48 Hours a Day

Chapter 83: wall


The extra round of the game is actually easy to understand. Not everyone like Zhang Heng stays in a dungeon for a year or so. Even if most people can learn new skills from the dungeon, the level will not be too high. It is equivalent to giving them the opportunity to continue to improve their skills in the game.

However, the price of 500 game points is quite high. Zhang Heng has experienced three rounds of games, and his points have just broken through one hundred. According to this calculation, he will have at least a dozen rounds of games to get so many points. There is no other way to obtain it, and this item is probably very few people can afford.

However, this is not the most expensive item on the list. After Zhang Heng scrolled down, he saw another item worth 800 game points.

— Exemption card for task failure.

As the name suggests, this small card can help the holder escape the punishment of mission failure.

Even Zhang Heng is a little tempted by this thing. He has successfully passed the three rounds of the game so far. The main missions of the first and third rounds belong to the survival category. It probably doesn't work, but like the copy of Tokyo Drift, if the main task is not completed, Zhang Heng doesn't know what kind of punishment the player will face when the return deadline is reached.

If you have enough points, it is always right to buy an exemption card and put it on your body.

In addition, Zhang Heng also saw something called the No. 137 game point permanent membership card at the bottom of the page, which sold for 999 game points, but this thing seemed a little suspicious.

According to the bartender's explanation, players with a membership card can enjoy a 20% discount for consumption at this game point. As for whether it is worth it, it is up to the player's own judgment.

Zhang Heng didn't see any game items on this long list. Except for the extra round of games and exemption cards, most of the items on the list are real, and there are at most aboriginals like penguins on the earth. It’s just that it’s a little more difficult to obtain, and the game point only needs 1 game point and free shipping, which is quite conscientious in a sense.

Of course, whether anyone will buy it is another question.


A week passed in the blink of an eye, and the end of the semester was approaching. Recently, the school was full of people who were on the offensive. The library was full every day, and the people queuing up early even extended all the way to the entrance of the cafeteria. Zhang Heng also had to change his Work and rest habits, go to the gym and archery hall to exercise during the day, wait until 12 o'clock in the evening, enter the still world, then make a cup of coffee, and come to the empty library to review.

In fact, Zhang Heng rarely skipped classes. Except for the accidental roll call in English, he was usually quite active, so there was no risk of failing the class. However, because he stayed in each round of the game for too long, many I have almost forgotten everything, but it is necessary to review it all over again.

However, in the eyes of others, his behavior is unavoidable. At this time, everyone is hurrying to prepare for the final exam, and he is the only one who is still wandering around carelessly. It is rare for Chen Huadong, who is sleeping with him I started to get up early, and when I was reciting books with a sad face every day, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw someone leaving the dormitory with a bow and arrow on his back.

And the most disgusting thing is that Zhang Heng came back very late this time. Basically, he came back from off-campus when the power was about to cut off. Chen Huadong had no idea where the former took the time to prepare for the exam.


Zhang Heng felt good today. He shot a moving target on the 50-meter arrow path, and all ten arrows hit the bull's-eye. He ignored the coach's sad eyes and took a sip of mineral water. Just finished the third round of the game, and it is still very early before the fourth round of the game. He didn’t schedule too much time for himself. Instead of going to the gym after archery practice, he fed the pigeons in the park all afternoon and went to the gymnasium in the evening. ball game.

It was already ten o'clock when it was over. Zhang Heng didn't take the subway and decided to jog back to school. When he passed an alley on the way, he saw two homeless men rummaging through the trash can for food.

They looked like grandparents and grandchildren, both dressed in rags. The older one dug out half a box of fried chicken and two unfinished bags of takeaway from the trash can. He opened it and greeted the other side. His grandson squatted by the wall to eat, but when he looked up, he saw Zhang Heng who was not far away suddenly stopped, and then accelerated towards this side.

The two of them may have been bullied by the little hooligans nearby before, and their eyes showed fear when they saw this. The older one was even scared off the bag in his hand, and subconsciously wanted to pull the younger one away. into her arms, but the next moment, something dripped onto her shoulder.

Zhang Heng saw it clearly from this angle. The entire brick wall behind the old man melted like heated cheese. The black juice first fell on her shoulders, and then began to cover her body.

Next to her, her seven or eight-year-old grandson seemed to be stunned by this scene, holding the half box of fried chicken and standing there motionless.

Zhang Heng's action was very fast, and he rushed over at the first time, holding the hand of the old man who scavenged waste. However, the power of the black liquid was stronger than he imagined. This thing seemed to be able to switch freely between liquid and solid. After pulling it, it didn't pull at all.

He didn't use all his strength, but in fact it didn't make any sense, because no matter how powerful he was, the body of the old man who scavenged first would be unable to hold it.

Zhang Heng was still pondering if there was any other way. The black juice had already taken the opportunity to wrap half of the old man's body, and that thing didn't seem to be unconscious. Although it caught the prey, it was obviously not satisfied. Following the old man's arm, he attacked Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng's reaction was very quick, he withdrew his hand at the last moment, and then picked up the immobile kid next to him. The latter finally came to his senses at this moment, and began to struggle violently, as if he wanted to run to save himself However, the speed of the black liquid on the other side was even faster. In less than a minute, the old man was completely enveloped, and then slowly sank into the wall.

After another half a minute, only Zhang Heng and the scavenger in his hand were left in the alley.

Zhang Heng's right hand hurt, but he was bitten by the latter. The scavenger broke free from his hand, rushed to the brick wall, and knelt down on the ground, but no matter how much he beat and whimpered, the wall was now Nothing has changed, everything that happened before is like a nightmare.