90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 10: Ninety spring days


Nanxiu was taken away with just a stick of incense. Cui Ying was anxious to seize the dagger from the Duke's hand and was about to commit suicide. "If she is beaten to death today, I will give her my life as compensation. We are husband and wife, and we live and die together." Whatever."

The Duke asked someone to pin him to the ground and take the knife from his hand. "You will live and die with her. Have you ever asked me if I agree?"

It's a coincidence that one day the Empress Dowager was playing with the jade Guanyin she invited from Bolu. She saw a jade bell on Guanyin's body. She found it interesting. After playing with it for a while, she accidentally broke the small jade bell and immediately became very angry. He was shocked, "How could this happen!"

Thinking that this was an ominous sign, the palace eunuch informed His Majesty of the matter. Your Majesty comforted the Empress Dowager carefully and looked carefully at the "Cui Yingzao" engraved under the jade Guanyin base, and then called for someone.

"Since this Jade Guanyin was created by Cui Ying, then go and invite Cui Ying. Go find Cui Ying yourself and make sure he comes to Liangzhu."

Just as Cui Ying was being pressed to the ground, someone from Lier outside shouted, "The royal envoy from Liangzhu has arrived!"

The Duke refused to let Cui Ying go, and the Liangzhu envoy immediately frowned, "Prince Baili, Cui Ying, Mr. Cui, is the person your Majesty wants. If Mr. Cui cannot be taken away today, it will be difficult for me to return to my life. You look… "

The Duke was acting presumptuous again. This was within Li'er territory and there was a royal envoy, so he had no choice but to relent temporarily and let people follow the envoy and Cui Ying all the way.

Cui Ying was free and quickly told the envoy that his first wife had been taken away by the princess's wife and taken to the garden for disposal. Now he was going to find Nan Xiu. The envoy comforted him and said that since he is here, he will definitely protect her. They were both safe and sound, and he went to rescue his wife, but he couldn't help but worry about the Liangzhu Imperial City. He had to set off with everyone at this moment, and after he rescued his wife, he would return her to Cui Ying.

Cui Ying was still worried. The envoy had already asked someone to change his clothes and was preparing to let him go to Liangzhu.

Cui Ying delayed, refusing to leave immediately.

After a while, the messenger came from the back garden and said, "The woman named Nanxiu has fainted after being whipped several times."

Cui Ying was so flustered that she ran to the back garden to see her.

The messenger said, "The royal affairs cannot be delayed. I will stay here to take care of Miss Nanxiu. Miss Nanxiu is not seriously injured. Her injuries will only take a few days to heal."

On the one hand, he was urging, and on the other hand, he was caring about the person he was thinking about. Cui Ying took off the purse from his waist and entrusted the messenger, "When my wife wakes up, give this to her and ask her to wait for me at home. Please take care of it for me." My wife."

The messenger responded one by one and asked people to prepare fast horses for him.

Cui Ying stayed in Liangzhu for two months. Someone sent her a hairpin. He recognized what it was. They got married that night. He personally gave the jade hairpin to her. In addition to this, there was a letter in the envelope, Nanxiu. Today's words are more and more similar to his, and she can write more and more words. Cui Ying gradually felt relieved and presented several jade Guanyin statues to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager said, "With Cui Ying's face, no wonder he could invite such a charming Guanyin. Your Majesty smiled and said nothing."

The Holy Emperor wanted to take him into the Ministry of Industry as an official, but he politely refused and wanted to return to Nianyupu in Li'er.

A few months later, it was early spring, and Cui welcomed Li Er back.

As soon as he arrived outside the house, he heard a woman singing. When he heard it, it was Nanxiu's singing. He hurriedly opened the door. Nanxiu turned around, with flour still on her face, "Brother, I made sugar buns, look!"

Her hands were all over her face, and so was her face. Cui Ying didn't care about anything and held her tightly in his arms, "Do you know how much I miss you."

Nanxiu snorted, "You don't miss me, otherwise why would you have been gone for so long."

"Of course I miss you, but I want to use this opportunity to get rid of the county government completely. From now on, we don't have to be afraid of them anymore. Your Majesty has granted you and me our freedom. If you are willing, we can go to Liangzhu to live." , I can also join the Ministry of Industry as an official."

Nan Xiu leaned on his chest, "I thought you would never come back once you left. You didn't want me anymore."

"No, you are my life. The day I took you out of the house, I promised you that I would protect you for the rest of my life."

Nan Xiu smiled, "Yes, you always keep your promises."

"Let me see if you are injured?" Cui Ying said.

Nan Xiu shook his head, "No, that day, my wife took me to the back garden. I fainted after being whipped a few times. In my daze, I heard a man talking to my wife, wanting to take me away. Later, when I woke up, that man Sir, just tell me that I will just wait for you to come back at home, and no one will come to catch me again, so I can live my life in peace."

Cui Ying hugged her, still a little scared, but this was good, they no longer had to live in hiding in the future.

Spring is bright and the sun shines every day.

Not long after, Nanxiu said, "The sun is so hot, I'm even tanned."

Cui Ying smiled at her and said, "The springtime is just right. What are you afraid of when it's dark? I think you are as beautiful as before."

Nanxiu acted coquettishly, "Brother, can you make me an umbrella? Look at your skin being so white. I'm even tanned. It doesn't look good at all."

She likes to act coquettishly with him recently, and Cui Ying is also following her. It seems that she was scared last time, and since they haven't seen each other for many days, she likes to follow him even more and talk to him all the time.

When Cui Ying was grinding jade, she would watch him from the side. Sometimes he would bring candied fruits to her, "Didn't you always like to eat candied fruits when you were in the mansion?"

Nan Xiu shook his head, "I only like it a little bit, but you ate all the candied fruits I gave you at that time. I thought you liked it very much, so I brought it with me every day."

Cui Ying was startled, "At that time, you were just that kind to me?"

"When did I treat my brother badly?" Nan Xiu hugged his arm.

Nanxiu said it was hot outside, so she ran behind the counter, hugged his waist and watched him grind the jade, "My brother's hands are so skillful."

Cui Ying was so caught by her that she wanted to laugh, "Why are you tickling me!"

Just as he was smiling, someone came outside, carrying a basket of green plums.

Nanxiu poked her head out to see the guest, "Who is here?"

Suddenly, a basket of green plums fell to the ground. The person who came was none other than Ruan Xiu Niang. Cui Ying was dissatisfied and said, "Why are you here!"

Ruan Xiu Niang ran away in a hurry, Nan Xiu said, "Brother, help me stop her. I have something to say to her."

Cui Ying said, "Don't waste time talking to such a villain."

"Brother, it's better to help me stop her. This is between her and me."

Ruan Xiu Niang was captured by Cui Ying, and Nan Xiu and Cui Ying closed the door. Ruan Xiu Niang was so frightened that she did not dare to speak and stared straight at Nan Xiu.

"Sister Ruan, I treat you well, why did you betray me?"

Ruan Xiu Niang said, "I'm just greedy for money for a while, sister, don't blame me, please show me your kindness."

Nanxiu cried, "I thought it was true that my sister said she regarded me as her biological sister. I didn't expect that my sister would do such a thing. From now on, my sister and I owe nothing to each other."

Ruan Xiu Niang stumbled away.

(End of chapter)