48 Hours a Day

Chapter 63: Mannerheim welcomes you from the defensive line (5)


Zhang Heng was ready to enter the shadow state, but the next moment the deadly gunfire sounded again.

The Soviet soldier who was walking in the front threw his head back and fell to the ground without warning. Then he paused for about a second. The companion behind him also fell down in the same posture, lying motionless on the ground.

The remaining five Soviet soldiers immediately fell down on the spot, raised their rifles in panic and fired back indiscriminately, and the two men approaching Zhang Heng also turned around quickly to support their comrades in danger. , The sound of gunfire in the forest rang out.

Unfortunately, however, this weak resistance could not prevent death from coming.

The snipers hiding in the dark took advantage of the time when the enemy hid in the bunker to quietly complete the shift, and the bullets of the Soviet soldiers all missed without exception.

Until three more people fell down, the remaining two Soviet soldiers could no longer bear such a great mental pressure, threw away the weapons in their hands, took advantage of the gap between the bullets on the opposite side, turned and ran towards the woods.

The farthest person among them ran about 150 meters, but unfortunately, this distance was not enough to save his life.

When the gunshots rang out, he too fell headlong into the snow, blood staining the back of his head.

In less than four minutes, eleven Soviet soldiers were all dead in this cold and strange land.

And the sniper hiding in the dark didn't waste a single bullet.

After the log was broken, Zhang Heng emptied everything in the rucksack, picked up a branch from the side, and tried to signal surrender to the opposite side, but the backpack was hit by a bullet just as it was lifted halfway.

— But this is enough to explain the attitude of the sniper, the other party obviously does not intend to let go of any living things in this forest.

Zhang Heng speculated that it was probably because the Soviet military uniform he was wearing caused the other party to misunderstand, but unfortunately the language barrier between the two parties meant that he didn't even have a chance to explain at this time.

The opponent's shooting before was not to save him, but because the group of Soviet soldiers turned from moving to quiet when they were confronting him, creating the best shooting opportunity.

This is a terrifying person who is extremely sober and confident. It can be seen from the order in which he chooses targets. He kills the machine gunner who is the most threatening first, and then solves the person who wants to pick up the gun. He uses continuous killing to suppress The Soviet reconnaissance team, already terrified, calmly replaced the bullets and sniper points, and ruthlessly completed the next round of harvesting.

Facing the two deserters who had completely lost their fighting spirit, he didn't intend to stop. He didn't choose the target closest to him. Instead, he sniped and killed the Soviet soldiers who ran in the front first, and then attacked those who were slightly behind. hands on.

As for Zhang Heng, who seemed the least threatening, he was naturally ranked last.

The whole process not only showed his powerful shooting skills, but also reflected his calmness and meticulousness.

Zhang Heng found that his current situation was not much better than before. He was still hovering on the verge of death, but the enemy had changed from the Soviet army to the Finnish guerrillas. Judging from the results of the previous confrontation between the two sides, the strength of the latter was obvious. Even stronger, the corpses scattered all over the place are the best proof.

The situation will only become more and more unfavorable for him if this continues. The opponent is far more familiar with this forest than he is, and may walk around to his side at any time, so Zhang Heng didn't wait any longer, holding the wood carving in one hand, Pulling out the revolver in one hand, he meditated on the crow in his heart.

The next moment, the crow standing in the darkness slowly opened its eyes.

When Zhang Heng looked at it, his body shook suddenly, and then he felt as if his soul was sucked into a bottomless black vortex.

He kept falling in the vortex, but what was strange was that his body became lighter and lighter until it turned into a feather and fell to the ground. He opened his eyes again and saw the birch tree above his head and the snow on the branches.

Although I have already experienced it once, it still feels a little strange to enter this state again.

Zhang Heng's body had completely disappeared after the log was broken, leaving only a faint shadow on the ground. In this state, he lost all physiological reactions, could not speak, could not hear any sound, and his viewing angle was limited. A small patch of sky overhead.

However, after previous experiments, he has a way to solve this problem, as long as he finds a tree and prints the shadow on it, he can see the surrounding situation.

Although his speed has been weakened to a certain extent after turning into a shadow, because he doesn't feel tired and doesn't need to consider obstacles on the road, he doesn't move too slowly.

It took him less than 50 seconds to arrive at the place where the gunshots came last, and another 20 seconds to find the sniper point. The terrain there was slightly higher than the surrounding area, and the field of vision was wide. There are clear traces of the body being pressed on the snow.

However, the sniper who was elusive had obviously given up here at the moment and moved to another place, but this time there were footprints on the snow, and Zhang Heng had changed from a prey to a hunter.

After another half a minute, the shadow attached to the birch tree found a slowly moving 'object' in the snow. It was really difficult to find the existence of that thing without careful observation.

This is a Finnish guerrilla wearing a white camouflage suit and a white cloth mask on his face. He wraps himself tightly, with only a pair of eyes exposed, which perfectly blends with the entire snow field, holding himself in one hand. Holding a rifle in one hand, holding a pair of skis in one hand, similar to what Zhang Heng had guessed before, he seemed to want to go around to the side to end the battle.

However, he probably never dreamed that the target hidden behind the broken log was now standing behind him.

These elusive Finnish partisans brought a nightmare experience to the Soviet army during the Winter War. They harassed and attacked tired Soviet soldiers day and night, relying on their excellent camouflage and mobility. The proud advantage has been challenged.

Zhang Heng, who only had a shadow left, could choose to move in a straight line without making a sound, and with the nearby tree shadows as cover, he touched the masked sniper, who didn't notice anything at all.

Zhang Heng raised the revolver in his hand and pointed it at the target's head. There are only ten seconds left before the shadow state is released. Once the time is up, he can regain his body. Just pull the trigger to solve the problem. immediate trouble.

This is Zhang Heng's first time killing people. He hesitated a little, but reason told him that he has no second choice now. With the opponent's terrifying marksmanship and familiarity with the surrounding terrain, even if he was asked to run for three minutes first, he might not Can escape.