48 Hours a Day

Chapter 115: Black Sail Chapter (20)


"Can you imagine, ten against seven, I rushed to the opposite deck to chop down two, but when I turned around, three of my companions were being beaten, and six of my companions had already run back to the boat." Annie was furious. Said, "And it's not the first time this kind of thing happened, okay, I'm already going crazy, let's talk about our boat, the name of the Golden Swallow sounds bluffing, but it's actually a fishing boat! It's a little bigger We will all go into the sea to feed the fish! Every time we leave the port, we dare not run too far. The captain is even a coward. When he sees a larger merchant ship, he runs faster than anyone else. Those who don’t know think we are It was robbed!"

Zhang Heng didn't know what to say when he heard this. There are many pirates in Nassau, but most of them are small-scale thugs. A dozen or so people dare to go out to sea if they find a boat at random. If they are afraid of surrendering, they will be able to return with full rewards. On the contrary, if they really want to fight, they will slip away faster than anyone else.

Strictly speaking, they can't even be regarded as pirates, they are just speculators who rely on the deterrence of the black flag.

"I really envy you. There are more than 30 cannons on the Sea Lion, and there is a powerful captain. I heard that every time you go to sea, you hunt for those hard-to-eat sheep, and you dare to shoot at warships. This is a pirate. Well, I've always yearned for this kind of life, damn it, if only I were a man, even fat people can get on board, there's no reason why I can't get on board if I'm so good at fighting!"

The more Annie thought about it, the more angry she became, and she slapped the chair beside her. As a result, not only the wound on her arm was shaken, but the clothes covering her body also slipped off. People, "Hey, didn't the fat man say that you have a lot of friends on the Sea Lion, can you introduce me?"

Zhang Heng picked up the clothes on the ground and threw them on the red-haired girl's chest, "How many times have I said that the Sea Lion does not accept women, it's useless to anyone to say, and also, don't take off your clothes at home, since you are boarding with me Follow my rules."

"What are you afraid of? Why can men go topless, but women can't?!" Annie said dissatisfied. The poor red-haired girl has become a feminist fighter because of gender discrimination in the workplace.

"What are you talking about?" Marvin walked in from outside holding a bowl of crushed herbs,

"We are talking about this island, it seems that every man can find a job he likes, and the women either do housework at home and take care of the children, or they seem to have to go to the brothel to lie down and make money." Annie muttered, and then she continued Said, "How about the three of us form a pirate group and do it ourselves. In battle, I can fight three against one, Zhang Heng should be able to fight two, and Fatty, well, Fatty should also be able to fight one against half." , so the three of us together are already stronger than those trash on the Golden Swallow."

"One against half, is there such an algorithm?" Marvin was stunned upon hearing this.

"It's a better choice to go home now than this kind of thing. Even if you don't like your father, isn't your mother still worried about you?" Zhang Heng paused and said, "If you need, I will I can provide you with travel expenses back."

"Impossible! Impossible!" Annie shook her head again and again, "I swore before I escaped that I would not go back unless I was richer than that man. Moreover, only a free life like a pirate is the best. It suits me, it's something that flows in my bones, I can't change it, I like this island, I like this place, every breath here is a breath of freedom!"


Zhang Heng just felt that the child was hopeless.

At this time, someone knocked on the door downstairs, and the farmer's son left the herbs for Annie on the table, and then went downstairs with Zhang Heng. When he opened the door, they found their old acquaintance standing outside.

— Goodwin, the warm-hearted and kind-hearted man on the Sea Lion.

The latter entered the door, looked at him curiously, and praised, "This place is not bad. Although it is a bit far from the town, it is quite quiet. It seems that you have settled down. How are you? What is the difficulty, are you still used to life on the island?"

Zhang Heng and Marvin let him in, and the latter went to boil some water and make some tea.

The three sat down and chatted for a while, and Goodwin finally got to the point.

The black gunner looked at Zhang Heng, grinned and said, "Roscoe has retired and plans to go back to England to see his daughter. You must know about this, but this way the seat of the sail captain on the Sea Lion will be vacant. How about it?" , are you interested?"

"Me?" Zhang Heng was a little surprised. In the past four months, Rothko has taught him all his skills without hiding his secrets. This requires a lot of accumulated experience. After the old man left, Zhang Heng was not the best sailor on the Sea Lion. In terms of the length of the sail, several old sailors under Rothko were more suitable than him. .

"Give yourself a little confidence, we all trust you, you are Rothko's only student, and you should take his place after he leaves." Goodwin encouraged, "Believe me, there is more than one person on board who has this kind of behavior." idea."

"Really?!" Marvin was probably the most excited person in the room. He was hugging Zhang Heng's thigh now, and he naturally hoped that the latter's position on the ship would be as high as possible. It's a very important job. Considering that the two of them have only been on the ship for more than seven months, this is undoubtedly equivalent to a leap forward.

Zhang Heng heard the words but was noncommittal. He just sat there quietly waiting for the black gunner's next words. Sure enough, the latter continued, "It's time for a change. I don't know what you think of our helmsman Orff? There are many people on board. I feel that he was too weak in negotiating with the captain, and failed to protect the interests of the crew, especially the newcomers, who did not get enough attention. When we fought, we rushed to the front and worked the most. But what they get is only a negligible priority to choose, and the important positions on the ship are basically controlled by those old people, and it is difficult for newcomers to get ahead."

Goodwin said emotionally, "I'm not saying that the old man did not do well. Our request is also very simple. We just want a fairer environment and increase the right of the newcomers to speak on board. What do you think of this proposal? ?”

Zhang Heng calmly listened to the black gunner, and then asked, "Then whose responsibility is it to speak up for the newcomers?"

Goodwin straightened his upper body, showing his white teeth, "I am a person with no ambitions, but since everyone trusts me, I am willing to do something for the big guys."