48 Hours a Day

Chapter 9: Desert Island Survival Chapter (3)


When Zhang Heng dragged the naked guy onto the beach, the two of them were basically exhausted.

Zhang Heng didn't even know how he swam back the last part of the way. He didn't know until he got close to the target man that his lumbar spine was injured and his thigh was cut by the reef, so he couldn't move at all. No wonder he could only drift with the tide like a mineral water bottle .

It is not an easy task to drag him back.

Zhang Heng couldn't help but give up several times in the middle of the journey. Unexpectedly, this guy's mentality was very good, and he kept cheering him up.

Zhang Heng finally gritted his teeth and fished this guy ashore.

The two lay on the beach for a while, and Zhang Heng really didn't want to move his little finger. If possible, he wished he could close his eyes and fall asleep right now.

But I didn't expect that only two minutes later, the bare-bottomed guy said again, "Hey buddy, this can't work, we are not far from the equator now, and the temperature at noon can reach 35-6 degrees, if this continues we will soon Will be dehydrated."


"I'll take you to a cool place right now." Zhang Heng took a breath, gathered up some strength, dragged the man down a rock wall, and took off his T-shirt to help him bandage up. A wound on the thigh.

After that, Zhang Heng was so exhausted that he couldn't even throw a stone. Fortunately, he picked up a few coconuts that fell on the ground a little further away.

Seeing that Zhang Heng was about to smash the coconut, the naked guy opened his mouth, but stopped talking.


"I don't want to be too pushy, but if you can, please give me green coconuts. The coconuts that fall on the ground are old, and the milky juice inside may cause diarrhea if you drink them. There is nothing like this. It’s fatal on a deserted island.”

"You seem to have a lot of knowledge about survival in the wild?"

"I've been in the military for a while, and I've spent over two years trekking through the Amazon rainforest, so yeah, I guess I'm kind of an expert when it comes to survival in the wild."

Zhang Heng knew that he had made the right bet. Sure enough, in an excellent game, there would be no level that completely kills the player. He knew that the man in front of him was his hope of surviving on this deserted island.

But this can't help but make him curious, where are those two guys after that.

After all, in terms of difficulty, rescuing the naked man is the easiest to do, and according to the game designer's consistent thinking, the more you pay, the more rewards you will get.

However, Zhang Heng has no regrets, he knows his own physical condition best.

It was already very difficult to save the bare-bottomed man, and even if he could swim there, he would not have the strength to bring them back.

What's more, this man with a severely receding hairline in front of him at least looks easy to get along with.

As a first-time teacher, sometimes attitude is far more important than ability.

Sure enough, he heard the other party say, "Friend, can you find some green coconuts for me? My throat is really dry. I will teach you how to find water later."

"No problem." Zhang Heng took advantage of this time to lie down for a while and regained some physical strength, just enough to meet the other party's needs.

This time he smashed down fourteen coconuts in one go, gave five to the bare-bottomed man, ate three more for himself, and used the remaining six as food for storage.

The bare-bottomed man looked much better after drinking coconut juice, and stretched out a hand, "I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Ed Wilson, British, former captain of the British Army in Afghanistan, Just call me Ed, thank you so much for saving my life."

"Zhang Heng, a Chinese, is still in his sophomore year. You are welcome." Zhang Heng shook hands with the former captain of the British Army stationed in Afghanistan.

After that, the latter's tone suddenly became low, "It's a pity for those two guys, there is no other land nearby except this small island, and it may be bad luck for them not to come up."

However, the man named Ed obviously possessed a good ability of self-psychological adjustment, but he became optimistic after being sad for a while, "Okay, according to the agreement, I should fulfill the agreement and teach you how to find the water source."

"When I was at sea, I roughly checked with my eyes. The island should be about 12,000 hectares in size. I found some animal footprints near the bushes, which means that there may be streams on the island. You can find them by following the animal footprints. It, but at the same time the bad news is that it also means that there are likely to be predators on the island, and it will be night soon, and it is not a wise move to explore the island without a torch, you You may get lost, you may be attacked by wild beasts... ”

Ed patiently taught him the survival skills in the wild. In order to make it easier for Zhang Heng to hear each word clearly, he deliberately slowed down his speech.

Even so, Zhang Heng would interrupt him from time to time to ask the meaning of a certain word. Although Zhang Heng has a pair of parents who work abroad, the two gods stayed at home for a short time, and they did not deliberately cultivate Zhang Heng. Constant foreign language proficiency.

Therefore, the latter's English is CET-6, and there is no major problem in daily communication, but once it involves professional vocabulary, Ed has to explain it.

The two taught each other, and after 20 minutes, Zhang Heng finally figured out how to find fresh water in the wild. Following Ed's suggestion, he temporarily used coconut milk as the main water source, and searched the nearby stone walls at the same time. Not only did he succeed. Several small puddles were found, and a natural cave was also discovered.

It is about ten square meters, and it is full of bird droppings. The smell is not very good, but the terrain is relatively high, so you don’t have to worry about being swept away by the tide when you sleep at night, and the most important thing is that it is in a leeward position. Very cool, especially when the wind blows on your body, it will take away more heat.

As the sun was setting, Zhang Heng took advantage of the last light in the sky to pick a few more coconuts, and had dinner with the previous ones, and then the two in the cave said good night to each other.

As an urbanite, Zhang Heng slept in the wild for the first time. Although he knew that his mind and body had reached their limits and urgently needed to rest, he still couldn't close his eyes for a long time. Rocks, unknown bugs crawling across his arms in the dark... everything is torturing his nerves and making him restless.

Ed suddenly said, "Zhang, have I ever told you what is the most important thing to survive in the wild?"

"What?" Zhang Heng didn't hear the movement behind him for a long time, and thought the man had fallen asleep.

"Survival skills are very important, there is no doubt about it, but what is more important is to keep yourself optimistic. When you feel suffering, you can think about those happy things and tell yourself that maybe tomorrow there will be a ship passing here Bring me back to civilization." Ed's attitude was as positive as ever.

However, Zhang Heng sighed secretly. If this is really a game, then it is impossible for ships to pass by within 40 days, but Ed's words still made him feel better. The most important thing is to make him realize that at this moment I am not alone, Zhang Heng is not a person who likes to blame others.

It was just 40 days on a deserted island. With a teacher, he believed that he could do this. Zhang Heng tried to clear those negative emotions from his mind, and soon tiredness hit him, and he closed the own eyes.