80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled

Chapter 10: Martial Arts Temple


Lin Jiufeng entered the extremely yin place and began an ordinary life of checking in every day and practicing silently.

If anyone else were to live this kind of life, they probably wouldn't be able to endure it for a day.

The extremely dark place is cold, dark, and buried deep underground. Although there is spiritual energy seeping down, there are graves everywhere and there are innocent souls everywhere. Without strong strength, it is impossible to gain a foothold here.

And people with strong strength will not stay in the extremely gloomy place for a long time.

Only Lin Jiufeng can sign in. In the eyes of the world, this extremely gloomy place may be boring, but in Lin Jiufeng's eyes, it is full of treasures.

He signed in with peace of mind.

After signing in, if you get the treasure, keep it. If you get the sword, put it in the sword box. If you get the elixir, give it to the little white cat. If you get the skill, practice it silently.

His strength is steadily improving and has reached a very high critical point.

Lin Jiufeng was very satisfied with his current situation and focused on improving himself.

He paid no attention to external affairs.

And now that Dachun is gone to report, Lin Jiufeng's only external channel is gone, and he is completely cut off from the outside world.

He can improve himself in the extremely gloomy place with peace of mind.

Under the leadership of Emperor De, the Yuhua Dynasty exerted all its strength.

In the first year after Lin Jiufeng entered the extremely yin land, Emperor De began to build martial arts temples on a large scale, and implemented them in different levels. The lowest level spread to remote towns and villages.

The Wumiao Temple came with the will of the country. Emperor De moved all the royal libraries into the Wumiao Temple and built a huge Wumiao Academy on the banks of the Weishui River, which could accommodate at least 50,000 talented students.

Emperor De also sent retired and injured soldiers in the army to martial arts temples in towns and villages to teach students.

In this way, the most scarce teacher problem in the martial arts temples at the bottom is also solved.

And the veterans of the army also have a good place to go, and they are guaranteed after retirement.

The Martial Arts Temple was established with great success and became famous all over the world. Countless people wanted to know, what are the conditions for entering the Martial Arts Temple

The German emperor discussed with the cabinet ministers for a long time and made a decision under tremendous pressure.

Admission is free!

As long as they are citizens of the Yuhua Dynasty, their children can enroll in the Martial Temple for free.

Emperor De knew that the martial arts temple was not attractive to children of aristocratic families or sects.

Even if he moved out of the imperial library of the Yuhua Dynasty, even if he arranged for the royal priests to move in, and serve as the head of the high-level martial arts temples scattered all over the country, he would still not be very attractive to these children from well-born families.

The German emperor and the cabinet ministers studied for a long time how to make a decision.

In the end, it was the Chief Assistant of the Four Dynasties Elders who stood firm and decided: "Since we can't attract the children of these aristocratic families, then we won't force them. Let's focus on the largest group of people in the world."

"Poor man!" Emperor De's eyes lit up.

"Yes, poor people, people at the bottom, they have worked hard all their lives and lived a very tiring life. In order to support their families, they have to sacrifice themselves." The first assistant nodded, his eyes were bright, and infinite power emerged from his old body.

He is speaking for the poor, for the people at the bottom, and seeking welfare for them.

As a lifelong scholar of Confucianism, he did everything a Confucian scholar should do.

Establish your mind for heaven and earth, establish your destiny for all living beings, carry on your unique knowledge for the next life, and create peace for all generations!

"Your Majesty, everyone in the world is saying that the children of aristocratic families are so talented."

"But they don't think about it. The children of aristocratic families have resources that no one else can strive for in their lifetime. They are so talented, but we can't win over them. Only the people at the bottom, only the billions of poor people, They are the future of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty," Lord Chief Assistant said solemnly.

"Among the children of aristocratic families, if there is one genius among a hundred people, if you cultivate it, you can become a master and become a master on your own."

"The people at the bottom and the poor can't compare to this, but it's really not good for us to have one genius out of a thousand people, so we have to have one genius out of ten thousand people!"

"According to this ratio, we can still crush aristocratic families and sects. We just need to withstand the pressure and cultivate carefully. This is the future of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty."

"In this golden age of chaos, how many generations can it continue to depend on these poor children? When they grow up, the Yuhua Dynasty does not need to be restrained by aristocratic families and sects."

Lord Chief Assistant said impassionedly, talking about his ideal things.

All people can enter the martial arts temple for free, not for profit, but to gain a future.

Emperor De's face was excited and he immediately made a decision: "Okay, free admission for all. As long as they are subjects of my Yuhua Divine Dynasty, no matter who they are, as long as they are not over eighteen years old, they can enter the Martial Temple to study, practice, and test their talents."

"Your Majesty is wise. This is a political achievement that will benefit the country and the people and will last for generations to come." The First Assistant knelt down in sincerity.

The cabinet ministers also shouted: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Emperor De thought in his heart: "I just don't want to see the Yuhua Dynasty threatened by aristocratic families and sects."

In the first year after Lin Jiufeng entered the extremely yin land, the martial arts temple was established and promoted vigorously.

There are more than 10 million children from poor families entering the school in the first year.

Distributed in martial temples all over the Yuhua Dynasty.

This achievement made Emperor De very motivated, and he erected a wordless monument for Lin Jiufeng in the martial arts temple.

It means that life’s achievements do not need to be expressed in words.

Just this wordless monument was erected in front of the highest school in the Martial Temple, and it was visible to the students who entered the school at first glance.

This year, because of Lin Jiufeng's sharpness in killing fifteen sages, the world was quiet and allowed Emperor De to erect the martial arts temple.

They didn't dare to stop him, even if some aristocratic families were anxious to get angry and wanted to destroy the martial arts temples all over the world.

But they dare not.

Afraid of Lin Jiufeng hiding in the imperial capital, he drew his sword to kill.

But they didn't know that Lin Jiufeng had entered the extremely yin place and was working hard to practice.

In the first year, he mainly used the Yin-Yang Mandala Domain to improve himself.

I corrected the wrong path I took before, and then expanded the field several times, and it continues to grow.

It can be said that Lin Jiufeng and De Di both gained a lot.

What Lin Jiufeng gained was strength, and what De Di gained was potential.

the second year

The third year

fourth year

fifth year

For five consecutive years, the world has been relatively peaceful.

Lin Jiufeng killed fifteen sages with one sword and made the world peaceful for five years.

These five years bought Emperor De De a huge amount of time.

He built a martial arts temple, he trained students, he recruited masters, he established a royal guard, he established a dark network

Sets of things, or secrets arranged in an orderly manner.

The German emperor sat in the Forbidden City, using the world as a chessboard, and began to play chess.

The imperial aura in him was even more domineering and his scheming was unfathomable. Even Princess Yulin couldn't figure out what her brother was up to when she saw Emperor De.

But as long as it is for the good of the Yuhuashen Dynasty and the welfare of the people, she will support it.

"Sister, when will you break through to the realm of the venerable?" Emperor De asked Princess Yulin five years later.

"I'm waiting for a spring rain." Princess Yulin replied with a smile.

The so-called spring rain is an opportunity for her.

She needs an opportunity and an epiphany to enter the realm of the venerable.