48 Hours a Day

Chapter 22: The pearl is on the side


"Okay, for the sake of what you have just spent with me, I will reveal something useful to you." The bartender lady took off her gloves, "Do you know why game items are so precious?"

"Well, you seem to have said that they are rare."

"Rarity does not necessarily mean value. The title of game props is just to fit the theme, and it is not accurate. In fact, this is a very magical thing. It contains incredible supernatural power. Whether it is reality or It will take effect in the game, and it will be a great help to you if you use it well, but sometimes it will cause trouble for you. No one guarantees that this power will have a positive impact, so when you come into contact with unknown game items You must be extra careful, the lack of identification does not mean that the effect does not exist, so did any strange things happen to you after you got this thing?"

"No." Zhang Heng recalled carefully, and his life was normal after getting the rabbit's foot.

"Then it shouldn't be a negative effect, or have any specific triggering conditions." The bartender lady's words revealed a trace of regret for some reason.

"In fact, even some game props with negative effects can play a miraculous effect when used well. The wooden box made of tule tree can isolate supernatural power. It is the best choice for holding game props. If necessary, you can buy them from me. In addition, the game props that you don’t need yourself can also choose to be sold here. There will be a large-scale auction at the end of each year. Pay attention to your mailbox. An email will be sent to you before the start. If there is nothing else, we will next time Goodbye."


The lady bartender has no service spirit, and after the stimulation of 5 points, there is no enthusiasm for explaining.

Zhang Heng asked her what services are available at the game site, and she also said that she would send a pdf directly to WeChat later.

Walking out of the iron house, he was immediately surrounded by huge sound waves, but this time Zhang Heng no longer felt noisy. He stayed on the desert island for a year and a half, and he could hear the unique sounds of this civilized society again. It feels a little homely.

Zhang Heng walked down the iron ladder and quickly disappeared among the crowd.

Although it was past one o'clock in the morning, not only was there no less parking outside the bar, but it seemed to be a little more than before he came.

Zhang Heng didn't go back to school. First, it was late. Second, he had received too much information in the past two hours. He wanted to find a place to sort out and digest it. Besides, he still had some things to verify.

So Zhang Heng directly opened a room at the express hotel on the side of the road, and asked for a pen and paper at the service desk. Now that he didn't feel sleepy at all, he turned on the desk lamp and listed the important things that happened that day and his own guesses as much as possible. on paper.

He was busy until early in the morning when he looked at the stack of painted and corrected papers again, tore them all up, and flushed them down the toilet.

After that, Zhang Heng checked out and came to the archery gym across the road.

This is also the place where he signed up for the training class. As soon as the door opened at 8 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Heng couldn't wait to walk in and took out the sf recurve bow he had stored there.

He picked a 30-meter fixed target with no one on the arrow path, drew his bow and set up an arrow, and shot it with one arrow.

six rings.

Zhang Heng was unmoved.

He switched from a primitive bow to a modern one, and naturally he would be unaccustomed to it. The first arrow was just a test, and he was not surprised by this result. Then he adjusted the angle and let go of the bowstring.

The second arrow is much better, eight rings.

Zhang Heng's coach also punched in at this time and came in from the door. Seeing that Zhang Heng wanted to say hello, but seeing that the latter was concentrating on practicing, he didn't bother him. He took out the thermos and stood behind him, ready to correct Zhang Heng. posture and movement.

As a result, the next arrow was firmly fixed on the nine rings.

Not bad, a good seedling. The coach secretly praised that most novices will have various problems when they first start practicing arrows, such as unstable hands holding the bow, non-standard stance, shifted center of gravity, etc. His posture seems to have been tempered, giving people a feeling of immobility.

Isn't this talent

Zhang Heng's coach used to be the city's archery team, but his talent was limited. No matter how hard he worked, he couldn't make further progress. Later, he was defeated by an amateur player who had only practiced archery for half a year. The owner of the gym invited him to be a coach.

Seeing the good development of this sport in the past two years, he couldn't help thinking about it again. However, he was too old and had no potential to tap. On the young man who practiced arrows here, he wondered if he could recognize people with his eyes and take in a few powerful apprentices.

In case one finally makes it to the national competition, it can be regarded as helping him realize his dream.

After having this idea, he began to look for candidates. At first, he focused on children aged 8 to 14. This age is suitable for laying the foundation, and it will be a bit late to get started when they are older, so He doesn't care too much about Zhang Heng.

In the previous three classes, I didn't see this young man show any special skills, and he was no different from those amateurs who played for tickets.

But Zhang Heng's progress after that surprised him a bit.

Obviously, the training time was not long, but the effect was surprisingly good, and he quickly stood out as the best among the same batch of people who came in together.

But at the same time, he also regrets that Zhang Heng came into contact with this industry too late after all, even if he is talented and does not have enough practice, it is very difficult to go far.

Just as the coach was thinking, he saw Zhang Heng in front of him took a deep breath. He had already completed the adjustment, and the next moment, he shot five arrows in one go.

There was less than two seconds between each arrow.

Four of the five arrows hit the tenth ring, and one arrow just missed the ninth ring.

Zhang Heng knows that this has something to do with his physical coordination. He is used to the body on the deserted island. Now that he has gone back to a year and a half ago, his strength and reaction are deviated, but from these few arrows he has tried out what he wants Things to know.

The muscle memory and skills he developed in the game have been fully preserved, and then he only needs to practice for a week or two to recover to the level on the island.

Moreover, with the replacement of modern bows and arrows with stronger power and accuracy, his aim will only be stronger, and his shooting distance will only be wider.

It seems that the skills practiced in the game can really be brought into reality.

This is not too surprising, after all, these skills did not fall from the sky, they were all developed by him little by little.

Zhang Heng also discovered that this game does not have the concept of four-dimensional attributes in traditional games at all. It uses its own body. When encountering difficulties, it can only be solved with its own knowledge and ability. Therefore, the skills everyone masters are extremely important. up.

Thinking about it this way, his extra 24 hours didn't seem like a bad thing.

Because this means that he has more game time than other players and can better improve himself. More importantly, these improvements are also applicable in reality.

Zhang Heng pondered, completely unaware of how much impact his five arrows had brought to the coach behind him.

The latter thermos almost fell to the ground.

Although it is not impossible for those amateurs who train hard, 49 rings with five arrows is not impossible, but you have to know how long Zhang Hengcai has studied, just a few lessons, and his rapid bursts are not many amateurs. Enthusiasts can do it.

This is a genius! Absolute genius! Is there any other explanation besides this? ! The way the coach sees Zhang Heng has completely changed.

It's like looking at a piece of peerless jade in the rough, the more you look at it, the more you like it.

Such a bright pearl is on the side, why didn't I find it before