90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 109: I don’t know Mount Tai


After the storyteller arrived, he didn't say much. He checked that Ji Liyou was not injured and took him away.

When the waiter in front of Wei Lang saw that this man had brought back a sleeping girl, he smiled and opened the door for Wei Lang, "Sir, a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold."

Wei Lang said, "Go and get a room for this girl, right next to my room."

"This... Young Master, I'm not telling you, the upper rooms on the left and right of your room are already occupied, so it's really hard to give him another room." He said with the kindness of sending Buddha to the west.

Wei Lang felt tired, "There's no need for that."

Then he took Ran Ran into the room.

When she woke up the next day, Ran Ran shook her messy hair and saw someone lying on the table.

"Anmuda, why did you take me out of the box?"

The lying man said, "She didn't take it out for you, it was me."

When Ran Ran heard the sound, she was so frightened that she immediately pretended to be asleep, covered herself with the quilt and closed her eyes.

Wei Lang stretched out his hand and said, "It's up to you. Anyway, when you were sleeping just now, someone outside the door said that Anmuda had already ordered the food."

Ran Ran opened one eye, lifted the quilt and said, "Really?"

"If you don't want to eat, I'll go down by myself." Wei Lang fetched a basin of water.

"Come here and wash your face," he said.

Ran Ran was suspicious, "You won't drive me away?"

Wei Lang said, "You have followed me for such a long time, what else can I do?"

"Wei Lang, you are so kind. I thought you would definitely send me back to Liangzhu."

"I want to send you back, but there is no time to waste now." Wei Lang said.

Ranran did see Anmuda downstairs. She skillfully sat next to her and picked up the cakes. There was no trace of the princess's wealth at all.

"How did you sleep last night?" Anmuda asked her.

"I was hiding in your box. I don't know what happened, but at dawn I was actually in his room." Ran Ran said.

"Where is Mr. Wen?" Wei Lang asked Anmuda.

"I don't know. He took Ji Liyou away last night. He must have returned to his house in the city, right? I don't know."

Ran Ran asked, "Brother Liyou came last night?"

Anmuda diverted the conversation, "How did you hide in my box? You must have died, right?"

Ran Ran asked, "Is brother Liyou awake?"

Wei Lang said no, "Something happened last night, he probably didn't wake up."

Ran Ran said, "I wonder when Brother Liyou will wake up."

Wei Lang stroked the top of her hair, "It doesn't matter, we will rescue him soon."

"Did Brother Shanjing really kill him?" Ran Ran asked.

"Of course." An Muda said bluntly, "Other than your Shanjing brother, who would want to kill Ji Liyou?"

Wei Lang saw that Ran Ran's eyes were red and said, "That's enough, stop talking."

The storyteller came in from the door and sat down beside them.

"How is Brother Ji?" Wei Lang asked him.

The storyteller shook his head and said nothing.

"According to the effectiveness of the Shark's Pearl, if Ji Liyou doesn't wake up in a hundred days, the Shark's Pearl will lose its power." Wei Lang reminded.

Anmuda said, "Don't the shark beads protect the body from decay for thousands of years?"

The storyteller shook his head, "But he still has a remnant soul in his body, not a corpse. I used the shark beads to protect his heart."

Ran Ran sat aside and said nothing. She knew what to say now and Mr. Wen would not want to talk to her.

She had no choice but to turn her head to look at the guests in the inn.

There was an old man with a rosy face, a paunchy man with a not too big belly, a big man with a beard, and a gentle and frail scholar.

The elegant white-faced scholar actually waved a folding fan in his hand, which was very similar to the storyteller's.

No one else paid attention to this, but Ran Ran, who was looking around, saw it.

She whispered to Anmuda, "The scholar over there seems a little strange."

Wei Lang also heard it and looked along Ran Ran's stretched out fingers under the table.

Before he could take a closer look, he suddenly saw a flying figure appearing before his eyes like a shooting star.

Anmuda and Wei Lang looked at each other.

This person's movement and speed when flying, as well as his flying, agile, clever and unrestrained posture are not something that ordinary masters can match.

Seeing that Ran Ran had discovered him, the white-faced scholar said, "I wonder if you have any treasures with you?"

Wei Lang asked the storyteller in a low voice, "Did you bring Brother Ji out of Luyue City?"

"Yeah." He whispered.

"It's fatal." Anmuda shook his head.

The white-faced scholar asked again, "Did you lose something?"

Anmuda reminded, "Although you have never heard the name of the Shiwei people in Luyue City, but... it is best not to mess with the things of the Shiwei people."

The white-faced scholar raised his eyebrows, "What should we do? We have already moved."

He dropped the jade pendant Ji Liyou had been hanging around his waist from his hand and asked, "Is it this treasure?"

Wei Lang's face suddenly turned pale, "He is really in your hands?"

The storyteller was calm and unhurried, no different from usual times, and there were no fluctuations on his face.

Wei Lang was about to take action when he was held down by the storyteller's folding fan. He shook his head.

A painful roar was heard from a room upstairs.

Soon a man fell from the stairs and fell straight to death in front of them. When Anmuda saw this, he quickly covered Ran Ran's eyes.

The white-faced scholar's face became even paler. Before he could take the person away, he only let his companion look at the fragrant corpse.

He quickly stood up and apologized, saying, "I was rude, I wanted to make a joke with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the storyteller's folding fan flew out and cut off half of his ear.

Next to the body on the ground, an ear fell lightly.

The white-faced scholar could hold it back and knelt down and said, "I'm all going to die. Please let the villain go. We have no intention of taking him away."

The storyteller held out his hand.

The scholar pretended to be stupid and deliberately pretended not to know.

The storyteller nodded and said, "Keep an ear open for you. It seems that I have softened my heart."

After that, Zi Qing Yanyu cut off one of his ears.

Now the man is a weirdo with no ears.

The white-faced scholar burst into tears, and everyone in the inn was frightened.

He tremblingly presented the beads. They were the beads he took out from Ji Liyou's mouth. One look at them showed that they were expensive.

The storyteller took the bead back and held it tightly in his hand.

"You soiled my beads," said the storyteller.

He waved his sleeves, and Zi Qing misty rain had already penetrated his throat.

Just listen to Ran Ran say, "Brother Liyou doesn't like killing people."

The purple misty rain stopped halfway and did not continue down.

But the storyteller nodded, and the white-faced scholar cried bitterly again. It turned out that his right hand and both wrists had been cut off.

Anmuda said, "It's worth saving your hand in exchange for your life, isn't it? Get out of here and pick up your severed hand too."

The storyteller got up, and there were only three people eating breakfast at the table, but none of them could eat at this time.

Anmuda held Ran Ran's hand and said, "When we get to Shiwei, follow me and don't run around. Why don't we go to the city now and buy you some ointment first? The wind in Shiwei is very strong and it will hurt you. your face."

Before Wei Lang spoke, Ran Ran said, "No, I want to go back to the room first."

Anmuda saw her going upstairs again.

"What's wrong with her? Is she scared?"

Wei Lang said, "Can't you see that she is in a bad mood now?"

"Why, just because someone fell down just now?"

Wei Lang sighed, "Don't you care about Ji Liyou's life or death at all?"

"It's not my business?"

"But she cares about it, so as long as Ji Liyou is in some danger, she won't be able to eat. Didn't you see that?" Wei Lang said.

"I hope Ji Liyou wakes up later."


"If he wakes up early, Ran Ran will have to hold him and cry for the whole day. She will be upset when she sees him."

Wei Lang took a bite of the cake, put it down and said, "Go and pack your things. We will set off in an hour. We can reach Liangzhou tonight."

Wei Lang met the storyteller outside the door.

"Did you put the bead back into his mouth?" Wei Lang said.

"He came to see you last night?"

Wei Lang wanted to deny it, but he admitted it anyway, "He came to find me, but I used a spell to immobilize him."


"Because I found out that he is not Ji Liyou. Some other soul happened to have entered his body and took away his body."

"You are very smart."

"Thank you."

"But you seem to be particularly attracted to him."

Wei Lang smiled and said, "Of course I'm not as interested as Mr.

"During the Liangzhu Lantern Festival, how many words did you have with him? Can you tell me what you said?"

Wei Lang shook his head, "I just told him to wait for you where he is and didn't say anything."

The next moment, the storyteller's hand had already grasped his shoulder. Wei Lang was in pain, but did not make a sound. He could hardly stand still.

"You'd better not be scheming. I will do what I promised you, and you should do what you promised me more honestly."

Cold sweat fell from Wei Lang's forehead, "Of course."

Ran Ran opened the door, "Why are you standing outside the door?"

Seeing that the storyteller was there, he said, "I'm about to go see brother Liyou, can you take me to see him?"

The storyteller let go of his hand and turned away.

Ran Ran followed him and looked back at Wei Lang.

Wei Lang knew that she was trying to help him out, and she must have noticed something was wrong between them just now.

Although Ran Ran is young, after experiencing these things, she seems to have become smarter than when she first met them.

She followed closely behind the storyteller.

The storyteller suddenly stopped.

"What are you following me for?"

"You won't take me to see Brother Liyou?"

"When did I promise you?"

"Wasn't it just now?"

"You went out of your way to help Wei Lang, how could I continue to embarrass him?"

Ran Ran blushed, "I didn't mean to listen to what you said, but Wei Lang is definitely not a bad person, and he will not hurt brother Liyou."

"Do you think Ji Shanjing is a bad person now?"

Ran Ran didn't know how to answer, her nose felt sore, "I didn't know he would really hurt Brother Liyou, I thought..."

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with him, so you don't have to blame yourself."

"What do you mean?" Ran Ran didn't understand.

"I said, what happened with Liyou is not just Ji Shanjing's fault. You don't have to blame yourself."

"Then... whose fault is it?"

He didn't answer.

(End of chapter)