2D Otaku with Social Anxiety Also Wants to Date!

Chapter 46


Qin Lu was shocked, not only because of the embarrassment of being exposed, but also because of the awkwardness of being seen through.

He looked at Ruan Cunyun deeply, with many emotions surging in his heart, not knowing where to start, all converging into a clear self-awareness: Yes, you need him very much.

"Actually, I've always..." Qin Lu took a deep breath, his mind full of thoughts.

Ruan Cunyun waited quietly for him to finish.

"I'm not used to relying on others at work. It has always been like this." Qin Lu analyzed, "I don't want to push you away. I just consciously continue the habit."

"I'm sorry I ignored your feelings, I..." Qin Lu closed his eyes, feeling that everything was redundant now, and could only say dryly, "I know now, I really know."

Although his expression was somewhat fragmented, Ruan Cunyun understood it and felt a little regretful.

How old are you? Do you have to be so excited

"Don't apologize, what did you do wrong?" Ruan Cunyun clenched his hands tightly together.

Ruan Cunyun felt a pain in his heart, which was made even more painful by his own helplessness.

Ruan Cunyun had good intentions in comforting Qin Lu but he was overthinking and was eager to prove that he could be relied on.

Ruan Cunyun stuttered: "Ah, how can it be cured..."

"Qin Lu, don't feel bad." Ruan Cunyun's voice was shaking.

Qin Lu's words were a bit ambiguous and intentional, so how could Ruan Cunyun not hear it

"Okay." Qin Lu sat up straight on the sofa and spread his arms in a relaxed manner, "Doctor Ruan, give me a hug."

Ruan Cunyun sat on his lap and hugged him, saying aggrievedly, "Does it hurt?"

Qin Lu closed his eyes deeply, and a hidden blue vein bulged on the side of his neck.

"Just holding hands is not enough, it won't heal you." Qin Lu whispered, "It's just uncomfortable."

Just bend down and hug your son, it's quite simple, he has never hugged before, this time it's Ruan Cunyun's turn to take the initiative, why is he so shy -

He said in a low voice: "If you hold me like this, it will be enough to cure me until next year."

He held Qin Lu's hand tightly: "I will."

Qin Lu felt so sweet inside and thought Ruan Cunyun was really cute and young.

The key to kissing and hugging is to make it happen naturally. Putting it on the table tomorrow is like negotiating a contract, with several announcements made. The ambiguous atmosphere is clearly mixed with a bit of innocence and shyness.

Ruan Cunyun stood up, his legs gently touching Qin Lu's knees: "Then, then I'll hug you..."

What Ruan Cunyun saw here was not just a boss, not just Qin Lu, but an entrepreneur.

This was not the hug he had expected.

Ruan Cunyun loosened his twisted hands and gently placed them on the back of Qin Lu's hand and touched it.

But he had no choice but to take the bait voluntarily.

Ruan Cunyun sat astride Qin Lu's legs, with his calves kneeling on both sides of Qin Lu's body, bent on the sofa, his arms tightly around him, his uneven breathing falling into Qin Lu's ears.

Although Ruan Cunyun hugged her tightly, his body was also pressed so close.

"It's become so big, with so many fans, and I want to see it get better. This is one of the few things I miss."

"And drinking is really annoying..." Qin Lu closed his eyes, frowned uncomfortably as if recalling the dizziness.

Qin Lu was wrong. It is very exhausting to accept other people's negative emotions. Especially when this person is in your heart, the harm is multiplied.

It's just like digging a hole for yourself to jump into.

His eyes wandered over Qin Lu's relaxed body. Ruan Cunyun thought about everything in his mind and succeeded in making himself blush.

Qin Lu reacted almost instantly, and even his breathing rhythm changed.

"The key is that I can't stop, and I don't want to stop." Qin Lurong looked tired, but also had faith.

Qin Lu lowered his eyes and said slowly: "I've been really tired recently. I've spent most of my time working and I can't sleep for five hours a day. And business is not like a program that can be run after it is written. There are many parts that are beyond my control and I can't handle them well."

"I'm not sure either." Qin Lu leaned back on the sofa, looking docile and willing to be manipulated. "Doctor Ruan, it's up to you."

“Then I, then I…” Ruan Cunyun looked at the sitting posture of the big boss Qin Lu and always felt that he was the fish on the chopping board.

Ruan Cunyun felt as if he had been granted amnesty, and immediately stood up from Qin Lu by supporting himself on the back of the sofa.

Qin Lu was also nervous, worried that he had gone too far. But now that Ruan Cunyun was only "holding one", he was relieved.

Like a magnificent palace, when the carved and jade-built outer shell is removed to reveal the rough foundation inside, it is no different from any other ordinary person.

Qin Lu dared not move, even his fingers were stiff, all the blood in his body rushed to one part, and fireworks were going off in his head.

Finally, he was defeated and asked tentatively: "Hug, hug for a while, okay?"

"No matter how good your alcohol tolerance is, you can't resist them pouring it like that. You have to be able to drink, and even after drinking, you have to talk to them rationally without revealing any clues. After the conversation, you have to send them out, as if they were completely sober."

Qin Lu suddenly felt something heavy on his legs, and a heavy warmth nestled into his arms.

If Ruan Cunyun really kissed him or something like that, Qin Lu was sure that he would explode on the spot.

Now that Qin Lu had come to his senses so quickly, he chatted with him, showed weakness, and waited for Ruan Cunyun's comfort. He found himself a little overwhelmed.

Qin Lu grabbed Ruan Cunyun's wrist with his backhand and covered his hand loosely in his palm.

Some of the air was taken away, and Qin Lu felt empty, but the temperature was still very high.

Ruan Cunyun didn't know what he was thinking. He seemed to be possessed by a demon. Looking at Qin Lu's two thighs wrapped in his trousers, he suddenly straddled him.

The two of them only hugged for a few seconds, and Ruan Cunyun was already so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole in the ground, and his eyes were consciously staring at the ground.

Qin Lu coughed softly, pulled a blanket from the sofa and covered his legs with it, thinking that his decision to put the blanket here was a wise one.

"Well, are you feeling better?" Ruan Cunyun asked.

"All right." Qin Lu stood up, "Very well."

Ruan Cunyun nodded: "If you encounter a big pressure in the future, you must come to me. If you have a stomachache, you must also come with me."

Qin Lu asked: "Doctor Ruan, is this a lifelong service?"

Ruan Cunyun was stunned for a moment, then said, "It depends on you."

"I really want it, will you give it to me?"

Qin Lu's eyes were soft, his fingers were hidden at his side, clutching the blanket.

Ruan Cunyun pursed his lips.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally asked, "Just be a doctor?"

Qin Lu's fingers loosened a little: "It depends on you."

From the first day of work to now, the time has been neither long nor short, and all the things that should be made clear and the bumps that should be made between the two have happened.

Qin Lu initially hit the wall with a straight ball, but he never wavered afterwards. Ruan Cunyun's concern and understanding were sincere and could not be faked.

Whenever I'm with Qin Lu, my heart feels hot and my blood flows faster.

Ruan Cunyun knew that Qin Lu had a reaction, whether physiologically or psychologically, physically or chemically.

What is their relationship now

Superiors, friends, today there is an extra patient with high blood pressure and a doctor who prescribes medicine blindly, is that all

But there was clearly something between them that went beyond the realm of superiors and friends.

It's hard to tell what the atmosphere is like, but if you put the two of them in a crowd, there's a transparent aura between them.

Ruan Cunyun would rather he was not the one who made the choice, but Qin Lu's choice was clear from the beginning, and only he could press the switch.

Qin Lu was waiting for his words.

Seeing Ruan Cunyun taking too long, Qin Lu was not in a hurry, he just said, "The porridge is getting cold."

The soft porridge was emptied one spoonful at a time, like an hourglass counting down. Ruan Cunyun's heartbeat quickened little by little, he thought, but he didn't know what to do.

This time it was indeed Ruan Cunyun who took the initiative first, but he did not expect Tan to slide to this position and reach such a critical fork in the road.

According to what he had seen in various comics, what could the protagonist do

—I like you, let's be together. Okay, I promise. Can I kiss you

Random fragments swirled in Ruan Cunyun's mind, but he couldn't extract any useful information from them, and his lips were numb.

They both finished their porridge and placed their chopsticks lightly on the edge of the bowl.

Ruan Cunyun couldn't raise his head, he didn't know what to do.

"Ruan Cunyun."

Qin Lu cleaned up the dishes and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Ruan Cunyun blurted out without thinking: "I don't want to be just a doctor, and I don't want to be just a friend with you."

"Have you thought about it?" Qin Lu asked him, but waited for his answer.

Qin Lu immediately continued: "This is not a job with a deadline. You can tell me when you have thought it through, or you can never tell me."

Ruan Cunyun bit his lip and said, "I'll tell you when I've made up my mind."

"There is a deadline, don't rush."

Qin Lu thought for a moment, then said seriously: "You can't force it here, not even a little bit."

Ruan Cunyun had just been thinking for too long, and it was obvious that he had reached that point. Qin Lu didn't want to force him, so there was no rush to say this.

The work has to continue, and the whole team's nerves are gradually tightening.

Qin Lu was busy, but whenever he went out for drinks or social events, or occasionally worked until late at night, Ruan Cunyun would quietly accompany him in the office and buy him non-greasy dishes in turn.

Qin Lu said “no need” and “thank you” again and again, only “I want to eat fried eggs with shrimp tomorrow.”

When the project was finally settled, cheers rang out in the office. Some people even took out champagne glasses to celebrate. Qin Lu just turned around in his chair with a smile on his face.

Ruan Cunyun and Qin Lu looked at each other from a distance for a few seconds, then separated for a long while. They knew each other's hearts without words.

The project cooperation brought this year to a successful conclusion. The weather had unknowingly become much colder, but everyone was gradually immersed in the atmosphere of the upcoming long vacation, and the office was always hot.

The final beautiful period is composed of the company's annual meeting.

The pressure that once troubled Ruan Cunyun day and night was relieved by him. As a simple employee and audience participating in the annual meeting, Ruan Cunyun felt relaxed.

Zhu's annual meeting was held in the banquet hall of a large restaurant. The four hosts were all beautiful and handsome with bright faces.

Before going on stage, Lu Shan specifically looked for Ruan Cunyun to chat for a while. One was on stage and the other was behind the scenes. After taking turns, the two of them both got the positions that suited them best. It was quite a coincidence.

It was Ruan Cunyun's first time attending the company's annual meeting, and he dressed formally like everyone else. The working atmosphere was good, and dressing formally would not distance him from his colleagues.

Xiaomei wore a black rhinestone dress. When she didn't speak, she was a calm and elegant beauty, but when she spoke, she turned back into that lively girl.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Xiaomei rubbed her hands, "I can't wait."

Ruan Cunyun was a little surprised: "Is the annual meeting so worth looking forward to?"

"There are only a few things to look forward to!" Xiaomei counted on her fingers, "A big meal and a lucky draw. Oh, okay, that's just two."

"But the lucky draws at Zhu's annual meeting have always been very generous, so everyone is looking forward to it, hahaha." Ruan Cunyun nodded.

The lottery has nothing to do with him as an African.

The annual meeting began with a speech by the leader. Shu Wanzhu was dignified and beautiful, with a steady stage presence. She summarized the achievements of the previous year, thanked everyone for their efforts, and then looked forward to the future, which livened up the atmosphere of the entire meeting.

After she finished speaking it was Qin Lu's turn. He was dressed in a low-key suit and gave a short but meaningful speech. He walked off the stage after speaking just a few words. He was everyone's favorite "non-verbose" leader.

Qin Lu stood on the stage and gave a speech, while Ruan Cunyun sat on the stage and watched. This scene had appeared many times.

In the past he always saw the gap between them, but now he has learned to accept this distance which cannot be bridged, because they are actually equal.

Ruan Cunyun found that he was still consciously looking for Qin Lu.

Watch him walk onto the stage and take his seat, notice him holding a glass of wine and talking to others at a grand dinner, see him calmly smiling in the flash of the camera.

As soon as Ruan Cunyun looked over, he saw Qin Lu also looking at him.

After the performance, the host came on stage and announced that now was the much-anticipated lucky draw room!

The audience burst into warm applause and cheers, and Ruan Cunyun slightly covered his ears.

"It's too hot, everyone—" Ruan Cunyun's voice was drowned out.

Xiaomei laughed: "Because everyone is looking forward to what kind of big gifts will be given this year."

The raffles at the annual party have always been lavish, such as the latest top-of-the-line mobile phones, SLR cameras, and cash prizes numbering in tens of thousands.

Every time an employee wins a grand prize, he or she will be severely punished by everyone.

Following the host's introduction, a lottery circle appeared on the big screen, with someone's name scrolling in the center and the contents of the prize next to it.

Xiaomei said with relish: "Do you know that this lottery system is open to the whole company? Everyone can see the backend code. Simply put, it is to ensure fairness, and people can cheat."

Ruan Cunyun couldn't cry: "Everyone really likes the lottery."

"And there's one thing." Xiao Mei raised her lips, "The company's management has the right to participate in the lottery, it's just a benefit for the employees."

"Is that so?" Ruan Cunyun seemed to think, "Then President Qin can't smoke either?"

Xiaomei nodded: "Yeah!"

After several rounds of prize draws, Xiaomei won an air purifier and said with a bitter face, "I already have one, I want to exchange it with someone else."

Ruan Cunyun waited until his name was called, but he didn't care at all because he was an old African after all.

The awards became more and more grand, and everyone became more and more excited.

Lu Shan announced a prize and added a playful introduction: "I bet that some people will be very happy to receive this prize, while others will be sad. This prize is a luxurious ten-day trip to Europe for two people! If you have a significant other, then congratulations on your publicly funded honeymoon! But if you happen to be single... you can give the gift to your parents."

Amid everyone's cheers, the names on the big screen began to scroll.

Ruan Cunyun picked up a piece of cantaloupe from the fruit plate and chewed it, waiting to see whether the prize would fall to some couple or some single guy.

The scrolling of names on the big screen gradually slowed down. Ruan Cunyun stuffed a piece of melon into his mouth, and then saw three extremely familiar words appear on the screen: "Ruan Cunyun".

Ruan Cunyun almost choked on the melon.

Xiaomei slapped him on the back fiercely: "Fuck! You won the prize!"

His colleagues all looked over and joked, "I remember Xiao Ruan is single, right? Have you found someone to redeem the prize with?"

"Will Xiao Ruan go with his friends?"

"Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted, just play around and come back."

The host called Ruan Cunyun to the stage to receive the award. He walked up in a daze, thinking that he was actually standing on the annual meeting stage in this capacity.

Ruan Cunyun saw Qin Lu sitting in the row, their eyes met, and Ruan Cunyun turned away.

Lu Shan said: "Congratulations, Xiao Ruan! Can you tell me a little bit about who you plan to travel with? With your good friends?"

Ruan Cunyun was nervous on stage and said bluntly, "I've thought about it."

"Hahaha, don't worry, you can think about it slowly!" Lu Shan put the small sign representing the prize in Ruan Cunyun's hand, "No matter who you go on this trip with, I wish you a safe journey and a happy life!"

Ruan Cunyun took the award and hurried off the stage, noticing Qin Lu's eyes following him.

Although he is a homebody, Ruan Cunyun also likes to visit other places.

In addition, he hadn't been traveling for a long time, so now that the free lunch had come, he was really tempted and didn't want to give the travel opportunity to others.

The question is, with whom

Xu Feifei

Forget it, that guy is a real game geek. It’s okay to ask him to go out and play for two or three days, but ten days is a bit too much.

With mom? No.

Ruan Cunyun immediately crossed out the option of his parents in his mind, as he felt uncomfortable going out alone with them.

Who is left? The answer is obvious.

The name kept circling in his mind, and he couldn't put it down.

Ten days, two people, in a foreign country.

Everything in the travel package was prepared according to couples' standards. The plane seats were connected, the hotel was in the same room, and some attractions suitable for couples were specially arranged.

If Qin Lu is invited... then what will happen to them in these ten days, and how far their relationship will progress, is all hard to predict.


Qin Lu sat on the sofa holding his cell phone, feeling distressed and hesitant.

There are a bunch of windows open on the phone -

"The correct way to confess on 520", "How to confess to a boy", "Learn these few tricks to keep a man's heart!", "Sending a date? You're out of date if you do this again!"

Qin Lu was a little stimulated.

Although it was just a little bit of stimulation, its effect was huge.

Ever since the last chat in the lounge, when Qin Lu told Ruan Cunyun to "not be anxious", there has been some movement on Ruan Cunyun's side.

Qin Lu was so regretful that he should have just gone straight to A! Isn't it just one sentence? It's just one step away. If you had said one more sentence, it would have been a sure thing.

Now that he has handed the initiative to Ruan Cunyun, the kid is probably feeling conflicted.

Qin Lu said "no hurry" and seemed very calm and generous, but he was actually very anxious.

Every day when I look at Ruan Cunyun, I always ask, "Why don't you come to see me?", "Have you made up your mind?", "Hurry up and agree to me, this is the last chance!"

Ruan Cunyun seemed to have difficulty accepting it and really started to think about it seriously.

Thinking about it now, what is the result

Ruan Cunyun won a couple travel package. The host asked him who he would like to go with, and he actually “thought of one”!

This means that there are choices, but it is up to the decision who they are.

According to Qin Lu, this position belongs to him.

But now several days have passed and there is no movement from Ruan Cunyun.

Qin Lu was afraid that if he remained silent, his beloved baby would really run away.

Since Ruan Cunyun did not take any action, Qin Lu could only consider taking the initiative.

He summed up his previous mistakes and learned a lot of relevant knowledge on the Internet, hoping to be foolproof this time.

There was a sudden crisp crash behind him. Qin Lu lost his phone and became angry for the first time.

"Who pushed the cup away?"

Qin Lu came to the restaurant table and saw the cat walking away from the crime scene with its tail up as if nothing had happened.

He sighed and cleaned up the water stains on the floor.

Back at the sofa, the orange cat was sitting on his phone, sweeping its tail back and forth.

Qin Lu waved it away, picked up his phone, and suddenly his eyes widened and his heart stopped.

Mobile phones remain in a sharing world.

The post "The best way to confess to a boy, 100% success rate!" that Qin Lu was browsing was sat on by the orange cat's big butt, and was accidentally shared on Weibo.

Having experienced such a social death for many years, Qin Lu deleted the Weibo post quickly with trembling fingers, and discovered in despair that there were already about a hundred comments and several hundred likes.

Qin Lu slowly called the orange cat's name and gave a cold and cruel punishment: "Your canned food for this week is all gone."


Ruan Cunyun collapsed while holding his phone. How could this day come to Teacher Dan

Look at what Teacher Dan shared—how to confess to a boy!

Teacher Dan’s identity as a cool and aloof girl can no longer be maintained. Now everyone knows that their teacher Dan who dares to draw anything is actually a pure girl who actually searched the Internet for the love guide written by this marketing account.

One minute after seeing Teacher Dan’s post, Ruan Cunyun deleted it.

Unable to help it any longer, Ruan Cunyun used his trumpet to open Teacher Dan’s private chat.

BALLS teacher healed my Yangwei: [Teacher Dan is ready to confess! Go! ! ]

BALLS: [You saw it too [smoking]]

Teacher BALLS cured my Yang Tail: [Hehe, Teacher Dan is so brave, it’s good to confess! Let me know your feelings. ]

BALLS: [In fact, he already knew it.]

BALLS: [Honestly, I am quite confident this time, I can succeed. ]

BALLS teacher cured my Yangwei: [! I’m so jealous QAQ]

Teacher BALLS cured my Yangwei: [Actually, I am also struggling with this... I don’t know how far I will go with the person I like, so I dare not say it out loud, nor do I dare to start. ]

BALLS teacher cured my Yangwei: [Does Dan teacher worry about the future? For example, what if the two of us drift apart, what if there is a gap or disagreement... Oh, so annoying! ]

BALLS: [Haha, are you troubled too? ]

BALLS: [I’m not worried about the future. As long as there is the present, there is the future. If we don’t even dare to start, how can we move forward together?]

BALLS: [And I know he is my future, nothing else is possible.]

BALLS: [If you meet someone like this, then you won’t rush? ]

Teacher BALLS cured my Yangwei: [Teacher Dan, you are worthy of being Teacher Dan.]

Teacher BALLS cured my Yangwei: [Thank you, I rushed! ]

BALLS: [Me too. Good luck.]

Ruan Cunyun quit Weibo and felt suddenly enlightened.

Teacher Dan knows that if you meet someone, you must rush forward. All future difficulties are just paper tigers! If you don’t rush forward, what else can you wait for

Ruan Cunyun's hands were shaking when he opened WeChat.

He deleted and reduced a lot, closed his eyes, and sent a message to Qin Lu: [Would you like to travel to Europe with me? ]

Almost at the same time, a message came: [Ruan Cunyun, I miss you, what time do you want to see me? ]

Ruan Cunyun was a little confused and thought of sending the message at the same time as himself.

Ruan Cunyun replied: [When? Of course.]

Qin Lu replied: [No need.]

Qin Lu: [I will travel with you. ]

(End of this chapter)