2D Otaku with Social Anxiety Also Wants to Date!

Chapter 30


On Sunday, Ruan Cunyun forced himself to clear his mind of his pectoral muscles and mermaid line. He had to seriously prepare for the selection speech for the company's "New Star Cultivation" program.

Looking at the long speech, Ruan Cunyun sighed silently.

In high school, Ruan Cunyun was recommended to participate in the campus speech contest because of his excellent grades. He was very reluctant, but he did not dare to refuse the teacher's assignment, so he had to bite the bullet and go. He clearly memorized it very well and even rehearsed it in front of his friends, but he still failed on the stage.

He stood alone in the center of the spacious stage, with the white lights focused on him. Ruan Cunyun looked at the crowd of people in the audience and heard his voice echoing through the loudspeaker. He suddenly lost track of what he was saying. His mind went blank, his heart was beating wildly, and he had forgotten the lyrics.

All the teachers and students in the school watched him standing under the spotlight for a long time, his face getting redder and redder, he was at a loss, and he couldn't hide his panic.

Although his classmates comforted him afterwards and his teachers encouraged him to try again next time, this became a deep psychological shadow for Ruan Cunyun. Every time he thought about it, he would feel so embarrassed that his scalp would go numb and his toes would curl up.

A project proposal is actually much better than a lyrical speech contest because it is more logical. However, this selection requires contestants to prepare only one page of PPT, and the content that can be put on it is limited. The rest still needs to be explained by the speaker himself.

When he went to bed, Ruan Cunyun was still reciting the script silently. He prayed to God, asking him to not forget the words or stutter the next day, so that he could complete the task smoothly.

The selection meeting was scheduled for the afternoon, and Ruan Cunyun still had the whole afternoon to prepare.

Ruan Cunyun was so nervous that he couldn't eat and his heart was beating fast.

"Well, I'm sorry to take up your time..." Ruan Cunyun lowered his head slightly, revealing his slightly red ears.

When he was reciting smoothly, he heard several footsteps outside the door. Ruan Cunyun turned around and saw Qin Fanglu standing at the door with a lunch box in his hand.

There was silence in the air. Ruan Cunyun was a little flustered, his eyes were wandering, and he was finally caught by Qin Fanglu's gaze.

He moved the computer over so that Qin Fanglu could see the screen.

Ruan Cunyun nodded blankly. His thoughts were now focused on the speech, so he couldn't think about why President Qin explained the reason to him so naturally. He also didn't think about why only he and Qin Fanglu had appeared in this lounge for such a long time.

"If you are still nervous, just ignore me." Qin Fanglu said.

Ruan Cunyun faced the window, looked into the distance, muttering to himself.

As my fingers loosened, the corner of my clothes fell down, and inexplicably, my heart also felt relieved.

Especially, when this person is your boss.

Ruan Cunyun was not in the mood to laugh, but he felt a little more relaxed. He stood in front of Qin Fanglu and delivered his opening remarks smoothly.

As usual, Ruan Cunyun stared at the wall behind Qin Fanglu and recited the lecture as if he were reciting a text.

Having other people in the lounge and having no one there are two different things.

He should practice somewhere else. Ruan Cunyun secretly observed that Qin Fanglu was eating a piece of chicken breast seriously.

Just as Ruan Cunyun was pretending to fiddle with the computer, Qin Fanglu's voice came from behind him: "Were you practicing the speech for 'Rising Star' just now?"

Qin Fanglu raised his eyelids, raised his voice and asked a question: "Practice it in front of me?"

What’s more, you were so attracted by your boss’s figure the day before yesterday.

Qin Fanglu put down his fork and looked at him calmly: "You are nervous in front of them, are you also nervous in front of me?"

Ruan Cunyun subconsciously twisted the corner of his clothes, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

"The audience is only the company's top executives, six or seven people, so don't be nervous."

This time he tightened the water bottle to avoid the tragedy like last time.

Oh my God, the boss actually wants his employees to treat him as air. This boss is quite interesting.

He silently planned his escape route.

Ruan Cunyun took a deep breath without leaving a trace, and Qin Fanglu saw it.

There are only six or seven high-level people. Ruan Cunyun took a deep breath silently. Listen to what this is saying.

I mean, look at me.

"Have you eaten?" Qin Fanglu picked up a piece of beef brisket with a fork.

To him, the CEO is the equivalent of a football field and the CFO is the equivalent of a swimming pool.

Qin Fanglu looked at Ruan Cunyun firmly and gently, without reminding him of the content of the speech.

At the edge of his sight, Qin Fanglu raised his hand. Ruan Cunyun moved his gaze over and saw that Qin Fanglu pointed at his own eyes.

Sweat broke out on my back, the familiar suffocating feeling from high school returned to my senses, and my skin was tingling with tension.

"Yes. I am all your audience."

Ruan Cunyun's back stiffened and he raised the corners of his mouth: "Well, yes."

Ruan Cunyun was stunned: "Now?"

Ruan Cunyun stuttered. Any interruption during his speech might interrupt his train of thought.

He could still see Qin Fanglu out of the corner of his eye. He seemed to have put down his chopsticks since the beginning of his speech and had been looking at him quietly, listening very attentively.

Ruan Cunyun stood back by the window, feeling as if something was thorning in his back. Not to mention rehearsing his speech aloud, his mind went blank.

Ruan Cunyun didn't have time to finish his speech.

"No." Ruan Cunyun said honestly, "I was a little nervous and couldn't eat."

"… One of the flaws is… Mr. Qin."

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Qin Fanglu repeated softly: "Nervous?"

Qin Fanglu sat on the sofa and glanced at him gently: "I'm here to have a meal."

There was comfort and encouragement in his eyes, like a calm ocean that embraced everything.

The silence in the air seemed less biting. Ruan Cunyun felt his disordered breathing slowly calming down. The content of the speech returned to his mind and became clearer.

The moment he started speaking fluently again, he saw Qin Fanglu nodded slightly with a smile on his lips.

They looked at each other calmly, Ruan Cunyun gradually got into the groove, and it seemed as if there were only the two of them and a speech plan left in the world.

Qin Fanglu once chatted with Ruan Cunyun like a friend on a red moon night, and he was also once frightened by a flying insect and lost all regard for his image. He was just a human made up of bones and blood. He sat here just to listen, not to criticize.

And a high-ranking position doesn't make him scary.

Ruan Cunyun completed his speech in a total of sixteen minutes.

Qin Fanglu sat in the middle of the sofa and clapped his hands casually: "Well done."

Ruan Cunyun breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sincerely.

Giving a speech to a senior executive doesn’t seem that difficult.

"I have a few suggestions. Would you like to listen?" Qin Fanglu asked.

"Listen, I listen. Thank you, Mr. Qin." Ruan Cunyun relaxed and his tone became much lighter.

Qin Fanglu has fought his way through it all, so he has a lot of experience.

Because of the big difference in rank, Ruan Cunyun and Qin Fanglu have almost no overlap in their work.

Now that there is free guidance and comments, of course he is willing to listen.

Qin Fanglu never beats around the bush when it comes to work. He said, "At first, your eyes weren't on the audience at all, but were looking at a point in the distance. This technique might be useful in a lecture hall with hundreds of people, but if there are only a few people in front of you, you'd better look them in the eye, which can show your sincerity and respect. I know you might be afraid, but later you were able to look at me successfully, because we are all human beings, there is nothing to be afraid of, right?"

"Second, you seem to be reciting a script. A speech about a business plan is not like reciting a text. You don't need to be precise word for word. Reciting a script is a thankless task. A better way is to understand the logic and connection in the content, from the beginning to the case analysis, clarify the problem, one, two, three solutions, and their respective pros and cons. Sorting it all out, let the script grow in your mind like a tree, and just speak out the main points according to the logic. It is difficult to forget the words in the middle of the speech."

Qin Fanglu said a lot and Ruan Cunyun listened attentively.

He knew that these were very basic skills, but Qin Fanglu still showed no impatience, nor the arrogance of giving orders. He simply analyzed and explained the problems exposed by Ruan Cunyun one by one.

Listening to your speech is better than participating in ten years of speech competitions.

Ruan Cunyun took notes on the computer and covered half a page in just over ten minutes.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin. I have learned a lot." Ruan Cunyun said sincerely.

"You're welcome." Qin Fanglu looked at the notes Ruan Cunyun had just made and said, "I just said so much, and you wrote it all down clearly. You also did a good job of taking notes of the last meeting. I can see that you are a meticulous and thoughtful person. It's just that you don't know how to express yourself."

Ruan Cunyun was so surprised when he was suddenly praised by his boss that he didn't react at first.

"You are very good, just work hard and don't worry too much about what others think of you." Qin Fanglu said this slowly, looking straight at Ruan Cunyun with a gentle gaze.

"Everyone is busy, they won't remember your one or two mistakes, so don't trap yourself."

These words were like a ray of warm light shining into the cave, and Ruan Cunyun heard the sound of the ice in his heart thawing.

He didn't say anything, but his ears slowly started to feel hot.

Qin Fanglu seemed to be able to see through his past through one of his speeches, but he did not point it out or ask. Instead, he supported him with powerful words.

Ruan Cunyun rubbed his ears: "You... telling me so much, isn't it unfair to other colleagues who are running for election?"

"No." Qin Fanglu answered quickly, "This is an internal training program of the company. The selection power is in the hands of the senior management. Our evaluation criteria are mainly based on the content, and presentation skills account for a very small proportion."

"But it should also affect the results, right?" Ruan Cunyun asked. Qin Fanglu laughed: "Ruan Cunyun, how can there be absolute fairness in this world? If others have the ability, they can also seek advice and guidance from the leaders of their respective departments. This is also part of ability."

Ruan Cunyun was still a little stunned: "But I didn't argue..."

"Because I happened to come to this lounge, and you happened to be working hard to prepare your speech." Qin Fanglu stopped him coldly.

"I'm lucky." said Ruan Cunyun.

Qin Fanglu couldn't stand it any longer: "Luck is also part of strength."

Ruan Cunyun seemed to have taken a social workplace class and was still carefully chewing on what Qin Fanglu had just said to him.

"Good luck this afternoon." Qin Fanglu said nothing more and left with his lunch box.

Walking out of the lounge, Qin Fanglu coughed lightly, and his ears turned slightly red.

If the kid knew that he didn't just enter the lounge by chance, would he be scared

The selection meeting for the "Rising Star Cultivation" program started on time. Seven company executives were sitting in a row in the neat and bright conference room, with CEO Shu Wanzhu sitting in the middle, the partner who founded Zhufang Technology with Qin Fanglu.

Shu Wanzhu was wearing a business casual outfit, wide-leg pants with a nice drape and high heels. She was silent, but had a strong aura.

This was the first time that Ruan Cunyun had such close contact with the company president. She gave him a strong sense of oppression, and Ruan Cunyun inevitably became nervous.

There were also new colleagues from other departments who participated in the selection. According to the numbers they drew, everyone took turns to go on stage to give a speech.

When it was Ruan Cunyun's turn, he silently wiped the sweat from his palms with a tissue.

There was no warmth in Shu Wanzhu's gaze, and Ruan Cunyun felt a chill in his heart.

Ruan Cunyun looked away slightly and met Qin Fanglu's eyes.

Gentle and generous, Ruan Cunyun suddenly felt at ease.

Ruan Cunyun finished his speech according to the suggestions Qin Fanglu gave him a few hours ago. His speech was smooth and without any mistakes, which could be said to have met his expectations.

After everyone had spoken, the candidates returned to their respective departments, leaving the top management in the conference room to discuss.

The top management gave detailed scores to everyone. Zhu Fang believed in data and ranked them directly from high to low. Ruan Cunyun ranked second among everyone and first in the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The meeting ended after a brief discussion, leaving only Qin Fanglu and Shu Wanzhu in the meeting room.

Shu Wanzhu looked at Ruan Cunyun's information and PPT, tapping the tip of his pen on the paper.

"Old Qin, you haven't polished what he wrote, right?"

Qin Fanglu curled his lips and said, "You are praising him. Mr. Shu thinks so highly of him?"

Shu Wanzhu knew that Qin Fanglu was a very principled and rational person, and would never do something like helping his subordinates to modify the content of the competition. She just thought that the kid wrote well.

"He is from the Ministry of Science and Technology, but in addition to the technical perspective, he also considered many aspects such as commercial profits, implementation details, and difficulty of implementation. It is not easy for a newcomer." Shu Wanzhu took a pen and sketched on the paper.

"The reason I asked that is—"

She raised her head and looked at Qin Fanglu, smiling slyly: "When this kid was giving a speech, his eyes were almost all on you."

Qin Fanglu said as a matter of course: "Of course. I am his direct supervisor. Does he want to see you?"

Shu Wanzhu smiled even more, as if he had discovered something very interesting: "But Lao Qin - you know, when you listen to others speak, you always have a stern face. They all recognize that you are even more arrogant than me."

"Hmm." Qin Fanglu snorted.

"But when Ruan Cunyun was giving his speech, you kept smiling. It was so obvious that I was a little scared."

Shu Wanzhu said with two "tsk tsk" sounds, and said in a gossipy tone: "Boss Qin, you are screwed."

Qin Fanglu's expression remained unchanged: "It was worth it."

Shu Wanzhu narrowed her beautiful eyes: "Are you so serious?"

“What am I not taking seriously?”

Shu Wanzhu chuckled: "What does Ruan Cunyun think? Where are you now..."

"No, he probably doesn't know yet." Qin Fanglu stopped Shu Wanzhu.

Seeing Shu Wanzhu raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, Qin Fanglu said, "Take your time. I'm not in a hurry."

"I'm really anxious!" Shu Wanzhu smiled happily, "I haven't been able to marry you off for so many years, and now I finally have some hope."

Qin Fanglu was used to her phrases like "getting married" and didn't care. She just said, "I hope that Ms. Shu's wish will come true soon."

"Originally, I don't approve of office romances, but you... I know you can distinguish between public and private affairs better than anyone else, and you know your limits." Shu Wanzhu was the top boss after all, so she still had to say what she had to say.

"I know." Qin Fanglu said, "There's nothing to worry about yet."

Shu Wanzhu patted Qin Fanglu's shoulder heavily and said, "Then hurry up and show your energy in updating and iterating your products!"

Qin Fanglu smiled and said, "I understand."

Shu Wanzhu gave him a deep look and said meaningfully, "You should be sensible when it comes to work, but in other areas... you should also be more careful and don't lead the children astray."

"Ruan Cunyun looks like a high school student, and looks so innocent. Any picture you draw on your computer can scare away kids."


Ruan Cunyun was successfully selected for the "New Star Cultivation" program. His colleagues were happy for him, and Zhu Han even came over from across the floor to give him a round of applause.

It was indeed fun for a while, but the mailbox was soon filled up and Ruan Cunyun felt a little suffocated.

"Rising Star Training" is committed to providing outstanding new employees with one year of additional training, including but not limited to direct meetings and communication with company executives, exchanges and learning at company branches, exchanges with industry leaders, professional knowledge courses and other opportunities.

There was so much content and so many projects that Ruan Cunyun couldn't read it all at once.

Between his usual work and these miscellaneous meetings and trainings, Ruan Cunyun's week can be said to have been very fulfilling.

After finally making it to Friday afternoon, with three minutes left before the end of get off work, Ruan Cunyun finally had a chance to catch his breath and slack off at his workstation.

As soon as the time came, colleagues began to get ready, and some even rushed out of the house on time.

Ruan Cunyun didn't dare to be so blatant. He could only pack up his things slowly, preparing to slip away when no one was paying attention.

OK, it’s packed.

Ruan Cunyun looked around calmly, well, it's safe, we can escape.

Just got up-

"Ruan Cunyun, come here for a moment." Qin Fanglu called out in a low voice.

Damn, the thing I was most worried about happened.

That is when you are suddenly stopped by your boss when you are leaving get off work.

Ruan Cunyun took a deep breath and walked over to sit next to Qin Fanglu's desk.

"Boss Qin."

Qin Fanglu wore thin-framed glasses, which gave him a scholarly temperament. He put the documents in his hand on the table and looked up at him: "Do you want to go horseback riding on Saturday?"

Ruan Cunyun: "...Ah?"

"Ahem." Qin Fanglu coughed lightly, "It's horse riding. Have you ever tried it?"

Ruan Cunyun: “…No.”

"Are you interested?"

Ruan Cunyun opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to respond. He lowered his head and saw the document on Qin Fanglu's desk, the "New Star Cultivation Program Project List."

A flash of inspiration came to Ruan Cunyun, and he gradually understood everything.

As we all know, equestrianism is an "aristocratic sport" that is widely loved by the upper class and is also one of the indispensable ways of communication in business and social activities.

It turns out that CEO Qin asked him if he wanted to try equestrianism as part of the "Rising Star Cultivation" program? The company is so awesome that it even takes employees to experience high-end business socializing.

Ruan Cunyun didn't want to go out at all on the weekend, but he had just joined this plan, and it was President Qin who proposed it to him personally, so he couldn't refuse, right

Ruan Cunyun quickly thought through this series of thoughts and replied to Qin Fanglu: "Yes, I am interested and I can go."

Qin Fanglu's eyes flashed with joy: "Okay, then I'll send you the time and location details on WeChat later."

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. Qin."

After Ruan Cunyun left, Qin Fanglu exhaled lightly and moved the "New Star Cultivation Project List" on the table, revealing a plan underneath -

[dating competition!]

According to historical data and survey summaries, the other party likes sports and outdoor activities.

The known sports that the other party is good at: badminton, bowling, swimming (to be confirmed, it is known that the other party will not drown if he falls into the water) Favorite food: not clear yet, to be supplemented

Disliked food: Alcohol

Dating Alternatives:

1. Equestrianism (Reason: outdoor sports, fresh and fun)

2Swimming/hot springs/water park (to be determined)

Mr. Egg, bring out the same energy you put into updating and iterating your products to fall in love! You will win!

(End of this chapter)