80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled

Chapter 80: Da Luo Road


On this day, the people of the imperial capital wailed, and officials sent Lin Tianyuan's coffin into the imperial mausoleum.

Lin Tianyuan and Emperor Yuan were buried not far away. After all, they were father and son, descended from the same blood.

Lin Jiufeng did not participate. He just watched from a distance, watching Lin Tianyuan enter the earth with Emperor Yuan as his companion.

There are constant sorrows and joys all around, and the rain of tears and bells makes people sad.

Lin Jiufeng couldn't help but take out the life-changing technique she got by signing in.

"I need to study this skill carefully and improve myself. If I find an opportunity in the future, I will change the lives of you and your son." Lin Jiufeng said firmly.

He returned to the cold palace.

After everything was taken care of, he didn't want to stay any longer.

Returning to the cold palace and continuing to become stronger is the choice Lin Jiufeng should make.

As for the new dynasty change, Lin Jiufeng didn't care at all.

He has no feelings for the new crown prince. If he encounters trouble in the future, it will be the queen who comes to ask him to take action.

When Lin Jiufeng returned to the cold palace, he met Monk Qingyun.

Monk Qingyun brought various information from the previous era that the saint promised to Lin Jiufeng.

A lot of books.

The saint must have known that Lin Jiufeng was not easy to fool, so she carefully prepared all kinds of information, just to get Lin Jiufeng's forgiveness.

Lin Jiufeng collected the information books and then drove Monk Qingyun away.

"Tell your saint that the grudge between me and her has been wiped out." Lin Jiufeng told Monk Qingyun.

"Thank you, donor." The monk thanked him and turned around to leave without wanting to stay for a moment.

Lin Jiufeng came back with a lot of books, and then she and the little white cat read through them together.

What is the difference between the last era and this era

Lin Jiufeng didn't understand it very well before, but now, after reading these books, he finally understands.

The heaven and earth also have ups and downs. These ups and downs cannot be seen by ordinary people, but are experienced in spiritual energy.

The aura of each era continues to expand and improve. When it reaches its peak, if it continues for a period of time, it will decline.

Then you can see that when the spiritual energy slowly dissipates, the masters also dissipate with it.

Some die, some become self-proclaimed, and the choices are inconsistent.

At the last moment of the last era, that is, fifteen hundred years ago.

At that time, the most powerful ones were only the gods on earth.

People like Demon King are affected by the era of weakened spiritual energy.

Otherwise, he would definitely be able to break through the cave-heaven realm and enter a higher level.

After the Demon Lord, the spiritual energy further weakened, and by a few hundred years ago, all the martial saints had disappeared, leaving only the great master to support the scene.

After Lin Jiufeng came to this world, the spiritual energy began to slowly recover.

It heralds the arrival of a new era once again.

In this new era, Lin Jiufeng seized the beginning and made rapid progress all the way, directly entering the realm of cave heaven.

This is opportunity.

"This book says that the realm of cave heaven requires the condensation of ten cave heavens. How many have you condensed?" the little white cat asked curiously.

"One." Lin Jiufeng replied.

"Then you still need to gather the nine caves." said the little white cat.

"No, I don't condense the nine caves." Lin Jiufeng shook his head.

"Why?" the little white cat asked curiously.

"The realm of cave heaven can condense ten cave heavens. When stacked together, they are very powerful."

"But there is not only one way to go to the Cave Heaven Realm, there are many choices."

"I major in one cave, and I will use all the next nine opportunities to condense the cave to expand this cave. By the end of the day, this cave will be very powerful, very powerful. This is the most suitable method for me." Lin Jiufeng explained .

He originally wanted to condense the ten caves, but later signed in and got the cave analysis.

After reading it carefully, Lin Jiufeng found that his ideas were wrong a lot.

Dongtian is divided into low grade, medium grade, high grade, holy grade and divine grade.

The method of condensing the ten great cave heavens is only suitable for cultivators below the upper-grade cave heavens.

Because the potential of their caves is not great, the benefits after expansion are far less than those of condensing the top ten caves.

However, there is no need to gather the ten caves for holy and divine products, just open up your own caves.

When the cave sky turns into a small world, then it will be truly powerful.

Now Lin Jiufeng is taking this route.

The little white cat listened to Lin Jiufeng talk a lot, and half understood what he said. It was only a human spirit, and it was a little far away from the cave.

"Read these books carefully and increase your knowledge. It will definitely be useful for practice." Lin Jiufeng gently touched the little white cat's body, which was very soft.

Time flies, five years have passed.

In the past five years, Lin Jiufeng had not left the Leng Palace. In front of the Leng Palace, no one came except once a month in spring.

Lin Jiufeng was completely unaware of the changes and dangers in the outside world.

I only know it from what Dachun said.

Lin Jiufeng ignored the others.

He slowly expanded his cave, and he didn't even want to know about the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

He only knew that the current crown prince ascended the throne and changed his reign title to De, and his title was Emperor De.

Then Lin Jiufeng didn't know.

He signed in quietly in the cold palace, and went to the underground devil's cave every day to defeat a demon or a demon god.

These demons and demon gods have become very well-behaved since they saw Lin Jiufeng was in a bad mood and killed the demon by force.

A new person would appear automatically every day, let Lin Jiufeng defeat him, and then everything would be fine.

After five years, the only thing the demons felt was that Lin Jiufeng was too scary.

Every demon god who fought against Lin Jiufeng said that Lin Jiufeng was becoming more and more unfathomable, and it was impossible to detect where the limit was.

So they were as well-behaved as chickens and were raised by Lin Jiufeng.

As long as they don't cause trouble, Lin Jiufeng won't bother to kill them.

This day is the day for delivering vegetables in spring.

Once a month, I insist on coming by myself in spring.

Now Dachun is fifty years old, and his children are all married and have children of their own.

But he is still the honest young man he was before, and has not changed at all.

They still brought wine and food, and they still told Lin Jiufeng about what happened in the imperial capital.

Lin Jiufeng and the little white cat were making tooth sacrifices and listening to Dachun talk.

"Your Highness, just yesterday, Emperor De worshiped a master and made him a national master." Dachun said.

"What kind of person can be a national preceptor?" Lin Jiufeng asked curiously.

The Yuhuashen Dynasty has been quiet these years.

Because everyone knows that on the night of Emperor Ming's funeral five years ago, a group of demons surrounded the imperial capital, but were defeated by the patron saint of the imperial capital.

In the Imperial Capital, there is an old monster who has been guarding the Imperial Capital since Emperor Yuan, then Emperor Ming, and then Emperor De.

If you want to provoke the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, you must defeat this person.

This is a saying spread in the world.

Lin Jiufeng heard Dachun say it.

So he was very curious about what abilities this person could have as the national master of the Yuhua Dynasty.

"I don't know what kind of person he is. I heard others say that he is the leader of the hidden sect, and his name seems to be Da Luo Dao." Dachun said.

"Da Luo Dao!" Lin Jiufeng's eyes narrowed, and he immediately thought of the book that the saint gave him, which recorded this sect.

The little white cat also looked at Lin Jiufeng seriously.

It has also read the book.