48 Hours a Day

Chapter 16: Desert Island Survival (10)


Bell's physical fitness is very good. Although he was exhausted after drifting at sea for so long and was on the verge of dehydration, as long as he was given enough food and fresh water, plus a good rest environment, it took him less than two days to recover. recovered.

However, Zhang Heng was not in a hurry to get on the road. The area of the island is not big or small. It would take him about eight days to walk around the periphery. After entering the virgin forest, the speed would decrease, but from where he lived It should only take about three days to walk to the center of the island.

If nothing else, Bell's standby time is 19 days, which means they still have plenty of preparation time.

After these two days of getting along, Zhang Heng also basically understood the abilities of his new companion.

Bell's survival skills in the wild are really different from Ed and the shorts boy, and he is more inclined to hunting and self-rescue, which is exactly what is needed to explore the primeval forest.

Zhang Heng can now make most of the tools, and has basic survival skills such as finding places to live and water sources.

However, from the monotonous vegetable varieties in his vegetable garden and the single Mickey Mouse in the breeding garden, it can be seen that he actually doesn't know much about the nature he is in today.

Especially in terms of species identification, it has always been the weakness of Zhang Heng or modern people living in cities.

In fact, there are many other types of plants in the forest, but Zhang Heng doesn't know if they are edible, or which parts are edible. For fear of being poisoned, he only dared to dig up the yams and onions that he could recognize.

The same is true for animals. Zhang Heng always disliked Mickey Mouse for being ugly, but never thought that Mickey Mouse was the extinct national bird of Mauritius.

And now the rescued explorer can finally make up for this last shortcoming for him,

Seeing that there was still time to burn, Zhang Heng simply took a trip around the island outside the forest with Bell.

The latter taught him how to identify and obtain various resources in the forest.

After hearing this, Zhang Heng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He was really reckless in the previous year. He obviously had a treasure house, but he didn't know how to mine it at all.

But listening to Zhang Heng, he felt something was wrong, because almost all the creatures that appeared in front of Bell's eyes would eventually get the evaluation of "cut off the head and eat it".


On the morning of the tenth day, the two returned to Wafang. Zhang Heng was satisfied with the harvest of this short trip. Even if there was nothing in the center of the island, he had benefited a lot from these ten days alone.

Not to mention Bell is a great listener and chatter.

The two rested in the Wafang for a day. Zhang Heng planted the vegetable seeds collected during the trip into the vegetable garden, but during this period he received another message.

[Successfully collected more than ten kinds of vegetables, the field survival skill has been upgraded from lv1 to lv2, the game points +5, you can go to the character panel to view related information...]

Zhang Heng still doesn't know what the so-called game points are for. Counting the previous few times, he already has 16 points, which can be clearly found on his character panel.

In his opinion, this thing is a bit like an achievement system, which can be obtained after meeting certain conditions. For example, the previous 11 points come from making fire, building a house and hunting respectively.

However, Zhang Heng didn't bother with this kind of thing too much. He is usually a random player when he plays games, and he just clears the level. He doesn't have the paranoia of hardcore players who must achieve all achievements to control the hegemony. This time it is purely a time to play alone. It's too long, and it won't work if you don't want to achieve it.

In addition, he found that there seemed to be some changes in the evaluation column.

[Evaluation: This player is mediocre and doesn't have much to commend him, but he has certain field survival and archery skills, and is expected to be unable to survive the first five rounds of games.]

Zhang Heng was a little curious. He felt that his archery level was not bad, and he had the survival knowledge to cope with harsh environments. Didn't he fail the fifth round? What about the other players

This idea just flashed in his mind, and then Zhang Heng focused on what he was going to do now.

After a night's rest, the fatigue of both of them has almost recovered, and their physical condition is also at its peak.

The next step is finally coming to the main event.

Zhang Heng carried his longbow and arrow basket on his back, and divided the dry food and fresh water that he had prepared before going to bed last night into two. He and Bell each took one. If they were used sparingly, these supplies would be enough for them to survive in the forest for a whole day. It's been a week.

Coupled with Bell, the humanoid hunting machine, there is no need to worry about supplies.

Then Zhang Heng took out the two spears he had made before as melee weapons, but Bell shook his head, and he pulled out the small knife at his waist, "I have this is enough."

Zhang Heng was a little envious. When he saw that knife, he thought of his Swiss Army Knife Lord in heaven... He had never seen ironware since he was living on this deserted island. He remembered that he had completed it when he was with Ed. After the feat of sawing a tree with a clam shell, even the spear in his hand is only used after the front end is carbonized and sharpened.

The effect is not bad, but after all, it is still not as good as serious equipment.

What's more, the workmanship of the knife looks quite exquisite, and Bell's name is engraved on it.

"If you like it, I will give you this knife after we are safe. In addition, you can also come to my house as a guest. Then I will introduce my wife and son to you."

Although he knew that this day would not come, Zhang Heng politely expressed his gratitude to the explorer.

After making all the preparations, the two officially went deep into this virgin forest.

It was only the first night that Zhang Heng realized how lucky it was to have Bell by his side.

He made the best preparations, but obviously still underestimated the danger here.

It is impossible for a person to remain vigilant 24 hours a day, especially the night in the forest is not quiet, there is always something rustling behind the bushes in the dark.

In the first half of the night, Zhang Heng had been vigilant, and whenever there was any disturbance, he would hold the spear in his hand tightly. However, he found that this was not going to work. The consequence of not sleeping all night was that his spirit would become sluggish and his reaction would be slow the next day.

So Zhang Heng forced himself to close his eyes.

After finally ignoring those sneaky noises and entering a half-dream and half-awake state, at this moment, he felt something rubbing against his abdomen.

However, this is the most sleepy time of Zhang Heng's day. He couldn't wake up immediately, until something entangled his body, and it became tighter and tighter. Zhang Heng felt a little stuffy and opened his eyes. Only then did he see the lump on his body.

This is a boa constrictor, estimated to be more than 3 meters long. Its body is thicker than Zhang Heng's forearm, its lower abdomen is white, and its back is covered with brown cloud-like spots.

Zhang Heng tried to break free from its entanglement, but found that he couldn't lift his arm at all. The thing got closer and closer, making him feel like his bones were about to be crushed.

Fortunately, his struggle also woke Bell who was beside him.

"The Burmese rock python, a subspecies of the Indian python, is one of the six largest snake species in the world. It is very common in tropical rainforests. They are very powerful and have few natural enemies, but they are not without weaknesses." Bell said He touched the giant python's tail with one hand, and poked lightly somewhere, and the body of the Burmese rock python miraculously softened gradually.

"The anus, where pythons are usually the most vulnerable, attacking that spot can buy you time to escape."

When Zhang Heng managed to break free, Bell inserted the knife into the head of the Burmese rock python while explaining.

"Fortunately, we have our breakfast tomorrow morning."