48 Hours a Day

Chapter 106: Black Sail Chapter (11)


In the early morning, all the pirates in the sailor cabin were washing up and making noise, when suddenly someone rushed down from the deck, "We see land! We're home!"

The pirates were taken aback for a moment, then burst into cheers, and ran to the deck one after another.

Zhang Heng and Marvin were also caught in the crowd and were taken out of the cabin all the way. When the two came to the bow, they also saw the harbor in the distance. to this place.

They praised it, cursed it, sang it, and spurned it, but there is no doubt that everyone cannot do without it.

This is Nassau, the capital of later Panama, located on New Providence Island in the northernmost part of the Western Indian Ocean. Here is the best harbor in the entire Bahamas. The life of fishing and hunting, Columbus discovered here in 1492, and then in 1647, the first group of European immigrants set foot on the land here and built settlements.

"You will fall in love with this place. If you love freedom and adventure, it will be difficult to resist its charm." Dewin introduced the two, "This was once a Spanish colony, and later it changed hands to Britain."

"What about now?" the farmer's son asked curiously.

"Now, this place belongs to us." Goodwin showed his white teeth, "Welcome to Nassau, the hometown of pirates, the land of freedom."

The merchant ship sailed into the bay with the Sea Lion. The pirates happily put the small wooden boat into the water, and then rowed to the shore impatiently. After going to sea for more than a month, everyone was suffocated. Now they are full of thoughts about how to go ashore. Released, except for those who still have duties, all rushed off the boat.

Dufresne ordered more than a dozen people including Zhang Heng, and began to unload the goods. Marvin looked a little nervous, and couldn't help but look towards the kitchen until the old pirate patted him on the back, " Don't worry about that wooden barrel, come and find me at the tavern when you are done with what you are doing at hand." After speaking, he also boarded the boat.

Zhang Heng and the farmer's son worked until the afternoon to move all the goods to the exchange on the shore. The person in charge of inventory did not enter the kitchen. When it was over, Marvin went back to look and found the smoked fish inside. The barrel is gone.

Dufresne called the two of them, "It is reasonable to say that you have no part in this robbery, but it is absolutely impossible to let you disembark so penniless." He took out a money bag, "Here is 50 silver Pesos, it’s an advance payment to you, it should be enough for you to live on the shore these days, and if you want to make money, you can also find some work in the town, but don’t sign a long-term contract, someone will notify you before you go to sea next time.”

Thanks to Dufresne, Zhang Heng and Marvin left the exchange, but not long after they left, the latter immediately put on a shy face and asked for a share of the money.

Zhang Heng knew what he was planning. On the way the two came here, the farmer's son was always peeking at the ships moored on the pier. Nassau is very close to the American colonies, and it won't take long to get to New York from here. , Boston, no matter how you look at it, being a young master on your own farm is more promising than being a cook on a pirate ship.

But Zhang Heng knew that he couldn't run away. If those pirates couldn't even prevent such a thing, they wouldn't let the two of them get off the ship so reassuringly, but Zhang Heng didn't remind Marvin what he meant. So they broke up, and he agreed happily, and the two parties shared the money, each getting 25 silver pesos.

Marvin obviously didn't want to fulfill the agreement with the old pirate. Seeing the silver coins in his bag and the money for the boat ticket, he rushed to the pier in a hurry.

On the other hand, Zhang Heng looked at the town he is in today. In the 18th century, Europe's productivity had grown to a fairly good level. The Renaissance had just come to an end. Especially in the upper class, the aesthetic level of architecture and decoration had reached a new level. the height of.

But it is different here. The first impression of Nassau is that it is messy. There are no theaters, no towering churches and bell towers, no ladies and gentlemen in gorgeous dresses preparing to go to the ball, and some are low and dilapidated wooden houses and stone buildings. Houses, and countless palm trees, it seems to be a huge slum.

Prostitutes in revealing clothes are soliciting business on the side of the road, showing their chests to passing men, and little ghosts are running barefoot on the dirt road. At this time, every traveler must pay attention to his purse. There are everywhere on the street. Armed pirates walked by in groups of three or four, just came out of the tavern, and plunged into the casino again. Besides, there were fishermen and peddlers selling their goods in the market, and young priests were standing in the open space He talked about how people can wash away their sins.

However, under its rough appearance, there is a tenacious prosperity and vitality hidden.

Standing here now, Zhang Heng can feel the prosperity of this town.

The time flow rate of this round of dungeons is the longest he has ever experienced, a total of 300 days, plus the extra 24 hours, he will stay in this world for 3900 days, which is more than the sum of all previous rounds of games. And more.

This will be an extremely long journey. Zhang Heng doesn't know what is waiting for him in front of him. Now that the game has started, he can only keep going.


Zhang Heng tidied up his belongings. He took out all the props he hid under the floor before disembarking. In addition, he also had a short musket on his body, with two abbreviations FH engraved on the handle. , but it is estimated that its owner should be gone, a dagger that can be used, but even if it is taken out, it should not be sold for a few bucks, and 35 silver pesos, which is a Spanish silver coin, quite popular in the colonies .

The above is all his net worth.

In addition to these assets, he still owed a debt.

Zhang Heng visited several taverns in a row, and finally found the old pirate in the fourth tavern on the west side of the city near the reef. The latter was sitting there enjoying the sexy dance on the stage. "If I remember correctly, I seem to have hired two people in the original agreement, so where is our fat friend, when will he come?"

"He won't come over." Zhang Heng sat down and said.

"Tsk tsk, this move is not very wise. He seems not clear enough about his situation." The old pirate lamented, "I hope Owen is the one who catches him instead of Phoebe, otherwise he may suffer a lot."

Zhang Heng didn't care about the fate of the farmer's son, so he asked, "When will we start working?"

"Actually, we're already working. See that muscular man on your right with a bare upper body? He's an armorer on the Ranger. He asked me to borrow 200 silver pesos from me around this time last year. So far It has turned to 300, go and help me get the money back."