100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death

Chapter 92: Colleagues who are dragging their feet


Of course, the members who can enter the core action group have almost no problems with their own identities. The sentry is not only a warning, but at the same time, it can also be reversed, always paying attention to the security of the anti-terrorism alliance building.

In addition to the poor relationship with colleagues in Hua Guo, and the special training often hovering between the last few, Marven Ye's life was good, and overall it was okay.

He is not the worst performer in the action team. Not all members here are from special police or military personnel. There are also some well-known scholars in the field, as well as civilians who are engaged in detective-related majors.

From Turkey, 42-year-old Enoch Fitch is short and stout, and often takes the last place in the special training team.

In addition, the American newcomer Greg Gustaf is also a sports waste. He has heavy eye bags and looks like he has not woken up every day. He looks like a standard otaku, even Marven Ye Can easily knock him down.

However, Marven Ye learned later that this was a top hacker before joining the group, and he didn't want to go to jail after being caught by the military, so he was sent here because of his grievances.

After each special training, Marven Ye saw his expression that life was worse than death, and deeply felt that if Greg was asked to choose again, the hacker might choose to go to jail.

With these two at the bottom, Marven Ye's abysmal grade doesn't seem to be so noticeable.


Once again, the third-to-last, the instructor announced the disbandment in place.

Marven Ye helped the crumbling Enoch, ignoring the mocking gazes of several outstanding players around him, he breathed slightly, and walked straight to the lounge in the small building next to him.

The lounge prepared for them by the Special Training Office is divided by nationality, so here, every three people share a lounge.

He just unscrewed a bottle of mineral water when he heard a thud behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw Zou Jie walking in, and at the same time slammed the door back into the door frame.

Marven Ye: Huh, so angry.

Zou Jie has been holding back his fire these days, for no other reason. The three new members of the Huaguo team have the best grades. Although Zhang Boyuan is older, his performance is remarkable.

Only Marven Ye, who was recommended by the special affairs department, looked like a college student, his hair could be draped over his shoulders, but he didn't know how to cut it, and he didn't have a battle-hardened aura on his body. Station, only a little better than that American hacker.

The girl is sullen, and she came in through the back door, and she was angry when she saw it.

Zou Jie kicked the chair next to him and looked at Marven Ye with a gloomy expression.

Marven Ye: "…Why, do you want to fight?"

Without waiting for Zou Jie to speak, he continued: "In the anti-terrorism alliance, colleagues are forbidden to fight, unless they go to the training room to learn from each other. If you pick quarrels and beat your colleagues in other places, you will be demerited or removed. Do you really want to fight?"

Zou Jie: "..."

"What did Minister Luo think, that he would agree to let you join the core action team." He took a few steps closer, stared at Marven Ye condescendingly, and said with disgust, "I'm most annoyed by you, the second generation of officials who are fearless, occupying the pit. Shit, I don't have that ability, so I have to move forward. When I look at it, I find it annoying."

Marven Ye was shorter than him, he raised his head and glanced at Zou Jie, who had a fierce look, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

If he was really an ordinary person, Zou Jie might be so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, but after all, he was a supernatural being, and his mood at this time was much calmer than it was a year ago.

So Marven Ye didn't answer, just smiled lightly, turned around and picked up his backpack, and said flatly, "I borrowed it."

Zou Jie looked at him with hanging eyes: "What if I don't borrow it?"

Marven Ye sighed: "You just want to be beaten today, right?"

Zou Jie let out a sigh and looked down at him: "The last one, how did you talk to your senior?"

Marven Ye didn't back down this time. For a person like Zou Jie, the more he backed down, the easier it would be to cause his contempt.

He punched the opponent's ribs and was easily separated by Zou Jie. The two quickly exchanged moves in the lounge. The strong punches rubbed the air. Marven Ye narrowly avoided it, but he felt that his fists could be pierced in his ears. The air, the whirring sound of the wind.

He was still thinking, and the other side kicked him head-on!

Zou Jie's strength is really strong.

After all, he had also spent time in the war-torn area of South Sudan, so Marven Ye dealt with it calmly, and with a set of sticky hands, he and Zou Jie had more than 100 moves in half a minute.

The two were fighting for experience and consciousness. Zou Jie was good at fighting, and Marven Ye didn't want to fight him for a long time, so he quietly sent an electric current to the stall where he hit his numb hole with the back of his hand.

Zou Jie was caught off guard and knelt on the ground with a groan. Marven Ye took the opportunity to twist his arms and knocked him to the ground with a knee strike.

Half of Zou Jie's body was still numb, but he couldn't slow down for a while, only gritted his teeth and said, "Are you cheating?!"

Marven Ye put his knees on his spine, pressing him to the floor, panting and laughing: "Why, after being defeated by the last one, you have to make some excuses for yourself?"

Zou Jie: "Damn, how could I lose to you, obviously... uh..."

Marven Ye raised his knees a little, allowing Zou Jie to take two breaths, then he released his hand and stood up again.

With both hands free, Zou Jie did not rush to stand up.

His left arm was attached to half of his body, and he was still numb.

He lay on the ground and looked at Marven Ye with all his strength: "What kind of tricks did you use, it's impossible to hit me so hard."

Marven Ye said nonsense: "I did some research on the acupuncture points of the human body, and then I got into the special affairs department after practicing such a skill. Otherwise, what do you think, if I was really that good, even if I was the second generation of officials, Minister Luo would not be able to let me join. Action Team."

Zou Jie looked at him suspiciously.

Marven Ye: "Tell you two things."

Zou Jie was at a disadvantage and was vigilant: "What?"

Marven Ye didn't care, and smiled: "The first point, I'm not a second-generation official, just an ordinary person. The selection of me into the group is a joint decision of the ministers of the Ministry of Public Security and the Department of Special Affairs. If you have any questions, please go to the They, instead of secretly trying to trouble me."

Zou Jie pursed his lips, his face a little ugly.

"Second point." He bent down, knelt down on one knee, and punched the man in the lower abdomen.

The tall special policeman curled up in pain, and vaguely heard the man sneer: "There are no surveillance probes in the lounge, and we won't be punished for an hour."

Zou Jie: "Nima... fuck..."

Marven Ye looked down at him from a high position: "Oh, I remember, there is a third point."

He said lightly, "I hate the way you look down and despise me, remember to change it next time."

This is the first time for Zou Jie to be so angry that he has no temper when a man with a braid looks weak.

"I don't approve of you." He gritted his teeth and glared at Marven Ye: "If we can, let's go to the training room and fight again. If you win, I'll be convinced."

Marven Ye smiled at him, turned around and left.

Zou Jie lay on the ground and said, "Hey, what are you running for! Are you out of seeds! Come back to Lao Tzu! Come back and call again—"

Marven Ye opened the door and left without looking back.

He thought to himself: I can't beat you without superpowers. The ghost went to the training room and was surrounded by a group of people for a duel. Bye bye.

He walked so fast that he was gone in no time.

Zou Jie squirmed on the ground in anger.

A few minutes later, Zhang Boyuan arrived late and was startled to see Zou Jie still wriggling on the ground.

"Xiao Zou, what are you doing?" He tentatively took a step forward and stopped two meters away from Zou Jie: "Is this a new way to relax the body?"

Zou Jie: "..."

It was really embarrassing to say that this was beaten by that naughty boy, Zou Jie said with a dark face: "Yes, yes, I'm relaxing my muscles."

Zhang Boyuan: "Oh."

Then crouched down and looked at him.

Zou Jie: "???"

Zhang Boyuan: "Are you lying to an idiot? It's because Xiaoye was beaten and couldn't get up."

Zou Jie immediately said: "No, how is it possible, I didn't see him."

Zhang Boyuan squatted on the ground and looked at him with bright eyes, Zou Jie's eyes flickered, and finally admitted gloomily: "Okay, it's him."

Zhang Boyuan touched his chin: "I didn't expect that Marven Ye is really capable."

Zou Jie snorted and did not speak.

After a while, his arms gradually became conscious, and Zou Jie immediately rolled over and sat up, shaking his arms with a stinky face.

Zhang Boyuan went to close the door first, then found a chair and said, "Tell me, how did he beat you to the ground."

His eyes were not as playful as they were just now. Zou Jie was familiar with them. Zhang Boyuan wanted to grasp some information about Marven Ye.

He filled half a bottle of water, sat cross-legged on the ground, and slowly recounted the fight just now.

At the end, he touched his numb elbow, and said sullenly, "I have some skills and a good sense of battle, but that's all."

"By hitting the acupoints, the opponent's body will be paralyzed?" Zhang Boyuan pondered: "This method is very common, but it is rare for a beaten person to roll around on the ground like you."

Zou Jie: "...I've been rolling around, and besides, it wasn't that kid who beat him!"

Zhang Boyuan waved his hand: "Anyway, your skills are not as good as others, and you were the one who provoked others in the first place, so you deserved to be beaten up."

Zou Jie raised his head and poured water madly.

"Isn't Marven Ye... At first, I thought he had gone through the back door, and he had no ability." Zhang Boyuan said slowly: "However, after getting in touch with him during this period of time, just because of his willingness to endure hardship during training and his willingness to work hard, I will treat him. Much has changed.”

"not to mention… "

Zou Jie: "Huh?"

Zhang Boyuan glanced at him: "How can someone who can be jointly recommended by the two ministers be useless?"

Zou Jie: "If it weren't for him, Team Yang would be able to come in."

Zhang Boyuan shook his head: "Without him, it would be hard for your captain to come in. Okay, I know that you have a personal grudge. Next time you provoke others, I will report your behavior to the country."

Zou Jie didn't speak, and after a while he muttered: "I see."

As everyone knows, after the client who had been carefully analyzed by the two colleagues returned to the independent apartment in the office building, he immediately pulled out the computer that was distributed uniformly in the room, and started to search for "A complete picture of human acupuncture points" after connecting to the Internet. of learning a pass.

Marven Ye: The hole left by my own pretense, I have to fill it up even if I kneel down!

If I encounter this kind of thing again in the future, I want to repeat the same trick, and I can pretend to be an acupuncture master or something, which is also very good.

The next afternoon, Zou Jie blocked him again in the lounge.

This time, he didn't make any more provocative words. Zou Jie said to him very solemnly: "Comrade Marven Ye, I formally challenge you. Let's have a fair and just contest without violating the rules of the alliance."

Marven Ye was drinking water at the time, when he heard the words, he gave him a gloomy look.

Then he rejected him without pressure.

Zou Jie: "..."

Damn, so angry.

Two months later, Marven Ye was released after serving his sentence, ah no, he should have officially become a core member of the International Anti-Terrorism Action Team.

Although the graduation score is not very high, it is really a joyous thing.

He hugged Lucia, an old member who came to inform, and the latter winked at him: "Grades don't mean everything, you are all great, welcome to join the action team."

Lucia Mavis, whose photo Marven Ye had seen in the conference room of the Special Affairs Department, was one of those who needed to be focused.

Marven Ye accepted her gesture and smiled: "Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to working with you all. I'm really glad that you don't dislike my appalling special training results."

"Oh, don't worry about that." Lucia said indifferently: "When I was training, Joyce's physical performance in the team was all zero points, Emily's professional class knowledge was a mess, and Otis performed every time. Very good, but he always seduced the instructors, so he finally turned into the bottom one. But it is undeniable that these people are now firmly occupying the position of the core team."

"Each of them has different abilities, and some aspects may be bad, but I want to say," she gave Marven Ye a gentle smile: "They are all very good."

Lucia Mewes patted him on the shoulder: "Anyway, you're welcome."

Marven Ye said sincerely: "Thank you for your encouragement, Lucia."

The author has something to say: ####The king of plug-ins, Ye Xiaoshou######

Zou Jie was electrocuted by Marven Ye and squirmed on the ground.

He angrily took out his phone and dialed 110: "Hey, police officer Shu Mi, I'll report someone here using a plug-in with my real name, so hurry up and shut down his account!"

110: "???"

Marven Ye: "Bah, I'm acupuncture, qigong, and kung fu."

Zou Jie: "Bah, you are a cheater!"