48 Hours a Day

Chapter 34: Tokyo Drift (4)


After Zhang Heng heard Ameko's words, he didn't look away immediately. He was thinking about how to enter the main task, but he didn't expect the prompt to be sent to him in the next moment.

The guys in front of these so-called bosozokus are obviously modified car enthusiasts. If they can get involved in their circle, they should be able to get in touch with various underground competitions soon. The other party taught him the skills of racing.

But there is a problem with this.

He could feel Ameko's rejection of these people, and he couldn't communicate with this group of people without Ameko as a translator.

So try to convince Ameko to help, or just drag her down

Zhang Heng didn't have much time to hesitate. Just before the man in the turban turned his gaze here, he lowered his head to avoid making eye contact with him. The guests around him also behaved in the same way. Satisfied to be above ordinary people, he walked towards the empty table behind while whistling and laughing.

Zhang Heng gave up at the last moment and had nothing to do with Ameko, purely because this group of people is too stupid [beep], to deal with them, you must first bring your IQ to the same level as them.

Zhang Heng has no tendency to self-torture, so after thinking about it, he finally gave up. He didn't believe that this was the only way to get into the underground car race, and he didn't think he could learn anything useful from these guys.

In the next two weeks, Zhang Heng spent learning Japanese and working in a western restaurant. There was no progress in the racing car, but Ameko and him got better and better. The two worked together, and Zhang Heng helped Ameko correct his Chinese pronunciation. In return, Ameko will tutor him in Japanese. In addition, Zhang Heng also found that Ameko also likes to exchange text messages with him more and more.

After getting in touch for a long time, you will find that Ameko is really a girl who can chat. From the peaches at home to the stray dogs on the road, to the discounted lunch boxes in the supermarket, you can send a message to everything you see.

Zhang Heng will receive a text message from Ameko in Japanese class, "Ah, today the Mandarin teacher wore a super cute floral dress that doesn't match her age! Everyone is so surprised."

When eating, I will receive a text message from Ameko, "Big event!!! It's terrible, did you know that the dog pine nuts raised in the school is male!"

Or before going to bed, "Zhang Sang, do you think the world would be worse without cats?"

And almost every day, "Oops, do I like to text too much, you don't hate me, do you, don't you?"

"No, I was just reviewing what I learned today." Zhang Heng put down the gel pen in his hand and rubbed his eyes. Although he hasn't found the underground events hidden in the dark, he has not been idle recently. He felt like he was back in the third year of high school again. In order to master Japanese as soon as possible, and at least be able to understand the simplest daily conversations, he was almost playing with his life.

Compressing the sleep time to five hours, practicing Japanese almost all the time, and even playing the piano in the restaurant, there is a basic Japanese book next to him. Zhang Heng feels that he is not here to play games, but to attend a cram school.

"Zhang Sang, you work too hard. I feel like I'm wasting my life compared to you." Ameko said with admiration.

"I'm just doing what I have to do." Zhang Heng smiled wryly. He wasn't really interested in language learning, but he received a reminder from the mysterious voice on the evening of the second day after he came here.

Confirm that my return time this time has indeed been extended to 420 days, and some things can also be planned in advance. It is impossible for him to rely on Ameko as a translator for such a long time, not to mention that the latter is also applying for exchange students in China, and it is likely that he will not be there in the next school year. Zhang Heng still decided to make a living by himself.

The 14-month travel study environment is not easy to come across, and it seems a bit wasteful not to use it to practice the local language under such conditions.

Zhang Heng had an ominous premonition that if the game continued, he would have to learn all the world's mainstream lingua francas first.

Although Ameko is still chatting about trivial matters in text messages, Zhang Heng has been bombarded by her for a week, and it can be seen from the lines that she seems to be in a bit of a low mood today.

So I typed "What's the matter with you", but deleted it just before sending it, and dialed directly, "Ameko, are you in any trouble?"

The latter was a little surprised when she received the call. Her throat was a little hoarse, as if she had just cried and was still sniffling, "Zhang Sang, I'm sorry for making you worry, but it's really nothing important. It's not a family matter, that person left us six years ago."

"It will feel better to say it. If you want to say it, you can tell me. I can help you keep it secret. After all, no one here can understand what I'm talking about except you."

Ameko, who was sad on the other end of the phone, was amused by this sentence, and then she told Zhang Heng her story. It turned out that her biological father was obsessed with betting on horses when she was a child, and lost all the family's money. , and her mother couldn't bear it, and later they divorced. After cutting off all relations, her mother took her to remarry her current stepfather, and then gave birth to a younger brother. The family now lives very harmoniously.

However, after going to college, her father somehow found her contact information and approached her, but the first time was to borrow money. At the beginning, he said that he had encountered difficulties in business and needed to turn around, but after the first time, there was a second time. The second time, after a few times, Ameko finally became suspicious, and realized that the latter was not only gambling but also addicted to alcoholism.

The father and daughter had a quarrel because of this, and they hadn't contacted each other for several months. Just an hour ago in the afternoon, Ameko received another call from the other party, saying that he was injured by a debt collector and had no money to see a doctor, but there was A lesson learned from the past, but Ameko did not remit the money he earned from part-time work in the first place, so he was scolded by his biological father as an ungrateful thing, and the latter also threatened that he would not have her as a daughter.

Ameko couldn't help crying, and asked Zhang Heng on the other end of the phone, "Zhang Sang, am I cold-blooded?"

"Uh, I think your father is even more extreme. Although it seems that he is 90% lying, but if you are worried about him, I can accompany you tomorrow."

"Really, but wouldn't it be too much to bother you because of my own family business?" Ameko was a little embarrassed.

"No, I've almost reached my limit recently. I'm either learning Japanese or playing Bandari in a restaurant. I just go out to get some air." This is also what Zhang Heng is thinking. Now he feels a little nauseous when he sees those pseudonym syllables up.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, so let's go together after work in the morning."


"Thank you, Zhang Sang."

"You're welcome."

The matter of Ameko was just a small episode, and Zhang Heng didn't take it too seriously. After hanging up the phone, he began to think about how to improve his driving skills. Fifteen days have passed since the second round of the game, and he has not yet Started the main mission, and the other players would have died in a hurry.

Zhang Heng is not in such a hurry because he has 14 months of mission time, but he can't spend it indefinitely. He still set a deadline for himself. If he can't find a way to improve his driving skills after one month , Zhang Heng can only try to get in touch with those runaways.