48 Hours a Day

Chapter 55: remuneration


From the monster escaping to being shot, all this happened in the midst of a rabbit rising and falling. Zhang Heng did not expect that the battle would end so quickly. Seeing the thing falling from mid-air, he also slowed down the Audi A6 and stopped it. the tunnel mouth.

The old man in Tang suit opened the car door and walked over, squatted down, and tested the thing's breathing.

"Is it over?" Zhang Heng pulled up the handbrake and got out of the car.

"I wish I could say yes, it's over, and then we can both go back and forth and do what we should do, but something is not right, and this process is too easy." The old man in Tang suit frowned, "I have been entangled with it for two months. If it was so easy to kill, I wouldn't have dragged it until today."

"Based on what you know about it, is there any way it can't be used?" Zhang Heng approached a little closer. He had caught a glimpse of this thing pasted on the windshield before, and now he can finally see the whole picture clearly. .

It is slightly larger than a monkey, similar to a six or seven-year-old child, but its limbs are short. Apart from its smooth face, its body is covered with golden hair. This is why Zhang Heng thought it looked like a monkey at first glance. , and the most eye-catching thing is the reproductive organs between its legs, which are three times the size of an adult man.

Zhang Heng is sure that this thing does not belong to any known creature on Earth.

"Reproductive worship, many aborigines will have similar preferences, and you seem to have misunderstood something, I may look old, but not as old as you think, Moresby is a monster more than 20,000 years ago, you and I I also know nothing about it, so thanks to Google and Wikipedia, I was able to collect some information about it on the Internet." The old man in Tang suit stood up from the ground with his knees propped up, and pulled out the spear stuck on the corpse, " us… "

As soon as he said these two words, his cheeks suddenly became cold, and a puddle of transparent mucus dripped on it.

"Great!" The old man in Tang suit sighed.

The next moment, a black shadow jumped down from the top of the tunnel.

No one thought that there was another Molesby hidden in the tunnel!

It moved very quickly, and jumped down directly from above, pushing the old man in the Tang suit to the ground, and then opened his mouth to bite the latter's throat, but was caught by the gun body against his teeth.

The situation of the old man in the Tang suit looked a little bad. His baseball cap fell to the side, his hair was disheveled, his clothes were disheveled, and he desperately held the spear in his hand, but he was only passively defending.

His strength was not as strong as that monster named Moresby, and the horizontal spear was getting closer and closer to his chest.

Zhang Heng thought he would use the trick in the maid cafe, but he didn't know if it was because his strength had really weakened to such an extent, or his time regression couldn't work in this static world. It looked extremely embarrassing.

Zhang Heng knew that he had to do something, so he rushed back into the car as fast as he could, took out his sf recurve bow, bent the bow and set an arrow, and shot the arrow at the monster.

At such a short distance, there is almost no possibility of missing.

The arrow pierced into the monster's skin as it wished, but couldn't go any further.

Zhang Heng was a little surprised. He saw that the rusty spear pierced Moresby's chest with ease before. He thought that the body of this thing was not strong, but now it seems that the strength of the opponent's muscles is probably enough. Catch up with the small tree on the side of the road.

Molesby, who was under attack, turned his head and looked at someone fiercely, but did not make any other movements. It could clearly tell who was the greatest threat to it, and planned to kill the old man in Tang suit first, and then deal with Zhang Heng on the other side. .

Zhang Heng then fired two more arrows, but found no effect, so he decisively threw away the bow and arrow and ran back.

The old man in Tang suit thought that Zhang Heng was going to escape by car. This approach was really stupid. If he died, he would not be able to run away from Moresby alone no matter what.

As a result, 7 seconds later, he saw that the black Audi parked on the side of the road not only did not leave, but accelerated towards him. The dazzling high beam seemed to blind his eyes. The sight of the monster Apparently it was also affected. Its body was knocked out of the car in a dazed effort. At the same time, the front of the Audi car was dented by a large part. Zhang Heng stepped on the brakes at the last moment. Leaning forward under the action of inertia, knocking on the inflated airbag.

In the end, the distance between the wheel and the left arm of the old man in Tang suit was less than one centimeter. This was the most lethal attack method that Zhang Heng could think of. Given the strength of the monster's body, it would be possible to hit it with only two tons of steel. Kind of works.

But what he did obviously enraged the latter completely. Moresby was knocked into the air, landed on the wheel and got up again. It stared at Zhang Heng in the driver's seat, and straightened up. Calf, put the power on the ball of the foot.

However, the next moment, a ball of lightning flew out from under Audi's car, stabbed its bald head, penetrated from the forehead, passed directly through the back of the head, and firmly nailed it to the tunnel wall.

Moresby's corpse twitched a few times as a conditioned reflex, and then remained motionless like a piece of bacon hung on the wall.

The old man in Tang suit crawled out from the bottom of the Audi car in disgrace, walked to the wall cursing, and confirmed that the thing was really dead and couldn't die anymore. A thumbs up, "Nice job!"

Zhang Heng unbuckled his seat belt, turned around on the verge of life and death, and his spirit was a little exhausted. He leaned on the back of the chair, "Didn't you say that we are 2v1 tonight? What happened just now?"

"It's 2 vs 1 tonight, that's right, I just didn't expect it to have two bodies." The old man in Tang suit shrugged, looking innocent, "It has never exposed this in the chase before, it seems that it intends to I'll leave it to you once, but luckily I also found a helper tonight."


"Okay, don't be so depressed, I won't let you work in vain." The old man in Tang suit pulled out the spear nailed to the wall, dismantled it into sections, and put them back into the broken travel bag. Afterwards, he rolled up his sleeves, inserted his right hand into Moresby's shot through head, stirred in it, and finally took out a piece of bone with gray-white brains and threw it to Zhang Heng.

"Your reward."

The latter watched the thing fall to the ground without any desire to reach out and catch it.

"Don't be deceived by its appearance. If you use the game data to measure this thing, it is probably of C-level quality. You can use it yourself or sell it at the auction at the end of the year, but you already have a gift from me. , it is of little use to you."