in the lobby. Xing Yuan's eyes flashed behind the mirror, looking at the female assistant who came to the stage.

The author has something to say: #####The eyes of the masses are sharp #####

Yuwei: "Call the headquarters, I have found the missing mage couple, finished."

Headquarters: "???" Couple

Yuwei: "Correct, husband, it's over."

Headquarters: "… "