48 Hours a Day

Chapter 53: Moresby


Shen Xixi was sitting by the window reading a book by herself, the sunlight shone on her side face, making it impossible for the boys beside her to concentrate at all.

Zhang Heng stepped up a little bit, Shen Xixi looked up and saw someone waving at her.

Shen Xixi put down the book in his hand and smiled. The library had to be quiet and they couldn't talk, so the two didn't chat much.

Zhang Heng had already borrowed the grammar book he wanted, and after saying hello, he was about to leave. Before leaving, he inadvertently glanced past the book in Shen Xixi's hand that she half shared, and found that the title of the book turned out to be "Criminal Minds" analyze".

Of course, as a person who has even read "Bill of Quantity Valuation of Water Supply, Heating, and Gas Engineering", it seems that he has no right to question other people's choices.

But in connection with Shen Xixi's amazing observation and reasoning ability before, Zhang Heng had to admit that this girl's hobbies may be a bit unique. Could it be that she plans to enter the criminal investigation system after graduation

But what she is studying now is the Department of Public Administration.

Zhang Heng didn't intend to interfere in other people's life choices, not to mention that he and Shen Xixi didn't know each other very well at first. He was just a little surprised when he found out that Shen Xixi was particularly interested in criminal investigation, and then found another floor to start reviewing grammar knowledge.

Zhang Heng stayed in the library until it was closed before packing up and leaving. He just went to the cafeteria for dinner in the middle.

He didn't take the grammar book away, and put it back on the shelf, anyway, he would come back an hour later.

After returning to the dormitory to wash his face and brush his teeth, Zhang Heng checked his mailbox and found a new email from the photography agency, informing him that his work had been shortlisted for the last city impression-themed photography competition, and would then enter the judging stage. Results will be announced a week later.

There have been a lot of things going on recently, and Zhang Heng has almost forgotten about it. He participated in the photography competition just to test his learning achievements during this period, and being able to enter the semi-finals has already met his expectations. As for the bonuses and prizes, it is of course even more important Well, if you can’t get it, you won’t force it.

Zhang Heng used his mobile phone to browse the forums and post bars for a while, and the time soon reached midnight, and everything around him became quiet. He got dressed and planned to go to the library first and then read some books. But received a text message.

This is an unfamiliar number with only one sentence without beginning and end.

—I need your help to meet where we first met.

This is the first time that Zhang Heng received a text message from others in a still time. During countless nights, he was the only person who could move freely in this silent city. A figure in a Tang suit and a top hat and tie.

The supernatural phenomena that happened to him now are all related to that strange old man. If there is anyone who can still enter this world, the first thing Zhang Heng thinks of is that guy.

And judging from this text message, the other party may have encountered some trouble.

Zhang Heng changed into sportswear, first went to the archery hall to take out his sf recurve bow, and then spent money to buy an outdoor knife from the outdoor goods store next door to hide in his waist.

After doing all this, he rode the little yellow car to the maid cafe where the two met before.

The door of the shopping mall was not locked tightly as usual, it was half open, and there was still light shining through it. Zhang Heng took off the recurve bow on his back, put on the bow and arrow, and walked in cautiously.

"I like the milk tea shop on the second floor very much, but every time I come here, there are many people queuing up. It is rare that there is no one here now, but no one makes me milk tea. Maybe this is life. It is difficult for you to find the best of both worlds. choice." The old man in Tang suit sighed.

He was sitting on the stagnant elevator on the first floor of the shopping mall, dressed in the same way as when we first met two months ago, but he changed the top hat into a baseball cap, which still looked nondescript.

In addition, he was holding a bag of Mushroom beans in his hand, and he tore a hole, and he swallowed half of the bag in one go.

Zhang Heng put down the bow and arrow in his hand, frowned and said, "With all due respect, you don't look like you need help now."

"Believe me, I pay more attention to the privacy of your life than all the employers you can find after graduation. I wouldn't come to you if something serious happened." The old man in Tang suit said while chewing M beans.


"Let's leave this matter to the road, we don't have much time." The old man in Tang suit poured the remaining half pack of M beans into his mouth, then patted his buttocks and stood up, "Let me ask first, you It should have gone through two rounds of the game now, what skills have you got?"

"Survival in the wild, archery, and car driving." Zhang Heng reported his lv2 skills.

"It's a good start, you will need them soon, now, let's find the mount first, oh sorry, the old habit of using words is always difficult to change, go and bring the car." The old man threw a Take the car keys. "A black Audi A6, it's at parking space 34 on the first floor, I promise, I'll tell you everything in the car."

Zhang Heng took the elevator down to the parking lot at the bottom of the building, and soon found the car the old man mentioned, but he opened the glove box and found a fat man named Wang Jianguo on the driver's license inside, which obviously couldn't be the name of the old man in Tang suit , looking at the photos, the difference between the two sides is at least twenty years old.

The latter was waiting at the entrance of the shopping mall, carrying a broken travel bag, like a lonely old man who ran out of a nursing home, he opened the car door and sat in the back seat.

"Don't care about such small details. In those game worlds, you should have done some things that you would not do in the real world. Considering the enemies we have to face, you will not let me ride a shared bicycle to fight Bar."

"What enemy?" Zhang Heng asked.

"In Papua New Guinea, there is a tribe called Alkez. Their ancestors went there very early and fought several battles with the Huli tribe, the overlord of the island at that time. Human warriors are very brave, and they can count as ten against one, but as the war continued, their population shortage problem was exposed. Compared with the Huli, the population of Arquez is only one-twentieth of the former. They must be the ones who perish, so the Arquez pray to a monster called Moresby.

"They sacrificed the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled to Moresby as sacrifices, and in return, the monster ripened the babies of the Arquez tribe into young men in just a few months, making them Batch after batch of warriors can be obtained quickly, but fortunately, this tribe was eventually wiped out by Holi, and those totems and altars related to Moresby were destroyed. The monster is equivalent to being wiped out.

"But, by the way, I hate to say this word, but... Moresby itself is a monster with time attributes, it is difficult to be truly destroyed, and it uses some method to seal itself in a circle at the last moment." In a short period of time, it escaped the fate of death. Of course, in a sense, you can also think that it has died, because it can't escape at all after more than 20,000 years, and can only linger in that short period of time. , until... Well, this balance is broken." The old man suddenly closed his mouth when he said this, and his eyes fell on Zhang Heng who was driving in front.

Zhang Heng felt an ominous premonition, "Are you joking?"

The old man in Tang suit sighed, "Unfortunately, I accidentally broke the time balance when I gave you a small gift, and this monster ran out again."