48 Hours a Day

Chapter 116: Black Sail Chapter (21)


"I'm going to challenge Orff the next time I go to sea, and there will be many people supporting me. In fact, I have won far more than half of the votes, and our victory is in sight." Goodwin stretched out his hand and said sincerely , "I don't want to say this until the final result comes out. It seems that I am arrogant, but Orff's era has passed, join us, the future is ours."

The farmer's son at the side heard his blood boil, wishing to hold the black gunner's hand of friendship immediately, but Zhang Heng sat motionless in his seat.

Goodwin's hand hung in the air for a few seconds, and his expression gradually changed.

Zhang Heng said in as polite a tone as possible, "I'm quite satisfied with the current state, and I don't have any thoughts of changing it for the time being."

Goodwin is still making the final effort, "I can understand that as newcomers who have just been on the ship for more than half a year, you don't want to offend the old people on the ship for fear of retaliation, but you also need to know that when the war starts, no one likes to sit on the fence group."

Although the black gunner said very euphemistically, the threatening meaning mixed in it was also obvious. He was warning the two not to think that only Orff would retaliate against those who stood on the other side.

Marvin raised his heart in his throat, wishing he could shake that hand instead of Zhang Heng.

The latter was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and finally stretched out his hand. Seeing that his intention had been achieved, Goodwin raised the corners of his mouth, but then he heard Zhang Heng say, "Sorry, I still stick to my previous position and don't want to get involved in this matter." inside."

The smile on the black gunner's face froze at this moment, "You will regret your choice." After speaking, he turned his eyes to Marvin on the other side, "What about you?"

The farmer's son was a little scared, but he had been with Zhang Heng for a long time, but this kind of vague threat would not make him defect, but he really couldn't understand why Zhang Heng refused such a good opportunity.

If Goodwin hadn't lied, then his chances of winning this time were indeed great.

The black gunner has a cold face now, and he no longer has the enthusiasm of the past. In his previous plan, Zhang Heng and Marvin should be able to easily get the two votes. Whether it is the previous harmonious relationship between the two parties or the promise he made It can be said that he is very sincere, and he really can't think of any reason for the two to refuse.

Now this result was something he hadn't thought of before he came, and Goodwin didn't want to sit any longer, and got up and left without even making an excuse.

Looking at the back of the black gunner gradually going away, a look of worry appeared on Marvin's face, but Anne upstairs was very happy. She must have heard something and poked her head down, "If you can't get along on the Sea Lion , just form a team with me!"


"Apply your medicine well, don't let the wound become infected." Zhang Heng said.

The farmer's son seemed to realize something, and asked tentatively, "You... don't you think he can't win?"

"What are you afraid of, do your own thing well, no matter who wins and who loses, can this boat still leave the cook?"

Marvin curled his lips, "I'm sorry for you. If Goodwin can replace Mr. Orff, you can promise him to be the captain of the ship. Now, it doesn't matter who loses and who wins. It's not you anymore."

Zhang Heng doesn't take it seriously, he will not stay on the Sea Lion forever, and he doesn't care about his position, as long as he can learn something, even if there is no reminder from the old pirate Fraser, he will not stand on Goodwin's side. Here, because he cares more about maintaining a good relationship with those skilled old people than newcomers.

But he won't tell anyone about this.

This time, the rest time for the pirates was very short. The Sea Lion sailed and anchored again in less than three days. Instead of panicking, Goodwin felt confident.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, that is, Orff panicked and didn’t want to give him any more time to lobby, but the black gunner didn’t care anymore, even if there was a little accident with Zhang Heng and Marvin, He had already obtained enough votes to support him to take the position of helmsman and become the number two man on the Sea Lion.

On the night of going to sea, Goodwin called everyone to the deck, and began his speech with confidence, "My brothers, I don't know if you have noticed that although our battles are still heroic and our skills are still vigorous, However, our income has declined in the last few times we went to sea, don't you wonder why this happens... "

Griffin, the bookkeeper on the ship, rushed into the storage room in a panic, where Orff was checking the supplies and fresh water reserves for the sea trip.

"The big thing is bad, Mr. Orff, Goodwin is inciting the emotions of the crew and wants to dismiss you!"

"So?" Orff ticked off the notebook one by one without looking up.

"So... shouldn't you do something? If this goes on, you will lose your position as the helmsman." The bookkeeper stammered.

"Why do you say that?"

"There is reason to believe that Orff came prepared this time. I heard that he has visited many people before, with newcomers as the main target. If it is limited to five years, the ratio of newcomers to old people on the Sea Lion is now 2: 1, which means he can get two-thirds of the votes." Griffin said quickly.

Orff finally closed the item book in his hand, put it into the accountant's arms, and encouraged, "Good job, there is no problem with the accounts, keep it up."

The latter was stunned upon hearing this.

"Okay, busy with the things at hand, I should go to end the farce outside."

When Orff walked out of the cabin, the black gunner's speech was coming to an end, "... Based on the above reasons, we have reason to suspect that Mr. Orff can no longer perform his duties as a helmsman and protect the interests of the crew."

After his words fell, he found that there was no applause around this time.

Seeing Orff, the crowd automatically gave way under the latter's years of power.

Although the two sides are rivals now, the black gunner didn't want to lose his bearing, cleared his throat, and greeted politely, "Mr. Orff."

However, Orff looked at the sailors on the ship as if he hadn't seen him. His expression was a little surprised, because the person he thought would appear here did not appear, but this did not affect his next steps. things to do.

He withdrew his gaze and said, "I have to admit that I haven't cared enough about you recently. I've heard those private complaints about the recent decrease in loot. Some people suspect that I have colluded with the captain to infringe upon you. I can understand that this is human nature."

He paused and continued, "Some people think that I am old and not as brave as this Mr. Goodwin. I don't deny this. As for the conflicts between newcomers and old people, there are problems on every ship, regardless No matter how you deal with it, there is always one party who feels that they have been treated badly. I saw it, but I didn’t pay attention to it, so this is also my fault.”

The crowd gradually became agitated. Everyone thought that Orff would refute Goodwin's allegations one by one, but what he didn't expect was that he admitted them all.

What is this, are you ready to admit defeat