100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 84: On how to strike thunder


"In several cases that have appeared these days, the suspects basically used remote-controlled bombs to commit crimes, and most of them were located in densely populated areas. This shows that their purpose is clear, and it is not a specific directional act of revenge." Zheng Xingguo said slowly. : "Their targets are ordinary citizens, and the tools they use are more advanced. The number of people is more than ten. It should be an organized and planned criminal gang."

"But because the police in S City were very alert, these criminals made adjustments later, and they began to choose places with fewer people to commit crimes."

Zheng Xingguo sneered and said, "Since I like bombs so much, let's rain down on S City. It's better to make it bigger to make it more difficult for them."

Marven Ye thought to himself: Mom, did the deputy team still think about... Let me rain a few heavy rains and pour the detonator inside the bomb out of function

Hmm... If it does, I'm afraid it will be a miracle...

When Marven Ye thought about it this way, he suddenly became in awe of Zheng Xingguo.

The vice-captain on the other end was ignorant and still said: "This time you are allowed to use your abilities in S City, but you have to take it easy. The summit in two days will not be overwhelmed by your rain."

Marven Ye couldn't help but said: "Deputy team, don't bother me any more." After speaking, he asked in a low voice: "So what, deputy team, you say... Is this considered a thunderbolt by me?"

Zheng Xingguo laughed and scolded: "Monkey Jing, the review of the power outage at the airport has not been submitted yet, so you are still here to play tricks with me?"

Marven Ye: "If you are okay with the deputy team, I will hang up and promise to complete the task. I will miss you and Team Leader Xue's Goodbye!"

There was no punctuation in the series of words, and after he finished speaking, he reached out and hung up the phone, gasping for breath.

When I think about the 4D review that hasn't been written yet, I can't help but feel sad.

"You have to be criticized for doing good deeds. If Xie Shengrong didn't sue me, I wouldn't need to write a self-criticism. He's good. The credit for catching criminals and picking up bombs is all on his own."

Marven Ye looked at the phone, put it in his trouser pocket, and then raised his foot and walked in the direction of Xing Yuan and Lei Xiangming.

As he walked, he moved his lips slightly: "Xie Shengrong... hum..."

"Don't let me catch your braids."

Back at the dining table, Xing Yuan had already eaten, and when he saw him coming back, he said, "Let you go back?"

Marven Ye shook his head, first poked a small cake with a fork and put it on the plate, and then said, "No, tell me to stay in S City for a few more days."

Xing Yuan raised his eyebrows, he thought for a moment, and pondered: "Could it be that it has something to do with the G10 summit?"

Marven Ye was busy filling his stomach and took the time to give him a thumbs up.

Xing Yuan: "I remember seeing a lot of police officers at the airport when I first arrived yesterday."

The opposite Lei Xiangming didn't know, so he felt that he was isolated from the circle by these two shameless dog boys and men: "Ha? What?"

Marven Ye waved his hand, and Xing Yuan replied for him, "Don't ask, it's inconvenient for him to tell you."

Lei Xiangming: "???"

After finally stuffing a piece of fragrant butter bread, Marven Ye took a sip of milk, feeling that he had regained his vitality.

He looked at Lei Xiangming, who was still out of control, and felt that he should remind him a few words: "Brother Lei, are you busy in S city these days? Do you want to go to the G10 summit held on the eighth day of the first day? join?"

"Of course, your brother Lei is so handsome, and the company you run is considered to be listed in the top 500 in the world. If you are not invited, it would be unreasonable." Lei Xiangming said as a matter of course: "Actually this afternoon I have to go, this time in our Huaguo S City, my group of foreigner friends came early to eat, drink and swim to the Bund, then I must show the friendship of the landlord."

Saying that, he pointed at Xing Yuan: "Your boyfriend, I think you know half as many rich people as I do. Lao Xing, are you really not going this time?"

Xing Yuan grabbed Marven Ye's right hand and took a tissue to wipe the oil on his paws: "No, I'll accompany my wife."

Marven Ye immediately put his palm on his cheek and wiped his face with oil as if in retaliation.

Xing Yuan: "..."

Lei Xiangming patted the table hard: "Hahahaha, well done, well done—"

Marven Ye said sincerely: "Hey, slippery, really slippery, don't bother."

The man next to him squinted and looked at him for a few seconds, then suddenly leaned over, put his head against his left cheek, and then rubbed back a few times.

So Marven Ye was also smeared with butter.

Marven Ye: "… "

Xing Yuan: "I'm sorry, but my head slipped."

Marven Ye: "...Do you think I'm mentally retarded? If you have the ability, you can say that your head fell off."

Xing Yuan: "Xiaozhi, don't make a fool of yourself."

Marven Ye: "...Xiao Zha, if I don't die today, you count me as a loser."

Lei Xiangming: "Hahahaha-Emma, it's ridiculous, you two are talking about cross talk, hahahaha-"

Xing Yuan turned to look at him: "Single dog, go play while you are."

Marven Ye helped out from the side, and said quietly: "You may not understand the taste of adults, Brother Lei."

Lei Xiangming, who hadn't laughed enough, was attacked by the focus fire, and his hearty laughter seemed to be stuck, and he was choked back.

What the hell, the good brother you said will last for a lifetime, it's great to get rid of the single, isn't it? ! Lao Tzu also has a bunch of handsome men and beauties rushing to post it, but I'm not as shy as the two of you!

Mr. Lei secretly despised the pair of dog boys and boys in his heart, feeling that he was really the only clear stream left in this villa, out of the mud and unstained, or else he hadn't killed the two on the opposite side.

Really well cared for.

It was said that he only went to entertain friends from afar in the afternoon, but in fact, Lei Xiangming packed up and prepared to go out before noon, and asked Xing Yuan before leaving: "You two are free, if you want to go out for a walk, there are four or five in my garage. The car can be opened casually, the key is with the butler, and if you have other needs, you can directly ask him for it."

Xing Yuan smiled: "I won't be polite to you."

Lei Xiangming: "Hey, let's go." After speaking, he whistled and shook three times and went out the door.

Marven Ye watched him close the door, and then said to Xing Yuan, "He's a good friend."

"Of course. If you can't get on the stage, I won't bring you here at all." Xing Yuan sent back the servant in the living room and sat next to Marven Ye, saying, "Is there another mission for you?"

Marven Ye thought about the previous phone call, and was a little helpless: "The order this will give me is really... indescribable."

He told Xing Yuan about the multiple bomb attacks in S City. Although only one of them exploded successfully, it was still disturbing.

Afterwards, he whispered to the man what Zheng Xingguo had instructed, shook his head and said, "The deputy team gave me this task, and the joking element was too much. He let me have nothing to do and rain more, causing crime. The molecule is looking for some trouble, I see what he means, and I'm afraid he wants me to cause Xie Shengrong some trouble."

Xing Yuan nodded: "No matter what, it must be a sunny day on the day of the meeting. This kind of thing is conventional."

He simply stood up: "Wait for me for a while, Lao Lei may not have anything else here, and there must be no shortage of wine."

Marven Ye sat on the sofa for a while, and five minutes later, Xing Yuan came back.

He was followed by the young housekeeper, a nanny pushing a cart and walking at the back with his head down.

The nanny parked the car on the side of the coffee table, took out a dark long cloth from the car, spread it out on the table, and gently placed a few goblets on it.

She finished all this quickly, and then glanced at the butler, who waved his hand: "I'll come here, you can go to the kitchen."

The nanny did not speak and left silently.

The butler walked to the table and took out a bottle of red wine: "Mr. Xing, what would you like to drink?"

He and Xing Yuan should be quite familiar with them, and they speak more casually, Xing Yuan leaned on the sofa lazily and pointed at Marven Ye: "First, have a glass with a low degree, this is the master today, I'm an accompany guest, you have to ask him."

The butler looked at Marven Ye again, the latter looked around on the cart, and saw that there were all kinds of wine bottles in different packaging, in any color, he couldn't help but wonder: "You still Can you make drinks?"

The butler showed an unbearable expression and exaggeratedly sighed: "I didn't before, but Mr. Lei likes to drink, so he forced me and the bartender to study for more than a year, wouldn't that be the case? ."

As he spoke, he took out a few wine bottles from the car and placed them on the table one by one, followed by some tools for bartending.

Then Marven Ye watched a wonderful bartending performance.

In less than forty minutes after that, the clouds rolled over the city of S, and there was a faint thunder roaring above the city.

Xing Yuan turned his head and looked out through the glass sliding door of the living room.

The housekeeper no longer handed wine, Xing Yuan took back his eyes and said in thought, "Tell someone to bring a few boxes of beer here, you don't have to worry about us, just do your own business."

The housekeeper was not polite to him, and smiled: "Call me if you have something." He added: "It looks like it's going to rain outside. I'll let someone bring lunch into the dining room, and the nanny will come over later and invite you two over."

Xing Yuan: "Thank you."

Butler: "It's just like it's in my own house, Mr. Lei explained it specially when he left."

Then he gently left the living room.

Only Xing Yuan and Marven Ye were left in the spacious living room.

The sky light coming in from the outside was getting darker and darker. Xing Yuan picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the headlights in the living room before turning to look at the people next to him.

"Baby, are you okay?"

Marven Ye was still holding a glass, he shook the goblet, and the pale green cocktail inside rippled with his movements, lightly hitting the wall of the glass.

"I'm not drunk, just a little dizzy." He leaned on the back of the sofa and shook his head: "When I was in the special affairs department, the deputy team specially opened a class to train me on the amount of alcohol, but it turned out to be useless, I should be drunk When it’s time to get drunk, and when it’s time for thunder, it’s still right.”

While speaking, there was a flash of lightning falling outside, a dazzling light reflected on the glass window, and then a loud rumbling sound was heard.

Marven Ye asked, "Which cup is this for me?"

Xing Yuan looked at him, pondering how to answer, Marven Ye looked at him and said, "Just say a real number."

Xing Yuan: "Two and a half cups."

Marven Ye: "… "

Seeing the despair on his face, Xing Yuan comforted him: "Anyway, it's much better than the first cup, and since you've been drinking until now, there's only been a thunderbolt outside."

Before he could finish speaking, seven or eight lightning bolts rumbled from outside.

Xing Yuan: "..."

Marven Ye: "... I'm really a little drunk, I didn't mean to hit you in the face!"

Xing Yuan: "...I can barely believe you."

The two listened to the thunder outside, and someone brought in three boxes of beer in the middle. Xing Yuan opened one box, opened two cans and placed them on the table, and he also carried a bottle of water to drink.

Marven Ye drank the cocktail in his hand, held his head dizzy for a while, and whispered, "Is it dark?"

Xing Yuan said not yet: "It was a dull thunder, and it seems that the wind is starting to blow."

Marven Ye snorted, and after a while, he asked again, "Did my phone ring?"

Xing Yuan glanced at the phone on the table: "No."

Marven Ye: "You said, the Meteorological Bureau won't run to our unit, go and sue me for blackness."

After finishing it, he sighed: "I'm under an order to strike thunder, why do I still feel so vain. I don't have this trouble in the UK and South Sudan, and I still think I'm handsome when I kill a bad guy, so ah, it really is because I am too patriotic. Yet… "

Xing Yuan couldn't bear to look directly: "Wife, are you drunk?"

Marven Ye was really drunk, and when he heard someone call him his wife, he sighed, and his peach eyes bent with a smile: "I want to drink beer."

Xing Yuan fixedly looked at him, stretched out his hand for a while, and touched his smooth cheek: "Wife, sit down a little."

Marven Ye: "Good!"

His eyes were erratic, and those tiny electric currents began to go out of control again, some of them fell on the sofa, and lightly stung Xing Yuan's palm.

Xing Yuan: "Well..."

The objects in the living room swayed faintly, the gorgeous crystal chandeliers on the ceiling knocked against each other, and the precious antique ornaments swayed along with the tables and chairs, slowly floating upward.

As if being pulled by invisible threads, in the living room, all non-living bodies floated quietly in the air and began to rotate at an extremely slow speed.

The author has something to say:

The person who is more powerful than the electrified Xiaoshou is the Xiaogong who has the spirit of "touch the switch first even if it hangs up", and dares to fall in love with the electrified Xiaoshou.


##### So the little theater is like this #####

One day, a group of Xiaogong sat together and compared their own Xiaoshou.

Xiao Gong A: "My Xiao Shou has beautiful skin and fair skin, and I have a nosebleed every time I see him!"

Xiaogong B: "My Xiaoshou is a super scholar and is building a big plane!"

Xiao Gong C: "My daughter-in-law is more like a Gong than me. If I punch her, I will almost get cold."

Xing Yuan said quietly: "My wife, Little Chrysanthemum, has electricity."

Xiaogong ABC: "..." lost.

The small attackers bowed: "Big brother, you are awesome."