100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 8: The first task arrives


The two of them were chatting when Zhong Lei came back from the outside with a frown. He held the phone in one hand and said a few words to the other side before hanging up and sitting on the sofa against the wall.

When Qin Nianwei saw it, she shouted over there, "Brother Zhong, is there any situation?"

Zhong Lei rubbed his forehead: "Two ticking time bombs were found at the Capital Airport. Our people, the police and the fire brigade dispatched the police together to evacuate the crowd and investigate the suspects. Later, we asked the blasters to defuse the bombs. I happened to be in I wandered around there, and I have been busy with it until now.”

"Ah?" Qin Nianwei and Marven Ye looked at each other, Marven Ye opened the news page on the computer at hand, and it turned out to be an instant news.

[Huaguo Capital Airport was found to contain items suspected of explosive devices in the luggage. The airport has suspended all inbound and outbound flights. There is no specific report of casualties. The police have launched a comprehensive investigation into the matter.]

Marven Ye: "In the luggage?"

Qin Nianwei: "Did it blow up?"

Zhong Lei took out a cigarette from his arms, held it in his mouth without lighting it, and glanced at the two of them: "It's timed, it didn't blow up. It went through the security check in the luggage, and was forcibly passed through the second security check during transportation. Out."

Wait, this amount of information feels very large.

Marven Ye: "Can bombs also pass through security?!"

Qin Nianwei: "When will there be a second security check at the Capital Airport?"

Zhong Lei: "Not from the airport."

"Today, an important person is going to take an international flight, and he hired someone from a security company. The bodyguards did not know how many routes they walked, and they actually sneaked into the staff passage inside the airport, blocking the transportation route and pressing several airport ground staff to the door. On the other hand, I unpacked all the luggage in the two cars and checked it again." Zhong Lei seemed to be speechless, he bit his cigarette and sighed: "It turns out that one of the boxes has something tricky in it, it's a homemade bomb. I don't know how I passed the security check."

"Such a major negligence, the people at the airport security check will be finished." Qin Nianwei opened her mouth wide: "Speaking of who has such a big frame, who dares to let the bodyguard stop the transport car, and dare to open the box to check, I'm afraid it is not a national leader?"

Zhong Lei said casually: "I heard that the first class seat on that flight is either Xing Yuan or his younger brother Xing Yi."

Qin Nianwei couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Marven Ye paid attention to another question: "Didn't you say there were two bombs?"

"Well, two." Zhong Lei leaned on the back of the sofa: "An explosive device was found in the suitcase, and the bodyguard immediately called the police. Later, our people blocked and searched, and found a second one under a passenger plane on the apron. Pieces." After speaking, he snorted coldly: "Double insurance, it seems that I am afraid that he will not be killed by a blow."

Marven Ye: "...Under the passenger plane?"

Zhong Lei shrugged: "I have to observe a moment of silence for airport security and security."

"No." Qin Nianwei held her face and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "It turned out to be the bodyguard hired by Xing Yuan?! What are you doing, the Xing Group is so rich, and he has so many private planes, what kind of civil aviation is he taking!"

Zhong Lei: "Who knows what these rich people are thinking."

"No one was killed in this incident today. More than 100 passengers escaped unscathed. It can be considered that his group of bodyguards forcibly searched and did a good thing." He scoffed: "However, if Xing Yuan or If Xing Yi doesn't take that flight, I don't think there will be any bombs, so I won't comment further."

Marven Ye: "Are you sure it's because of the Xing family that the time bomb appeared?"

Zhong Lei: "Well, it's almost certain."

Marven Ye: "Then..."

"It's about to stop here." Zhong Lei waved his hand: "It's inconvenient to discuss the investigation right now, so let's talk less about it. Everything will wait for the results of the investigation and sampling colleagues to discuss it before it's too late."

Qin Nianwei was quite familiar with the process, and turned to: "Brother Zhong, you must have not eaten yet when you came back from the scene. I still have some bread here, do you want to eat?"

Zhong Lei grabbed the cigarette he had been biting for a long time, and flicked it into the trash with one finger: "Eat it, I haven't eaten for a day, I'm starving to death."

The three chatted for a while, and halfway through the meal, Zhong Lei asked, "Ye Zi, you are not on the duty sheet, so you won't go home for the New Year?"

"Well... Maybe not." Marven Ye hesitated: "Even though the captain and deputy didn't say that I could take a vacation, and I don't know if I need to stay at the end of the year, I can't ask the boss directly."

"They didn't say let you go?" Zhong Lei asked.

Marven Ye: "No."

Zhong Lei narrowed his eyes: "Oh, that's something."

Marven Ye: "Have a mission?"

Zhong Lei swallowed the bread two or three times: "I guess so."

"You don't have to be too nervous, after all, this is the first time you are on a mission, and it will definitely not give you a case beyond your ability." He got up and took a glass of water for himself, and said casually: "You will not be allowed to act alone, and, I will definitely find one or two partners for you to assist you in completing your mission.”

Marven Ye couldn't help recalling his transcript full of "passing". Only the class [Oral Memory Portrait] was rated as "excellent". This was because he was an artist himself with a relatively high level of painting.

Thinking of the red report card across the board, he felt that his best skill was probably discharge.

For the first task, Xue Yongchang and Zheng Xingguo wanted him to go to the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala to maintain the electricity on New Year's Eve...

It also makes sense to think about it, after all, more than one billion viewers must watch TV.

It's a mission with a lot of weight and a sense of mission...

Marven Ye: Fart sense of mission.

This worry lasted for two days. Two days later, Zheng Xingguo finally called him into the conference room, which was the first time he came, but this time only Xue Yongchang and Zheng Xingguo sat at the table.

Seeing him coming in, he saluted first, and then found a seat to sit down. Xue Yongchang asked with a smile, "Xiao Ye, I've been here for half a year, are you still used to working in the unit?"

Marven Ye quickly said: "It's good, my colleagues take good care of me, and the teachers who teach me are also very good, so I'm quite used to it here."

"It's good to adapt." Xue Yongchang said again: "Since the special training has ended, it means that you have a general understanding of our work. I discussed with Xiao Zheng before and thought that we could assign some simple tasks to you. already."

Marven Ye thought of his transcript again, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "That... my grades are not very good... "

Xue Yongchang turned his head to look at Zheng Xingguo, the latter nodded solemnly, Captain Xue laughed: "It's nothing, nothing, how can theoretical knowledge be compared with practical experience, the more tasks you do, the more you will naturally feel about these tasks. Proficient." After speaking, he pointed at Zheng Xingguo: "Come on, let Xiao Zheng talk to you."

Marven Ye looked over, and Zheng Xingguo said, "Your situation is different from other members, and we didn't intend to train you to be a special police officer at first. The knowledge and fighting skills taught by the thirteen teachers are to enrich and broaden you. Vision, you don’t need to be really specialized in everything.”

Once you study a certain field, you are bound to want to occupy a leading position in it, which makes Marven Ye, who is used to being among the best, somewhat uncomfortable: "I... used to make myself do better. I only got a passing score, I am a little bit uncomfortable with myself. I'm actually quite dissatisfied."

"You haven't touched these things in the past 20 years. I personally think that passing the grades is a pretty good achievement." Xue Yongchang interjected: "We don't want you to become an all-around master in half a year. , a large number of such talented troops are caught, and your current appearance is suitable for the task I will give you next."

Marven Ye didn't quite understand for a while what he looked like now, but he still said solemnly: "Excuse me, what kind of mission?"

Zheng Xingguo: "Bodyguard."

Marven Ye was startled: "Bodyguard? But..." His physical training, martial arts fighting, and investigation skills were all given sympathy points by the teacher, so he could barely pass, bodyguard or something...

This is too high to see him!

Shouldn't it be a task like electrical maintenance? !

"Yes, it's a bodyguard, but it's not an ordinary bodyguard." Zheng Xingguo said: "The mission target you need to protect has countless bodyguards to guard itself, and he is not afraid of ordinary dangers."

Marven Ye was a little confused: "Yes... a government official? Then what should I do?"

Zheng Xingguo pushed a document to him: "The mission target is Xing Yuan, you should have heard of it, after all, his reputation is sometimes much bigger than that of government officials."

The current leader of the Xing Group, Xing Yuan.

Xing Yuan not only heard about it, but also almost made a business with others.

It's a pity that because he was going to the special affairs department, this deal was finally given to someone else. Marven Ye never imagined that he might reconnect with the person in charge of the Xing Group in another identity.

He took the stack of documents on the table and found that they were all information reports about Xing Yuan.

The first few pages are a brief personal profile, family information, kinship, etc. However, on the next few pages, it is the assassination and attack information that Xing Yuan has suffered in recent years.

Marven Ye was a little shocked. For the first time, he knew that this big man, ranked third in the world's richest list, was living such a dire life.

It seems that everyone hates the rich. While thinking about it, Marven Ye looked down at the long list of attempted cases such as [bomb attack], [car accident], [arson], and [poisoning], and then thought of the capital airport terrorist attack that had been rumored a few days ago. I felt goosebumps all of a sudden.

Being Xing Yuan's bodyguard is probably not an easy job.

He raised his head and looked at the two leaders: "Captain, deputy team, and Xing Yuan's bodyguards are almost able to form a company together, and I can't help you as a half-ass."

Xue Yongchang patted Zheng Xingguo and asked him to speak.

Zheng Xingguo said, "It's not just you, we also sent another team of fifteen people, those are real SWAT members."

When he said this, Marven Ye was even more confused.

Zheng Xingguo got up and turned on the projector in the conference room, then returned to his seat, holding the wireless remote control in his hand, and said slowly, "First of all, let's talk about Xing Yuan."

The author has something to say:

#####On Ye Xiaoshou's first assignment####

Zheng Xingguo: "Your first task is to go to the back of the Spring Festival Gala stage to maintain the power system and ensure the normal performance of the party."

Marven Ye: "With all due respect, does this have anything to do with counter-terrorism?"

Zheng Xingguo: "Just kidding, the party is closed, but it is related to the physical and mental feelings of more than one billion people. Can you bear the heartache of more than one billion compatriots?"

Marven Ye: "I bear it."

Zheng Xingguo: "Okay, let's change to a more down-to-earth task."

Marven Ye was instantly excited: "Okay, okay!"

Zheng Xingguo handed him a document: "Go be Xing Yuan's bodyguard."

Marven Ye looked at the information and expressed his deep sympathy for Xing Yuan's personal safety, then raised his head and said righteously: "Deputy team, I think it is an unforgivable crime to inflict physical and mental injuries on one billion compatriots, please let me go backstage at the Spring Festival Gala. Maintain the power and shine for my compatriots!"

Zheng Xingguo only gave him one word: "Go away."