48 Hours a Day

Chapter 46: Tokyo Drift (16)


Ameko covered the unconscious Takeda Toru with the torn blanket at the back of the car, then thanked him, and jumped out of the car with Zhang Heng's support.

"Did you say he was lying before?"

"No, I just think there are some things in his story that are questionable." Zhang Heng locked the car door and took the elevator with the girl to the supermarket.

"It's mainly because of Onitomi's attitude towards him that makes me feel very strange. If it's really like what he said, Naoto Asano woke up in the hospital and told his uncle that he also participated in racing. People will not go to him, you must know that hatred is the strongest when a loved one has just died."

"Well, maybe Ghost Tong's people failed to find him, didn't he choose to hide his name after that incident?"

"If that's the case, how can we explain what happened six years later, the stone and the newspaper?" Zhang Heng said, "Especially the sentence above, with all due respect, it doesn't seem to be adopted by a well-organized society. Tone."

Ameko thought for a while, "It seems true when you say that, but the person who set fire to the shop and kidnapped me last night was indeed Hitomi Oni."

Zhang Heng shook his head and said, "It's still the same sentence, the timing of this group of people's appearance is too weird, and now more than 20 years have passed since that incident, why did they suddenly choose this time to start revenge? The one who called in advance Who is his mysterious person? The person inside the ghost pupil? And why help? Your father is not an idiot, he should be able to find these problems, but his brain refuses to think now, so this matter can only be done by us Investigated."

"But we have nothing to do with those people back then." Ameko said worriedly.

"No, right now we have a breakthrough point. If Naoto Asano wakes up from a coma, it is impossible for the nurses and doctors around him to know who he wants to see. As long as we can find the medical staff who rescued him back then, we will You can know who he has been in contact with during this period." Zhang Heng pushed a shopping cart to the shelf where the tape was placed, "But before that, we have to quiet your father first."


The two bought ten rolls of black tape and two bundles of climbing ropes, returned to the van, tied Takeda Toru tightly, and Zhang Heng drove the L300 to the downstairs of an apartment building under the guidance of Ameko.

"This is my cousin's residence. She is a flight attendant who flies international flights. She is not at home all year round. She left me a key so that I can help her water the plants on the balcony. No one should be able to find this place."

Ameko opened the door while introducing. Although the apartment is small, there are all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances inside, and it is very clean.

Zhang Heng dragged Toru Takeda, who was in the blanket, to the bed. The coma buff of the soup bowl had expired. Make a whining sound.

"Even if you really want to die, you still have to give us some time, at least don't hang up in such a vague way, otherwise Xiao Lin back then sacrificed himself in vain."

Zhang Heng didn't care whether the owner of the aquatic product shop could listen to his dissuasion, anyway, the other party was tied up like a rice dumpling, and there was nothing he could do even if he disagreed.

Ameko apologized, and then worked with someone to use the remaining bundle of climbing ropes to completely fix the owner of the seafood shop on the bed, and he couldn't even roll when he practiced rolling. After doing all this, the two took a taxi to Tokyo Metropolitan Central Library museum.

This is a public library located in Minami Azabu Festival, Minato District. It was built in 1973 and has a collection of about 1.8 million volumes. It is open to the public free of charge. The two came here to check the relevant reports of that incident. Retrograde racing and causing two deaths is a very vicious social event at any time.

At that time, almost all the newspapers reported on it, so as long as you searched for the date, you can find the corresponding news. Ameko just looked through two copies and found the doctor who was responsible for rescuing Naoto Asano at that time—Saburo Kurobe. A simple interview.

Zhang Heng searched the name on the Internet, and found that Dr. Saburo Kurobe had left the public hospital where he was working at the time, and transferred to a private hospital as the vice president. This was a bit troublesome. People at this level are usually very busy, and Vigilance is also high and not easy to contact.

Ameko looked through more than a dozen newspapers of the same period, including the scanned version found in the library system, but finally found something new in a local tabloid that has been discontinued, "Zhang Sang, do you think this is useful?" ?”

The girl gave up the screen to someone on the side. In the past nine months, Zhang Heng has not only learned to hone his driving skills, but also his language. In addition to school courses, he is also spending every minute to strengthen his vocabulary memory. Now Finally received the reward, he can already complete daily communication in Japanese, and he can read newspapers as long as the content is not too professional.

"See Linzi earlier, the nurse from back then?" Zhang Heng was attracted by the serious-looking old nurse in the newspaper.

"Yes, she has been in that hospital for thirty-two years. It said that Naoto Asano was in serious condition when she first entered the hospital, so she was accompanied by the most experienced woman. She didn't close her eyes for two days and two nights. Unfortunately, in the end The person still hasn't been rescued, but at this age... he should have retired by now."

"Let's ask Saburo Kurobe first, and if that doesn't work, we can find a way to find Rinko Hayami." Zhang Heng finally said.

As expected, Saburo Kurobe was not easy to get close to. He was considered an expert in surgery in Tokyo. His contact information was disclosed on the Internet, but it was one of his female assistants who answered the phone.

Although the other party's tone was polite, he was unwavering in his insistence on making an appointment in advance. However, Dean Saburo Kurobe's schedule had already been scheduled for a month later, and the two tried to block people directly at the entrance of the hospital where the latter was currently working. , After waiting for two hours, I finally saw the Lord.

But Kurobe Saburo only said that he had no impression of what happened back then, and he became a little impatient after chatting for a few words. He opened the door of the black Mercedes and said, "If you have anything to do, please contact my assistant. Lunch with friends from the Ministry of Labor."

Zhang Heng is useless, Kurobe Saburo is not a small character like Takeda Tetsuya, once he disappears or is forced to confess, he will soon attract public attention, and this guy may really not remember, like him Surgical experts sometimes do more than a dozen operations a day, and they are often so tired that they can't even remember their own names when they get off the operating table.

Ameko watched the Mercedes go away, then turned to Zhang Heng, "What should I do now?"

"Try the line of seeing Rinko early. She has worked in the hospital for decades. Even if she retires, someone should know her whereabouts."