48 Hours a Day

Chapter 25: Shen Xixi


The van packed by Wei Jiangyang has already arrived downstairs, and the three boys moved all the equipment and ingredients for camping into the van.

Zhang Heng also brought back his sf recurve bow from the archery gym one day in advance.

After a week of training, his arrow skills have basically recovered. Coupled with the addition of modern technology, the average score of the 50-meter arrow path can be guaranteed to be above the ninth ring. Zhang Heng is really good at rapid shooting with dynamic targets, but it depends The target's movement speed and path.

It’s just that in the archery gym, he always felt a pair of resentful eyes staring at him, which made him a little afraid to let go of his full strength. Usually, he can only find a place to practice in the static world. This time it is rare to find a place in the wild. Arrowed.

"Young master Zhang, if something dangerous happens, you have to protect me first." Chen Huadong mumbled, but he was only joking. Zhang Heng didn't hide his knowledge of archery from other people in the dormitory. Everyone knew that he was just getting started. I was still looking for video learning on the Internet a week ago, how much improvement can I make now

"Okay, remember to get into my arms when the time comes."

Everyone talked and laughed all the way, and finally put everything in the trunk. At this time, three girls came towards this side. Chen Huadong stabbed Zhang Heng, "The one on the left, Shen Xixi."

Zhang Heng looked in the direction Chen Huadong said, and sure enough, he saw a tall girl. Wei Jiangyang was not lying, Shen Xixi's hardware was indeed very good, she had a model's figure, and she looked pretty, and she was just like those posing in TV magazines. Different from other female stars, her eyes are very clear, but she is not as shy as an ordinary girl. No wonder she has become the dream lover of many boys, and she has become the number one good person card wholesaler in the public administration department.

Shen Xixi generously took out three bottles of water from the bag and handed them to Zhang Heng and the others, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Heng took the water and thanked him.

The upbringing of a person can be best seen from small things, and it can be seen that Shen Xixi did not regard the three of them as free labor and bodyguards, nor did he think that it is right to let boys carry things because he is a girl. This is especially true for girls. It is especially rare among beautiful girls.

Chen Huadong continued to carry forward the fine tradition of a dog-headed military advisor, and secretly whispered in Zhang Heng's ear, "It is said that Shen Xixi's father is a university professor, and his mother is a translator, with a good family tradition. How about it, you and Mr. Zhang are rightly matched."

Wei Jiangyang didn't see the person he was waiting for, so he couldn't help asking, "Are you smiling? Why didn't you see her?"

"Hahaha, that woman is the most troublesome every time I go out for dormitory activities. It takes a long time to put on makeup, Wei Jiangyang, you will suffer after you marry her." The middle one is short, only 1.5 meters and looks like a junior high school student The same girl smiled and said, needless to say, she must be the legitimate Luoli Xu Jing who was targeted by Chen Huadong.

As a result, he got a chestnut on the head just after he finished speaking.

"Sorry, I made you laugh. I will discipline this child well." Shen Xixi withdrew his hand and said to Wei Jiangyang solemnly.

Just when the atmosphere was harmonious, a voice suddenly came from everyone's ears, "Xixi."

Shen Xixi's expression changed slightly upon hearing this.

"Xixi, are you planning to go out to play in your dormitory? Why don't you tell me, I can drive you off." A red BMW 5 Series four-door sports car stopped beside everyone.

The boy inside put on the handbrake and got out of the car.

Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows. He also wondered why Shen Xixi looked familiar. It turned out that the two had met before. He was buying scratch-off toys in the supermarket, and the couple he saw when he came out were Shen Xixi and this boy wearing supreme. .

"Cheng Cheng, why is it you again? Xixi has already clearly rejected you several times, why are you still lingering?" Xu Jing doesn't match her name at all, she is a fast-talking person who can't stop talking girls.

Cheng Cheng was a little embarrassed when he was exposed on the spot that the courtship was rejected, but Xu Jing was a girl, so he was too embarrassed to explode, so he could only suppress the anger.

"Hee Hee, can you take a moment to talk? It's nearby, and I know there's a cafe with delicious Blue Mountain." Cheng Cheng said.

Shen Xixi frowned. Her good temper was almost unbearable. She and Cheng Cheng didn't know each other before, but since she sang a song at the welcome party, the other party came to her. It has been soft and hard for months.

From sending flowers, snacks and fruits to sending iPhones and concert tickets, Cheng Cheng directly entrusted the girls to drop them at the door of Shen Xixi's dormitory.

But Shen Xixi's uncommonly deflated moves that are all-pervasive to other girls.

In the end, Shen Xixi returned all the gifts he sent intact, and Shen Xixi also made it very clear that she didn't want to fall in love now.

But the more this happened, the more Cheng Cheng seemed to work harder. He kept his posture very low. Shen Xixi was a good tutor, and it was difficult to say anything serious in the face of this situation. In the end, Cheng Cheng pestered him all the time. Now.

Now there are already some rumors about the two of them in the school, which makes Shen Xixi a headache.

In addition, she seemed to run into Cheng Cheng wherever she went recently, how did the other party know that their dormitory was going camping, and rushed over just before departure, it must have been a bit of a coincidence.

Shen Xixi glanced at the girl named Wang Huan behind Xu Jing. The latter smiled coyly. Her family background was average, but a few days ago, a YSL lipstick suddenly appeared in the drawer. The famous detective Xu Jing went to the Internet to search for it. After looking at the price of that lipstick, I found that it was impossible to get that lipstick without seven or eight hundred yuan.

At that time, everyone was teasing whether Wang Huan was taken care of by the coal boss, but now it seems that her lipstick has another source.

However, Shen Xixi had no intention of pursuing this kind of matter. She saw that Xiaoxiao had walked out of the dormitory building not far away, so she said to Cheng Cheng seriously, "Cheng Cheng, haven't we already talked on Monday? I don't drink any coffee. We We're leaving now."

"It's okay, you can let them go first, I will drive you there when the time comes, don't worry, it won't waste time." Cheng Cheng continued to stalk.

Chen Huadong couldn't stand it any longer. He was about to speak, but Wei Jiangyang gave him a wink.

"Don't provoke this guy." Wei Jiangyang said in a low voice.

"What's the matter, isn't it just a rich second generation? Look at our Mr. Zhang, this is a model rich second generation." Chen Huadong curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Zhang Heng shook his head, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not some rich second generation."

Zhang Heng's family background is a bit similar to Shen Xixi's. They are both high-intellectuals. They live affluently and don't worry about food and clothing. They are pretty good among ordinary people, but they are still incomparable with those rich people who do business. .

Wei Jiangyang smiled wryly, "This Cheng Cheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was a year older than us. When he first entered the school, he had a fight with his brother. His family seemed to run a hotel. He usually shot boldly. Many people gathered around him. The student union was punished. He made a mess, smiled and couldn't understand this guy's style last semester, so he quit the club."