90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 101: Confrontation between master and disciple


The sky had been gloomy all the time, and the rain was falling, and it didn't stop completely until dusk.

A ray of setting sun appeared on the horizon, making people forget about today's bad weather.

Ji Liyou walked leisurely, and passers-by looked at this desolate young man who looked so lonely and tired.

His clothes were soaked by the rain and dried by the cold wind, but he walked on Liangzhu Street and kept walking until he came to a place he didn't recognize at all. But he was so confused at the moment that he had not thought about his future. thing.

He didn't dare to resist, because he knew that he was no match for the storyteller, and he didn't dare to go back immediately, because he was afraid that his eagle-like sharp eyes would see through his hopelessness.

He didn't know how much he wanted to say to the storyteller, but he didn't know how to say it. He and the storyteller had known each other for almost twenty years. His father said that when he arrested Zhou, he caught a tiger-head shoe and didn't go to get it. Dad prepared the pen and paper. The storyteller also came later. Hearing that he was holding tiger-head shoes, he insisted on letting him catch it again.

Dad said, there is nothing wrong with catching shoes. In the future, people will travel far away. Traveling thousands of miles is not necessarily worse than reading thousands of books.

But after hearing this, the storyteller became more determined to ask him to catch him again. The second time, he followed the storyteller's hand and picked up a tea cup. The storyteller patted him on the head and said he was a good boy.

Later, when he grew up, he became the young shopkeeper of Sanqi Teahouse.

You can never say "no" in front of a storyteller.

He walked outside a post station in the city, and there was a small hexagonal pavilion. If it was the Spring and Autumn Festival, this must be a place for tomb sweepers to rest. Now there were only weeds in the pavilion. Ji Liyou walked over and sat in the pavilion for a long time.

He could no longer bear to be a substitute for another person. He was very tired of thinking that his words and deeds were exactly the same as another person's.

He is Ji Liyou, not Ji Fuwei, or anyone else.

He began to resent his father and the storyteller. Even if they look alike, the books he studied and the swords he learned as a child actually belong to Ji Fuwei. He had a crazy idea, why not commit suicide? What should a person do while living in such an unclear state

You are being manipulated left and right, and there is no way out.

He no longer believed what the storyteller said to him. The look in his eyes was more likely to be his memory of another person.

Thinking of this, Ji Liyou felt even more outrageous.

But he soon gave up this idea, because a person is not born to seek death.

And even when death is inevitable, one should still fight to survive.

Ji Liyou looked up at the vast sky and slowly closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he said to himself word for word: "People are born to live. No one has the right to die on his own."

Ji Liyou seemed to have made a lot of determination and started walking in the direction of Ji's mansion.

He is a person who grew up in the wilderness, and like a wild beast, he is born with the instinct to distinguish between good and evil.

After realizing that he has reached a dead end, he will find a way to survive on his own. The way to survive now is to make it clear to him.

He only wanted one answer. If the storyteller really only regarded him as Ji Fuwei, then nothing would count between them.

Men are always more decisive than women, Ji Liyou said to himself, cutting through the mess with a sharp knife is the way it should be.

He thought the storyteller would be waiting for him in the room, because when he went out in the morning, he played dominoes in the room. But now, he's not here.

Maybe he has something to be busy with again, as he is always so busy.

So Ji Liyou lay on the bed alone, quietly waiting for dark and waiting for him.

He had a hunch that the storyteller would come back tonight. He was much smarter than him. If he was determined not to let him know about Ji Fuwei, he would hide it deeply, but he didn't. He let Ji Li Worry to find the truth of the matter.

Is he too confident, or is he too underestimating Ji Liyou, thinking that even if he knew that they intended to mold him into another Ji Feiyu, he would not resist.

Ji Liyou shivered and caught a cold.

The wind blows the bamboo leaves in the courtyard like gentle waves lapping the shore.

The lights in Ji Liyou's room flickered dimly, and he couldn't see clearly, but he didn't care at all. Compared with his thoughts, whether his eyes could see clearly was a trivial matter.

He closed his eyes, waiting for him to come back, he would definitely come back.

Ji Liyou opened his eyes again and suddenly wanted to cry.

But there was still not a single tear. All this was his own fault. If he had not thought about him at all from the beginning, he would not be hurt, and if he had no expectations, he would not be disappointed.

There was a spider on the roof that was starting to build a web. Ji Liyou stared at it for a while and thought, aren't humans just like spiders? Everyone in the world is spinning a web and trapping themselves in the middle of it.

Ji Liyou was suddenly afraid that he would never be able to escape from the net in his life, because he had made the net himself.

Thinking of the storyteller, his eyes couldn't help but dim.

It was finally completely dark.

Ji Liyou had just sat up when he suddenly heard slight footsteps coming towards him outside the window, so he immediately lay down again.

As soon as he lay down, the footsteps came outside the window.

Ji Liyou endured it, feeling aggrieved and angry. Thinking of confronting him in a moment, all his blood rushed to the top of his head, and his whole body could hardly help but tremble.

The storyteller walked in and sat down, but never glanced at Ji Liyou. Ji Liyou finally got off the bed, but still didn't change his clothes.

The storyteller lit the lamp and said, "It's so dark in the room. Why did you just light a lamp?"

Only then did I realize that his face looked a little blue under the light.

The storyteller's eyes flashed and he asked: "Are you suffering from the cold? Do you want to drink some warm tea or some warm wine?"

Ji Liyou calmed down after seeing him and said: "Wine."

After drinking three drinks in a row, he suddenly asked the storyteller, "Do you know why I drink?"

The storyteller said: "One drunkenness can solve a thousand sorrows. Could it be that there is some kind of sorrow that can be solved?"

Ji Liyou looked at him and suddenly covered his face and laughed.

Is he playing dumb with him or does he not know that he already knows everything now.

Ji Liyou stretched out his hand and asked him for Zi Qing Mist Rain. The storyteller seemed puzzled, but still gave him the folding fan in his hand.

With a flash of cold light, the landscape folding fan turned into a long sword in Ji Liyou's hands.

The light of the sword is like a stream of autumn water.

Ji Liyou looked at him and said, "Do you still remember when I first started practicing swordplay? What did you say?"

The storyteller gently stroked the back of the sword with his slender fingers and murmured: "How long has it been? How can I still remember it?"

The sword energy is overwhelming, and he is also aggressive.

"Then let me remind you. I didn't want to practice swords at that time because I thought swords were silent and sharp weapons for hurting people. You told me that what you taught me was a gentleman's sword and it would not take people's lives. After I heard this , I still don’t want to practice swordsmanship. Later you said, let’s do this, when one day you can surpass me in swordsmanship, I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to do again.”

The storyteller stared at Ji Liyou's eyes and said slowly: "So, is today the day?"

Ji Liyou suddenly raised his head, stared at him, and said, "Don't you think the relationship between you and me has become boring?"

The storyteller smiled and said, "Do you think so?"

Ji Liyou sneered and said: "If you use love deeply and exclusively, in the end, you will inevitably be hurt by love. Did you never know this?"

The storyteller smiled and said, "How could I not know?"

Ji Liyou changed his mind. He didn't want to explain it to him clearly. If the answer he got was not what he wanted, then all these years would be considered wrong.

This world is too lonely. After his father died, he could no longer get warmth from other people's hands. He was the only one holding his hand in the dark night.

If he said that he only had feelings for Ji Fuwei from beginning to end, then how could he pretend to know nothing. But if he said that he had never regarded him as Ji Fuwei, it would be hard for him to believe it now.

Whether it was the truth or a lie, it had already hurt him.

Ji Liyou said, "I'm tired of it. Everything you taught me is boring enough. That's all between you and me."

The storyteller's eyes suddenly shone with a cold light, and he said coldly: "What kind of 'that's all'?"

Ji Liyou sighed and said, "I defeated you with Zi Qing Misty Rain, so you don't appear in front of me again, how about that?"

The storyteller smiled and said: "So, you are very sure to beat me tonight?"

Ji Liyou shook his head.

"You insist on fighting me?"

Ji Liyou said yes.

"How do you know that even if you beat me, I'm willing to let you go? If I use magic, you won't be able to go anywhere."

"You won't, because even though most of what you said is bullshit, a small part still counts."

The storyteller laughed, laughed for a while, and then suddenly stopped laughing.

He asked, "What you want to say to me, why don't you just say it?"

"I don't have anything to say to you." Ji Liyou said hard.

"Lying. You want to ask me whether I am pretending to be Ji Fuwei or you. You want to ask me whether you are his shadow. Since you want to ask, why not ask directly?"

"If I ask, you will tell me?"

"Why not?"

"Then let me ask you now, are you sincere?"

The storyteller smiled and said, "It is true, but to whom it is given, aren't you curious?"

"Stop talking." Ji Liyou didn't want to hear any hurtful words from him.

"I am in love with Ji Fuwei and have been friends with him for decades. This is my happiest day as a storyteller in the world."

"I told you to stop talking!"

"If you want to hear it, shouldn't I tell you? I haven't finished speaking yet. Unfortunately, human life is too short. After he died, I missed him very much, so I recreated Ji Fu in his likeness. micro'."

Ji Liyou's pale face suddenly turned red, and all the veins on his head were exposed. He turned his sword and thrust it towards the storyteller's shoulder with a "chi" sound.

He didn't even want to hide, Zi Qing Yan Yu stabbed into his shoulder.

The storyteller still had a smile on his face and said calmly: "With your swordsmanship, it's still worse than Ji Fuwei's."

Ji Liyou said angrily: "With this kind of swordsmanship, it should be more than enough to defeat you."

The storyteller stepped back, and the tip of the sword came out of his shoulder, stained with his blood.

Just listen to the sound of the sword wind breaking through the air, fast and loud, the tea cup on the table was "popped" by the sword wind of Zi Qingyanyu, and the tea in the pot flowed to the table and then to the ground.

A maid keeping watch outside the courtyard asked what happened, and Ji Liyou said, "It's none of your business, so don't come in."

More than ten swords were stabbed, each sword was faster than the other, but the storyteller just stood there and turned his body slightly, and somehow all the more than ten swords were pierced.

Ji Liyou gritted his teeth and drew his sword more urgently and fiercely.

When he treats others, he is afraid of hurting others.

He taught him swordsmanship for more than ten years, but he was treated like this.

The storyteller had no intention of taking action at all. After Ji Liyou's subsequent attacks were all in vain, the storyteller smiled and said: "Where can you go without me? If you go out with your sword skills, You will die on the road in less than three to five years. You'd better not leave the Ji family. Without the Ji family, you will lose all the glory and wealth. How are you going to live?"

In the shadow of the sword like flowing water, he was still able to speak calmly. Ji Liyou was anxious and angry, but the edge of the sword could not touch the storyteller's clothes.

He thought that defeating him before was because he had some strength, but now he realized that it was all because of him that he deliberately let him down.

Just as the sword was about to pierce the storyteller's left shoulder, the storyteller took a step to the side. He tried to change his sword strength again, but it still failed. Therefore, although his dozens of swords were fierce, at the last moment, they all changed inexplicably. It became a false move.

There were so many swords fired, but none of them were aimed at his vitals.

Ji Liyou gritted his teeth and thrust the sword towards his chest.

The storyteller stood there, motionless. Ji Liyou suddenly sheathed his sword and stopped it an inch away from his chest. At the same time, the Storyteller's long and powerful fingers flicked the spine of his sword.

Ji Liyou could no longer hold the sword in his hand, and the sword flew out of his hand like lightning, stabbing the wall skillfully.

The sword fell out of his hand, and Ji Liyou's whole body felt cold.

The storyteller smiled and patted his shoulder, and said calmly: "Zi Qing Yan Yu is an extraordinary product, go and get it." "

Ji Liyou pulled out the sword blankly.

The storyteller continued: "Your current swordsmanship is not weak, but it's a pity that your spirit is too impetuous, so you see, your sword is mixed but not pure, quick but not sharp, you only attack but don't know how to defend, and you are stronger than you when encountering someone." Before he takes action, you have lost your footing."

Ji Liyou knew that what he said was right, but at this moment, he was actually commenting on his swordsmanship.

Seeing that Ji Liyou was silent, the storyteller said: "I don't have any magic skills, I just use the fists and kicks you mortals use, and you can't get close, alas... Actually, if you want to defeat me, it's not impossible, at least you have to First, practice hard for two to three thousand years!"

Ji Liyou's face was green and white, and his fists clenched loudly.

The storyteller smiled and said: "Two or three thousand years is not a long time. For a gentleman to take revenge, ten years is not too late. For you, it is quite a long time. Living for ten years is nothing. Living for a hundred years is a problem."

He deliberately spoke to make people angry.

Zi Qing Yanyu sheathed the sword and turned it into a folding fan. Silence returned to heaven and earth, and the bamboo waves still carried a faint charm.

Ji Liyou stood for a while, looking at the night outside the window. He stood quietly for a long time, sighed and murmured: "Do you really want me to hate you?"

But the storyteller said, "You hurt my shoulder first, and then stabbed me in the chest. If I didn't move away, wouldn't you also sheath your sword?"

Ji Li said worriedly, "You blame me for not hiding away? Besides, you are not a mortal anyway. If you are injured, it will heal on its own after a while and return to its original state, but it will only hurt."

He brushed the dust off his clothes and was about to walk out.

(End of chapter)