48 Hours a Day

Chapter 85: Christmas Eve


It has been two days since what happened that night, Zhang Heng has not encountered similar supernatural phenomena again, but unexpectedly received a message from Hayase Asuka, asking him to go to the amusement park together on Christmas Eve, accompanied by a few of her friends a friend.

This is not the first time she called Zhang Heng to come out. This girl is a restless master, and she wants to go out whenever she has the opportunity. However, Zhang Heng was surprised that her grades were not bad. It is not the highest, but there is never any worry about failing the exam, so even at the end of the semester, you can still run around.

From this point of view, she is very similar to someone. Zhang Heng has declined several times before, but he never thought that Hayase Asuka is well versed in the truth that water drips through stone and has been persistent. It is not easy for him to keep refusing, so he asked Do other people in the dormitory have any arrangements for that day

Except for Ma Wei who is still maintaining his usual study intensity, Wei Jiangyang and Chen Huadong have been reciting books to death recently, and they have long wanted to breathe, and they immediately became interested.

"Is that the Japanese girl you rescued in the food alley before? But we don't speak Japanese."

"Well, it's not just her, but also some of her classmates, from China and Japan, and there seems to be one from Ukraine." Zhang Heng glanced at the reply letter from Hayase Asuka on the phone.

"Forget it, I won't go." Although Wei Jiangyang is very interested in seeing girls from various countries, but after thinking about it, his life is really important. He has no guts to leave his girlfriend alone and run out with others on Christmas Play.

On the other side, Chen Huadong was a little frustrated in chasing Xu Jing recently. He planned to deal with it coldly and took the initiative to apply to join the event. In the end, Ma Wei, a top student, decided to join in the fun because he really had nothing to review.

So Zhang Heng told Hayase Asuka about the situation on his side, and Hayase Asuka welcomed them, and they agreed to meet in front of the playground in the evening.

Seeing that there was still some time, Zhang Heng and Chen Huadong played a few more 2k rounds.

After eating something in the cafeteria, the three of them arrived 10 minutes earlier than the agreed time. Zhang Heng first went to line up to buy tickets, and when he came out, he saw Hayase Asuka and his party.

The girl is wearing a red knitted hat today, with fur balls hanging down on both sides. When she runs, she will shake and wave to this side from a distance. There are two boys and five girls beside her. , one of the handsome blond guys should be the Ukrainian classmate Hayase Asuka mentioned, but unlike the coldness shown by that handsome appearance, you will find that he is actually quite shy when you get in touch.

Everyone introduced each other, and even Hayase Asuka barely pronounced his name in Chinese, which sounds like that, but after that, you can see the level of Chinese proficiency of the foreign students here .

The Ukrainian boy has the best Chinese among them. Because his grandmother is Chinese, he even gave himself a Chinese name called Zhang Wei, and he speaks Chinese with a perfect accent.

One of the remaining two Japanese girls is good, most of the communication is fine, but the speed of speech is a bit slow, and the other one can only speak some daily expressions.

Of course, Hayase Asuka was the most watered one. After introducing herself, she switched to Japanese, so apart from her two foreign companions, the only ones who could understand her were a Japanese major and Zhang Heng.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Zhang Heng handed out the tickets to everyone. Because it was Christmas Eve, there were a lot of people in the amusement park tonight, and most of them were couples, and there were a few Santa Clauses standing at the door handing out small gifts.

Zhang Heng and the others went to collect them. After opening them, they found that everyone had different gifts. Zhang Heng’s was a small nail clipper, Ma Wei’s was a key chain, and Chen Huadong was the luckiest. He even got a ticket for an amusement park. But Hayase Asuka opened his bag, but his face turned red first, and then he quickly stuffed it into the bag like a guilty conscience.

Another boy was still urging her to show it to everyone, but Zhang Heng could probably guess what the girl got, so he found a topic to distract the matter.

Hayase Asuka then gave him a grateful look.

The night games in the amusement park are actually not as fun as during the day. Exciting items like roller coasters are not open, but there are performances to watch on Christmas Eve. After everyone queued up to play a few items, they saw that the performance on the other side was about to start. So some girls suggested to go to the show first.

But Hayase Asuka obviously hasn't enjoyed the game yet, so Zhang Heng said to others, "Go to the show, I'll accompany her." Another boy majoring in Japanese hesitated, and said, "Then I'll stay too. "

Zhang Heng didn't object. In fact, he could see something before. This boy should have a good impression of Hayase Asuka. In order to create a chance for the two of them, he offered to help them keep their things. Hayase Asuka was not interested. I noticed something, but that boy was very grateful to Zhang Heng.

While the two were visiting the haunted house, Zhang Heng sat on a bench in the amusement park and answered a call. It was from Ireland, and his unreliable parents called.

The two smiled and wished him a Merry Christmas on the phone, and at the same time coaxed him to show the girl who was closest to him. Zhang Heng followed the request of the two, took a photo of the couple on the left and sent it over. .

"... This is too miserable."

After receiving the photo, the two people on the other end of the phone chatted heartlessly, and then naturally entered into a rhythm similar to when I was studying in college... Judging from the background sound what theater the two should be in Or outside the gate of the gymnasium, probably the dance drama or competition will start soon, and there is not much time left for them. After bragging for a while, the two reluctantly shifted back to the topic, telling Zhang Heng that they will return to China for the New Year this year, He also said that he would be given a surprise when the time came.

Zhang Heng is noncommittal about this. The two have not been home for the Spring Festival for two consecutive years. The most outrageous thing is that they had a vacation last year, but they finally chose to travel to Africa, but he finally expressed his welcome.

Zhang Heng originally wanted to ask them about Moresby and Tapio, as well as the crow that would appear in his mind when using the wood carving. No one is more professional than them in terms of knowledge, but thinking that the Chinese New Year will be over in a month or so, Zhang Heng still gave up.

This kind of thing may not be clear on the phone, it is better to talk face to face when the time comes.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Heng sat on the bench for a while, but saw a somewhat familiar figure in the crowd. He frowned, but when he looked again, that figure had disappeared into the crowd bingo.