48 Hours a Day

Chapter 104: Black Sail Chapter (9)


Zhang Heng used these two days to do a little exercise, and his physical strength was also recovering rapidly after eating the food carefully cooked by Marvin. By the second night, he could already walk around effortlessly, but There is still a big gap from when he was at his peak.

But there was no time left for him. According to their current sailing speed, they could reach Nassau tomorrow morning at the earliest.

He and Marvin must get rid of the body in the barrel tonight.

Owen visited Zhang Heng after the meal and exchanged some pleasantries, telling him to rest well and not worry about work. Zhang Heng expressed his thanks, and then Goodwin came to chat with him for a while before he was a sailor on the supply ship. life.

In the middle of the night, all the sailors climbed into the hammocks. Zhang Heng was not in a hurry, and waited for another hour to ensure that everyone fell asleep before he got up from the bed, walked through the continuous snoring, and walked into the kitchen.

Marvin had already been sitting on pins and needles there, most of the candles on the table had been burned out, and he was holding a potato in his hand, pretending to be peeling, but his mind was not on it at all.

Hearing footsteps outside, he immediately subconsciously said, "Mr. Dufresne, I'll finish soon, go to bed right away..."

Halfway through his words, he looked up and saw the person who came in. He was relieved and said a little annoyed, "Why are you here so late? Do you know how many times I have been asked why I don't go to bed? If I go down, I will be suspected."

"Find an excuse to explain why you don't sleep or drag this thing out when everyone is awake. Which behavior do you think is more dangerous?" Zhang Heng asked.

Marvin smiled mischievously, "I'm not blaming you, I just think maybe we have a safer way..."

Zhang Heng interrupted him, "The sooner we solve this trouble, the sooner we will be out of danger, whether it is me or you, so if you really care about your safety, we should do it now."

Marvin finally didn't say anything this time, and lifted the wooden barrel together with Zhang Heng.

The two walked out of the kitchen, walked through the corridor and storage room outside, and came to the door of the sailor's cabin.

Marvin took a deep breath and was about to take a step, but was stopped by Zhang Heng. Then he saw a pirate rubbing his eyes and getting up from the hammock. The latter was eating dinner with about rum He drank too much alcohol, woke up halfway through his sleep and was awakened by the urge to urinate, and hurriedly left the sailor cabin. After a while, he dangled back with his trousers in his hands, and fell headlong on the bed.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, Zhang Heng nodded to Marvin, and the two continued to lift the wooden barrel. The farmer's son felt his heart was about to pop out of his throat, and he didn't know how he moved step by step. Moving to the ship's ladder, this time seems to be as long as a century.

Any nearby pirate's turning over or dreaming murmurs made him shudder.

It wasn't until he walked out of the sailor cabin and went up to the upper floor that the tension in Marvin's heart eased a little. He lowered his voice and said, "What should we do, go to the deck?"

"No, there are people patrolling there, and there are people at the helm. It's hard not to be noticed by them when you go up." Zhang Heng said, "The rooms on this floor were originally prepared for passengers, and the windows are big enough to send the corpses out. What happened to what I asked you to check?"

"Well, our original room is now occupied by people from the vanguard," Marvin said, "but there are two other rooms that are now vacant because they were too damaged. There is not enough wood on the main ship. Let it go."

"Very well, then lead the way."

The two rested for half a minute, with Marvin in front and Zhang Heng in the back, carrying the wooden barrel to the penultimate room at the end of the corridor. Marvin glanced at Zhang Heng at the side, stretched out his hand, and gently Knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside.

The farmer's son then boldly pushed open the door, and there was no one in the house. In the previous battle, the house was unfortunately hit by four shells, and the side walls almost disappeared, but because it is far away from the waterline, now It was simply nailed to a few wooden boards, and the wind is still leaking.

After putting down the wooden barrel, Marvin closed the door immediately, and hurriedly said, "Now that we're at the place, let's throw the corpse overboard as soon as possible!"

Zhang Hengzheng stood in front of the damaged wall, looked down, then shook his head and said, "No, there are almost no wind and waves tonight, and the landing point is too high, the sound of the corpse falling into the water may be heard by the people on the deck." people heard."

"Then what should we do?" Marvin changed his expression when he heard the words, "We can't wait any longer, this is the last night, if we can't get rid of the corpse..."

"I didn't say not to deal with it," Zhang Heng frowned. "It's not good for me to drag it down. Find a piece of cable and wrap it around the corpse. As long as it is lowered slowly, it will be fine."

"That's a good idea," Marvin immediately turned his worry into joy, and praised, "You're still thoughtful. Travelers are different. I'll go find the cable."

As he spoke, he opened the door again, but the smile on his face froze completely immediately.

The eyes of the farmer's son were full of horror, because all the bones in his body were trembling uncontrollably because of fear.

"Sorry, did I interrupt your date?" the uninvited guest outside the door said leisurely.

It was an old pirate with whiskers and a battered gray hat on his head, and his rotten teeth showed when he smiled.

His eyes fell on the wooden barrel behind Marvin, and he raised his eyebrows, "So, has poor Vic been staying there these days?"

Zhang Heng made a judgment in the shortest possible time, took out the short musket at his waist as quickly as possible, and pointed it at the old pirate, but the expression of the latter remained unchanged.

"Believe me, boy, I've had more salt at gunpoint than you've ever eaten, let me tell you what happens next, you pull the trigger, I'm shot, uh, for this I don't doubt that, but then the gunfire will wake up the vanguard next door. You will either be hacked to death in the resistance, or you will be caught and executed. I don't know which is worse, considering your age and At my age, this deal is a bit uneconomical, isn't it?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Heng was silent for a moment. He had already realized that it was no accident that the old pirate would appear here tonight. The other party might have been eyeing them for a long time, but they just waited until this time for the showdown.

But on the bright side, the old pirate didn't seem to have any plans to uphold justice for the bald man in the barrel, otherwise he wouldn't be the only one standing outside the door now.

Zhang Heng decided to listen to the other party's intention first.