48 Hours a Day

Chapter 96: Black Sail Chapter (1)


The exams are over, and the long-awaited winter vacation is finally ushered in. From now until March 4th, the school will no longer have any class arrangements.

Most of the students left school one after another. Many people left on the first day after the exam. Zhang Heng and his dormitory, Wei Jiangyang, were the first to leave. He and his girlfriend Han Xiaoxiao planned to go to Qingdao for a while before returning home. , while Chen Huadong was the second to leave, he walked very smartly, he didn't bring anything, he just put the two baby hard drives stuffed with anime in his pocket.

Ma Wei plans to take advantage of the time before the Chinese New Year to make some more money. His ticket is booked at the latest, the night before the New Year’s Eve. After the exam, I only had one night's rest before spreading out the high school physics and chemistry exercise books.

The other three people in the dormitory also admire Ma Wei. Since the first day he entered school, he has never concealed his family situation, nor used it as an excuse to take advantage of others, but has always tried his best Silently sharing the burden for the family, Zhang Heng thought that it would be difficult for Ma Wei to do better than him in Ma Wei's position.

He patted Ma Wei on the shoulder, Zhang Heng bought his own ticket next week, but he still had one thing to do before leaving.

At 23:37, Zhang Heng pushed open the door to the lounge on the second floor of the bar.

After saying hello to the lady bartender at the bar, he arrived at an empty booth and set the alarm clock under the seat to 23:55. Zhang Heng closed his eyes and started his new round of journey.

[Player identity verification...]

[Verification passed, the fourth round of dungeons are being randomly selected for player No. 079...]

[Extraction completed—the current copy is Black Sail]

"—The pirates of New Providence seriously threaten the maritime trade in this region. The laws of any civilized country should regard pirates as the common enemy of all mankind!"

[Mission objective: gain a foothold in Nassau and establish your own power]

[Mode: Single Player]

[Time flow rate: 3600] (1 hour in the real world is equal to 150 days in this game, and the player is forced to return to the real world after 300 days)

Friendly reminder, the game will officially start in five seconds, please get ready.


Zhang Heng was still thinking about where New Providence was in the background of the mission. The next moment, he heard a loud bang. He opened his eyes and found a big hole in the cabin partition on his left. A solid iron shell shattered the table next to the bed and rolled to the floor.

It was the first time for Zhang Heng to encounter such an exciting opening. Even after entering the dungeon, he had a short safety period to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment. However, this round of the game directly gave him a meeting gift.

But what was worse was that this was only the beginning, Zhang Heng then heard the roar of artillery and the sound of chaotic footsteps from the corridor outside the door.

He looked around at his fastest speed. He had a certain premonition when he heard the word "pirate" Zhang Heng before. After scanning the cabin, he could finally confirm that he had once again encountered a non-modern society instance.

Whether it's the furnishings in the cabin or the clothes on his body, they all look very classic. Visually, they are in the style of ancient Europe, but I don't know the exact time.

The history of piracy can be traced back to the Lucan people in the 14th century BC. The ancient Egyptians recorded their attacks on Cyprus, and then the Viking pirates from the 8th to the 11th centuries AD were also very famous. There were not many of them. , but they were extremely brave and fearless in battle. Later, some game companies used them as prototypes to create the profession of berserkers. In addition, in the 17th century, China's Fujian and Guangdong areas were also plagued by Japanese pirates.

However, the golden age of piracy was still from the end of the Renaissance to the early stage of the Enlightenment. With the opening of new sea routes, the expansion of colonies, and the continuous heating up of maritime trade, pirates also ushered in their glory. They can be seen on every commercial road, and powerful pirates will fight government forces and even attack colonial points.

However, as the strength of the navies of various countries grew, the pirates gradually withdrew from the stage of history. Now there are probably only some small fish and shrimps in places like Somalia.

After briefly reviewing the history of the pirates, Zhang Heng did not stay in the cabin any longer. From the direction of the shells, it can be judged that he is now on the warring side.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to leave the danger zone first, so as not to have a second shell flying, and he may not have such good luck by then.

Zhang Heng hurriedly opened the hatch, and bumped into a sailor dragging ammunition. The latter got up from the ground. He was not very old, he looked like a child, and his immature face was full of words. fear.

He didn't care about what to say, got up and ran to the deck with the box of shells.

However, the next moment a cannonball flew out of an open door and hit him in the chest. Zhang Heng ran over immediately, but the young sailor's chest was completely sunken, which was obviously impossible. survived.

When he was dying, he held Zhang Heng's hand, his eyes full of the last nostalgia for the world.

Zhang Heng has experienced the Soviet-Finnish war, so he is no stranger to such things. He knows that there is not much he can do now, and he can only keep repeating in the former's ear that your injury is not a problem, and you will recover soon.

But within half a minute the young sailor stopped breathing.

Zhang Heng was silent, stretched out his hand to close the opponent's eyes, then dragged the box of shells, and came to the ship's ladder.

He wanted to know what was going on outside.

And just at this time, a face poked out from above.

It was a man in his 40s or 50s, with bronzed skin, and he looked like someone who had been making a living on the sea all year round. He was stunned when he saw Zhang Heng, and then said angrily, "Didn't I already tell you guys?" Now, the armed force on the ship is insufficient, and there is no manpower to protect you at all, so can't you just stay in the cabin?!"

Zhang Heng was relieved to hear that the other party spoke English. What he was most worried about was that he would be on a Spanish or Portuguese ship, so he would not be able to communicate and the situation would become even more chaotic.

Zhang Heng turned his body sideways, revealing the box of ammunition behind him, and the corpse of the young sailor not far away, and said, "Your man was shot unfortunately, let me see if there is anything I can do to help."

The old sailor above was a little surprised when he heard this, but now is not the time to chat, and the cannons on the ship are almost out of shells. He waved and urged, "Quick, give me the ammunition first."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Heng also came to the deck together. As far as he could see, there was a mess, with broken and damaged ship planks everywhere, and several corpses crawling on the ground. On his left hand side, there was A three-masted ship with black sails.