48 Hours a Day

Chapter 73: Welcome to the Mannerheim Line (15)



The two attacks before sunset made the Soviet army panic, but this was not the end. When night fell, the nightmare really began.

The line of sight dropped sharply at night, and visibility became very low, making it more difficult for guerrillas hiding in the forest to be found, and at the same time further weakening the firepower advantage of the Soviet army.

After a whole day of marching, most of the Soviet soldiers are already hungry. According to the usual habits, the troops should start cooking at this moment, but now there is a ghost of death nearby, and there are still comrades who have not completely cooled down. corpses, but no one dared to start a fire.

And at this time, the problem of the commander's inexperience was exposed. He didn't know whether he should stick to the current situation and wait for help, or find a way to rush out. But at this time, other Finnish guerrillas also arrived one after another. Soon another group of people launched an attack on this hapless army.

Finnish guerrillas armed with submachine guns galloped through the forest on skis, shooting wildly at the demoralized Soviet soldiers. There were only about twenty of them, but they were very courageous. With full firepower, the opponent was caught off guard. In addition, the two machine gun squads on the Soviet side were taken away by Simon. The Soviet soldiers who drove the ducks to the shelves were obviously slow to react. The team had already fired all the bullets in the drum, changed direction, and slid into the depths of the woods again close to the Soviet position.

At this time, the counterattack of the Soviet troops was long overdue, but only the last two guerrillas were unfortunately shot, one of them was hit in the head by a stray bullet and rolled directly off the skis, and the other was shot in the shoulder , shaking his body, and finally escaped.

On the other side, Simon also set up her rifle, and started harvesting while taking advantage of the chaos. When the guerrilla charge was over, she added eight more heads to her kill record, and at the same time, the morale of the Soviet army on the opposite side dropped. At the bottom of the valley, complete collapse is not far away.

In just three minutes, more than 20 people were killed by the Soviet army. In addition, about 30 wounded soldiers were added, and seven of them completely lost their fighting ability. He said that the remaining people could still fight after being bandaged, but they couldn't help but feel more and more panicked when they heard the wailing and screams of their comrades on the ground.

Just going through a round of raids was when the enemy was tense. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the guerrillas did not continue to launch a new offensive at this time. They lurked in the forest like patient predators. , eating the prey in front of them bite by bite.

Although the Soviet army on the opposite side still has the advantage in numbers and weapons, in the eyes of the guerrillas in white camouflage uniforms, this unit is already fish on the chopping board. Finland is close to the Arctic Circle, and the long night here will give the guerrillas Provide a longer feeding time, allowing them to easily swallow huge prey that is several times their size.

Zhang Heng and Simon retreated to a safe place, and they even had a free dinner, but because they couldn't light a fire, the taste of the food was much worse.

After a while, a strong figure on a snowboard drew an elegant arc between the trees, bringing up countless flying snowflakes, and finally stopped in front of the two of them.

Zhang Heng recognized the person who came, and it was the guy who escorted him back to the camp with a submachine gun. Zhang Heng also knew his name later—Weller, who was also the most hostile guerrilla in the camp.

He should have come here along the contact marks left by Simon. Zhang Heng guessed that Weller probably came to make an appointment with the girl for the next round of attack, but he showed off his skiing skills first. Then he raised the submachine gun in Yang's hand at Zhang Heng again, looking provocatively.

As a result, Zhang Heng himself hadn't reacted yet, Simon on the side stood up first, held the m28 in his hand, and stood in front of someone like a little lion.

Weller's face suddenly became ugly, he hurriedly left a few words, and left on the skis again.


Zhang Heng's expression was also a little weird. He found that the longer he stayed with Simon, the stronger his feeling that the style of painting was wrong. In fact, it was not too difficult for a guy like Weller with a simple mind and well-developed limbs to deal with. He and Simon Cheng Cheng's rotten stuff is still the same, he belongs to the kind of kid who hasn't grown up in mental age.

At least during this period of time in the camp, although he didn't like Zhang Heng, what he did was not too outrageous. At most, he suddenly talked and laughed loudly with his companions when the latter passed by, or wore someone's black down jacket toe toe. Walking around in high spirits, sometimes he would stare at Zhang Heng, but as long as Zhang Heng took the initiative to look away, he would be able to reap a wave of satisfaction.

It was only later that Zhang Heng found out that this guy was married and the father of two children. His feelings for Simon were more like a kind of admiration and admiration. Seeing his idol always get together with a suspicious guy, he simply felt that Just upset.

So the correct approach is actually as long as he does nothing, he will silently accept the reality in front of him after a long time, and a wave of anger like Simon will instead arouse Weller's rebellious psychology.

But the girl is also kind, of course Zhang Heng can't blame her, especially considering that the latter has been living in the mountains with his grandfather before, and the method of expressing likes and dislikes is more direct than the single-celled Weller.

In contrast, it is the female doctor Maggie who makes Zhang Heng feel more troublesome. He has no idea what that woman is thinking. She is like the best actor. Sometimes she can bear her superb acting skills. Can't help but believe, so Zhang Heng has always kept a little wary of Maggie.


The guerrillas launched a third wave of offensive after forty minutes.

The Finns played another trick. This time, instead of directly assaulting the Soviet position, two snipers attacked first, attracting most of the firepower in the area. Then the guerrillas burst out from the other side and attacked again. The other side was caught off guard.

Simon, on the other hand, continued to play steadily, focusing on taking care of the opponent's machine gunner.

Even Zhang Heng on the side sneakily fired a few shots. However, the battlefield is full of bullets now, and the targets are much farther than when he was training. There is a system beep.

[Successfully kill an enemy, game points +5, you can go to the character panel to view related information...]

Only then did Zhang Heng realize that he had hit someone. As for whether it was the target he was aiming at, only God knows.