48 Hours a Day

Chapter 103: Black Sail Chapter (8)


This was the first time Zhang Heng heard this word from those pirates.

The main task of his dungeon this time is to establish a foothold in Nassau and form his own forces. Of course, he wants to know more about that place, but before he opens his mouth, a strong sense of nausea rushes to his forehead, and Zhang Heng can't help but open his mouth. mouth, holding the wooden barrel in his arms tightly, feeling like he was going to spit out his stomach.

Goodwin got up and patted him on the back, "Go to bed early, you'll get better after you sleep, and I won't bother you."

Zhang Heng also realized that his current state is indeed very bad, not only physically, but also mentally. He can't concentrate and think at all now. He originally asked Marvin to deal with the waste in the barrel Corpse, but in his current state, he definitely can't do this anymore.

Zhang Heng felt as if he had been thrown into a front-loading washing machine. The whole world was tumbling and shaking. He vomited and vomited while holding the wooden barrel, and he tossed and tossed until midnight before falling asleep in a daze. , and then opened his eyes but saw a familiar face.

"Are you awake?" Marvin said excitedly, and he picked up the food on the other side while talking, "I made fish soup for you, and I used the fish I just caught this morning, just to give you a supplement body."

There was concern in the eyes of the farmer's son, and it seemed as if he was wishing him a quick recovery from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Heng glanced at the bowl of fish soup and the biscuits beside him, but he didn't do anything, but asked, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, Goodwin told Mr. Owen about your illness. Mr. Owen asked if there was anyone willing to take care of you, so I signed up voluntarily. Anyway, I have nothing else to do after finishing two meals a day. "

Marvin seemed to know that Zhang Heng didn't trust him very much, so he picked up the bowl of fish soup and took a big sip, took another bite of the biscuit next to him, chewed and said aggrievedly, "Actually, you don't have to treat me like this Be careful, we were all on the same boat before, now there are only you, me, Bruce, and Kenny, at such a time, shouldn't we all work together."

When Marvin said this, he looked around furtively to confirm that no one was around, and then he lowered his voice and said quickly, "They searched the whole boat again this morning, looking for that guy named Vic, but luckily The kitchen has not been inspected much, what should we do, will they find us again in the future?"

Zhang Heng took a sip of the fish soup and glanced at Marvin. He wondered if it was his illusion. He felt that the latter's acting skills had improved a lot compared to before. The farmer's son could not hide things on his face at all, but now Zhang Heng I found it hard to see what he was thinking.

Sure enough, the harsher the environment, the more it can accelerate a person's growth

However, Zhang Heng knows very well that Marvin is a completely unreliable person. Those things that happened before have proved that his selfishness is rooted in his heart and cannot be changed. He only has himself in his eyes. He will not hesitate to sell the people around him in exchange for a better life, but for now, the interests of the two are temporarily the same.

Because the corpse in Zhang Heng's mending barrel became their common trouble, now Marvin could only count on him to deal with the corpse quickly, and he didn't want Zhang Heng to have any problems before that.

However, things did not go his way. After Zhang Heng drank the fish soup, he started to vomit shortly after taking a rest. He spent the next week in this back and forth. He lost a lot of weight. Some people even thought that he Can't make it through.

There are too many similar things. Because of the poor sanitary conditions, people often contract diseases when they go to sea. With the medical level at that time, even if there are ship doctors, it is 80% difficult to save them.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Zhang Heng finally carried all this with amazing perseverance, but when he was able to get out of the hammock and was no longer affected by the wind and waves, his weight was only a little over a hundred catties.

"My God, you look like a landlubber who has never been out at sea, but how is this possible?" Goodwin asked in surprise, "Haven't you been drifting at sea for a month and a half before?"

"It's a long story." With the support of the gunner, Zhang Heng got out of bed, came to the deck, and greedily breathed the fresh air. It felt good to be reborn. Zhang Heng never thought that one day It would become a luxury for him to even look at the sun above his head again. He stayed in the dark sailor cabin for so long that he almost forgot what the outside world was like.

"But no matter what, you are welcome back, my friend." Goodwin saw Marvin who was looking over here not far away, paused and said, "I remembered, I don't seem to have given mine yet. Weapon maintenance, let’s talk later.”

When Goodwin walked away, the farmer's son walked over quickly, with a look of anxiety on his face, he hurriedly said when he saw him, "Thank God you finally woke up, you don't know how many days I have How did it all come here? Every time someone passes by the kitchen door, I feel anxious. The stuff in the wooden barrel has been stored for too long. Now it's... I don't know how to describe the smell. It's time to raise doubts, and I just heard from a sailor that land will be visible in about three days. What will happen to the thing in the barrel? If someone finds out, the two of us may become the shortest-lived people in history pirate."

"I can fully understand the difficulties you are facing now, but you have survived for so many days and you probably don't care about waiting another day. With my current physical state, I can't do anything even if I want to. Wait until tomorrow night. At last Later tomorrow night, let's solve this problem together." Zhang Heng said.

Although Marvin was in a hurry, he also knew that Zhang Heng was telling the truth. According to the original plan of the two of them, they should have dealt with this hidden danger ten days ago, but no one expected that Zhang Heng would start getting seasick all the way afterwards. We are about to reach the land, and when the time comes, there will be too many people, and there will be troubles if we don't keep them together. "

Marvin had no better choice, so he could only nod his head. In fact, if he had the guts, he could throw the body into the sea by himself these days, but the fear in his heart finally defeated his courage, and his heart was always There was also resentment, the person was obviously killed by Zhang Heng, but the current result required the two to bear the risk together.

It made him feel extremely aggrieved.