48 Hours a Day

Chapter 30: Second round of games


Cheng Cheng didn't come to school the next day, and it is said that he was taken directly to the emergency department by an ambulance at night. The doctor's final diagnosis was drowning, but what is amazing is that according to what he said, he was lying on a bed in a hotel at that time, and had never been in contact with any water source. .

But what is worse than his body is his mental state. He seems to have suffered a lot of mental stimulation. The doctor suggested that he be transferred to a psychiatric department for observation after the treatment. His parents spent a lot of money to invite international doctors for him A well-known expert, after two rounds of treatment, Cheng Cheng's mood finally stabilized gradually.

A month later, he was finally able to return to school. Several people who had a good relationship with him specially arranged a welcome banquet for him. They originally wanted to help him find a girlfriend, but what happened that night made Cheng Cheng really scared. The girlfriend who was taking a bath at that time had nothing to do with it, but now he would rather call a small wild model than want to have anything to do with the personnel affairs that day.

Cheng Cheng drank some wine that night, and his mood improved under the praise of everyone, and he was willing to believe what the experts said, hypnotizing himself that it was just a nightmare.

This time when he goes back to school, he intends to revive his glory and find a way to win Shen Xixi. People are like this, the less he gets, the better he feels. At the beginning, he only thought that this girl was good-looking and good at singing at the welcome party. After chasing him down for fun, Shen Xixi didn't give him a chance at all, so he became more and more devoted instead.

This matter was about to become a problem for him. When riding on the little model, Cheng Cheng covered the latter's face with a pillow towel, fantasizing that this was Shen Xixi, which actually made him much more excited than usual.

It took him an extra three minutes to lie down, and then a sense of fatigue flooded his brain. The exhausted Cheng Cheng closed his eyes and fell asleep, but was awakened inexplicably in the middle of the night. He felt as if something was growing on his face. Opening his eyes, he saw the ghost puppet on the head of the bed and his face. At this moment, the hairs of Cheng Cheng's whole body stood upside down.

His screams not only woke up Xiaoyemo who was sleeping beside him, but also disturbed other residents on the same floor, but Cheng Cheng didn't even care to dress neatly, and screamed while running away with only a pair of underpants on. flee.

As a result, misfortunes never come singly, as soon as he ran out of the hotel, a van stopped in front of him, the door opened, and the tattooed young man inside grinned at him, "Brother Cheng, your little pug is here to pick you up. "

After speaking, the people in the car dragged the terrified Chen Cheng up.

Later, a 15-second short video of Cheng Cheng barking and eating dog food with a dog ring appeared on the school forum. Although it was quickly deleted by the administrator, the impact was undoubtedly extremely bad, and the whole school was in an uproar. Cheng Cheng's reputation is not very good in ordinary times, apart from the outrage of some dog legs in the student union who pretend to be righteous, there are more people who gloat and eat melons.

A week later, Chen Cheng's parents came to the school and left in a hurry after going through the formalities of suspending school. There were rumors that they sent their son abroad for recuperation.


Zhang Heng no longer cared about the following things. In fact, after taking the time to warn Cheng Cheng, he should be busy with whatever he was supposed to be doing. The puppet was just thrown away. He just wanted to find something for Cheng Cheng so that they would not be so busy Idle, but I thought the consequences would be so serious.

Zhang Heng later tried it on purpose, sticking the ghost doll to his face in a dark room, um... it seemed a little panicky, and considering that Cheng Cheng had already been frightened once, and his spirit was extremely fragile, he would do it again. It is not surprising that the nerves completely collapsed. As for Wu Fan's appearance afterwards, Zhang Heng did not know about it.

In short, this matter has come to an end. In fact, Zhang Heng didn't spend much energy on Cheng Cheng, and the harassment was all on the way. During this time, he started a new plan. The game is getting ready.

His fitness has already shown some results. Zhang Heng didn't deliberately pursue the effect of full body muscles. Compared with strength, he cared more about flexibility, and rock climbing can be regarded as an introduction.

The time for the second round of the game is very close. In theory, he can delay the game until the last day of each month, but Zhang Heng doesn't want to push it to the limit. The fun will be great.

So with five days left until the end of November, Zhang Heng has already returned to the Sex and the City Bar.

This time, he didn't need to show the player number on his arm, and the two strong men guarding the stairs automatically moved out of the way.

After thanking Zhang Heng, he pushed open the iron door, and the lounge was the same as before, except that it was replaced by jazz.

The lady bartender seemed to be in a good mood tonight. She was mixing a glass of unknown drink when she saw Zhang Heng took the initiative to say hello and asked him, "How's your month going, what do you want to drink?"

"It's not bad, just don't need a drink."

As if knowing what he was thinking, the bartender lady pushed the glass of freshly baked masterpiece in front of someone, "Don't you think that you fainted because of that glass of lemonade before, even if you didn't do anything, by then It will enter the game after a certain time."

"You said before that except for the fixed time of the first round of the game, I can choose independently after that?"

The bartender lady pointed not far away, "Did you see the booths over there? There is an alarm bell under each booth, choose one to sit down, and adjust the pointer of the alarm bell to the time you like, and when it arrives Then the game will naturally begin."

"Thank you, but you don't need to drink. After all, the game is about to start. It's better for me to stay sober."

"It's not a cocktail, it's just a mixture of several juices." The bartender raised her eyebrows, as if her patience was about to run out.

Zhang Heng wisely picked up the cup of unknown liquid. From the appearance, this thing perfectly inherited the cooking style of the maid cafe. In other words, it is suspicious. After talking about it, Zhang Heng went to that coffee shop several times, but the bartender lady kept her cold personality as if she didn't know him at all.

"By the way, you said earlier that there are wooden boxes made of tule trees for sale here, which can isolate supernatural powers. How do you sell them?" Zhang Heng took a sip of the thing in his hand. It had a very strange taste, a bit like durian, and It's a bit like a mango, and it seems to be mixed with custard fruit and avocado. In short, it's so weird and weird, so Zhang Heng decisively chose to change the topic, and quietly put down the cup.

Judging from the information he has collected so far, there are two most valuable aspects of this game. One is the almost completely realistic background, which allows people to gain an extra experience or skill in just a few hours. The second is the so-called game props.

Needless to say, the benefits of this kind of supernatural item that can continue to function in the real world, Zhang Heng has been wearing the lucky rabbit foot for more than a month, and he even picked up money twice on the road, although it was only one or two dollars, and Its quality is only E grade, in other words, there should be ACD on it.

However, due to the undetermined effects of game items, it is undoubtedly very dangerous to wear them on the body before knowing the effects. He cannot be so lucky every time, so there must be a suitable containment method. The bartender introduced it last time. After passing the tule tree, Zhang Heng came back to Baidu and found that this kind of tree is only found in Oaxaca, Mexico, and the local people worship this kind of tree very much. It is almost impossible to get a piece of it to make a box.

So in the end he still had to buy it from the bartender lady, and he felt like he had to put his neck up even though he knew he would be slaughtered.