48 Hours a Day

Chapter 11: Desert Island Survival Chapter (5)


Zhang Heng finally got angry.

In this way, his recipes were no longer limited to a single coconut, and then Zhang Heng found some conch on the reefs on the beach according to Ed's instructions, and luckily found crabs and oysters.

Especially the latter, which is delicious, nutritious, rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin 2. It has the reputation of milk in the sea, but it is a pity that the calories are not high, each only about 70 calories, in the eyes of foodies, this Of course it is a good thing, but Zhang Heng prefers high-calorie food to supply the energy needed for physical activities on the desert island.

He doesn't have to worry about getting out of shape due to too much heat, because he has been hungry and thin in the past few days.

Fortunately, I should be able to have a good meal tonight.

Zhang Heng caught more than 70 small conch shells, six oysters, and four hermit crabs. Unfortunately, the latter were not big in size. Ed said that the hermit crabs were also edible, but the taste was mediocre, but the two of them are not at the Michelin restaurant now. When you eat out, you forget about the taste.

Zhang Heng also saw some fish on the coast, but without tools, he could only watch them swimming around freely.

In addition, there were the small puddles he found two days ago. Zhang Heng used the clam shells he picked up to scoop water out of them, but then he got into trouble with the water boiling tools.

The two are now on a deserted island, and they don't even have the most common bowls. The clam shells are so good at insulating heat that it is difficult to boil even if they are directly placed on the fire.

Ed thought for a while and said, "Let's find some rocks, not ones with many holes or layers."

Zhang Heng nodded. He found some stones according to Ed's request. He spent 20 minutes burning them red, and then sandwiched them into clam shells with twigs. It didn't take long for the water inside to boil. stand up.

"There's not much water here, two yuan should be enough." Ed said.

In the end, the water in the clam shell boiled for a quarter of an hour, which was enough time to kill most of the germs.

Zhang Heng silently memorized these wild survival tips.

Ed is a good teacher. Although his waist injury made him unable to move, Zhang Heng benefited a lot from his knowledge of survival in the wild. Therefore, even if he is responsible for collecting food and water for the two of them now, Zhang Heng No complaints either.

But Zhang Heng didn't want to rely on Ed all the time, he hoped to turn all the knowledge he gained from Ed into his own skills.

It's not for the sake of getting rid of Ed's trouble in the future. In fact, relying on the kindness of the other party's teaching, as long as there is still a bite of food, Zhang Heng is willing to give half of it to the other party. However, he always has an ominous premonition in his heart.

He noticed that Ed's face was worse than when he was rescued ashore the first day.

The cultivation during this period did not make his waist injury better.

But what was more fatal was the wound on his thigh. Zhang Heng did a simple bandage for him and stopped the bleeding, but there was nothing he could do after that.

There are no antibiotics that are ubiquitous in urban hospitals on this deserted island, and wound infections can be fatal.

Zhang Heng believes that the former army captain knows this better than himself, but these days Ed has been avoiding this topic intentionally or unintentionally.

And this seemed to confirm the bad premonition in his heart from a certain aspect.

Zhang Heng had no choice but to take good care of Ed as much as possible. In the following days, Ed taught him how to make simple stone tools, clean teeth with charcoal, collect rainwater, weave ropes from bark, and make Simple Raft, Coral Trap Fishing…

Compared with when they first came to the island, the two of them have gone through the most dangerous period now, and they even have some extra food in store. Zhang Heng hung the unfinished fish on the top of the cave, so that when they could not The two of them no longer need to be hungry when they go out to collect in bad weather.

The situation seems to be developing on the bright side, so it seems that the 40-day survival agreement is not an unattainable goal.

Just when Zhang Heng had such an idea, bad luck followed.

On the night of the 16th day, Ed suddenly started to have a high fever, and Zhang Heng had to take care of the former army captain, so that he had less time to go out to collect food and water sources, and the search area also expanded Fortunately, the part of the food that was stored for a rainy day could prevent the two of them from facing an immediate survival crisis.

What worries Zhang Heng even more is that Ed's condition has not improved for three consecutive days.

Zhang Heng unbuttoned the T-shirt on the latter's leg, and found that the deep bone-deep wound was completely infected and festered.

The ex-army captain has been in a coma since yesterday.

And the food in the cave was exhausted bit by bit, and the two of them were about to run out of ammunition and food.

As a result, on the night of the nineteenth day, Ed suddenly opened his eyes again, and said to Zhang Heng, who was lying on the side in a half-dream and half-awake state, "Do you know what is most important in surviving in the wild? It is the mentality of never stopping, and never being satisfied with yesterday." The achievements you have made, you have to live better every day, you have to find a way to conquer this piece of nature."


Zhang Heng rubbed his eyes, smiled wryly, "Ed, that's not what you told me last time."

However, there was no sound on the other side.

Zhang Heng tried to put his finger under the man's nose and found that the man was not breathing.

Zhang Heng had long been mentally prepared for Ed's death, but he still felt a little sad when the former army captain really left. The two of them hadn't spent much time together, but Ed's ability to live and work in the wilderness is all in him now. taught.

The two are also teachers and friends.

Zhang Heng dug a hole in the forest not far from the cave, and buried the latter's body in it. In order to prevent wild animals from destroying it, he also cut a few pointed wooden sticks and inserted them around.

After doing all this, he dragged his hungry body to the beach to find some food to satisfy his hunger.

The good news is that half of the 40 days to the mission goal has passed. Although he has returned to being alone again, this time Zhang Heng is confident of surviving on this deserted island.

Especially on the afternoon of the 20th day, Zhang Heng picked up a big fish weighing two catties in the coral trap, which meant that he could have a full meal at night. Just when Zhang Heng thought his bad luck had finally passed, he But suddenly received a long-lost voice prompt in his ear.

[alarm! ! ! alarm! ! ! The target copy is abnormal! Serious error in time class!]

[Error reporting...]

[Level 2 permission enabled, approved, report cancelled... ]

[Permanently remove this error from the judgment sequence...]

[The task objective remains unchanged, and the return time is corrected from 40 days to 520 days, please pay attention!]


Zhang Heng was dazed by this series of messages. When he realized what happened, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly looked at his right hand.

There the three hands coincide exactly above the dial.

No way, Zhang Heng was shocked. He had a very fulfilling life during this time. He had been learning survival skills in the wild, and after that he had experienced various things. He forgot about the 24-scale starfish in his hand.

In the first few nights of his arrival, he also failed to enter the still world. He thought that this thing would not work in the game, but he did not expect that the latter was busy holding back his big move.

Zhang Heng realized where the 520 days came from almost instantly. After the extra 24 hours at 00:00 every day were magnified by 480 times, they became an extremely terrifying number in this world.