100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 65: Not so smooth progress of the experiment


Mario waved at her outside, and the female assistant quickly packed up and exited the laboratory with the box.

"Start monitoring the experimental data." Mario said: "Tell the group of black people outside that no matter what happens here, you can't break into these laboratories without authorization."

A male assistant bent down slightly: "Yes, Doctor."

When the assistant passed the door, he looked sideways at the four soldiers holding guns guarding the door: "Look here, don't let anyone interfere with the research of the doctor."

The tall soldier on the right lowered his head and replied, "Understood, please rest assured."

After three minutes, the blacks in the lab began to have obvious reactions.

"The heart rate is too fast, the blood flow is doubled...twice..."

"The guts are showing signs of failure, oh, they're starting to repair themselves."

"The cells were functioning well and there was no abnormal response."

"The brain wave band is normal, and there is no abnormal reaction in the brain."

Mario: "Proceed to the second stage of surgery."

"Yes, Doctor."

Someone pushed in the door, came to Mario, bent down and said something in a low voice.

Mario stared at the glass wall without blinking, and waited until the other party said it for the third time before replying, "No, I have already decided."

Male assistant: "But... the other party is Ysera's leader after all..."

Mario frowned: "Okay, let him come over."

The male assistant left in a hurry.

Xing Yuan sat at the door and couldn't really hear the conversations of these people, but he could see everyone's movements. He sat up slightly, and through the glass wall he could see the test subject No. 1 covered with wires in the opposite laboratory.

The third man beside him trembled, Xing Yuan knew that this guy was not afraid, he was just too excited.

It was at this time that a certain instrument on the long table suddenly sounded a "beep beep" alarm.

"Visceral failure, unable to repair itself!"

"No. 1 shows signs of struggle and is ready for micro-shock treatment."

"Brain waves are abnormal, the subject's thinking is confused, it is recommended to terminate..."

Mario walked over quickly and looked down at the display: "Start the third stage."

The assistant looked up at him and finally nodded: "Yes, Doctor."

The experiment didn't stop there.

When Monroe arrived, Experiment No. 1 had already begun to struggle vigorously on the bed.

His limbs were bound, his muscles were bulging, and the blue veins throbbed with the flesh. He roared loudly, leaned back, and began to repeat the action of hitting the bed with the back of his head.

The howl was still deafening through a layer of super glass. Monroe paused at his feet, and finally walked to Mario calmly. After the series of roars fell, he whispered: "Dr. Mario, no I'm so sorry to be here to greet you at the first time."

Mario: "Oh, nothing, I don't really care."

Monroe: "I heard you've picked four people."

The experimental subject on the opposite side struggled even more, his muscles became bigger and bigger, and the restraint belt was almost broken, Mario couldn't help frowning: "I'll be honest, the experimental equipment here is really disappointing to me. "

Monroe saw it too, sighed and said, "Our country's national conditions are like this, and these are already quite good equipment."

After finishing speaking, he added: "I hope the doctor will carefully consider the candidates for the experiment. After all, not everyone has tenacity and strong physique. The medicine of the doctor is very precious, and I really don't want it to be used on the wrong person. ."

Xing Yuan clearly felt that a line of sight fell on him, he lowered his eyes, and there was no expression on his face.

"The physical fitness of Asians is not good, and the risk of ordinary soldiers is also very high. I hope that the second and fourth experimental bodies can be undertaken by other elite captains." Monroe said: "After all, those people are my cronies."

Mario: "Hehe."

In the laboratory, Subject No. 1 finally broke free from the restraint belt. The whites of his eyes were completely rolled out, and the blood vessels on his head burst from somewhere, and blood flowed all over the place, but he didn't feel it at all.

This tall black man is even stronger now, his muscles are bulging high, his height has suddenly increased by more than 30 centimeters, and he looks like a transformed mad giant, he keeps hammering with his fists in the laboratory. After smashing the object, he ran to smash the three walls of the room. When he saw the people behind the glass wall, he began to smash that hard super glass with all his might.

The observation room shook twice with his fist, and the glass buzzed, but it was not smashed at all. No. 1 thumped a few more punches in anger, and then began to destroy other things.

Monroe choked back when he was eager to speak. He even forgot what he wanted to say. For a while, he felt distressed about the equipment inside, and was shocked by the appearance of his subordinates.


"Failure." Mario murmured: "This guy didn't even make it through the second stage, it's really... rubbish..."

Monroe took a few steps forward and stared at the other side of the glass: "Dr. Mario, didn't you say this is a finished product? Why does this still happen?!"

"Doesn't any medicine have side effects? The side effects of CSW8702 are clearly written in our contract. Don't tell me you didn't notice it." Mario sneered: "Also, I didn't expect that your subordinates would be so careless. use."

He helped his glasses and said to the assistant next to him, "Go and clean him up, and ask the second person to prepare by the way."

Monroe looked at his subordinates who were still in a frenzy in the laboratory, and he couldn't say the words "replace the second and fourth".

"This can't be done." He took out a cigar from his pocket, bit it in his mouth and frowned: "Doctor, I paid a lot of money to buy such a thing from you, and in the end, if all my people become I won't give up with a lunatic like that in there."

Mario didn't answer, he ignored the leader at all.

"Experiment No. 1 has been cleared."

"The lab is cleaned up."

"Experiment number two is in place."

"Preparations are complete."

"The experiment begins."


A group of soldiers walked across the road with guns in hand, Marven Ye lowered his head, and waited for them to walk away before saying, "The interval between soldiers patrolling is about once every three minutes."

Yu Wei kept receiving and sending messages, and said, "Yes, how do you calculate it?"

Marven Ye stepped back, took out an eyebrow pencil from his arms, and began to color his pockmarks by feeling: "Silent calculation."

"I have a bad hunch, what kind of 8702 reagent might make a fool of it." He sat cross-legged next to Yu Wei to touch up his makeup, focusing on two things, and thinking about it, "Do you know their current location?"

Yuwei looked up at his face and expressed her opinion: "It's too much trouble for you to do this. You can directly smear the wall on your face. Black people can't tell the looks of Asians very well, so they can't see the facial features." After speaking, he snorted again: "It is estimated that the villa also found that we were missing, so it is the same whether you wipe it or not."

Marven Ye: "Hey, wipe it off first."

He stretched out his hand to scrape the ashes against the wall, and then wiped it all over his face, while sighing: "I'll change my face as soon as I use my superpowers, so I'll just wear a mask instead. I wipe it all over my face all day."

When he raised his head again, Marven Ye immediately became disgraced, and Yu Wei saw him like this, so she went to make up her own face.

The two were busy smearing themselves, and Yu Wei asked, "Do you want to go directly to save Xing Yuan?"

Marven Ye was a little embarrassed: "I came to South Sudan just because I wanted to save him."

"Think about it clearly, although you have extraordinary superpowers, sometimes you can't beat your four hands with your two fists." Yu Wei frowned: "You are inexperienced in dealing with the enemy, and if you venture into the enemy's base camp, it is very easy to get into trouble. ."

Marven Ye wanted to say, "I can basically solve a lot of problems with a single strike," but he also thought that there was a Mario plumber from the SP Research Institute, and then thought of the hideous scar on Adonis's head, This sentence was automatically swallowed back.

Damn, it's not easy to pretend to be a comrade in arms, and the world is really difficult now.

Yu Wei, who was on the side, didn't notice that he was hesitating to speak, but turned the screen of the communicator over and motioned him to look: "My comrade-in-arms sent me his position coordinates."

Marven Ye leaned over to look.

[Super warriors are real, we must find a way to stop them. If not, I will try my best to collect test data.]

[System reminder: The coordinate positioning has been successfully received.]

A map appeared on the small screen, and Marven Ye had to narrow his eyes to see the small red dots on it.

"Here, there are four streets away from us, and there are about eleven opportunities to encounter patrols along the way. In addition, each street is equipped with three to five surveillance probes." Yu Wei pointed at the dot and said: " On top of that, there must be tight security outside the building, unless someone masquerading as them, we'll be exposed within three minutes."

"About this..." Marven Ye thoughtfully said, "I have some solutions."

"What do you think of a power outage without warning?"


"The fifth stage is completed, and the No. 2 data is normal."

"It is preliminarily confirmed that the operation was successful. Please transfer to the isolation room for follow-up observation. It is forbidden to remove the restraint belt. The isolation time is five hours."

"Experiment No. 3 is ready."

"The experiment begins."

In the operation observation room, the expressions of the white coats were much more relaxed than before.

Because of the success of the second soldier, Monroe no longer had a stinky face. He even walked behind the group of assistants and stood close to the glass wall to observe the experimental subject.

Because there was no anesthesia before the operation, the soldier remained awake the whole time. He seemed to have just come out of the water, his body was covered in sweat, and his facial features were distorted. It seemed that the previous experience was not pleasant.

Several assistants in sterile suits entered the room to transport him away, and the third experiment went in by himself.

This is the captain of the third elite unit. Xing Yuan had met him a few times at Ma Lun before, and he was considered a nodding acquaintance.

He watched the strong man take the initiative to put on the restraint belt and lie on the bed. The previous female assistant held a pulse syringe and quickly injected the medicine into his blood vessels and heart.

The last potion was still thrown in the silver suitcase by Mario's hand, and the lid was never closed, so he showed the test tube to everyone so calmly.

Xing Yuan has no other experimental subjects, but there are still two bodyguards staring at him closely. They may be the only people in this building who are equipped with pistols besides the soldiers guarding the gate outside the door.

How can we solve this crisis and steal the test tube by the way

Maybe he was watching too long, and one of the bodyguards put a gun to his shoulder: "Sir, you'd better not do anything threatening."

Xing Yuan looked at him with a natural expression on his face: "Sorry, I'm too excited."

"I know you, rich man, rank very high on the world's richest list." Mario's voice sounded beside him.

As soon as Xing Yuan turned his head, he saw the poor-looking doctor standing beside him. He seemed to be attracted by the voices of the two. Mario stared at him and smiled: "My other friend is looking for you, But I heard that he has recently revoked the arrest warrant. It's a pity, otherwise I can still give him a favor."

When he mentioned the "Wanted Order", Xing Yuan immediately thought of the Flying Wolf and the Brotherhood, but then he was taken aback.

"Cancel..." Xing Yuan wanted to stand up, but the bodyguard on the side shot him twice with a gun, so he had to sit back and said, "If I heard correctly, it means I don't have to worry about being attacked again in the future. Someone chased?"

"Oh, who knows, I don't care about your business, I only care about my research and debt." Mario shrugged uninterestedly: "My medicine has been tested on Americans, and Europeans have some, too. Now there are even black people. Hey, only the experimental data on Chinese people have not been collected."

As he said that, he got closer again, and the two heavy lenses almost collided with Xing Yuan's handsome face.

Mario excitedly said: "You will be the first Chinese super soldier transformed by the CSW8702 reagent, and among my experimental subjects, with the highest social status-usually such people are usually my employers. Oh, think of it. I'm so excited about this!"

"..." Xing Yuan began to suspect that this guy might be insane.

Monroe, who had been staring at his subordinates, came over at this time: "Dr. Mario, I thought you should stand over there staring at your man to perform surgery, instead of letting go and chatting with an ordinary soldier."

Walking closer, he looked at the two of them and narrowed his eyes: "You know each other?"

Mario didn't seem to see his vigilance, and pointed at Xing Yuan: "Who doesn't know the richest man in the world?"

Xing Yuan said blankly, "A lot of people don't know him."

Monroe also looked at Xing Yuan: "I need to add that he is a former global rich man. My cronies want to support him to make a comeback, but I think it is best for Ysera not to get involved in China's affairs."

What the Ysera leader didn't say is: He originally planned to find an opportunity to get rid of the Chinese rich man after receiving Mario, and then put the matter on the hostile forces or government forces, but Mario's own oolong made him have to do it again. Carefully consider whether to give up a super soldier or bring him back under his command.

Before Monroe could come up with an idea, the observation room suddenly went dark and all the equipment was turned off.

"what happened-"

"Damn, the power went out!"

"The monitoring data of No. 3 is broken! The fourth-stage operation is terminated! The experimental subject is currently... no, it's too dark, I can't see inside..."

"Where's the phone, use the phone—"

"Damn, guards! Hurry up and turn on the emergency power!"

The author has something to say: In fact, it is a perfect warrior serum similar to the American team (⊙▽⊙)


#### Mario's inventions ####

Mario presents his research results to the crowd.

Mario: "Look! This potion can make a person's body swell five times, the skin turns green, and the strength is incomparable!"

Mario: "This! After success, you can spin silk, and it's not a problem to fly over the eaves!"

Mario: "And this! After using it, it will make you as strong as Captain America!"

Everyone: "… "

Xing Yuan: "Do you doctors particularly like watching Marvel superhero movies?"

The assistant raised his chest proudly: "Of course, the Doctor is a loyal fan of the Avengers!"

Xing Yuan: "..." What is there to be proud of? ?