2D Otaku with Social Anxiety Also Wants to Date!

Chapter 45


Qin Fanglu grabbed Ruan Cunyun's wrist, his face showing an undisguised expression of pain, his lips turned pale, and his whole body was covered in sweat.

The man who had always been strong suddenly showed his most vulnerable appearance in front of him, but Ruan Cunyun had no other thoughts in his mind except pain.

"I'll get you some medicine and hot milk." Ruan Cunyun squatted down and tried to reason with him.

Qin Fanglu's eyes were scattered and unfocused, and the fingers that were holding Ruan Cunyun's sleeves were getting tighter and tighter.

With a light "snap" sound, the buttons on Ruan Cunyun's sleeves were pulled off by Qin Fanglu.

"… "

Ruan Cunyun finally escaped, but at the cost of a button.

It’s okay, not a loss.

Qin Fanglu wanted to catch him back, but Ruan Cunyun dodged him with a light move.

He frowned, the pain made him look a little vulnerable, but it did not reduce his aura at all, but instead added a lot of sexiness.

Regarding the phrase "public morality", Ruan Cunyun had no idea that this was happening in someone else's home.

I don’t know if Qin Fanglu understood it or not. Maybe it was because he kept grabbing for too long, or maybe it was because his stomach hurt too much, so he finally retracted his hand.

Ruan Cunyun was holding hot water and stomach medicine when he heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

Ruan Cunyun looked in the direction Xiao Hei walked and understood instantly.

There is a table next to the windowsill, which is the most messy place in the whole room. There are many documents and papers piled on the table in a mess. I guess Qin Fanglu will continue to work after returning home.

Ruan Cunyun breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Fanglu's alcohol tolerance was pretty good. He wouldn't make a fuss, vomit or go crazy when drunk. His only two shortcomings might be that he took a shower with the door open and wore pajamas with his chest exposed. Other than that, he was very worry-free.

Then, he closed his eyes and slammed the bathroom door shut, shouting inside: "Do you have any sense of public morality? Close the door when you take a shower! Come out and take medicine after you're done!"

Ruan Cunyun poured hot water while asking them: "Does he always come home drunk like this?"

Qin Fanglu took the medicine obediently, then took the milk and drank it. Ruan Cunyun was very relieved.

Fortunately, the drunkard still had the last bit of human sanity left.

If possible, he hoped to never have to use it.

The three cats walked around in the living room, looking at Ruan Cunyun and meowing from time to time.

The bedroom is spacious and low-key, with a dark grey carpet on the floor. A large screen is hung on the wall directly opposite the bed, and two abstract obsidian decorations stand on both sides of the wall.

Ruan Cunyun's mind went blank for three seconds, and then he was glad that Qin Fanglu was sitting in the bathtub instead of standing in it.

Before I could even close my eyes, I saw that the bathroom door was wide open. Qin Fanglu had already taken off his clothes and was sitting in the bathtub taking a bath.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" Ruan Cunyun asked him.

Oh, it turns out there is no food.

"You can see me. I won't leave." Ruan Cunyun soothed him gently, "I'm going to heat up some milk. I'm not going anywhere else."

Shouldn't he just help Qin Fanglu to bed and sleep

It looks like success is not far away.

The man raised his head, his neck formed a neat line, water droplets burst out, and his strength was strong.

However, now Qin Fanglu was sitting under the bright light, with a transparent water curtain falling on her head and flowing down along her tight and superior body.

There was no choice, Ruan Cunyun could only go back to Qin Fanglu’s bedroom to get his pajamas.

"Put on your clothes before coming out!" Ruan Cunyun warned the drunkard.

Ruan Cunyun suddenly realized that there were no pajamas in the bathroom. If he came out naked after taking a shower, Ruan Cunyun would completely collapse.

Looking around, Ruan Cunyun involuntarily observed Qin Fanglu's bedroom.

After all, it's the boss' bedroom, so it should be bigger.

Ruan Cunyun personally had the habit of putting his pajamas next to his pillow, so he first looked for this place, but didn't see it.

Ruan Cunyun silently chanted "Amitabha, good, good", stared at the ceiling, and stuffed the hot water and pills into Qin Fanglu's hands.

This is at best a lack of male ethics, using drunkenness to openly seduce.

After a series of ping-pong sounds, the bathroom door opened and Qin Fanglu came out in a disheveled pajamas, with his belt loosely tied around his waist. Damp mist mixed with the lingering aroma of wine rose up.

Xiaoju let out a long "meow".

Qin Fanglu did not answer. He was still drunk and walked towards the bedroom, holding on to the wall.

The last time we took a hot spring bath was at night, when the light was dim. Even though we were naked facing each other, there was still a hazy poetic feeling.

Ruan Cunyun translated to himself: "Only sometimes? That's not bad."

Ruan Cunyun took a deep breath, went to the refrigerator to get milk, poured it into a bowl and put it in the microwave, then went to his bag to get stomach medicine.

Xiao Hei came over with his tail up, rubbed against Ruan Cunyun's legs, meowed, and then walked forward.

Ruan Cunyun searched around and finally found a nightgown under the quilt. He quickly ran to the bathroom with it, closed his eyes and hung it on the bathroom wall.

The room is not just full of moisture, it's full of male hormones.

"Wait." Ruan Cunyun rubbed the cat's head, "I'll go feed your shit shoveler first, and then I'll feed you."

Just in case, he brought a box with him, but he didn't expect to actually use it.

What Ruan Cunyun didn't expect was that after Qin Fanglu returned to the bedroom, he did not go to bed, but staggered to the TV wall and put one hand on the uniquely shaped obsidian ornament.

Ruan Cunyun pulled him helplessly: "Qin Fanglu, the bed is over there, you are going in the wrong direction."

Even though Qin Fanglu was drunk, he was still very strong and held on to the obsidian tightly.

"I want to go back to my home..."

He uttered a few words vaguely.

"What?" Ruan Cunyun thought he had heard it wrong, so he pushed Qin Fanglu off the ornament and tried to help him onto the bed.

As a result, just after walking a few steps, Qin Fanglu turned back and grabbed the work of art, bending his fingers, not knowing whether he wanted to twist it or pull it out.

Ruan Cunyun held his forehead with his hand. He had just praised Qin Fanglu in his heart for not going crazy when drunk, but now he went crazy. He really couldn't help but praise him.

After struggling for a long time, Qin Zuigui finally gave up, mumbling in his drunken state: "There's no going back..."

Ruan Cunyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you going back to your home planet? You are at home now!"

Qin Fanglu turned his neck little by little, his eyes slowly focused and moved to Ruan Cunyun's face, and suddenly stopped moving.

At this moment, Ruan Cunyun truly realized that Qin Fanglu seemed to recognize him.

Qin Fanglu let go of the obsidian, took a small step towards Ruan Cunyun, then stopped, with his outstretched hand suspended in the air, as if he was afraid of breaking it.

"Ruan Cunyun..."

His articulation was still not very clear, but Ruan Cunyun could tell that he was slightly conscious in what he said.

Ruan Cunyun felt sad and responded, "Hey, it's me. Qin Fanglu, can you go to bed?"

Qin Fanglu took another step forward and said in a small voice: "I dreamed of you again..."

"… "

Ruan Cunyun was dumbfounded. It turned out that this drunkard thought he was dreaming

Did he drink fake wine

Qin Fanglu then said to himself: "You are dressed very normally this time."

Countless question marks popped up in Ruan Cunyun’s head. What did this mean? Was he dressed abnormally in his dreams several times before

Qin Fanglu smiled and muttered vaguely: "Normal is also good, I like it too... I like it more, I like it anyway..."

Ruan Cunyun was confused and didn't understand what Qin Fanglu was talking about at all.

The drunkard's words were so wild and unrealistic that Ruan Cunyun just thought Qin Fanglu was sleepwalking.

Qin Fanglu's voice became lower and lower, and he glanced at the bed: "You were here last time, why are you standing this time..."


Ruan Cunyun couldn't hear what he said clearly, so he moved closer, but was embraced by Qin Fanglu and led to the desk.

Qin Fanglu rummaged through a pile of documents and muttered, "I have something to give you. I can't give you anything else, only this..."

Ruan Cunyun heard this and felt his hair stand on end: "Boss Qin, please don't ask me to work overtime now!"

"I can, I can draw you, draw..."

"Yes, you can draw." Ruan Cunyun wanted to laugh, but he could only go along with the drunkard's words.

"You've already drawn me."

"Yes, I have drawn you." Qin Fanglu repeated.

His voice was weak, and the words were almost stuck together, making it difficult to hear the content: "I have painted a lot, a lot. I was afraid you wouldn't like it, so I didn't dare to show it to you. But you should like it in my dream. After all, dreams are just images produced by my brain when I sleep... I'll find it for you later. I recently painted a new one..."

"Boss Qin, stop thinking about work. Go to sleep!"

Ruan Cunyun couldn't hear clearly what Qin Fanglu was saying. He thought he was lying on a pile of documents muttering about work, and he tried to pull Qin Fanglu away from the desk helplessly.

"… found it!"

Qin Fanglu was delighted as he finally found a piece of drawing paper from the piles of documents.

Ruan Cunyun took a look at the blank sketch paper and didn't know why Qin Fanglu was so happy.

"Look, look, do you like it?" Qin Fanglu stuffed the white paper into Ruan Cunyun's hand and asked expectantly.

Ruan Cunyun stared at the blank paper: "Uh... I like..."

"Hehe." Qin Fanglu smiled a little silly, took a pen from the table, and said happily: "I'll sign for you."

Ruan Cunyun's face was numb from laughing. Drunk Qin Fanglu was so funny.

I wanted to give him a blank piece of paper and asked him to sign on it.

Ruan Cunyun had only a trace of kindness left in his mind: "Boss Qin, you gave me a painting before. You drew me and signed your name under the painting. Why are you giving me another one now?"


Qin Fanglu said this word firmly, and his speech became vague again: "I will give you as much as you want..."

After saying that, Qin Fanglu waved his hand and left a very elegant signature on the paper.

Ruan Cunyun took it and looked at it. It was a crooked curve. It was hard to tell whether it was English or Chinese. It was simply a ghost drawing, even worse than dog crawling.

Ruan Cunyun laughed out loud and encouraged: "It's a very nice signature."

"As long as you like it." Qin Fanglu smiled with satisfaction, and his voice gradually weakened. "See you next time. I'm so sleepy and I think I'm about to wake up..."

There was indeed not a single logical word coming out of the drunkard's mouth, and Ruan Cunyun was already numb.

Fortunately, Qin Fanglu fell on the bed, slowly closed his eyes, and occasionally muttered an inaudible sentence.

After a while, his breathing became even, and his chest rose and fell in his open pajamas.

There was still a faint smell of alcohol in the room. Ruan Cunyun let out a breath, covered Qin Fanglu with the quilt, stood by the bed and looked at him for a while before turning off the bedroom light.

Ruan Cunyun took the "masterpiece" that Qin Fanglu gave him, added cat food to the cat and changed the water, then quietly left Qin Fanglu's house.

I checked my phone and it was exactly one o'clock in the morning.


When Qin Fanglu woke up, it was bright outside and the sunlight made the mattress warm.

My head is still dizzy, but my stomach doesn't hurt as much as I thought.

After a while, Qin Fanglu found himself refreshed and lying on the bed in his pajamas.

The surroundings were clean and tidy, and it was still his familiar bedroom.

Was it the driver who brought him back

Blinking his eyes, Qin Fanglu almost immediately recalled the dream he had last night, which was all scattered and hazy fragments.

Ruan Cunyun appeared in his bedroom, wearing his usual work clothes, neatly dressed, smiling and looking up at him. Then he seemed to take a drawing of Ruan Cunyun from the desk piled with drawings, signed it and gave it to him, and Ruan Cunyun was very happy.

Unlike the usual fantasy in his mind, Ruan Cunyun was not wearing fancy clothes, but the most normal everyday clothes.

It feels very intimate and real, and has a different texture from our usual fantasy imagination.

And what else... a bathtub, but I can't remember that part.

Qin Fanglu looked at the time, closed his eyes and lay in bed thinking about last night's dream for a while, then got up in one go, changed his clothes and did some exercise.

The conversation at the dinner table yesterday was quite pleasant, but not all problems can be resolved over a meal. There are still many follow-up negotiations and detailed discussions to be conducted.

There was little time for him to rest, so Qin Fanglu got himself ready and prepared to go out to work.

Before leaving, Qin Fanglu discovered that there was still a lot of food and water left in the cat's food bowl and water bowl, obviously someone had added some.

He frowned slightly in confusion, because he definitely didn't call the housekeeper yesterday, and even if the driver took him home, he probably wouldn't help feed the cat.

After getting in the car, the driver asked Qin Fanglu: "Is Mr. Qin feeling better?"

"Recovered." Qin Fanglu said, and then asked, "Did you send me upstairs yesterday?"

The driver paused and said, "Mr. Ruan and I took you up together."

Qin Fanglu's heart trembled: "Mr. Ruan?"

"Mr. Ruan Cunyun." The driver said, "Mr. Ruan has taken you home, because..."

The driver suddenly fell silent, realizing that he shouldn't have mentioned such insignificant details.

Qin Fanglu asked: "Why?"

The driver was very honest. Since Mr. Qin asked, he had no choice but to answer: "Because you held Mr. Ruan and wouldn't let him leave."

"… "

Qin Fanglu looked out the car window and didn't say a word for a long time.

The news the driver told was like a stone thrown into a lake, causing ripples.

Putting aside the matter of "holding Ruan Cunyun and not letting him leave", Qin Fanglu suddenly thought, could the Ruan Cunyun in his dream be real

He gave a painting as a present, could he have really taken one out of the drawer and given it to Ruan Cunyun? !

And a bathtub...

What about that part? He shouldn't have done anything evil when he was drunk!

Qin Fanglu looked pale at the car window. He really had no memory of what happened last night and didn't know if he had done anything ridiculous.

After arriving at the company, Qin Fanglu held several meetings without stopping. It was already afternoon when he returned to the office.

Ruan Cunyun was sitting with Xiaomei discussing an issue. When they saw Qin Fanglu coming back, they both greeted him.

Ruan Cunyun looked normal and there was nothing unusual about him.

The more this happened, the more uncertain Qin Fanglu felt.

Finally, when Ruan Cunyun went alone to fetch water, Qin Fanglu picked up the cup with a calm expression and followed Ruan Cunyun to the tea room with a dignified look.

There were only two of them in the tea room, and Qin Fanglu couldn't wait to speak: "I'm sorry for bothering you last night."

Ruan Cunyun didn't realize Qin Fanglu was following him. He took a step back and said, "Mr. Qin, you're welcome."

"I did something very unusual last night..." Qin Fanglu stuttered for the first time.

I don't know what Ruan Cunyun was thinking of, but he chuckled and said, "Well, it's okay."

Seeing Ruan Cunyun smile, Qin Fanglu felt relieved. At least what he did would not be too outrageous.

"What time have you been busy taking care of me?" Qin Fanglu looked at him.

"Not bad." Ruan Cunyun said, "I got home at around one o'clock."

"A little after one? This is too late." Qin Fanglu frowned and said in a gentle tone, "I used to be like this after coming back from a dinner party. I just need to get some sleep. You don't have to stay that late."

"By the way, how did you know where I had dinner last night?" Qin Fanglu asked.

Ruan Cunyun looked back at him openly, "There are only a few restaurants that the company usually goes to. I guess you are at the most upscale one. You'll get there after a while."

Qin Fanglu's heart melted. He leaned over and asked in a negotiating tone, but his tone was a little tough: "I didn't expect you to be so... Thank you was too light. But can you not do this in the future? The driver can just take me home. You don't have to stay so late."

"Is it necessary?" There was a hidden cold light in Ruan Cunyun's eyes.

"I don't have to pick you up?"

Qin Fanglu thought about it and realized that the logic was correct. He stated sincerely: "Yes. I have dealt with similar situations many times. The driver took me home and I just had a good sleep. There is really no need to trouble you."

Ruan Cunyun frowned and said nothing, as if he was brewing his emotions.

"Hey! Mr. Qin, why are you here? I finally found you!"

A colleague suddenly pushed open the door of the tea room. Ruan Cunyun turned around in panic to continue getting water, while Qin Fanglu took a step forward calmly, holding the cup of water in his hand.

"What's wrong?" Qin Fanglu asked.

"The xx system suddenly stopped running. I can't find what the problem is. I need you to check it out as soon as possible."

"Okay." Qin Fanglu switched to work mode in a second, "Here I come."

He turned back to look at Ruan Cunyun in a hurry and found that Ruan Cunyun had already fetched water and was packing up and walking out.

Needless to say, in the company, work and responsibility come first, and other things take a back seat.

This issue was far beyond the scope of Ruan Cunyun's involvement. Sitting at his workstation, he saw people constantly coming to Qin Fanglu to ask for his opinions and decisions.

Qin Fanglu sat at the table, communicating clearly and quickly with the person on the phone and making decisions in a short time.

People were coming and going around, but Qin Fanglu was the only one standing in the center, constantly giving corresponding directions.

If the company is a galaxy, then Qin Fanglu is the star in the center.

From the beginning to now, he has been one of the backbones of the company, carrying the fate of the entire enterprise, and at critical moments, everyone else relies on him.

So he cannot get tired, cannot rest, and must keep burning without stopping for a moment.

Because he stood too high, no one could see his tiredness and fragility. No one knew that he would scream in pain uncontrollably after getting drunk, and even he himself didn't care.

Ruan Cunyun looked at him silently, and the thoughts in his heart gradually became firmer.

I spent the whole afternoon working on the system problem and finally solved it without any major problems.

There will always be some unexpected events at work that disrupt your plans.

What Qin Fanglu hates most is having his plans disrupted.

He looked through his schedule and found that he had to work overtime again in the evening, which gave him a headache.

Qin Fanglu looked up at Ruan Cunyun, who was still sitting in his seat, and felt even more headache.

Ruan Cunyun finished checking his work, turned off his computer, walked to Qin Fanglu's desk calmly, and said condescendingly: "Boss Qin, I'll go buy you dinner."

The tone didn't sound like he was calling "Mr. Qin" but rather like he was calling "Little Qinzi".

"Thank you, I really don't need to bother you." Qin Fanglu begged, "I will go home for dinner after I finish my work."

Ruan Cunyun laughed and said, "Eating air? I checked yesterday and there were only two eggs and a bottle of milk in your refrigerator. One of the eggs was cracked, so I threw it away for you."

Qin Fanglu argued: "I ordered takeout."

Ruan Cunyun ignored him, said "wait", and went downstairs.

After a while, Ruan Cunyun came up with a hot porridge set in his hand.

"Go eat in your lounge." Ruan Cunyun said.

Qin Fanglu was helpless. The fragrance of the porridge had already made him hungry, but he still said stubbornly: "You eat first."

Ruan Cunyun stood beside him and watched him.

Qin Fanglu couldn't persuade him any more, so he gave in and resigned himself to following Ruan Cunyun to the lounge.

Qin Fanglu suddenly thought of a question: "Why did you just say this is 'your lounge'?"

Ruan Cunyun took out the porridge box and spread it out, a little unhappy: "I'm not that stupid."

Qin Fanglu explained: "At first I saw that you were too tired, so I didn't want to wake you up. I wanted you to have a good rest."

As for why he let Ruan Cunyun use his lounge later... not all of it was out of selfish motives, at least most of it was out of selfish motives.

Ruan Cunyun did not continue the topic, pointing at the opened porridge and said: "Drink it quickly."

Fish fillet porridge is fragrant and delicate, suitable for patients with stomach pain.

After eating half a bowl, Qin Fanglu felt that most of his energy from a hard day's work had returned.

However, since going to college, Qin Fanglu had never been taken care of like this, and he was very uncomfortable for a while.

"You're causing too much trouble."

The first thing Qin Fanglu said was something Ruan Cunyun didn't want to hear, but Ruan Cunyun was waiting here.

Qin Fanglu continued: "I have been doing this for so many years, and it's really nothing. You are taking up too much time and energy taking care of me like this, it's unnecessary."

"Oh." Ruan Cunyun raised his small chin and repeated word by word, "You said it's not necessary."

"Then do you know what you did last night?" Ruan Cunyun asked mysteriously.

When Qin Fanglu heard "last night", he instantly became nervous and asked hurriedly: "What did I do?"

Ruan Cunyun took out a piece of paper and said, "You insisted on giving me a painting and said you would sign it for me. But I got this instead. There is a messy curve on a piece of white paper."

Qin Fanglu looked at the line and asked, "Is this what I wrote?" Ruan Cunyun smiled and said, "You really don't remember it?"

After reading it carefully several times, Qin Fanglu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Although his hands were shaking badly after being drunk, the starting and ending points of his signature were still his subconscious habits.

This line, if properly signed, should be the English word "balls" in capital letters.

Qin Fanglu was still frightened. He almost sold himself when he was drunk.

Ruan Cunyun took out another button and put it on the table, then said slowly: "When you were drunk, you grabbed my hand and wouldn't let me leave, and you ripped off one of my cufflinks."

Qin Fanglu looked at the button in disbelief, unable to believe that he would do such a thing.

Suddenly remembering what the driver said, "You hold Mr. Ruan and don't let him leave," Qin Fanglu began to believe it a little.

"You've been holding onto me since you got off the car, and you told me several times that your stomach hurts, and your eyebrows are twisted together."

Ruan Cunyun looked at him gently.

Qin Fanglu moved his lips: "Really?"

Ruan Cunyun nodded, took a deep breath, and wanted to look directly at Qin Fanglu, but finally looked away.

He said slowly: "Qin Fanglu, I want to share your pressure and understand your pain. I want you to know that although you are in a high position, you are not alone and you are not invincible. You still have a shoulder to lean on."

Qin Fanglu clenched the chopsticks in his hand: "But it is very tiring to receive other people's negative emotions. You are already very tired, and I don't want to make you more tired..."

Ruan Cunyun gently pressed the back of his hand and continued, "You tacitly allow me to use your lounge, so you can rest here occasionally, okay?"

The shock of just one sentence was too great. Ruan Cunyun seemed to have always been the one who needed care, but now he straightened his back and told Qin Fanglu, I can also support you.

Qin Fanglu's eyes turned red, and his heart was broken: "But..."

But Ruan Cunyun obviously doesn't need to bear these.

"Qin Fanglu, admit it." Ruan Cunyun pouted slightly, feeling a little aggrieved and a little arrogant.

"You need me so much."

(End of this chapter)